Gaming Modern Warfare 2

No, I could quite easily do it, I just couldn't see the point.

The gameplay isn't really smart enough for me to bother using guile, so I just run through it and get shot from every angle by 20 enemies. Massive yawn.

I'm a stealth guy.

See what you're doing there is attempting too say that you are so good you couldn't do it, but that doesn't add up :lol:

The point is to complete the game, and there are some fantastic levels later in the game, I'd strongly suggest giving it a go.
The Riot Shield is for noobs. Knives are where it's at.

Big, feck-off shiny ones. Ones that look like they could skin a crocodile. Knives are good, because they don't make any noise, and the less noise they make, the more likely we are to use them. Shit 'em right up. Makes it look like we're serious. Guns for show, knives for a pro.

Well, how about this. I am a noob.
See what you're doing there is attempting too say that you are so good you couldn't do it, but that doesn't add up :lol:

The point is to complete the game, and there are some fantastic levels later in the game, I'd strongly suggest giving it a go.

What I'm saying is, getting shot by 20 men from every angle, surviving, then picking them off one by one, while still being shot, is boring.
This video is a perfect example of what was happening, except this guy is probably being shot more times than I was.

But that mission wasn't hard, you just clear 1 building out at a time and make sure that you're not a muppet standing in the middle of the street. Use cover and slowly move forward. It got a little more interesting near the end when I ran out of ammo mind you.
I love the marathon and knife combo. Very, very effective on some maps.
That's an odd mentality to say the very least Sc4oles. Seems you just couldn't do it and spat your dummy out!
But that mission wasn't hard, you just clear 1 building out at a time and make sure that you're not a muppet standing in the middle of the street. Use cover and slowly move forward. It got a little more interesting near the end when I ran out of ammo mind you.

That's an odd mentality to say the very least Sc4oles. Seems you just couldn't do it and spat your dummy out!

There seems to be some confusion.

I turned the game off without dying once*. I could quite easily do it. Did I want to do it? Nope. It's not really my kind of game.

*except for the bit where you have to
There seems to be some confusion.

I turned the game off without dying once*. I could quite easily do it. Did I want to do it? Nope. It's not really my kind of game.

*except for the bit where you have to

How do you know you wouldn't like the later levels though?

Hey it's your decision, I just think if you're going to start a game you may as well finish it - it's not exactly a long story.
Am i the only one who thinks COD 4 online play is quite a bit better than this? On COD 4 it was possible, with skill and a bit of luck to not get killed. On this one, you are pretty much guaranteed to die at least once, just because of all the airstrike/choppergunner/harriers bollocks. This game clearly has been dumbed down to appeal to the masses.
Modern Warfare 1 was my first COD experience, so I can't comment on what went before it, but I do find the air support quite frustrating. With the right kill streak rewards set up somebody can get 6 or 7 kills then just hide in a corner somewhere and rack up another 10 kills if not more using air support.
How do you know you wouldn't like the later levels though?

I'd imagine it's pretty much the same.

Roach: Can't we just go across here and we won't get shot?
Soap: Nah, we gotta go down here where all the bad guys with guns are.
Roach: But we've got a better chance of staying alive if we just look around for another route.
Soap: You don't seem to appreciate the fact that the story mode of this game is linear bollocks. You can't look for another route, because it doesn't exist. We're just going to have to go down this route, ok?
Roach: Well ok.
I'd imagine it's pretty much the same.

Roach: Can't we just go across here and we won't get shot?
Soap: Nah, we gotta go down here where all the bad guys with guns are.
Roach: But we've got a better chance of staying alive if we just look around for another route.
Soap: You don't seem to appreciate the fact that the story mode of this game is linear bollocks. You can't look for another route, because it doesn't exist. We're just going to have to go down this route, ok?
Roach: Well ok.

I don't mind linear games, but the story here is pretty good and keeps you intrigued. For me it was like a book, i couldn't put it down as i wanted to know what was going to happen next.
I don't mind linear games, but the story here is pretty good and keeps you intrigued. For me it was like a book, i couldn't put it down as i wanted to know what was going to happen next.

That's probably the difference. I didn't really pay attention to the story from COD4.

I hadn't intended to play MW2's story mode anyway. It was a terrible accident involving the X button, an unstoppable cutscene, and me deciding it'd be worth a go now it's all loaded up.
Lads - im playing all my multiplayer games with the Scar + Heartbeat sensor - i have been using it for a while. Im at level 50.

Is worth switching to another Assault Rifle? Is the TAR-21, FAL, M16A4 or ACR considerably better?
I've been using the scar for a while trying to complete all the challenges, all I have left to do is finish the FMJ penetration kills, but I've recently been using the TAR-21 as well and it's quite good. Personally I don't like the heartbeat sensor, I tend to use FMJ or ACOG scope, but I'm trying to complete all the challenges so switching around a lot.
I'd say the ACR is pretty similar, possibly more accurate. I like the M164A but it frustrates me as im always thinking i would have got the kill if i was using the ACR or SCAR.
Am i the only one who thinks COD 4 online play is quite a bit better than this? On COD 4 it was possible, with skill and a bit of luck to not get killed. On this one, you are pretty much guaranteed to die at least once, just because of all the airstrike/choppergunner/harriers bollocks. This game clearly has been dumbed down to appeal to the masses.

I always found it hard not to die on all the COD's But on this one I had my 1st ever perfect game. 18-0 on Karachi (sp)

Got a nice Golden Eagle Emblem to prove my good work too
i use the tar, with grenade launcher and silencer. i play on the "hardcore" game modes
its lethal.

im level 49 on prestige mode. i usually get around 15-3
What is this prestige mode I hear mentioned on here?

I suspect I don't take this game seriously enough :lol:
You cut me deep Randall!

I'm on level 42 so I'm not shite at the game or anything, I just havn't seen this prestige mentioned on the game!
When you get to level 70, that's it. You can't go any further. Unless you want to start again from 1 and lose all your weapons AKA prestiging.

It's not for me. I'm on level 64 or summat, I'll stay on 70 when I get there.
So prestige is getting to level 70 then starting again from 1?

Sounds wank, don't think I'll bother!
So prestige is getting to level 70 then starting again from 1?

Sounds wank, don't think I'll bother!

I had the same attitude but when I got to 70 it changed. Once you prestige you start from the beginning again and it makes it more challenging and rewarding.

I do miss some of the guns but this time round I've played with different guns and combination's etc. Had I not prestiged I don't think I'd still be playing as much as I do.
Me and Elvis were playing some COD a couple days ago and we had people saying how "fecking awesome" we were. True ting.
I dont care - it works for me.

I used to think the same I hate them with a passion now. Just a distraction really. It makes you lazy imo. When you get to know the maps very well they arent as useful.

I prefer to do it the old fashioned way, more rewarding.

One perk I sort of ignored until now is the scavenger perk. Its fecking excellent claymore the shite out of everyone. Pity only 2 work at the same time.

Id be up for a CAF only game. could be a laugh