What Utd want more than anything is long term stability and Neville made a great point at the weekend, while Fergie, Sir Bobby and Gill are on the board Moyes wont be going anywhere anytime soon.
Of course he's made mistakes, the less said about the summer the better, but Woodward has to carry the can for a lot of that. Replacing all the back room staff is almost certainly a factor in our patchy form at the start of this season, but it was obviously done with the mid term rather than short term in mind. I'd love to know if Moyes would have made the same decision had he known what the fixture list would be like beforehand.
I really wish fans could just get behind him, he might fail, who knows, but at least do your bit to give him every chance which to me means reserving your judgement a bit, 7 league games into a season tells us nothing. The reaction of the media and the eagerness with which some fans gobble up the bullshit they push has been hilariously OTT and just isn't how you support a football club, we've criticised plenty of other fans for behaving like it in the past.