Gaming Monster Hunter World

Sure add me in case your looking later or whatever

Gt empgrib
Sure add me in case your looking later or whatever

Gt empgrib
Got him again but feck me i only got 1 Behemoth bone from killing him Taking me up to a grand total of 6 and you need 11 to get all the armour, going to have to kill the fecker a few times. It was all about the same guy Murdock from yesterday.
I might take a break for the evening and head to the gym but if I’m on later i’ll add you. I’m down as Darthpug83. It cost £7.99 to change your Xbox ID :lol:
Anyway bring mega bombs and lots of them :smirk:
Gave up for the night, had a last go solo with a sleep lbg build, part breaker, explosive damage, extra sleep build up

Bombed him four times in the claws and they don't break
Gave up for the night, had a last go solo with a sleep lbg build, part breaker, explosive damage, extra sleep build up

Bombed him four times in the claws and they don't break
Yeah I tried to jump in to your session but for whatever reason my Xbox just went mental and rebooted the game about 3 times so just had a couple of cracks a it. I got some claws on the last hunt, supposed to be a 3 star rarity.

Last try, got to the final room, no one fainted, broke him loads, mounted loads, slept him loads, everyone bombed him, flashed the feck out of him everything was going perfect. Then..... smashed the comets :wenger: that jump is quite hard to time as I failed it again.
Yesssssssss - baby Kush crown last night. 10 remain.

I'm on Xbox too btw - RancidSkank
Sweeeet, I think I’ve hunted about 8 Kushala as I hate the little tornado fecker and his wind shield. Probably need to get on the work around for that.

Kylar what are you running for Behemoth? As all we need now is a healer, although I could try and make a sleepy set with wide spread. But putting a switch axe away takes ages. Might be time to return to the duel blades.
Sweeeet, I think I’ve hunted about 8 Kushala as I hate the little tornado fecker and his wind shield. Probably need to get on the work around for that.

Kylar what are you running for Behemoth? As all we need now is a healer, although I could try and make a sleepy set with wide spread. But putting a switch axe away takes ages. Might be time to return to the duel blades.

I generally run a Leviathan Fury GS/Vaal set, but do have a decent support/healing set based around max friendship/mushroomancer with Bazel duals and sleep gems...
If you have a good tank that can stand still holding hate you can just drop health boosters on them, they need to be pretty snappy at gaining the hate though
If you have a good tank that can stand still holding hate you can just drop health boosters on them, they need to be pretty snappy at gaining the hate though
I’m an expert at getting his enmity without even hitting him in the face :lol: last night I had ran out of flashes, he just hit me with that 360, got his ire, then he hit that ground blast in to his comet strike attack then his shoulder barge. All whilst I’m trying to roll to put out the fire and heal myself. It was touch and go for a second.

Haven’t come across a good tank yet. It must actually be pretty hard with lance to get enmity as often he is moving all over the shop. Sword and shield with its mobility probably a better weapon.
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Yeah I think the key to it is they have to wait until he is casting and then charge and jump his face, or mount and go ham on his head

Best as I can tell anyway
Got home early so just had 2 goes at him, both good, until FOOKIN BOW USER!! ruined it as per usual, he fainted in the final room had already fainted before, we are in the Teostra den this time. So he faints starts running back, Ecliptal Meteor is cast, 3 of us behind one rock and see him just come in to shot jumping down the ledge. :rolleyes:

The one after we were on for a record time had him in the final room in 10 mins. A HH, GS, H and my SA and all 3 fainted for some reason in the final room which wasn’t even Meteor related.

I seem to be getting claws every fight now, sounds stupid but what legs are you attacking most, front or back?
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Got home early so just had 2 goes at him, both good, until FOOKIN BOW USER!! ruined it as per usual, he fainted in the final room had already fainted before, we are in the Teostra den this time. So he faints starts running back, Ecliptal Meteor is cast, 3 of us behind one rock and see him just come in to shot jumping down the ledge. :rolleyes:

The one after we were on for a record time had him in the final room in 10 mins. An HH, GS, H and my SA and all 3 fainted for some reason in the final room which wasn’t even Meteor related.

I seem to be getting claws every fight now, sounds stupid but what legs are you attacking most, front or back?


If you tell me it's the back I'll be both raging and over the moon in equal amounts, at the same time

If you tell me it's the back I'll be both raging and over the moon in equal amounts, at the same time
Nah for sure seems to be the front legs. Weird that they don’t have them marked as different as if you hit the back legs the numbers just aren’t as high as the front. Sounds like all the previous luck you had with gems and jewels is coming back to haunt you.

If we get a session on the go we’ll just have to make sure that we go after the claws. How many times have you defeated him now?
Nah for sure seems to be the front legs. Weird that they don’t have them marked as different as if you hit the back legs the numbers just aren’t as high as the front. Sounds like all the previous luck you had with gems and jewels is coming back to haunt you.

If we get a session on the go we’ll just have to make sure that we go after the claws. How many times have you defeated him now?
Really? I for sure feel like I'm doing a lot more damage when hitting the back legs with hammer

Two optional clears just, even the behemoth sessions are full of loons
Really? I for sure feel like I'm doing a lot more damage when hitting the back legs with hammer

Two optional clears just, even the behemoth sessions are full of loons
Hmmm I’m sure when I’m hitting the back I’m only getting numbers like 17-20 the occasional 30 but at the front I’m getting ranges from 170 to 350. The back is certainly easier to hit so I do tend to slip round there when I’m trying to put him to sleep with Apothecary mantel and just spam the wide swing axe attack.

It’s weird they made this HR15, yet tempered elders HR50 when Behemoth probably hits just as hard and has more attacks. Like you can fight Tempered Nerg, Vaal, Teostra and so on in any group and not be too worried about people fainting but this, this is fecking madness. Extreme version is just supposed to be for layered armour so feck that.
My faith in the MHW community dies after every attempt at Behemoth. Taken to writing stuff like,

“He is asleep don’t touch him”
“Move away from the comets”

Yet people don’t seem to understand these things. Was playing with a dude HR420 so you’d expect he knows what he is doing. Every time I slept Behemoth he would hit it with a stupid little slap and he did it 3 times. Then people clustering round the comets, told them time and time again to move away from them but then they get smashed.

Only plus is I survived with a jump but everyone else died. Ran up the hall because I was trying to get a mount and he came up on to that little ledge and gave me a beat down. Healed went back and a fecking tornado was blocking my path, he had not long smashed the two comets as well.

Also I saw a Behemoth do things I had never seen before, someone had a mount and he actually does a 360 roll to try and get them off.
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Healed went back and a fecking tornado was blocking my path

Haha he's such a troll, I hate that when trying to sleep bomb him on solo and you're returning from camp and he's put up a tornado in the cave

Also I saw a Behemoth do things I had never seen before, someone had a mount and he actually does a 360 roll to try and get them off

Was there a patch, what area was it
Haha he's such a troll, I hate that when trying to sleep bomb him on solo and you're returning from camp and he's put up a tornado in the cave

Was there a patch, what area was it

It was in the first room, I don’t know why but I felt like he was hitting harder last night because he was hitting me and dropping 3/4 of my health at some points.
Later I joined Kylars session and just did a couple of tempered quests in the ancient Forrest and the Ajnath and Pukei seemed weirdly polished so maybe they have done something. In the video as well when he normallly does his Ecliptic meteor the map bar bottom left normally goes white a few seconds before. It didn’t do it there, stayed red the whole time.
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Managed to get him again, currently sitting on 21 Behemoth Shearclaws... might need 1 more kill to craft the full set.

Yeah need 7 more Behemoth bone to craft the helm and get the True Gae Bolg.
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Managed to get him again, currently sitting on 21 Behemoth Shearclaws... might need 1 more kill to craft the full set.

Yeah need 7 more Behemoth bone to craft the helm and get the True Gae Bolg.

That's pretty good going mate, I've downed him maybe 4 times so far, although like you I have a new found hatred for bow users.
That's pretty good going mate, I've downed him maybe 4 times so far, although like you I have a new found hatred for bow users.
I might be on 4 or 5 successful survivals, I’m not really sure, so about the same as yourself. I think I might try just jumping in to SOS’s of The Legendary Beast optional and see if you get bones off of rewards for that as it’s only 1 room and will hopefully save time.

I crafted most of the armour last night and I’m not sure I really like it, it will do a lot of damage but I like running.
Health boost 3
Steadfast 3
And the stamina upgrade with Lunatra pieces, which I could live without but the gem slots on the set are quite limiting.
I just don’t understand bow users, it’s like they spend so much time on the outskirts of the fight they neglect the art of dodging. Possibly people seeing all the speed runs and just picking it up for the first time and just sucking. I’d probably be just as useless, if not more so.
I might be on 4 or 5 successful survivals, I’m not really sure, so about the same as yourself. I think I might try just jumping in to SOS’s of The Legendary Beast optional and see if you get bones off of rewards for that as it’s only 1 room and will hopefully save time.

I crafted most of the armour last night and I’m not sure I really like it, it will do a lot of damage but I like running.
Health boost 3
Steadfast 3
And the stamina upgrade with Lunatra pieces, which I could live without but the gem slots on the set are quite limiting.
I just don’t understand bow users, it’s like they spend so much time on the outskirts of the fight they neglect the art of dodging. Possibly people seeing all the speed runs and just picking it up for the first time and just sucking. I’d probably be just as useless, if not more so.

I generally run full DPS and rely on dodging to survive - typically I'll use the crit/tenderizer/attack/weakness jewels along with powders to top up ATK and DEF, a divine blessing charm 'just in case' and go to town on the hunt.

It's not exactly pretty, but generally gets the job done quickly which is what it's all about :lol:
I generally run full DPS and rely on dodging to survive - typically I'll use the crit/tenderizer/attack/weakness jewels along with powders to top up ATK and DEF, a divine blessing charm 'just in case' and go to town on the hunt.

It's not exactly pretty, but generally gets the job done quickly which is what it's all about :lol:

I mean I still dodge and stuff but I do kind of rely on just getting in a monsters face and smashing him or her non stop till I make it my bitch. I took earplugs off for Behemoth and last night going back to it was awesome. Hacked away non stop.
I do have full crit boost and weakness exploit on the build I run most along with power prolonger although having just checked on what it was I was running I’ve just noticed that my sleeper set for Behemoth had armour pieces that weren’t upgraded or even augmented :nervous:
We’ll have to get a hunt on the go.

Just checked events and Arched Tempered Teostra is available.
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So eh again people keep dying all over the shop, again mostly bow users, which fair enough I’ve only gone after Arch Tempered Teostra now twice but both times bow users. So it actually seems kinda easy if people knew what the fook they were doing, however, I’m happily slashing away at Teostra’s face on the 2nd run round when out of nowhere comes Arch tempered Kushala to get involved in the fight. There was a Kushala has left the locale message in the 12 minutes we lasted before bows screwed the pooch. But if he is onlynaround for a short bit of time that could be hard to kill him.
Done, got all the FF gear, thank god lol
Wow how many claws did you need? Did you get him again? I do kinda need to kill him a couple of more times to get the weapon and helm, even tho I’ll never use them.
I went after Teostra a couple of times this morning, bows dying all over the place then removing themselves from the quest once they’ve already died twice. Went after it solo and cruised it no problems with no faints, some of the armour bits for him are good as they are crit parts.
Got three from carves and another one from rewards already had two so that was the lot, need stones to aug that glaive now
Got three from carves and another one from rewards already had two so that was the lot, need stones to aug that glaive now
Damn, i’m never going to get all this bone in time without some serious killing of his ass. I just can’t be arsed with him, how did you get all your bones? Just carving him?

I’ve done something awful, tried my hand at Bow and created a decent set, the dodge mechanic is awesome so feck knows how these bow users keep dying, all the time. I’ve been testing it out in investigations whilst I wait for my resources to get back up as I was eating through them going after Teostra and Behemoth.
Gone after him solo with plunder blade armed and my sleep bombing set and have managed to get the 7 remaining bone in only 2 tries so I now have the full set and can say a big FU to Behemoth. I don’t think i’ll Even bother with the extreme version if it comes out.

1 more kill on Arched Teostra, then back to golden crown and gem farming. I was sure I had all the bow gems but they seem to have disappeared.
Yeah I got all the bones and manes going solo with the plunder blade

At teostra next lol
Yeah I got all the bones and manes going solo with the plunder blade

At teostra next lol
He’s pretty easy as long as he doesn’t catch you at half health with his nova. i was pretty much able to tank it if I got caught in an animation. The one annoying thing about him is all the fecking prancing about like he is Kirin. Just wish the MOFO would stand still.

Remember that guy mentioned the new KT weapons. I saw pics of them and they have white sharpness but then a very big part of the bar is empty, so talk of purple sharpness.

@Kylar Stern managed to get both crowns for Lavasioth yesterday so only Dodogama, mini Girros and giant Black Diablos to go until all the norms are done.
Remember that guy mentioned the new KT weapons. I saw pics of them and they have white sharpness but then a very big part of the bar is empty, so talk of purple sharpness.

Ah yeah I remember, I think it's because that guy was me:lol:
Finally got this today, have a feeling it could ruin my life
Yeah, it’ll do that to you, but it’s hella fun until you start needing parts and gems and you’re convinced the game knows what you are after and is purposely holding them back. Then just when you’re about to give up it pulls you back in.
Bro started playing last night, was trying to help him through to high rank, the game just doesn't want you teaming up at that point if the game lol
Aye with Bow I started going and helping out in Low rank missions like the encroaching Ajnath and so on and it’s kinda hilarious. You forget the things they haven’t learned yet like trapping and so on. Using sleep ammo is pointless as they just keep hitting the fecker.

I’ve got this problem where if a monster so much as looks at me wrong then he must die. I forget tho that the HP or difficulty of monsters goes up in MP so I’ve left a poor HR4 alone to deal with a Puki.

You keep getting the hunter must see cut scene then you can join message?
You keep getting the hunter must see cut scene then you can join message?

Yeah but worse in LR they have to keep going on expeditions that you can join lol

Good laughs smashing LR odgaron around for 380 hits with the hammer
Yeah but worse in LR they have to keep going on expeditions that you can join lol

Good laughs smashing LR odgaron around for 380 hits with the hammer
Haha yeah, although yesterday 1 looked at me wrong (as stated earlier) so went to smash his face in and left 3 of them to a Girro. I had the fecker on the run and when he runs off to hide in his lair there was some sort of wall blocking me. Must have been too early to slay the fecker, or I just wasn’t up to scratch with my bow skills to take him out quickly.

One downfall of all this LR is manage investigations will now be full of crap as those poor LR’s break easily.

Edit: just noticed they’ve put Lunastra gems in the elder melder. Now all we need is a constant supply of Xeno to farm parts as I need me some horns.
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When I'm looking at stuff to craft I always think damn I should hunt some xeno

When a xeno quest comes up in always like feck that he's too boring