Mo Salah

Disgraceful that someone could report saint mo for doing this. Texting while driving has only been made an offence because Sir Alex wants to get Liverpool F.C. players banned. Whoever recorded this obviously only followed him because they knew he was a honest hardworking scouse lad. Boycott the U.K. Highway Code, Boycott the U.K. traffic police. Boycott every newspaper that will report this. Justice for Mo #jftm11

I know you think you're being funny, but that bit at the end is disgrasceful. Mock Liverpool all you want but associating with the Justice campaign is really pathetic form.
He's become hugely popular to an extent I don't understand .I saw a few incidents in our pre season tour where it seemed he had the following of a global mega star. Now I don't really follow City or Spurs but I wondered. if Kane or Aguero who have had similar sort of stats to him over a longer period of time commanded the same sort of fanfare?
Knowing someone who was on the receiving end of a car accident due to the other driver checking a text message whilst driving at 30mph, i have absolute respect for Liverpool reporting him to police. I know it is still quite common for people to do this, but it sends a clear message to the public that this is illegal and the law has been implemented for the safety of fellow drivers. It does not matter if you are a superstar making bags of cash, the law is the law and you must pay the consequences. Hopefully he gets a suspended 2 year licence and a big fine.
I know you think you're being funny, but that bit at the end is disgrasceful. Mock Liverpool all you want but associating with the Justice campaign is really pathetic form.
What are you on about ? Bore off dipper. Stop trying to manufacture yourself into a victim from anything. Texting and driving is disgraceful, making a joke is not.
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Knowing someone who was on the receiving end of a car accident due to the other driver checking a text message whilst driving at 30mph, i have absolute respect for Liverpool reporting him to police. I know it is still quite common for people to do this, but it sends a clear message to the public that this is illegal and the law has been implemented for the safety of fellow drivers. It does not matter if you are a superstar making bags of cash, the law is the law and you must pay the consequences. Hopefully he gets a suspended 2 year licence and a big fine.
Completely agree. I lost my best friend last year because someone who was high and also using their mobile while driving plowed into them. He will get off lightly as he’s a media darling IMO.
Completely agree. I lost my best friend last year because someone who was high and also using their mobile while driving plowed into them. He will get off lightly as he’s a media darling IMO.
Sorry to hear. I really hope he does not get off lightly and I mean that in zero regards to how it coukd affect Liverpool's performance. Some things, no matter how uncool they are, are just about principles.
What are you on about ? Bore off dipper. Stop trying to manufacture yourself into a victim from anything. Texting and driving is disgraceful, making a joke is not.

Not making myself into a victim, and yes, making a joke about certain things is disgraceful. Carry on though - you sound like a really pleasant and well adjusted bloke.

I don't condone what Salah did whatsoever, and think he should be punished. People need to follow the rules, they exist for a reason.
Not making myself into a victim, and yes, making a joke about certain things is disgraceful. Carry on though - you sound like a really pleasant and well adjusted bloke.

I don't condone what Salah did whatsoever, and think he should be punished. People need to follow the rules, they exist for a reason.
Ffs justice for x isn’t always to do with hillsborough it’s been used in countless other football and social media campaigns (i.e. justiceforsuarez , a chant YOUR fans made up.)

Stop trying to act like anyone who doesn’t hero worship your club are monsters.
The video really isn't that bad.

He is stopped, not driving while using the phone. Probably just finished talking to the fans who were filming him. Maybe setting some music for the journey home? I wouldn't personally do it, but I don't think that is criminal.

It all depends if the engine was running or not, you can be charged for using your mobile to pay for food at a drive thru if you don't turn the engine off first.

Bit shitty on Liverpool for snitching on him.
On the phone is very dangerous especially in the car there is to many people who are just not very good at multi tasking. You know those people who cross the streets while on their phone and nearly or actually get run over or those people who walk on the streets on their phone and smash into things and people. In Australia we had so many phone related accidents that there is a law where you cannot use a phone while the car is switched on doesn't matter if the car is stationary or not.

I say throw the book at Mo. :)
Am I missing something? What's the fuss about?

Yeah, it's all a little much. That said, he's a Football player, isn't he; that means he's not a real person, with a real family in the car, driving away from a non-LFC supporter who sells merchandise online for a profit. Whilst stopped, he used his phone. They're trying to feck him over. Maybe he deserves 6 points and a fine for that, I don't know. If the law says it, he should be treated like anybody else, but those on Twitter and elsewhere claiming he's endangered people's lives are a little daft.
Liverpool FC statement:

Salah was listening to music, hands free on his phone. Ramos rang and then began to intimidate Salah on the phone and provoked Salah to react by picking up his phone to turn it off. Ramos knew Salah was driving and his deliberate actions should be investigated.
He's become hugely popular to an extent I don't understand .I saw a few incidents in our pre season tour where it seemed he had the following of a global mega star. Now I don't really follow City or Spurs but I wondered. if Kane or Aguero who have had similar sort of stats to him over a longer period of time commanded the same sort of fanfare?

Four reasons why he became popular. One is that his performances as a winger last season were absolutely phenomenal, and it is rarer for wingers to achieve those figures than pure strikers. Second reason is that Liverpool are hyped by the media and Salah being their player obviously got double the attention. Third, as the only world class Egyptian player, he attained god like status in his own country. Fourth, as he is a muslim who has attained sky high popularity for the above 3 reasons, he is being held by a lot of muslims the world over irrespective of club and country loyalties as some sort of role model, a moderate muslim who can counter their perceptions of Islamophobia.
It all depends if the engine was running or not, you can be charged for using your mobile to pay for food at a drive thru if you don't turn the engine off first.

Bit shitty on Liverpool for snitching on him.
:annoyed: Feck everyone who ever gave someone a ticket for that..
:annoyed: Feck everyone who ever gave someone a ticket for that..

Pretty sure that isn't true, as a drive thru would invariably be classed as private property and not a public highway.
This. The car isn’t even moving is it?

But of course it’s a Liverpool player so we’re going to go overboard about it ;)

Irrelevant, you're in control of a vehicle, everyone should have their phones in the glovbogl while driving.
Pretty sure due to stop/start technology the law has been amended to fine you if you're "in control of a vehicle". So even if you're engine is off (modern cars), if you're deemed to be engaged in driving police can still fine you.
Salah's car was turning off when he was stopping - my assumption being he thought he wasn't breaking the law.
Don't really care about this in isolation as long as it's dealt with the same as it would be anyone else. Hardly the worst thing a footballer has done away froom the pitch.

The cringey, obviously staged pitch invasion where the child ran up to cuddle him was embarassing though. Everyone just ignored it, including the commentators, and he looked dissinterested. They're bizarrely obsessed with making him out to be some kind of superhero. He's a human being and not everyone supports Liverpool, so it's only going to end badly...Or with repeated stupid incidents, such as having to report him to the police yourselves in some weird attempt to maintain his moral image.
Not sure that was staged; the kid got kicked out by security after trying to return to this seat and were roundly booed by the fans.
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The video really isn't that bad.

He is stopped, not driving while using the phone. Probably just finished talking to the fans who were filming him. Maybe setting some music for the journey home? I wouldn't personally do it, but I don't think that is criminal.

Whatever you might think of the situation, the law was recently changed so that you have to be stopped -with the engine turned off- in order to be allowed to use your mobile phone.

I actually personally think that’s ridiculously overkill, but that’s the law and by definition - criminal. You can argue it’s not immoral, in the same fashion a parking ticket isn’t immoral, but it’s criminal.

I think they’ll make an example out of Salah, rightly or wrongly.

For what it’s worth it might highlight to some people the new change in the law - if you pull over to go on your phone you gotta turn your engine off or they will feck you.
I know you think you're being funny, but that bit at the end is disgrasceful. Mock Liverpool all you want but associating with the Justice campaign is really pathetic form.
It's a common phrase. What are you on about? Is the word justice now owned by LFC?
Fans hounding players in their cars is not cool.