Me too and jumping in to SOS missions is a nightmare because bow users just keep dying. My rage for them at the moment is up there...
I’m struggiling for good tempered elder investigations, needing to jewel farm so just trying to do as many 4 box quests as I can in HR30 or 50 but my elder investigation pool is just filth. 2 boxes everywhere.
Has anyone tried windproof with Kushala? I maxed it on a set expecting to not be bothered by any of his wind rubbish like when he flutters his wings and stops you like he roared but was still getting stopped. I was able to hit him and not be bothered by his wind shield that way but was a bit of a dick move. Thought it would stop all that wind pressure nonsence from the elders.
RNG can suck it..... in the last few days I think I’ve jumped about 20 hunter ranks smashing out tempered investigations with as many boxes as possible. And just getting absolute filth, stream stones, tip toe stones, blaze stones. I’ve got critical, tenderiser,earplugs and footing jewels everywhere. Give me a god damn protective polish,normal shots or mindseye you stingy game.
The GS is cool, I still have trouble using tackle to it's fit's fullest, you can use it to keep yourself on charge level two if the opening disappears I find it tricky tho
The GS is cool, I still have trouble using tackle to it's fit's fullest, you can use it to keep yourself on charge level two if the opening disappears I find it tricky tho
Yeah that is a bit tricky, I tend to use that as the 2nd charge level for moving me in to a better position then to unleash the bigger hit. Not quite confident enough to go after the tougher tempered monsters with it but having some fun as I work out what is what with it.
Had any luck with KT, I want that hammer and that is about it, had a couple of goes but people suck.
Yeah that is a bit tricky, I tend to use that as the 2nd charge level for moving me in to a better position then to unleash the bigger hit. Not quite confident enough to go after the tougher tempered monsters with it but having some fun as I work out what is what with it.
Had any luck with KT, I want that hammer and that is about it, had a couple of goes but people suck.
If I go solo I can get pretty close to doing it in 1 and can get him in to his final room. I use a SA set with thunder till the final room then I switch it to that Behemoth sleep SA I had and just bomb the fecker but in some groups it can take ages, or you get a good group and can 1 shot him. A lot easier if you get a Glaive, LBG or HBG in your group tho.
@Grib its arrived, A Visitor from Eorza (Extreme) basically tempered Behemoth, I’m tempted to give it a try but it only is for layered armour and a guild card title. Doesn’t seem worth the agony of people dying every time.
I’ve seen a bit of a video of a play through and looks like he just spams the feck out of the meteors and tornados and that he doesn’t take as long to perform the moves. A long with the eventual resistance to flashing. Sounds like a fecking nightmare.
What I did see is that he will Ecliptic meteor that first room before he goes up the hill, the vid I watched none survived past the 2nd phase and they used the cheese technique of just mounting and wide range stamina on him.
They also kept saying that in the 3rd phase he doesn’t call comets for you to hide behind, you supposedly have to jump it which if true sounds impossible. Imagine the luck required to be in a group that knew the exact point at what to jump it’s going to be a hard pass from me.
Edit: so seemingly 3rd phase he won’t cast the ecliptic meteor hence no need for the comets, however if you haven’t done enough damage to him in the first two phases he will cast it in phase 3 with no comets. In Phase 4 he will cast 3 ecliptal meteors.
So I had a quick go and ummm it’s madness... the meteors have an insane blast radius I have evade extender 2 on and it’s isnt enough sometimes, if the red ring of death appears on you and you ain’t already moving you gonna get hurt.
Something awesome happened, loaded it up the other day, Fought tempered Black Diablos, got giant gold crown, the straight after fought tempered Vaal, got giant gold crown, after that fought tempered Teostra, got Tiny gol crown. So I’m thinking on a roll so fought Kushala next and the fecker was tiny. Smaller than a Puki, kill that expecting a tiny crown and got nothing.
In that run I managed to get 2x attack gems and a mindseye gem. Just need my protective polish and normal shots gem so I can try a few different things out.
Yesterday I also came across some guy who was a dedicated support build. He didn’t even bother hitting the monster, he just hid away in a corner and kept giving us top ups. It was fricking awesome but who wants to play a game like that. Did about 6 tempered elder missions with him and in everyone he never once hit a monster.
Arch tempered Kushala Daora might be the most annoying out of all these “arch tempered elders” spends so much of his time in the air and you can’t flash the fecker out of the sky, he just does what Lunastra does where he hovers just out of reach for any real damage. He is fast as feck and any slight brush with him drops some serious health, never turn your back on him to run and heal, fecker is probably zeroed in on you and coming for your ass.
Got him twice in a multi player but people be dropping like flys (bow users) failed so many times due to people just being stupid. Tried solo once and got him, but the armour is kinda rubbish so not sure it’s even worth the 30 minute struggle.
Just picked this up on sale, only ever played one of the old PSP Monster Hunter games. I held off on this one for a long time because the mechanics and the world just seemed so overwhelming. Any tips for a newbie?
Just picked this up on sale, only ever played one of the old PSP Monster Hunter games. I held off on this one for a long time because the mechanics and the world just seemed so overwhelming. Any tips for a newbie?
Bow might be the most powerful weapon once you learn the combos and how to use it but feck do Bow users drop like flies. Mostly due to the armour set up as they go pretty much all out attack and stamina and the slightest breeze kills them.
Nothing is more satisfying that hitting a fully charged Great Sword combo and it finishing on the head of a monster. I’d say it’s a good weapon to start with but all the weapons have their pluses and negatives.
There aren’t really any major hints except research the hell out of monsters and properly prepare for hunts and it’ll make life easier. Find a weapon you like and enjoy it. It is worthwhile looking up some weapon and armour tutorials on YouTube for some ideas.
Just picked this up on sale, only ever played one of the old PSP Monster Hunter games. I held off on this one for a long time because the mechanics and the world just seemed so overwhelming. Any tips for a newbie?
Start with a beginner friendly weapon like then SwordnShield or Hammer, always be upgrading your armour, take your time with encounters and get to know a monsters attack patterns before properly engaging, always eat before a hunt. Otherwise play it by ear and you’ll naturally pick up the rest as you go along. Enjoy.
Bow might be the most powerful weapon once you learn the combos and how to use it but feck do Bow users drop like flies. Mostly due to the armour set up as they go pretty much all out attack and stamina and the slightest breeze kills them.
Nothing is more satisfying that hitting a fully charged Great Sword combo and it finishing on the head of a monster. I’d say it’s a good weapon to start with but all the weapons have their pluses and negatives.
There aren’t really any major hints except research the hell out of monsters and properly prepare for hunts and it’ll make life easier. Find a weapon you like and enjoy it. It is worthwhile looking up some weapon and armour tutorials on YouTube for some ideas.
Start with a beginner friendly weapon like then SwordnShield or Hammer, always be upgrading your armour, take your time with encounters and get to know a monsters attack patterns before properly engaging, always eat before a hunt. Otherwise play it by ear and you’ll naturally pick up the rest as you go along. Enjoy.
Actually they don’t tell you this in game but in the base on the ground floor the store guy has a defence charm and power charm. Now at the chest it’s best to set up a load out so everytime you’re going out you just click that and all your supplies for hunting are topped up. Now put the defence charm and power charm in that load out and leave them there. They will give you a defence and attack boost but they must be in your satchel.
Later you’ll come across a monster where you can use a part to upgrade both but you can now double stack this, so just buy the 2 charms again from the store and carry all 4 in your satchel. For a pretty hefty boost in stats.
Mainline Honey, flashbugs and bitter bugs as you’ll go through them pretty quickly so to get the most boxes for farming you have to do like research missions which you get from the 3 dudes or chef across from the store guy.
There will be loads of stuff further back in this thread with videos, pictures and stuff for ideas. We tried to hide spoilers for quite some time so you should be ok.
Somebody hand that man a Great Sword stat. Geralt will love beating up an Arch tempered Lunastra or heck bring back Behemoth for him.
Noted that there is a massive expansion pack coming in Autumn which looks like a new world (Island)new monsters and it is set to carry on from the end of the last story. That’s seems way too long considering how long this game has been out already.
So I just played the game again after almost 6 months hiatus, played the Witcher 3 event, holy shit the ancient leshen is brutal. Seems like I also lost any ability to play this game
Picked this up again as The Ice Borne expansion is coming out soon and thought I’d have a little practice. I’ve forgotten almost everything and suck beyond belief. I used to roam about like an absolute weapon not caring what showed up and now I get slapped about by god damn Rathalos’s.
Glavenus and Brachydios confirmed to be in Iceborne, my God what a time to be alive . Brachy will always be special for me as he's the poster boy of my first MH
Glavenus and Brachydios confirmed to be in Iceborne, my God what a time to be alive . Brachy will always be special for me as he's the poster boy of my first MH
I had never played it previously before picking up MHW but I ended up loving it. I need to get better as seemingly in the new expansion there is Master class. Not sure if that means harder monsters or weapon sharpness but I’m game for it.
Just please god don’t bring back tempered Behemoth ever again god damn Arrow users.
Should I pick this up again? I played it a lot before all the expensions came out. I kinda feel like starting a fresh campaign. Did they add a lot of stuff?
Should I pick this up again? I played it a lot before all the expensions came out. I kinda feel like starting a fresh campaign. Did they add a lot of stuff?
I had never played it previously before picking up MHW but I ended up loving it. I need to get better as seemingly in the new expansion there is Master class. Not sure if that means harder monsters or weapon sharpness but I’m game for it.
Just please god don’t bring back tempered Behemoth ever again god damn Arrow users.
Yeah Master Rank generally is harder difficulty (used to be called G Rank) and also new armor from the monster. Feck me I haven't even won once against Behemoth, almost every single time other player(including me) will die getting hit by meteor
Should I pick this up again? I played it a lot before all the expensions came out. I kinda feel like starting a fresh campaign. Did they add a lot of stuff?
I remember Capcom said the expansion will rival the base game in terms of number of contents, so yeah I would say it's worth it, and also if you play the iceborne beta all of the weapon gets new moves so it might be new challenge even if you play tons of MHW before.
Yeah Master Rank generally is harder difficulty (used to be called G Rank) and also new armor from the monster. Feck me I haven't even won once against Behemoth, almost every single time other player(including me) will die getting hit by meteor
It was just a complete nightmare. Was just looking back through the thread at some of the videos and stuff
Me and Grib had a go at it a few times but I don’t think we got him. Ended up just doing the first room one to farm parts eventually and extreme was only for a stupid skin so wasn’t keen on that.
Looking forward to what is coming next, just need to get used to it again. Tried an arena earlier against Nergergante without earplugs
I remember Capcom said the expansion will rival the base game in terms of number of contents, so yeah I would say it's worth it, and also if you play the iceborne beta all of the weapon gets new moves so it might be new challenge even if you play tons of MHW before.
Any particular reason why you'd start over rather than continuing? I agree with @Andersons Dietician it's so much work, especially grinding for monster gem/plate to forge armor and weapon. If you forgot how to play just head over to training area for a bit and start helping new player defeat low rank monster to get the feel again, which is exactly what I did after 8-9 months of not playing it
Any particular reason why you'd start over rather than continuing? I agree with @Andersons Dietician it's so much work, especially grinding for monster gem/plate to forge armor and weapon. If you forgot how to play just head over to training area for a bit and start helping new player defeat low rank monster to get the feel again, which is exactly what I did after 8-9 months of not playing it
So I bought IceBorne and after not playing properly for what feels like a year Jesus Christ I suck. Luckily the first thing I did was the Witcher content so was a decent warm up but it took me 50minutes to slay the thing.
Anyway they seem to have improved a lot of things as in the new settlement everything you need pre hunt is very close. Food, boxes, Smith, botanist, shop all right there. Which is the same for the new gathering hub. The botanist and smithy is up there so you don’t have to wait for a load screen.
Their are new mechanics and a grappling claw which you can use to jump on monsters and direct them towards walls and stuff.
The Handler is still a twat but
She was just replaced by someone in game for me
The difficulty level basically seems just like the start of the game, like I have great gear for the first part where I can take out tempered Elders in like 5 mins. Now it takes about 30-50 mins to do a hunt. Not sure if it’s just my skill has depleted or the gear is kind of useless now. Probably a bit of both.
Another thing is in the first part of the game, there were armours and stuff for like sleep resistance and water resistance which were pretty much useless and not used along with ice defence. Now I see why they were needed and man the monsters hit hard in MR. Basically tempered Elder hard. I’ve only fought 3 monsters so far but I’ve seen another one and that one does not look pleasant.
I lost interest in the original when all new content was just harder and harder stuff
I get that's the games mo so to speak but it wouldn't hurt to give something new for the more casual gamer (I was playing more than casual but I'm not of the mind of talking about timing frames and shit for dodges etc)
I lost interest in the original when all new content was just harder and harder stuff
I get that's the games mo so to speak but it wouldn't hurt to give something new for the more casual gamer (I was playing more than casual but I'm not of the mind of talking about timing frames and shit for dodges etc)
‘You can’t get in to IceBorne unless you’ve completed the first game. I don’t know if I would say they’ve made the monsters extremely harder it’s just like starting the first game where until you had the armour and weapons it was a challenge. If you tried with say the stuff you start the first game with it would be impossible but It’s not like Arch tempered Teostra or Lunastra or Behemoth hard.
Think once I get better gems, gear and so on it will probably balance out and so far I’ve only been fainted once. Think it’s just a big change from being at the point where I could take out pretty much everything within 5 minutes to now having to work for it again.
Velkhana is my current favorite to fight right now, it's just so fun, while Kushala just get from bad to worse after the flashpod got nerfed. Still trying to play with sword and shield after got bored with insect glaive.
Velkhana is my current favorite to fight right now, it's just so fun, while Kushala just get from bad to worse after the flashpod got nerfed. Still trying to play with sword and shield after got bored with insect glaive.
Haven’t come across that yet. Only just went back to the main base and doing a heap of objectives there killing MR puki-Puki and the likes. Mostly just farming parts.
Arch Tempered Kushala was the worst for me. Spent so much time in the air and doing his hurricane rubbish if you handn’t some sort of bow weapon it was a nightmare.
Going to stick to Switch axe for a bit but Hammer, long sword,Great sword and Bow are things I want to get back in to using. Have to get my skill levels back up.
So been playing a bit more now and getting back in to the rhythm and have to say Swag Axe was good before but now it’s even better. It’s got a few new attack combos and a fade out hit and not to mention once you charge up sword mode if you do the claw mount then discharge mount attack you can spam that constantly as for some reason it doesn’t deplete the sword bar.
Speaking of claw mount, love it especially the wall smash technique. Can see that coming in handy later as the monsters get tougher but awesome way to down a monster to get in some massive damage.
The actual jump in defence power of the new gear compared to the rarity 8 stuff I was using a mix of Kul and the arch tempered bits but it’s so weak compared to even the basic monster stuff. Does suck however that if you upgrade a weapon you lose your augments.
Enjoying it anyway and I guess it’s time to embrace the grind.