Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
It's all a big, big lie - he was actually a manipulative paedophile.
I bet he molested those terminally ill children.
In fact, he was lying in 1985 as well, writing songs for charities in order to further his 'inappropriate' scheming.
He bought the entire jury. It's America after all.
His surgery also shows that he was definitely a paedophile. Any man that wants to turn from black to white - despite his telling us that he had a skin condition (villocolid (as seen here: - i bet you can understand why he may have bleached if that was happening to his skin and the profound effects this can have on psychological problems) another lie!)
He truly is a weird - horrible - person.
Come on man, your flying off the handle a little...I don't think anyone is claiming he's evil, just that he was very naive and childish and may have done some inappropriate things.
As for the vitigilo, well that image wasn't what happened to Jacko was it?..he gradually got lighter and lighter, coinciding with his surgery. I know it has no relevance to this argument, but since you brought it up...