Moyes So Far!

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I wasn't commenting of his record....more his style of play.

Has mentioned elsewhere Chelsea aren't exactly setting the world alight for the 4 more points they have over us. And I think it's far too early to say that Moyes is out of his depth. If managers like Moyes aren't given a chance to show he can cut it then we might as well jump on the managerial merry-go-round with the likes of Chelsea and City. These are two clubs incidentally, where previous managers with big track records haven't always cut the mustard.

And I think Chelsea will finish higher than us.
Am all for backing Moyes, even if I wasn't thrilled that he was picked to replace Fergie. I think given time he'll be capable of getting the team to play good attacking football.

My main problem with him is, I wished he'd stop blabbig to the media so much. "I didn't realise how good Van Persie was", "Rooney would be back up for Van Persie", "Everton should do the right thing (and sell Fellaini and Baines)", "I am the right man for the job" etc, and sometimes openly criticising his players.

The media is having a field day, since he's literally giving them a running commentary, and the less than glowing results so far are not helping.
Still wish he'd sold Rooney in the summer, keeping him sent out completely the wrong message...and the no doubt improved contract he will be offered will make us look a little silly.

I know its VERY VERY early, but in the summer, if Rooney does leave (hopefully), and we also lose Hernandez and Kagawa as a result, how shit would that be?!

Whether he's signing a contract or not would be clear much in advance so that's unlikely to happen.
I wrote this, thought I'd pop it here:​
Moyes Out!

“Moyes Out” it was only a matter of time. One of the downsides to supporting the most famous and talked about clubs in the world is that everyone has an opinion and the vast majority of those opinions are poorly formed and terribly expressed.

The problem began, in truth, long before Moyes had taken charge of his first game. Long before he’d been appointed, even. Long before Ferguson had even won his first European Cup. The problem began when some idiot decided that every person’s opinion was equally valid. Or, if not, then at least worthy of consideration. It’s nonsense and it has lead to a population of intellectually entitled ignoramuses with no collective concept of self-censorship.
It all began when parents and teachers, believing themselves to be inspirational, started telling their students that they could be anything they wanted to be if they worked hard enough and little Timmy, sat at the back with one crayon jammed in his ear and another making its way through his large intestine actually believed her. Years later this belief in his own self worth would lead young Timmy to be the kind of annoying moron who called into radio talk shows with an idea that had occurred to him in the shower and made little to no sense in the real world.

This encouragement of idiocy has been further propagated by the ongoing evolution of popular media. First 24 hour news coverage decided a splendid way to plug the yawning great gaps when there wasn’t actually enough news to fill their ever present coverage was to stick any fool on the street in front of a camera, ask them their opinion on some current event and then pretend that opinion carried some weight. “Well, Dominic from Burnley thinks the pasty tax is all part of a secret government plot to make us eat more cous cous and thus become homosexuals – that’s definitely worthy of some airtime”. And then the development of social media and the means to access it inflated these people’s egos even further. Now every time they had some hair-brained idea they could post it or tweet it. And because most of us are too polite to punch them in the face for constantly assuming we care about the details of their, frankly, mundane and pathetic existence they mistakenly believe there’s some kind of audience for their ill considered shit. Even worse, some of them figured out that these expensive texting machines they carry round in their pocket all day had cameras. And they made videos. Dear Lord, they made videos by the thousand. Each filled with tasty little treats of moronic horseshit served up on youtube with the serious, concerned expression of someone who genuinely believes their backwards, illogical point of view actually means something.

Nowhere was this impact more gratingly felt than amongst football fans. Of course football, like any sport, has always attracted a variety of opinions. It’s a subjective thing and the debate is part of what makes it the greatest sport in the world. Should the referee have played advantage? Was the player active in the lead up to the goal? And, yes, there’s always been some voices expressing slightly odder opinions than most but there’s a place for those types. We always sat them together on the back table in the pub and let them get on with their natter about how Emile Heskey contributed so much more than goals or how they’ve never been able to understand why Steve Mclaren was sacked as England manager. Sometimes my mates will make me sit there for a while, like the time I declared that Michael Carrick would start in United’s midfield ahead of a fully fit and in form Roy Keane. For most of us, though, it was a temporary visit to ensure our rantings got the ridicule they deserved.


Not so anymore. And so, with precisely eight competitive games under his belt as Manchester United’s first new manager in two and a half decades, some braindead simpletons decided a few disappointing results meant it was time to sack David Moyes and get a new manager. At first, one assumed they weren’t being serious. That it was a group of disguised scousers taking a quick break from sniffing glue and stabbing each other to play a trick on United. Or perhaps a new breed of hipster, turning their focus away from dire electronic bands and towards football with a series of “ironic” opinions. But no, sadly, the calls were entirely genuine and thanks to the amplification of social media, talk radio and 24 hour news, they were lent some air of credibility.
So let me state this simply and carefully: Most Manchester United fans know nothing about the game and shouldn’t be taken seriously when they opine upon it. This is true of football fans more widely but the trend is particularly noticeable at the world’s most well supported club. Their opinion is not “just as valid” as mine or any other fan’s because they’re idiots who don’t really care for the game or the club and haven’t actually watched that much football. Manchester United is a fashion accessory to them. They follow it with the same zeal and commitment with which I follow Canadian politics – it’s interesting and I realise it affects a lot of people but I haven’t put in enough time to understand the important details of it. You will notice, as well, a distinct lack of commentary on the topic from my quarter.

The idea of Manchester United sacking their new manager so quickly is preposterous. Quite aside from being a ridiculously stupid idea, it’s also clearly a non starter. Anyone associated with the club knows the plan is to give the new manager time to build his own team. If United avoid a relegation fight this season I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet that the same man will be at the helm come August 2014. And rightly so. The truth is we don’t know what Moyes’ footballing philosophy really is. At Everton, a club he kept competitive despite crippling financial restrictions, pragmatism had to dictate style. At United, with a better quality of player and, supposedly, a bigger war chest, that’s not the case anymore. Let’s see what he can do when he really gets the chance.
But these reactionary and ill informed fans will stay and, even if their annoying, whiney little voices of ignorance are given more and more outlets, I am at least partially happy they’re there. After all, as much as I hate them I do love their money. Keep buying the shirts, you gormless little supporter-sheep, each and every one of you. Because that’s where these idiots truly belong, not as a mouthpiece, but in the megastore.

Fits nicely in with the 'Top Red' theme of this week.

Aye, he spends the first bit of it talking about how people seem to think their opinions and thoughts are so important and useful and that it's a bad thing, before then going on himself in the exact same vein, as if his is suddenly so enlightening and crucial.

It's ridiculously condescending too. No sane fan on here is actually calling for Moyes to be sacked. Everyone here feels he deserves time, although admittedly to varying degrees. People are criticising aspects of his management. Some people are predicting that he won't make it, but that's allowed. It's much better for people to do that on logic than for people to go with blind faith. No one is saying he should go, and it seems now that you're a terrible fan if you point out what Moyes has done wrong so far and criticise him for it.
Top Red :lol:

What dickhead came up with that??

I abhor the phrase as much as anyone, but the condescending tone emanating from that article has a distinct 'Top Red' feel to it, I'm sorry.

Aye, he spends the first bit of it talking about how people seem to think their opinions and thoughts are so important and useful and that it's a bad thing, before then going on himself in the exact same vein, as if his is suddenly so enlightening and crucial.

The closing sentence did it for me: "Keep buying the shirts, you gormless little supporter-sheep, each and every one of you. Because that’s where these idiots truly belong, not as a mouthpiece, but in the megastore."

Oh, dear.
Aye, he spends the first bit of it talking about how people seem to think their opinions and thoughts are so important and useful and that it's a bad thing, before then going on himself in the exact same vein, as if his is suddenly so enlightening and crucial.

His point is one of those things where there's no polite way of saying it - you either come across as ridiculously arrogant or shirk the truth, as most of us would. But he's right - 90% of the millions of people who claim to be United fans are incredibly ill-informed about the club.

It's ridiculously condescending too. No sane fan on here is actually calling for Moyes to be sacked. Everyone here feels he deserves time, although admittedly to varying degrees.

That's not the point - just about everybody on this forum is in the 10% of United fans that genuinely follow the detail of what is gonig on and bother to understand it. That's why they spend time on a United forum. That's not to say we are all of one voice, or we are all right - I've seen some terrible opinions on here that I massively disagree with. But there are certain basic things about the club that pretty much everybody gets, one of which is that sacking Moyes is out of the question.

He was talking about the 90% out there in the big wide world. The ones who probably didn't bother watch the match but stand around the water cooler giving it "Moyes is shit isn't he?" "Yeah, we should get rid". The ones who phone talk radio. The ones who text in "Livupool is shit Man Utd is da best lol" to the Sun and get it published.

You might not want to acknowledge them, or go through the embarrassment of admitting your own superiority to them, but I'm afraid to say they are out there, and you are a better United fan than them.
One of the downsides to supporting the most famous and talked about clubs in the world is that everyone has an opinion and the vast majority of those opinions are poorly formed and terribly expressed. And here's one I made earlier:
Can I just clarify here, which combination of the following is being disputed:

1. Lots of people claiming to be United fans have, on various social media / talk radio etc outlets, been calling for Moyes to go.
2. The above people are dicks who have no clue about football
3. It's a good idea to highlight what dicks these people are, if only so people realise not all United fans think like them
4. It's also worth stressing that pretty much all the more committed and knowledgeable United fans disagree with them
5. It's impossible to write such an article without sounding a bit holier-than-thou and being called a top red
I abhor the phrase as much as anyone, but the condescending tone emanating from that article has a distinct 'Top Red' feel to it, I'm sorry.

The closing sentence did it for me: "Keep buying the shirts, you gormless little supporter-sheep, each and every one of you. Because that’s where these idiots truly belong, not as a mouthpiece, but in the megastore."

Oh, dear.

What article?? I'm confused

I was just saying the whole "top red" tag is hilarious and stupid..

I'm sorry but top red? :lol:
I really wonder what would happen in the event that we don't make the top four. That's truly when the dictates of pragmatism will be at tension with the whole patience dogma. IMO he'll be shown the door if it truly comes to that and the spin doctors will not have a word of rebuttal.
I really wonder what would happen in the event that we don't make the top four. That's truly when the dictates of pragmatism will be at tension with the whole patience dogma. IMO he'll be shown the door if it truly comes to that and the spin doctors will not have a word of rebuttal.

one more chance. Win the europa league and fight for the league till the last game. that would put things in order.
Fair play, I'll take the crap flying my way for that. To clarify a few minor points:
  • I wasn't making reference to anyone or any school of thought on the caf. I've been reading and occasionally posting here for years and this place has almost always been home to a far better informed level of debate than what I was referencing. I also wasn't calling out anyone who had expressed doubts over Moyes so far or Moyes in the future. I was having a go at the idiots who have actually called for him to be sacked already. If you don't think these people exist go and search "Moyes" on twitter or have a look at the comments on United's official facebook page.
  • Yes, I'm an elitist, condescending pr*ck at times. This much I probably can't argue on. But come on - go and read those tweets or facebook comments and tell me you don't feel significantly better placed to form an opinion than the morons bashing pure stupid into their keyboards right now. Embrace the superiority!
  • Maybe the "avoid a relegation fight" bit was a bit far. Honestly, that's the way I'd have it but fair enough, the bar is probably a bit higher than that.
  • I'm definitely not a top fecking red. I haven't been to OT in an age, for a start, and did you not read the bit where I compared Carrick to Keano? I'm a 'tard and a half at times.
I should also maybe add that the original piece came with this postscript:
*This piece, and every other contribution to this blog, was inspired by the very inflated sense of self worth and belief in a non existent audience that the writer spent a good amount of energy bemoaning herein. The irony is not lost on him. He also wonders if he should feel any sense of shame centred around this fact, but he definitely doesn’t.
I remember with us last season he would bring a defender on and it would cause the defence to be all over the shop and we would concede 5 minutes later.
Can't remember a positive outcome from bringing Giggs on all season, yet it continues to happen. Welbeck is just the anti striker who should have slotted in Rooney to make it 2-0. So frustratin.
Looks like he's learned feck all from his Everton days. He was terrible today.

He was happy with trying to secure the game rather than getting another goal but it just meant we conceded and drew. He really needed to change that when he went to United but it doesn't look like he has.
A nothing manager, as i've said all along. A little man.
He was happy with trying to secure the game rather than getting another goal but it just meant we conceded and drew. He really needed to change that when he went to United but it doesn't look like he has.

It's better to add a DM or replace a tired than take an attcker off for a defender. It completely fecks up the team's balance.
Jones having an outstanding game at centre back, why change it why?

fecking hell, we might already be too far behind to challenge this season.
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