Gaming Monster Hunter World

Lunastra is now the 3rd most killed monster in my game. 40 F*****G five of the things and still no Gem.

People dying left right and centre... Just craft the Kulv armour and stop dying already.
People getting that Ching sound that ain’t me when a group carv is going on.

I hate this game :wenger::lol:
I shit you not :wenger: third fight
I shit you not :wenger: third fight
:mad: at this rate if you need more than 1 gem i’m f***ed. It’s just stupid now, you would think in 46 fights I would get 1.
RNG is harsh. Have you tried going for crowns yet? :wenger:
I haven’t really focused on it but they had those event quests that gave you a greater chance of crowns so I got quite a lot of them doing that. Thankfully now have both golden crowns for Lunastra.
Currently 19.99 on ebay via boomerang rentals... should I get it? Always been curious but never played a MH game.
Currently 19.99 on ebay via boomerang rentals... should I get it? Always been curious but never played a MH game.
If you’re looking for a game to eat up hours of your life then yeah it’s pretty good and at £19.99 bargain. Capcom keep pumping out loads of free content for it as well.
Yeah that's insane, no way the drop rate is that low especially when you factor in the boxes for investigations
What’s making this worse is occasionally i’ll switch up from investigations to doing an SOS vs Teostra and Lunastra and the 5 times I’ve done that I’ve pulled a Teostra Gem in 3 of them.

Got a new investigation which is 15mins 2x bronze and 2x gold boxes. Just keep getting tails or horns in the bronze and Gold boxes. I’m also now on 57 kills I think. It’s around that, stopped counting.
What's your kit for Luna ?
At the moment.
Empress Crown B
Kulve Tarroth’s Ire B
Kaiser Vambraces A
Kulve Tarroths malice B
Empress Greaves B
Fire charm lvl3

Lunastra favour
Stun resistance lvl3
Health boost lvl 3
Fire resistance lvl 3
Critical Boost lvl 3
Weakness exploit lvl3
Partbreaker lvl3
Handicraft lvl 2
Evade Extender lvl 2
Attack boost lvl 1

I’ve just been changing it up, started off with a high attack build and now just in more of a survivability build. Can pretty much stand dead centre in that Nova and be ok. With that large elemental resistance meal it puts my fire resistance up to around 57.

Fire and ice duel blades mostly although I’ve done a few with the Vaal Hazak hammer. Oh and Vitality Mantle and fireproof mantle.
I'm running a high fire res set up, it's basically all defence using my old augumented rathalos bits, I might try to switch it up a bit so I can throw out more damage
I'm running a high fire res set up, it's basically all defence using my old augumented rathalos bits, I might try to switch it up a bit so I can throw out more damage
Just got the gem on kill number 63. Now all I need is like 12 more so I can create a few different weapon types.

Nice, I never really ever crafted the Rathalos set. Just the helm and chest plate but the helm was Azure and the chest plate red rath. You get some sort of good bonus that I can’t recall but I have it in some sort of set. Do you have much of the Kulv stuff? Think it has the highest defence and fire resistance. Quite liking the 2 Lunastra parts I have for the bonus, works well with blades.

I’ve seen a leak for the new armour
it’s a divers suit, has obviously a lot of water buffs, resistance on it, so I’m guessing a new water monster must be coming soon as Jyru what’s it’s face is a bit of a joke. Could beat tempered him naked
After deciding that without an Augment for the duel blades the Lunastra set was rubbish so crafted a switch axe with the razor sharpness and seriously the white sharpness lasts an age. I could hack away at the tree in the training area for 2 minutes and it wouldn’t even be half down.

Now all I need to do is learn how to play with Switch axe:rolleyes:

Those commission tickets will be a pain in the ass. Might be easier now but I got mine from some special arena quest where you have to take on Legiana, ODG, Rathalos and a Diablo.
The White Winds of the New World is what it’s called.
Do you have much of the Kulv stuff? Think it has the highest defence and fire resistance.
I actually have a full set I built for using with GS and hbg, I hadn't even thought what resistance it had, I'll have to check it tomorrow
I actually have a full set I built for using with GS and hbg, I hadn't even thought what resistance it had, I'll have to check it tomorrow
Yeah I’m sure it’s fire resistance is a 4 which I think is the highest you get on an armour, could be wrong but once augmented certainly has the highest defence. Could use a Kolv Tarroth weapon on top of that as a lot of them have a bonus defence of like 20. Your fire charm would give you I think another 10 and if you use 3 dragon gems you’d get another 10 which would put you way over 500 defence without potions and meals.

Away to see about crafting a decent armour for my switch axe and start playing about with that. Back to grinding for tier 2 gems and Augment Hero Stones.
This is what I’m picking about with in the switch axe which is pretty fun. Just smashed the heck out of some tempered monsters.


Although the Kulv Tarroth brace is probably better as can take a higher hit and I’m not sure the extra 5 points I get for attack with the Nergigante brace is worth it.

Put a health gen on the axe as well so keeps topping me up.
There's so many fecking geese online in this game it's killing me, get bored of solo, go mp someone does something stupid three times an wastes 20-30 mins of your life
There's so many fecking geese online in this game it's killing me, get bored of solo, go mp someone does something stupid three times an wastes 20-30 mins of your life
Aye, it can be annoying hence why I think I’ll mostly try arched Kirin solo. Some people are just rubbish in general at the game.
I don't understand how it can be so bad after all this time, if anything it feels like it's getting worse
I don't understand how it can be so bad after all this time, if anything it feels like it's getting worse
Could be people switching over to different weapons trying their hands at that. I almost got fainted by a great Jagras the other day using a LBW. The shame if that had happened :lol:

I’ve had one crack at arch Kirin. It’s not too bad. Hits like a truck, must have massive HP also. Took me 35 minutes with blades, which granted aren’t the best weapon for him. I had to keep returning to camp to get more health potions but never got fainted although it was damn close.

Going to go try it with switch axe now. Have you tried it? Might be more fun than the hammer, especially with earplugs.

Edit: i’d Heard he drops stream stones a hero stream stones like candy. I haven’t seen any yet and knowing my luck I’ll need to kill him 40 times before he coughs one up. The Kirin Gamma armour seems kinda crap As well. Might be good for bow or an elementless build, The Kulv armour is still probably better.
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No man currently learning me some Lance so I can be a badass
No man currently learning me some Lance so I can be a badass
Nice, I saw a video of some guy using a Gun Lance to destroy arch Kirin in 10 minutes so I might try that at some point. That tempel mantel is awesome against Kirin.
Yeah, I seen some guy bossing in it in four mins with Lance or gl (tempered not arch)

I'm getting the hang of it, it's a rentless weapon, I'm liking it a lot even if it feels somewhat cheap lol
I’ve seen some terrible play today. Decided to try that arch Kirin mission MP. Get him to that bit at the top of coral highlands and one guy laid down a trap whilst the other is mining those two stones even tho Kirin is in full rage mode. Miner got fainted in the process.
Later doing this optional where you fight, tempered Kushala, Teostra then Nergergante and we kill the other two, have Nerg limp back set up all the bombs, the lance guy misses the bombs (therefore instantly making me hate lances) then some guy called Will faints instantly and Nerg hadn’t even done anything. Not sure what happened to him.
Why was Lance setting off bombs :wenger:

I'm trailing through these optionals now and feel like I'm really getting the hang of it. My only problem is when there's space to close, have to try to stay aggressive with the dash/charge move. Other than that it's only trying to find an opening for a heal on occasion

It's lethal for part breaking and mounting is so easy, I just pulled four mounts on a black diablos in one fight
Why was Lance setting off bombs :wenger:

I'm trailing through these optionals now and feel like I'm really getting the hang of it. My only problem is when there's space to close, have to try to stay aggressive with the dash/charge move. Other than that it's only trying to find an opening for a heal on occasion

It's lethal for part breaking and mounting is so easy, I just pulled four mounts on a black diablos in one fight
I’m not really sure. Guy with a charge blade was the one that fainted instantly after that costing us the quest. Normally GS,Hammer or CB is what takes it.

That is me now completed every optional but I noticed today when I was playing my Gem haul and stream stone haul was much greater. I kept getting rare gems and hero stones in pretty much every quest I did. I don’t know if it’s just coincidence or because I completed that The Saphire Star Quest the other day. Probably just coincidence.

How does the lance mount? Is it part of that charge? 4 mounts is a heck of a lot of mounts as well. Question can it block pretty much everything? Saw there is a guard skill so I’m guessing that has something to do with that weapon. I will have to give it a look but I’m either going gunlance or hunting horn after switch axe.

Switch axe by the way is amazing, it’s hella fun, i’m Just smashing anything and everything and with the health augment, earplugs and razor sharp you just never need to stop. Find it quite easy to mount with but it’s just from jumps off of stuff. Much easier than duel blades anyway. Key is to get it in to sword mode as quick as you can and sustain it in there until you can pull off its special move where you kinda mount a monster but are I would say doing more damage than a normal mount. Just don’t get the monster down at the end.
How does the lance mount? Is it part of that charge? 4 mounts is a heck of a lot of mounts as well. Question can it block pretty much everything? Saw there is a guard skill so I’m guessing that has something to do with that weapon. I will have to give it a look but I’m either going gunlance or hunting horn after switch axe.

Yeah when charging you push forward and a/X? To do a jumping thrust. Four is a lot and I'm not even really going for them, it's just a result of charging to close to space.

Shield blocks all physical attacks (pretty sure fire etc still hits) but with small damage, there's a super guard but I haven't got the hang of timing that yet (I think it can block the nergi bombs etc)

Gaurd up reduces knock back from stronger attacks so you can get straight back to jabbing the monster again
Yeah when charging you push forward and a/X? To do a jumping thrust. Four is a lot and I'm not even really going for them, it's just a result of charging to close to space.

Shield blocks all physical attacks (pretty sure fire etc still hits) but with small damage, there's a super guard but I haven't got the hang of timing that yet (I think it can block the nergi bombs etc)

Gaurd up reduces knock back from stronger attacks so you can get straight back to jabbing the monster again

I had a toy about with it today and this is what I came up with.


If I had a marathon gem i’d use that in the set but with the Lunastra set bonus I can sprint run from the top camp in the Rotten Vale and go the long way round to the Radoban nest without stopping. Was thinking since guard uses stamina having loads would help. Haven’t tried it using that special guard yet tho. Does take some getting used to the timing of that but I think I should be able to stay in it longer due to the skills and 200 stamina.

Tried it out on a Diablos at first I was meh on it but I’m coming round to it. Just need a better lance so when I get parts I might go for the D-JO one. Using the Dogodama one but I saw a good Kulv one with 540 sleep. I just don’t have it. Some hero/warrior stones wouldn’t go a miss either. Health regen and affinity would be nice for D-Jo


If I had the armour spheres the D would be over 500 as I ran out before finishing the Kirin hoop.
Yeah health regen would be the sweetener, there'd be no need to stop

Nice build, I haven't ran any gaurd yet
Yeah health regen would be the sweetener, there'd be no need to stop

Nice build, I haven't ran any gaurd yet
That and a healthy dose of white sharpness, maybe the Lenostra/Xeno lance could be good with a health augment.

Just failed a quest against a tempered Barroth. I was testing the guard and he did that steam train move, I’m sure I got the guard up but he sent me flying. So next time he tried it I used the counter guard then the special guard after that that eats stamina. He hit it and died, meaning I failed the quest since it was a capture one.

You’re right about the mounting, seems pretty easy. Quite like that sprint to jump attack.
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That and a healthy dose of white sharpness, maybe the Lenostra/Xeno lance could be good with a health augment.

Just failed a quest against a tempered Barroth. I was testing the guard and he did that steam train move, I’m sure I got the guard up but he sent me flying. So next time he tried it I used the counter guard then the special guard after that that eats stamina. He hit it and died, meaning I failed the quest since it was a capture one.

You’re right about the mounting, seems pretty easy. Quite like that sprint to jump attack.
There's another move I haven't got into the muscle memory yet, it's a jumping shield dash or some shit

RT forward and A

Advances with shield up, you can follow up with a again for blunt damage shield bash then go straight into the b, b, b combo

Or you follow with a b to do a leaping attack after
There's another move I haven't got into the muscle memory yet, it's a jumping shield dash or some shit

RT forward and A

Advances with shield up, you can follow up with a again for blunt damage shield bash then go straight into the b, b, b combo

Or you follow with a b to do a leaping attack after
Yeah I think I might have done that move by accident. I’m not sure I have the patience for lance. I just need to smash things and smash them now :lol: might have been the monster I chose to fight but Bazzledick,Barroth and Jyru pose other problems with their mud crap and explosive shells. Get getting stuck or blown up by a shell. Pain in the ass that you can’t roll either when on fire and weapon is drawn.

I went back to my switch axe but I will give the lance another try. Got that extra marathon gem and a load of other rare ones. Seem to be getting gems for bow just thrown at me so will probably have to go back to trying that.

What lance are you using? I’m just going to have to bite the bullet and go after D-Jo, been avoiding him but might not be too bad with the switch axe or lance.
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New map with new monsters and new elders supposedly coming in August. But before that summer festival on the 22nd with another monster and possibly that cross over monster from final fantasy.
New area would be cool, new T2 monster wouldn't go a miss, but will take what we get

Find it strange that KT is back every other week, I feel cheated that I wasted so much time the first go round hah
Weapon for the summer event has been mined

It's a Lance - yay

It has no white sharpness and is thunder - meh

Pretty high base atk for a Lance, looks like a flag. Im not super hyped about it, everything that's weak to thunder flies right ? So I'll no be using a Lance on them anyway

Edit it's para not thunder which is nice but still no white sharpness - meh
Haven’t played in a while. Went on a mass monster killing spree with SA where I maybe killed 60 or so monsters in 2 days so been taking a little break.

I have the parts for the DJo lance but I think I maybe want to build the DJo hunting horn and give that a bash. Just can’t decide. Either that or farm KT until she coughs up some decent lances as I’ve seen a sleep one that looks awesome. 540 sleep, white sharpness.
Speaking of KT not a lot of people seem to be going after it on MP. On the Xbox anyway.
I put around 200 hours into this game up until the end of the first KT event.

Not sure why, but haven't been back since. It's a cracking game that absolutely had me hooked for about 2 months solid, but now I'm just not bothered. Can't explain it.
I put around 200 hours into this game up until the end of the first KT event.

Not sure why, but haven't been back since. It's a cracking game that absolutely had me hooked for about 2 months solid, but now I'm just not bothered. Can't explain it.
So yeah I’m in at around 550hrs:nervous:
At a certain point it becomes easy and kinda routine so you just pick it up for like a quick half hour blast then somehow 3 hrs later you’re like maybe I should go to bed. That might just be me tho.
It’s just a good decent mindless distraction once you got the preparation down for monsters.
Haven’t played in a while. Went on a mass monster killing spree with SA where I maybe killed 60 or so monsters in 2 days so been taking a little break.

I have the parts for the DJo lance but I think I maybe want to build the DJo hunting horn and give that a bash. Just can’t decide. Either that or farm KT until she coughs up some decent lances as I’ve seen a sleep one that looks awesome. 540 sleep, white sharpness.
Speaking of KT not a lot of people seem to be going after it on MP. On the Xbox anyway.
I haven't went up to the hub since he returned (1st or 2nd time)

I exhausted myself with rubbish randos the first time and got a decent haul of weapons. I would have liked a glaive but I've since made the catosprhis light or whatever it is and the Luna one so

Wouldn't mind one of the better Lance's but I've got a few built that i like
but I've since made the catosprhis light or whatever it is and the Luna one so
with all those Luna gems you just got thrown at you :lol:

There are quite a few Luna items I want to build but honestly just can’t be bothered fighting/farming for that gem. The sooner it comes out in the elder melder the better.

Have you got any lance augment stones yet?

I’m going to fire it up later as that limited bounty thing will be updated and hopefully arch Vaal has been added. There is a charm you can craft that says effulvia expert and fire resistant or something. It seems like a different skill from effulvia build up resistance so hopefully that’ll free up not needing the Vaal legs or miamasa jewels. Going to try that out later.
No Lance stones :( no glaive stones lol

You have a chance to do arch Vaal yet? See a lot of people saying some pretty stupid shit, like they've farmed the easiest elder in the game before
No Lance stones :( no glaive stones lol

You have a chance to do arch Vaal yet? See a lot of people saying some pretty stupid shit, like they've farmed the easiest elder in the game before
I’ve given it a once over. Just finished killing him this minute took 28 minutes so they’ve for sure upped his HP as tempered Vaal normally takes like 10 at most. He can pretty much almost 1 shot you with anything and his roar and wind pressure I think hold you longer because he lined me up a few times for that charge. I went through a tonne of mega potions.

The hard part is that it’s not in the normal fighting Vaal area. He is up on the hill with all the effluvia so your health is constantly just coming down and I think it damages you more than usual. Throw in an ODG that keeps popping up and it’s good fun. Oh and when he limps back to his nest he doesn’t sleep where he normally sleeps. He kips down in the poisonous water stuff so if you want to barrel him you have to take that hit.

He’s a lot more aggressive and does that breath thing a lot. He does rain stream stones and I just got 4 sullied ones off of him.