Gaming Monster Hunter World

He’s a joke with the lance. Stack guard and turtle up. You can even fully dodge his dive bomb without so much as a scratch lol.
Yeah, I have a lance set actually, but it's a bit boring :)
Yeah, I have a lance set actually, but it's a bit boring :)
It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but its super useful, especially in those pesky high risk high reward hunts that only allow one faint.

Gunlance is the happy compromise though and my favourite weapon. Enough defence to turtle up and coward poke your way to a kill, but also enough offence and flash to be fun.
Tempered Nergigante is doing my head in :(
I don't mind nerg, I had issues first time round but never since

Watch for the spikes turning black and obviously when he soars get ready to run and dive

Depending on your weapon skills in quick sheath might be useful if your getting caught
I just hack away at his white bits. When one is destroyed move to the next one. Stops him from doing that stupid dive bomb and the spike attack. Think he has a weakness to sleep and thunder. Getting the KT armour and augmenting it helps. You basically become a tank with some vitality jewels and health regen on a weapon if you can.
You know it :lol::lol:
At this point I can’t even say I’m all that shocked that you have it. I’m sure my MHW understands what I’m after and purposely holds it back. I think that is probably the only gem I’m missing and I kinda need it for a set I’m building.

Got in to a session the other day which was awesome. Nobody dying, constant supply of Tempered investigations of all kinds and smashing them out in 5 minutes.
I think i might have two

I need to strat grinding the bounties and some zen, I need to build some more sets but the money is tight

Nice it's good when you get a run like that, no hassle hunting
I think i might have two

I need to strat grinding the bounties and some zen, I need to build some more sets but the money is tight

Nice it's good when you get a run like that, no hassle hunting
Yeah it is. At 1 point I had 2.5 mil in zenny, now I’m down to about 1.2 mil. The armour spheres situation is worse even tho I bang out those bountie things all the time. (Fed up of catching fecking Piscienes)

How many attack gems you got? Supposedly the rarest gem in the game.. rarity 9, yet the developers claim its 6
Catching is the worst haha, amount of things that accidentally get killed

Atk gems just the one the story gives you ;(
Catching is the worst haha, amount of things that accidentally get killed

Atk gems just the one the story gives you ;(
:lol: That is a huge problem, accidental deaths in the workplace. Failed a few MP’s by jumping in and not reading the description :rolleyes:

Going to have a stint at it after the France game. I shall get a sharpness jewel.
Tempered D-Jo is still a complete tool. Has the health bar of Xeno but hits like Lunastra and Teostra combined. The fecker just wont die, even when he has that skull thing he still stops to feck up your day.
Summer twilight festival has arrived. Had a quick look at it this morning. We finally got that Japanese event with the USJ Jagras one but doesn’t look like they are giving away the special armour that goes with it. Dicks!! Giant Jagras, normal Jagras, mini Jagras.

Edit: actually you can craft the longsword but only the rarity 5 as you need a gem for the rarity 7 one and the quest for that hasn’t been released hence why you can’t see the armour as you need the gems for that also.
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Got the Lance this morning, it's decent tbf

But sod that it's all about the ff cross over ! Dragoon armour and a special IG bring it
Got the Lance this morning, it's decent tbf

But sod that it's all about the ff cross over ! Dragoon armour and a special IG bring it
Yeah I got that lance, but meh. That fecking beast thing looks like it’ll be a pain in the ass but looking forward to it. Fecker drops meteors on yer head.
So the 'meta' completely changes for this ff content, there will be hate that needs controlled and healers needed
So the 'meta' completely changes for this ff content, there will be hate that needs controlled and healers needed
Aye I saw a live vid of people fighting it earlier. You just know due to that ultimate kill move he has you’re going to fail this so many times due to people not finding cover.

In addition on every Lunastra mission I’ve done lately I’ve gotten a Gem. I’m on a streak of like 5 fights and gotten a gem 2 or 3 in every fight. The 2nd part of that USJ event must be getting held back for some other future event.
Hour 580 something. Fed up looking at my character so decided to give him a sex change, why does all the female armour look way better.

Just been focusing on the events gathering armour spheres and doing the occasional KT mission. Been able to 1 phase him a few times now as I’ve got these two element builds with partbreaker on it. Thunder at 670 which destroys his gold shielding then he has a weakness to Ice once that’s off. Only got that to 320 but the attack is 805 without buffs.

I feel a weapon change coming on soon as that’s around 250 kills with the axe. 700 with duel blades

Gun lance?
Long sword?
Sword and shield?

Hunting horn is very hammer like.
Bow is meant to be the stuff all the speed runners use
Bow is meant to be the stuff all the speed runners use
Yeah although I’ve no idea how they manage to hit so hard. They seem to rely on stun like a hammer and just knocking a monster down then going to town. Like I saw some guy beat Arch Vaal in under 5 minutes. Today I took on an Arch Vaal with some dude using a LS fire element and it took us 35minutes. Not sure how as I was going to town on that fecker and it just would not die. 2 mounts, landing 2 boulders on it as well, and it just kept going on and on. Hardest Arch Vaal I ever fought, fecker could take a hit.
I think AT Vaal is better solo unless you have a proper team, the extra health is a big turn off plus the hope you don't have a cabbage in the party lol
I think AT Vaal is better solo unless you have a proper team, the extra health is a big turn off plus the hope you don't have a cabbage in the party lol
Ah yes, talking of cabbages. Come across so many just doing dumb shit recently. Dying 3 times in under 6 minutes which is hard to do. Setting traps when people have mount, flashing Lunastra repeatedly even tho all it does is trigger that super nova.
I did however come across a guy who must have completed the KT quest loads of times as he just seemed to hit every cannon and boulder drop and know exactly where KT was heading at all times.
Three times in six mins lol that is impressive, do you even eat Bruh:wenger:
Anyone can get caught out and cart accidentally, it happens to all of us... but to cart 3 times in 6 minutes is a new low for the player base :lol:

Surely after 2 carts you reflect and decide to sit in camp and let the rest of the team take it from there so you don't fail the mission?
I'm more concerned at doing it in six minutes, I mean the bulk of that must be carting animation and running back to get KO'd again
In the guys sort of defence on one of them he must have just jumped off that cliff in the Elders Recess straight in to some twat flashing Lunastra so she did the super nova thing. The other twice looked like he was just trying to get that slide so he could do the hammer flip thing on Nerg and Lunastra and they were having none of it. He was around HR 144 as well.

@Grib It was actually more like 5mins 53 sec so there is no way he was loading up on potions and stuff.

@Kylar Stern just the other day in a solo challenge I was carted 9 times by Nergergante. I’d forgotten how much of a pain he actually is without you’re top shelf armour, white sharpness, ear plugs lvl 5, 3 vitality stones and not being allowed to eat. Stupid leather armour, he’d grease past and drop your health by 3 quarters, plus the incessant roaring.
Can’t be arsed trying that challenge again.
I haven't even tried those challenges yet, I'm still grinding out crowns despite playing it for months. I've ended up with a load of seemingly decent gems and augments in the process so I'm messing about with some new builds to mix it up a bit.
Speaking of which, I've looked at my guild card and I've killed over 50 'event' Rathalos now in search of my last 'non-Elder Dragon' crown and still haven't found the large variant. I fought one that was MASSIVE last night and it wasn't even a silver? :mad:
Speaking of which, I've looked at my guild card and I've killed over 50 'event' Rathalos now in search of my last 'non-Elder Dragon' crown and still haven't found the large variant. I fought one that was MASSIVE last night and it wasn't even a silver? :mad:
Ouch, most of the ones I have left to do are all the easy monsters then elders. I have been trying to do the events with supposed higher chance of seeing bigger monsters but so far I haven’t come across one in this last week.

Side note if it makes you feel better I have hunted 51 Rathalos and have both crowns. 2113.23 seems to be my giant
Ouch, most of the ones I have left to do are all the easy monsters then elders. I have been trying to do the events with supposed higher chance of seeing bigger monsters but so far I haven’t come across one in this last week.

Side note if it makes you feel better I have hunted 51 Rathalos and have both crowns. 2113.23 seems to be my giant

I've not even looked at the Elders yet - I have a giant Teostra crown from one of the Lunestra hunts but that's about it. Just realised I need both Black Diablos crowns too, there mustn't have been an event for that as yet? 13 remain all told.

My largest Rathalos so far is 2048, so pretty close to your large size... Nightmare.
I've not even looked at the Elders yet - I have a giant Teostra crown from one of the Lunestra hunts but that's about it. Just realised I need both Black Diablos crowns too, there mustn't have been an event for that as yet? 13 remain all told.

My largest Rathalos so far is 2048, so pretty close to your large size... Nightmare.
The only elder I have both crowns for is Lunastra as it took 63 fecking hunts to get my first gem. So at least that is taken care of. I think I have a gold crown be it small or big for every elder bar Kirin because I avoid that fecker like the plague.

Hopefully they’ll do more events that are like that giant Barroth or tiny Jagras and ODG just so it’s easier to get crowns. I know the 2nd part of the USJ is a tiny Azure Rathalos.
The only elder I have both crowns for is Lunastra as it took 63 fecking hunts to get my first gem. So at least that is taken care of. I think I have a gold crown be it small or big for every elder bar Kirin because I avoid that fecker like the plague.

Hopefully they’ll do more events that are like that giant Barroth or tiny Jagras and ODG just so it’s easier to get crowns. I know the 2nd part of the USJ is a tiny Azure Rathalos.

How are you getting crowns for non-event monsters? I've seen reports that you do elder dragon investigations with a mix of gold and silver rewards - however I've done over 100 VH investigations (and 30-40 hunts for each of the other elders) and the most I've seen is a single VH silver crown? RNG clearly hates me...
How are you getting crowns for non-event monsters? I've seen reports that you do elder dragon investigations with a mix of gold and silver rewards - however I've done over 100 VH investigations (and 30-40 hunts for each of the other elders) and the most I've seen is a single VH silver crown? RNG clearly hates me...
Just luck for me I guess. Although @Grib seems to be the luckiest MHW player ever, propbably already has all the crowns :lol:

Can’t say I had heard anything about the gold silver investigations but if it’s not tempered I would only normally do a standard investigation if it had a healthy supply of silver and gold boxes so possibly.
Just luck for me I guess. Although @Grib seems to be the luckiest MHW player ever, propbably already has all the crowns :lol:

Can’t say I had heard anything about the gold silver investigations but if it’s not tempered I would only normally do a standard investigation if it had a healthy supply of silver and gold boxes so possibly.
Haha I don't know what I've got, I think I only have the ones they give you from the events maybe one or two others

Saving my rolls for them gems and decos you know
Haha I don't know what I've got, I think I only have the ones they give you from the events maybe one or two others

Saving my rolls for them gems and decos you know

I do well with decorations TBF and have quite a few of the sought after ones - 3x Attack Decos, 2x Elementless, 2x Speed Sheath, 2x Tenderizer, Crit Eye, Focus, Earplugs, Flinch Free, Handicraft, Affinity Sliding and Spread.

Problem is, I usually ignore most of them and go all out power with a GS :lol:
I've no attack jewels right enough but I've earplug jewels coming err my ears
only Gem I need is protective polish and maybe a few more attack gems as I only have 3, other than that I’ve got gems galore, all the bow gems, refresh, enhance, partbreaker absolutely every single fecking one of them except this damn sharpness gem.

Just did the coral event and got a gold small crown for a Palouma, but every time I do wildfire bolero I get feck all except for crap team mates, however I quite like these big events where you can just run off and take on a monster solo with the MP health on them. Took out a rathian solo whilst 3 took on Diablos. It’s quite annoying with the stupid camera tho as I was taking on a Bazel, had him on the deck then it changed to the others capturing a Girros and went it snapped back Bazel had vanished.
@Kylar Stern so I’m just playing MHW like right this instant and I didn’t even know this could happen but I just got another Large crown for Rathalos whilst also getting a small crown for Tobi-Kadachi. Was a tempered investigation where we had to kill Tempered Rathian, Tempered, Tobi and just a normal Rathalos. So the new largest Rathalos I have is 2130.27. It was a 5 box mission where I mostly just got stinking tip-toe gems.
@Kylar Stern so I’m just playing MHW like right this instant and I didn’t even know this could happen but I just got another Large crown for Rathalos whilst also getting a small crown for Tobi-Kadachi. Was a tempered investigation where we had to kill Tempered Rathian, Tempered, Tobi and just a normal Rathalos. So the new largest Rathalos I have is 2130.27. It was a 5 box mission where I mostly just got stinking tip-toe gems.

Oh ffs :lol:

I'm going to have another crack at it tonight, events reset on Friday and I want it done so I can do investigations again without relying on the rotation.