Mourinho : "Transfer spend is not enough"

I'm usually supportive of any manager until the last second, if they were chosen, they deserve some respect.

However, I think my support for Jose ended abruptly, he really goes into Moyes teritory now.

1. I would accept us having a few bad results as I'm not expecting anything more than max top4/6 with this squad. But I would accept the bad results as long as we're playing decent football, that's my only wish. I don't give a squirrel's @$$ about where we finish in the league.

2. I would think it would be ideal for the manager of Man united not to come out publicly and, basically, mention that 300M is not enough. Well, fek me, it's like shooting yourself in the foot. I mean, it's not me that paid 80 mil for a tree upfront that doesn't even celebrate his goals, like anyone would give a fek about that. It's not me that bought Miki, a player that just doesn't suit his style of football. It's not me that keeps two, bright young forwards battling for the left wing, instead of sticking them upfront where our current target man(bought as a target man), is useless as being a target man.

3. I don't understand why some payers don't get benched, especially the CF clown(sorry, I really hate the guy, you can't hate a guy that doesn't celebrate his goals after being a little criticised by the fans, what the fek is this, kindergarten?) and why some players are not brough up from the 2nd team to put some pressure on our attacking players, because this is the obvious problem.

4. Why the fek is Lukaku not coming more through the middle if he doesn't make any runs in behind, doesn't receive any decent cross and stuff like that. It's like playing with 10 men sometimes. Why doesn't he just run towards the middle, drag the man after him. I mean that's RVN in a nutshell. But I think I'm just lying to myself thinking the guy can do anything else than bullying defenders.

What strikes me the most is that the above mentioned points are basic stuff, stuff that should be well covered by Jose.
4. Why the fek is Lukaku not coming more through the middle if he doesn't make any runs in behind, doesn't receive any decent cross and stuff like that.

Have you seen Lukaku playing for Belgium? He really does lots of excellent runs, it's is biggest strength imo. But with the Belgian NT he has De Bruyne and Hazard to open the play for him, Carrasco beating defenders on the left, providing decent crosses, and Mertens doing the same on the right.
He is yet to provide a real title challenge in the league with us. Last year we were well off the pace and finished 6th. I realise City are a different animal this year but we have really fallen off the wagon since we played them. There's a good chance they'll be 15 points clear by tonight.

Blaming that gap on the funds available to each team is a really shallow excuse.

We are still the closest team to City. Last year he won in Europe with more than half a team that he inherited from LvG.

The United job wasn't going to be an easy patch up process like Conte had with Chelsea where he could add Kante and a fullback to win the league on top of a side Jose built.

Progress isn't always linear and progressive, sometimes you have to take bumps.
Let’s say in a hypothetical world we had spent another £80m (bringing us past Guardiolas spend at City) does anyone think we would be 15 points better off?

Jose needs to look closer to home instead of looking at the board.
Have you seen Lukaku playing for Belgium? He really does lots of excellent runs, it's is biggest strength imo. But with the Belgian NT he has De Bruyne and Hazard to open the play for him, Carrasco beating defenders on the left, providing decent crosses, and Mertens doing the same on the right.
Yes, exactly. My point is: as we don't have KDB, HZRD or Mertens in our team, or any player that comes close to them, Lukaku should adapt his game, based on his own team, that he plays for. There are moments in which he's a non factor because our creative players are going through a bad patch and don't support his runs with passes or with more runs. In these moments he should try to get closer to our midfielders and create space, otherwise we'll pass it sideways and we'll throw the already classic shite cross in the box and he'll never be on top of it.

I feel he plays too much inside the box and doing this with a team that is not good playing around it doesn't really make sense.

And yes, for Belgium the guy is really a different player tbh.
Cheers mate.

Yea, it won't be easy, but we are about 3/4 of the way there. It will take a lot of money, especially with the big fees of the moment and the fact that we would be looking at real top players to provide the quality that we are missing. I too have doubts about Ander. Yea may be able to find some players who might be cheaper due to contract situations, that would be a bonus.
I agree, around 60-70 million sounds about right for maybe 3/4 of those players being sold. That itself is a damming indictment of some of the recent recruitment at the club.

He absolutely needs the backing, I doubt that we will go big for anyone in January but it would be reassuring to see the money made available so that if any situations arose we would be able to take advantage of them. This summer is where the pressure will be on in the transfer market, and with the World Cup we really need to get all business done ASAP. I could spare a £5 :D

Haha. Yeah, I would in all honesty chip in too :D

The only player who could realistically (if rumours are true) be available in January who'd be an immediate upgrade, is Sandro. Hopefully we have a scouting network that is unearthing some gems, but I'm not holding my breath.

People also say if Jose is given x amount, then it's to little avail, as City will continue spending. That's kinda missing the point. If we have a top first XI we can realistically win things, regardless of what City do. And frankly, they don't really need much, apart from a defender.
Haha. Yeah, I would in all honesty chip in too :D

The only player who could realistically (if rumours are true) be available in January who'd be an immediate upgrade, is Sandro. Hopefully we have a scouting network that is unearthing some gems, but I'm not holding my breath.

People also say if Jose is given x amount, then it's to little avail, as City will continue spending. That's kinda missing the point. If we have a top first XI we can realistically win things, regardless of what City do. And frankly, they don't really need much, apart from a defender.

Haha :D

I've seen the rumors about Sandro but as you say, there doesn't seem to be many viable options available to really pursue in January. Aye, I have little faith in the scouting department at the moment. I would love to be proved wrong and see us buy a few players that surprise us, but I just can't see it happening.

Absolutely, my point entirely. It has nothing to do with giving Jose the money, then watching City spend more and saying 'oh well it's pointless, look at City.' It's entirely missing the point. It's all to do with spending the money WE have more wisely, and getting players that will improve the XI, not the squad. A great starting XI will indeed have more chances at winning silverware. As you say, we need to stop looking at them and what City are doing, let's focus on ourselves and how we improve. Dead right, they only need a center half because they have bought better than we have. We can do the same, we just need to catch up and give Jose the chance to do so.
We are still the closest team to City. Last year he won in Europe with more than half a team that he inherited from LvG.

The United job wasn't going to be an easy patch up process like Conte had with Chelsea where he could add Kante and a fullback to win the league on top of a side Jose built.

Progress isn't always linear and progressive, sometimes you have to take bumps.
I don't like Conte much but it's doing him a disservice to claim that he only added a couple of players to get Chelsea to the title. He changed the system, brought Moses in from the cold and integrated 3 new signings to make that team work.

Mourinho isn't an outright failure but a lot of stock was placed on his ability to deliver a Premier League title at the time of appointment and so far he hasn't come close. For someone who prioritises results over style that has to be a disappointment.
I don't care what anyone of Mou crew says but i know this Jose Mourinho when you spend 300 mils on a squad that already had some decent and a few great players no amount of excuses will save your ass muchless one like "Is not enough".
Yes, exactly. My point is: as we don't have KDB, HZRD or Mertens in our team, or any player that comes close to them, Lukaku should adapt his game, based on his own team, that he plays for. There are moments in which he's a non factor because our creative players are going through a bad patch and don't support his runs with passes or with more runs. In these moments he should try to get closer to our midfielders and create space, otherwise we'll pass it sideways and we'll throw the already classic shite cross in the box and he'll never be on top of it.

I feel he plays too much inside the box and doing this with a team that is not good playing around it doesn't really make sense.

And yes, for Belgium the guy is really a different player tbh.
Or we should upgrade the players providing the service? Or the players we have providing the service should pull their fingers out?
We're third in goals scored, comfortably ahead of Spurs, Arsenal and Chelsea, which is a far better measurement on how many goals we can score.

It means our chance conversion has been very good so far this season. If our chance conversion rate drops down to the level of those teams below us on the table then were not going to be second come the end of the season.
Moan moan moan. He mentioned injuries again when he has said he doesn’t cry about them. Yes we have injuries, so do City. He has spent half of the total on two players, Pogba and Lukaku whereas City spend 50m max it would seem if the published figures are to be believed.

Jose and his agent are closely linked. I’m not saying anything untoward is going on, but does anyone know if we have signed players from a different agent?. Jose is still pissed off in not getting Perisic who was yet another player that used United to get himself a better deal at his club, the Ramos effect I call it. Griezman won’t come thankfully. Don’t know where it will all end. Sanchez will go on a free to City and £400k pw, Ozil will go abroad and we’ll end up paying over the odds for some panic buy in January.

Burnley did however play well in the first half. Media said they ‘defended manfully’ whereby if it was Utd in that situation it would have been ‘parked the bus’ ‘Panic defence ‘ bollocks.

How much do you think Aguero, KDB & Sterling would have cost in the last transfer window if they were going to City?

It’s like some of you just get orgasms for slating Mourinho. He did not set those prices in the transfer market. How’s it his fault that PSG/Neymar rumours inflated the market?
the names given above (luckhurst) would not move our current position by an inch

Don't agree at all. There're many very good names in this article. The question will be if these names are real or Luckhurst just gathering names together to fill an article.
Of course he is right. City were above and better than us and spent a lot of money. Jose needs better players to compete with city. That means he has to buy better players.
How much do you think Aguero, KDB & Sterling would have cost in the last transfer window if they were going to City?

It’s like some of you just get orgasms for slating Mourinho. He did not set those prices in the transfer market. How’s it his fault that PSG/Neymar rumours inflated the market?
Who else was Jose intending to buy? Would he have bought Mbappe or Dembele if their prices weren’t 150 mil? Dybala?
There were good players out there he could have gotten for a good fee. You could get Jesus and Sane for the price of Lukaku. Bernardo Silva and Mendy for the price of Pogba. There are buys out there worth the money.

United he Jose Just need to look and use some common sense.
Anti Jose fans missing the point.

Transfer window beckons and Mourinho is signaling the board.
Since the Sheik took over and started pumping dirty money into City, they’ve spent more in those years than United have in the entirety of the Premier League. That’s the reality of the situation, more than any mere comparison since Mourinho took over.

I think it’s fair to point that out. We’re competing with a state not a football club. Football is not merely a balance sheet but when you’re competing with a club who are financially doped to their eyeballs it’s pretty hard to ignore.
Correct....yet no one seems to care about this anymore, the rival fans, the majority on here, and certainly not the press or the FA, just all wrapped up in their Pep worship.
I think the amount united have spent even under Mou would have been enough if they had been spent more wisely. Mou may have spent better than lvg but his spendings has not turned out as great as one would have hoped tbh.
Wonder how guys like Wenger must feel reading this, Mourinho complaining about City spending 20% more than United. In summer 03 and 04, Chelsea spent £213m compared to Arsenal's £25m and United's £80m. To hear the man who benefitted off the back of that spending now complain about other people's money must seem ridiculous. Wenger and others had to deal with Mourinho spending 10x more than him for his career.
Cheap excuses from him, getting tired of him.
I am soory but while
The league has changed massively since SAF left.

SAF struggled when Wenger came first. Then Mourinho and then Ancelotti.

You look at the managers Mourinho is up against like Pep, Klopp and Conte. Then you got Potchetinno whose Southampton team caused us problems with their high pressing under SAF.

If we had that 2013 team under SAF, we wouldn’t be winning the league now unless SAF spent money. As you look at the managers SAF came across back in 2013 and the only one who sticks out is Mancini.

I am sorry but I cannot agree with that as it was not SAF who struggled when Wenger first came it was the "kids" or do you forget the season wenger did the double the traumatic summer we had in losing Le King unexpected and then lost the man to replace him as captain for that season, Roy The Boy and poborsky and replaced them with nevland, berg, greenland and teddy.

Also when jose first came we were in the mist of a major rebuild as do you forget we lost major players for us over the course of 2 seasons in May, becks, Dinny Irwin ,Johnsen, Yorkie at that time and they had just spend over 300 million WC players like lamps. cech. Robben, essien,ballack, Drogba, deco, etc while we were BUYING rossi, miller Djemba, Bellion, Richardson,Kleberson, Dong.As the only real quality we got over that 3 yrd period was Rio, Wayne and CR7 who really nothing like the player he become for the first few seasons. As it wasnt till 05/06 did we have a good window with Evra, Vidic, EVS, Park, and we won the league the following year
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It means our chance conversion has been very good so far this season. If our chance conversion rate drops down to the level of those teams below us on the table then were not going to be second come the end of the season.
And if our chance conversion increases to above those teams below us we will increase our lead over them. Both instances are conjecture so all we can go on right now is how our attack is performing compared to others. As of right now we have the 3rd best attack in the league, ahead of Spurs, Chelsea and Arsenal, despite our attack supposedly misfiring and theirs something we should be aiming to replicate.
Correct....yet no one seems to care about this anymore, the rival fans, the majority on here, and certainly not the press or the FA, just all wrapped up in their Pep worship.
it sounds like City spent much more than United with their unlimited money.
Actually ,the state backed City only spend 10% more than United on buying player since they were took over.
I still find these comments staggering.

He inherited the best GK in the world, and has an excellent defence (would any of you swap your back 5 for ours - Delph and Otamendi wouldn’t get a look in on here), he’s spent £130 on TWO central midfielders, and has spent similar money on TWO attacking talents in Mhiki and Lukaku, with highly talented players like Martial and Mata already in the squad, and he’s moaning about money.

City had 4 fullbacks over the age of 30, and well past there best, we spent big to replace them but we had to do that otherwise they wouldn’t exist in the squad. One of which has only managed about 4 games. We are essentially last years side running with Walker and Ederson thrown in. What’s clear to me is how much Pep has improved existing players above and beyond what Mourinho has been able to do. Both managers spend a lot, but I am becoming increasingly confident the more I hear from your manager that Pep will stay ahead of the game when it comes to beating Mourinho over the medium-term at the two clubs.
I still find these comments staggering.

He inherited the best GK in the world, and has an excellent defence (would any of you swap your back 5 for ours - Delph and Otamendi wouldn’t get a look in on here), he’s spent £130 on TWO central midfielders, and has spent similar money on TWO attacking talents in Mhiki and Lukaku, with highly talented players like Martial and Mata already in the squad, and he’s moaning about money.

City had 4 fullbacks over the age of 30, and well past there best, we spent big to replace them but we had to do that otherwise they wouldn’t exist in the squad. One of which has only managed about 4 games. We are essentially last years side running with Walker and Ederson thrown in. What’s clear to me is how much Pep has improved existing players above and beyond what Mourinho has been able to do. Both managers spend a lot, but I am becoming increasingly confident the more I hear from your manager that Pep will stay ahead of the game when it comes to beating Mourinho over the medium-term at the two clubs.
Thing is you could buy 4 new defenders next year without battling an eyelid.
You buy a GK. He's no good, let's buy a new one the next year.
LB injured? No sweat we should buy a new one.
Pep is making the most out of what he's got, true but if he wanted to he could buy 5,6 new players every year.
I am soory but while

I am sorry but I cannot agree with that as it was not SAF who struggled when Wenger first came it was the "kids" or do you forget the season wenger did the double the traumatic summer we had in losing Le King unexpected and then lost the man to replace him as captain for that season, Roy The Boy and poborsky and replaced them with nevland, berg, greenland and teddy.

Also when jose first came we were in the mist of a major rebuild as do you forget we lost major players for us over the course of 2 seasons in May, becks, Dinny Irwin ,Johnsen, Yorkie at that time and they had just spend over 300 million WC players like lamps. cech. Robben, essien,ballack, Drogba, deco, etc while we were BUYING rossi, miller Djemba, Bellion, Richardson,Kleberson, Dong.As the only real quality we got over that 3 yrd period was Rio, Wayne and CR7 who really nothing like the player he become for the first few seasons. As it wasnt till 05/06 did we have a good window with Evra, Vidic, EVS, Park, and we won the league the following year

So Chelsea buying better players than us was their fault? The only major player we lost during that time was Beckham. Chelsea signed 8 or 9 players and that wasn’t guaranteed success. They didn’t look like getting 90 plus points under Ranieri. Mourinho came in and transformed them. He turned them from bottlers to serial winners. He had the measure of Fergie even when we won the league we still couldn’t beat them three times in that season including the FA cup final.

Yes I remember the season Arsenal won the double. We had like a 12 point lead or something. They beat us twice that year including the important game at Old Trafford. The head to head between Wenger and Fergie especially in the early years favoured Wenger. But after 2004, Fergie just started to steamroll Wenger in that department.

Fergies Achilles heel was always against high pressing team especially in the latter years. Klopp, Conte and Guardiola are miles better than the managers that Fergie competed against back in 2013. Not sure how anybody can argue that. Klopp is miles better than Brenton. Pep is certainly better than Mancini. Conte is better than Di Matteo.
yes City have spent more, but look at the imporvment the players at City are benifiting for under Pep and compare them to the stagnation or regression of players under Mourinho and thats what in most worrying.

We can't just keep giving Mourinho piles of money for him to bring in players and them to just stagnate, i'd want to see him bring the best out of the players he has brought before i handed him more cash.
Thing is you could buy 4 new defenders next year without battling an eyelid.
You buy a GK. He's no good, let's buy a new one the next year.
LB injured? No sweat we should buy a new one.
Pep is making the most out of what he's got, true but if he wanted to he could buy 5,6 new players every year.
So Mourinho gets to moan about not spending enough because City might sign some more players in the future? Makes no sense. Right here and now he’s just looking for excuses. United can spend as much as anyone, you generate the most revenue and the rules of the game dictate that gives you the most spending power. Fair play.

People were giving Stones and Sterling stick for ages, we didn’t go out and just replace them. Pep is just getting far more out of them than the previous managers, and that’s why we are so far ahead this year. I can’t think of one player in our starting 11 who was here under Pellegrini and hasn’t improved under Pep. That drives the gap, far more than the spending, which is comparatively similar.
I still find these comments staggering.

He inherited the best GK in the world, and has an excellent defence (would any of you swap your back 5 for ours - Delph and Otamendi wouldn’t get a look in on here), he’s spent £130 on TWO central midfielders, and has spent similar money on TWO attacking talents in Mhiki and Lukaku, with highly talented players like Martial and Mata already in the squad, and he’s moaning about money.

City had 4 fullbacks over the age of 30, and well past there best, we spent big to replace them but we had to do that otherwise they wouldn’t exist in the squad. One of which has only managed about 4 games. We are essentially last years side running with Walker and Ederson thrown in. What’s clear to me is how much Pep has improved existing players above and beyond what Mourinho has been able to do. Both managers spend a lot, but I am becoming increasingly confident the more I hear from your manager that Pep will stay ahead of the game when it comes to beating Mourinho over the medium-term at the two clubs.

The facts are you have been ahead of us for several years already and we had to spend money on players like Lukaku and Pogba whilst Pep already had De Bruyne and Aguero at the club already... there was a clear gap and City kept on spending anyway. There's a reason why we are second now and not 5th or 6th.
Let’s say in a hypothetical world we had spent another £80m (bringing us past Guardiolas spend at City) does anyone think we would be 15 points better off?

Jose needs to look closer to home instead of looking at the board.

100% agree with this. No way we'd be 15 points better off if we'd spent the same. City play better, more attacking, more team orientated football.

Jose has to look at himself. Pep was liked more than him in Spain and is liked more than him in England, and Jose doesn't like it because his 'Special One' tag is gone.

Every media outlet at the start of the season banged on about how Jose always won the league in his second year at all clubs he's managed, so they said the same would happen this year and Utd were favourites. Jose belived it, we all believed it but now it's not going to happen and he's blaming everyone but himself.
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We are still the closest team to City. Last year he won in Europe with more than half a team that he inherited from LvG.

The United job wasn't going to be an easy patch up process like Conte had with Chelsea where he could add Kante and a fullback to win the league on top of a side Jose built.

Progress isn't always linear and progressive, sometimes you have to take bumps.
Bringing that up in a, we don't spend enough thread though. United spend more an Zlatan's wages than Ajax do on their entire staff :)
Unsurprising comments. Mourinho basically admitting that he's a chequebook manager who will only bring success if he's outspending everybody else.
Even Barton is starting to make sense.

Burnley didn't play great. They scored 2 set pieces and set up camp in their own half. It works for them, and that's great. But that's not playing great.
Unsurprising comments. Mourinho basically admitting that he's a chequebook manager who will only bring success if he's outspending everybody else.

Never did he say he had to outspend everyone. People seem to be forgetting where he picked this team up from and the nature of the team ahead of us. If you think Pep is just going to sit there and not spend next summer you are deluded.
Burnley didn't play great. They scored 2 set pieces and set up camp in their own half. It works for them, and that's great. But that's not playing great.
Going 0-2 up at Old trafford is great for a team like Burnley whichever way they do it imho.

Barton's a cnut and should feck off though.
City did a good job because of the money, however, they had a plan from the top unlike our idiotic board. City's board is proactive our's is reactive and there lies the difference because at the end both teams have spent loads of cash on their current squads. Also, to be fair to Jose he didn't buy most of the players in the team, still that is the nature of football hardly any manager gets to buy new squads when they takeover. You have to do the best with what you have is what a good manager does, he hasn't and he got backed in a seriouse way compared to the rest of Europe.

Also, if the type of players he is looking to buy is in the mold of Lukaku who flatters to deceive then i wouldn't trust him with the money and it would be best to hire a football director who plans for the short and long term like a proper manager of any decent sized company would!!
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Never did he say he had to outspend everyone. People seem to be forgetting where he picked this team up from and the nature of the team ahead of us. If you think Pep is just going to sit there and not spend next summer you are deluded.
He picked this team up from 5th place. If we don't improve our recent form we might well finish there this season despite spending £300 million.