Music Michael Jackson is Dead (All general comment)

It's all a big, big lie - he was actually a manipulative paedophile.

I bet he molested those terminally ill children.

In fact, he was lying in 1985 as well, writing songs for charities in order to further his 'inappropriate' scheming.

He bought the entire jury. It's America after all.

His surgery also shows that he was definitely a paedophile. Any man that wants to turn from black to white - despite his telling us that he had a skin condition (villocolid (as seen here: - i bet you can understand why he may have bleached if that was happening to his skin and the profound effects this can have on psychological problems) another lie!)

He truly is a weird - horrible - person.

Come on man, your flying off the handle a little...I don't think anyone is claiming he's evil, just that he was very naive and childish and may have done some inappropriate things.

As for the vitigilo, well that image wasn't what happened to Jacko was it?..he gradually got lighter and lighter, coinciding with his surgery. I know it has no relevance to this argument, but since you brought it up...
Come on man, your flying off the handle a little...I don't think anyone is claiming he's evil, just that he was very naive and childish and may have done some inappropriate things.

As for the vitigilo, well that image wasn't what happened to Jacko was it?..he gradually got lighter and lighter, coinciding with his surgery. I know it has no relevance to this argument, but since you brought it up...

Read what i've written. It's intention wasn't clear but...
That's not the point.

He is 'not guilty of child molestation' - what is he guilty of? Unorthodoxy?

You're just using something very basic, that you know people fundamentally disagree with (in general), without even considering the context in which it happened.

A story.

You're clearly not grasping the base of my argument. I don't blame you for that, I blame the fact that my eloquence and rhetoric has always left something to be desired, except of course for the obscene thesaurus usage. Considering this inadequecy in my presentation, I'll let another (much more articulate) poster frame my argument for me:

I don't think anyone is claiming he's evil, just that he was very naive and childish and may have done some inappropriate things.

I'm not trying to demonise him, as I think that whatever problems he did have were the result of years of childhood trauma and that, frankly, he wasn't totally right in the head.
Yes, and I think the fact he saw it as perfectly normal was the problem. The fact that he couldn't see it wasn't, and refused to accept other people saying it was seems to me like the actions of a child.

That was the context of the situation - as you've noted, innocence. It isn't actually wrong to do so - it is just assumed that anybody doing so would be for 'unhealthy' reasons. We seemed to have established that his reasons weren't unhealthy, i.e. 'not guilty of child molestation', yet he is still 'wrong', apparently.

No I don't. I've never said he was guilty, or even suggested it. I've raised the question that the possibility of his guilt should prevent people from dropping the questions about it, as it's a serious allegation...I've never said that he 'must' be guilty of something...Your confusing me with someone else

Okay. But you have consistently suggested that he did something wrong. We just can't accept that any man would want to sleep in the same bed children for any other reason apart from to have sex with them (because that is what we see on the news).

What the flibeddy gibbet are you on about!? I'm the one not having the peadophile argument. I'm arguing that his inability to see himself at fault for anything, and the way he decried criticism as 'unfair' and 'mean' extremely childish and as such, an irresponsible and immature thing for a middle aged father of 2 to do...

It was ill-judged. But people keep bringing up OJ as though Michael Jackson had something to hide, which he didn't. It wasn't appropriate but there isn't plenty of contradicting evidence (i.e. a court case) to suggest that he wasn't breaking the law.

My argument was about his children, and whether the fact that someone in his state of mind was a fit parent, and the fact that he had these children with a mother who doesn't hold any claim to them, and they dont seem to bare any biological resemblance to him...My point is simply, if this was a normal man, wouldn't you question it? I mean, why does this woman have no claim over them? why are they white? is he a good role model? they're perfectly reasonable questions..nothing to do with Paedophillia though.

The paedophile argument your having with someone else and have confused me with them I'm sure

Gotcha...I'm leaving this thread now before my bum falls off

And actually, in this moment of post-climactic catharsis, I too shall exit. We've all said our pieces, we all know where the others stand. I think that I've made my position clear - I don't hate the man, but I'm also unwilling to ignore the unsavoury sides to his character, however innocent they may have been to him.

May his spirit rest in peace, and may there be no lies told about him.
To summarise my argument:

There is nothing objectively wrong in what he did (i.e. sleeping with children). We've established that he didn't do anything or think anything, i think. You're judging him on this 'social taboo' despite not thinking that he did anything wrong - which, in my eyes, doesn't equate to him being anything other than exceedingly naive and is faux pas (by yourself).
Yes, I agree...and if thats the case he shouldn't have been alowed to raise 2 children. He certainly should have been questioned about it or monitored by child services...a non famous person with these personality traits would have been. It's an excuse, but it doesn't excuse...he learned no lessons from life and wanted it all his own way, like a child, he refused to accept peoples critisisms as constructive..he blocked it out and went la la la la im not listening....Read the post I wrote above that one (In fact I'll quote it below) and thats why I think critisizing his actions are justified...he was responsible for 2 children after all
The thing is there is hardly any serious evidence that he wasn't a good father to his children. Just the dangling the baby over the balcony incident.

Truth is IMO he did the best he could do with the hand of fate he was dealt. He never lead a normal life, had a difficult child hood the gave him body dispmorphic disorder ( just look at his face changes) on top of a split peronsaof an adult and a child. It's just a pity he was surrounded by too many yes men later in life. Who were there for what they could get out of him rather than for his on good. Which ended up in this tragedy.
Come on man, your flying off the handle a little...I don't think anyone is claiming he's evil, just that he was very naive and childish and may have done some inappropriate things.

As for the vitigilo, well that image wasn't what happened to Jacko was it?..he gradually got lighter and lighter, coinciding with his surgery. I know it has no relevance to this argument, but since you brought it up...

Not that different to most people then.
The thing is there is hardly any serious evidence that he wasn't a good father to his children. Just the dangling the baby over the balcony incident.

Truth is IMO he did the best he could do with the hand of fate he was dealt. He never lead a normal life, had a difficult child hood the gave him body dispmorphic disorder ( just look at his face changes) on top of a split peronsaof an adult and a child. It's just a pity he was surrounded by too many yes men later in life. Who were there for what they could get out of him rather than for his on good. Which ended up in this tragedy.


My Dad broke my sister's wrist by swinging her round when she was young. He almost dropped me on a barbecue at a garden party. Stupid but, by all accounts apart from my mother's (mutual hate), he is and was a good father - loving, caring and generous - and he continues to be so.

I think people are all too ready to believe the media myth of the man. And the myth that prevailed - he didn't do an interview between 1979 and 1993 causing an even greater myth to be realised. He, admittedly, made up the oxygen chamber and the elephant man's bones stories - other's say as much.

There was so much money to be made from Michael Jackson that the police were leaking details (for money) to the press, in 1993. Obviously cherry-picked for their sensationalist qualities. Despite Chandler's mum saying that MJ had 'done nothing wrong', which notably; wasn't widely reported by the media at the time.

Martin Bashir said that MJ was 'such a good father' that 'it almost made him cry' yet, in the documentary, he portrays neverland and Jackson as 'dangerous'. The media are fecking clowns.

To show that last point...

Popular antipathy ('weirdness' 'mystery' - we don't like this!) towards Jackson lead to the Bashir documentary.

Popular empathy (after his death) shall lead to a delicate and sympathetic portrayal of his life.

They are fickle feckers - in it for the money and going off the back of popular demand, which is fictional, because it is already predetermined by what they've reported and perpetuated in the press - our minds are already made-up on this by the time. I'd gesture that it is more profitable/attractive to depict the darkest image imaginable - otherwise T.V. would be mundane and there'd be nothing to fill shitty magazines.

Look at Colin Stagg:

The police were corroborating with the media and they found completely the wrong person - it didn't stop them portraying him as the killer. The poor bloke had a media trial and look where that got us/him/justice.
I didn't realise that Martin Bashir is now an anchor for ABC news in the States. This is how he broke the news of Jackson's death on that channel. Incredibly, he says here that in the time he spent with Jackson he never saw any illegal behaviour and doesn't suspect that Jackson actually did anything wrong.

Quite how he can miss the irony of him saying this is beyond me... It was his documentary that caused so many of Jackson's problems and PR issues.

He said behind the scenes in his documentary that Neverland was a dangerous place for vulnerable children to go, yet told Jackson what he had seen was 'spiritual'.
He said behind the scenes in his documentary that Neverland was a dangerous place for vulnerable children to go, yet told Jackson what he had seen was 'spiritual'.

Watch some Charlie Brooker's 'Newswipe' or some of Adam Curtis' documentaries ( - they're fantastically interesting/enlightening pieces on media portrayal and psychology.
I didn't realise that Martin Bashir is now an anchor for ABC news in the States. This is how he broke the news of Jackson's death on that channel. Incredibly, he says here that in the time he spent with Jackson he never saw any illegal behaviour and doesn't suspect that Jackson actually did anything wrong.

Quite how he can miss the irony of him saying this is beyond me... It was his documentary that caused so many of Jackson's problems and Page Ranking issues.

What he's said there seems fine to me

He highlighted a disturbing aspect of Jacksons life. Did he over egg it? Maybe, maybe not. How many adults sleep in bed with other people's children? Or build a Neverland ranch to live at

At the end of the day, it was someone else that brought charges against Jackson. If they've knowingly made false allegations, they're the ones that caused the agro, not Bashir

And of course, Jackson voluntarily shared this information with Bashir. Ok he didn't expect him to use it the way he did, but that's gross naivety frankly
Lots of rumours flying about now. As a result of Jacko being 90% plastic, it's been suggested that he's going to be melted down into lego so that the children can play with him for a change.
What he's said there seems fine to me

He highlighted a disturbing aspect of Jacksons life. Did he over egg it? Maybe, maybe not. How many adults sleep in bed with other people's children? Or build a Neverland ranch to live at

At the end of the day, it was someone else that brought charges against Jackson. If they've knowingly made false allegations, they're the ones that caused the agro, not Bashir

And of course, Jackson voluntarily shared this information with Bashir. Ok he didn't expect him to use it the way he did, but that's gross naivety frankly

You're judging it by a taboo, which in this instance (due to the exceptional circumstances of the individual), is faux pas.

By him saying that he 'shared a bed' with x or y does not imply that he necessarily wanted or intended to - children tend, when sleeping somewhere strange, to sleep with an adult. Especially an adult that you trust. The connotations keep lurking in though, no?
You're judging it by a taboo, which in this instance (due to the exceptional circumstances of the individual), is faux pas.

By him saying that he 'shared a bed' with x or y does not imply that he necessarily wanted or intended to - children tend, when sleeping somewhere strange, to sleep with an adult. Especially an adult that you trust. The connotations keep lurking in though, no?

Come off it, you're sounding like King Law in the Tevez thread

Yes it's a taboo mate, and for a bloody good reason. Technically there's nothing legally wrong with it, and that's why he wasn't found guilty of any wrongdoing

I think suggesting he was somehow forced into it by children, or didn't want or intend to do it, is just barking. Absolutely nothing that's ever come out suggests that in the slightest

It doesn't make him a paedophile. But is behaviour a paedophile would engage in. Hence the taboo
Come off it, you're sounding like King Law in the Tevez thread

Yes it's a taboo mate, and for a bloody good reason. Technically there's nothing legally wrong with it, and that's why he wasn't found guilty of any wrongdoing

I think suggesting he was somehow forced into it by children, or didn't want or intend to do it, is just barking. Absolutely nothing that's ever come out suggests that in the slightest

It doesn't make him a paedophile. But is behaviour a paedophile would engage in. Hence the taboo

Don't go along the lines of fanboy-ism, Brad. Ahem, Ad Hominems.

I don't understand why people who say that he wasn't guilty still persist in saying that he was doing something wrong. You're applying a correlation to an individual - which is inhumane. All it props up is the initial prejudice which infers that Michael Jackson was a paedophile. I'm surprised you've missed that.

I didn't say that he was 'forced' - you're twisting my language, it doesn't wash. Is it not natural for a child to seek the company of adults if they are staying somewhere new? Or do you think he 'coaxed' them into doing so (hence suggesting 'dark' intentions)?

People seem to want to uphold the notion that he didn't do anything and the allegations are false whilst maintaining a stance that Michael Jackson harboured 'ill-thoughts' despite the only evidence for him doing so being already damned by themselves. It doesn't make sense at all.

If there is nothing objectively wrong in sleeping with children... and we seem to have established that he didn't do anything untoward... what are we trying him for? 'Weirdness'? Unorthodoxy?
Don't go along the lines of fanboy-ism, Brad. Ahem, Ad Hominems.

I don't understand why people who say that he wasn't guilty still persist in saying that he was doing something wrong. You're applying a correlation to an individual - which is inhumane. All it props up is the initial prejudice which infers that Michael Jackson was a paedophile. I'm surprised you've missed that.

I didn't say that he was 'forced' - you're twisting my language, it doesn't wash. Is it not natural for a child to seek the company of adults if they are staying somewhere new? Or do you think he 'coaxed' them into doing so (hence suggesting 'dark' intentions)?

People seem to want to uphold the notion that he didn't do anything and the allegations are false whilst maintaining a stance that Michael Jackson harboured 'ill-thoughts' despite the only evidence for him doing so being already damned by themselves. It doesn't make sense at all.

If there is nothing objectively wrong in sleeping with children... and we seem to have established that he didn't do anything untoward... what are we trying him for? 'Weirdness'? Unorthodoxy?

Nah, you're the one putting forward the suppositions now

If you're knocking me for supposedly twisting your words by saying forced, why are you now using terms like 'coaxed' in repost? I don't know Jacksons intentions, I suspect they were harmless. But then again I don't know the bloke, he's settled rather than defended similar allegations in the past, and it's simply not socially acceptable behaviour. As I expressly stated, it doesn't make him a paedophile, and he may not legally be doing anything wrong. Then again, he might, and he might have gotten away with it

I don't agree with your assertion. I think the group of people who claims Jackson was innocent but harboured ill thoughts is very small. People either fall into he was innocent, or he was a nonce camps

One things for sure, he gave people enough reason to question him
Nah, you're the one putting forward the suppositions now

If you're knocking me for supposedly twisting your words by saying forced, why are you now using terms like 'coaxed' in repost? I don't know Jacksons intentions, I suspect they were harmless. But then again I don't know the bloke, he's settled rather than defended similar allegations in the past, and it's simply not socially acceptable behaviour. As I expressly stated, it doesn't make him a paedophile, and he may not legally be doing anything wrong. Then again, he might, and he might have gotten away with it

I don't agree with your assertion. I think the group of people who claims Jackson was innocent but harboured ill thoughts is very small. People either fall into he was innocent, or he was a nonce camps

One things for sure, he gave people enough reason to question him

It was ironic, i know. I just thought i'd do it anyway to see your reaction to it. We both perpetuate hypocrisy, eh?

He didn't give anybody any reason to question him. The press did, along with very questionable individuals, through very questionable allegations, that he was acquitted of.

Finally, 'socially accepted behaviour' is completely relative. You're projecting your ideals/values/standards onto him. In truth, the circumstances (given the individual) in which he 'shared a bed' with a child are not all that unbelievable when viewed in the context of his relationship(s) with many of the 1000's of children that went to Neverland and his personal love of children (not sexually). It's clear through many of his other actions (charities, songs and centre for terminally ill children at his ranch) - the picture is far more complete, instead of the dark, cynical view of his behaviour/actions judged by our own standards.

If 'shared same bed' as my six year old brother (who i was looking after) - with whom i have 'affinity' - it wouldn't be seen as questionable.

If Michael Jackson 'shared the same bed' with somebody he was looking after - whom he has/had affinity with - it is 'wrong'.

That's arbitrary and objectively wrong. Of course when 'social standards' and generalisations have anything to do with it - objectivity and an individualistic approach doesn't matter.

Context is everything.
It was ironic, i know. I just thought i'd do it anyway to see your reaction to it. We both perpetuate hypocrisy, eh?

He didn't give anybody any reason to question him. The press did, along with very questionable individuals, through very questionable allegations, that he was acquitted of.

Finally, 'socially accepted behaviour' is completely relative. You're projecting your ideals/values/standards onto him. In truth, the circumstances (given the individual) in which he 'shared a bed' with a child are not all that unbelievable when viewed in the context of his relationship(s) with many of the 1000's of children that went to Neverland and his personal love of children (not sexually). It's clear through many of his other actions (charities, songs and centre for terminally ill children at his ranch) - the picture is far more complete, instead of the dark, cynical view of his behaviour/actions judged by our own standards.

If 'shared same bed' as my six year old brother (who i was looking after) - with whom i have 'affinity' - it wouldn't be seen as questionable.

If Michael Jackson 'shared the same bed' with somebody he was looking after - whom he has/had affinity with - it is 'wrong'.

That's arbitrary and objectively wrong.

Context is everything.

So, would you let your kids go around to his place and play cowboys and indians and then snuggle up in bed together at night?
So, would you let your kids go around to his place and play cowboys and indians and then snuggle up in bed together at night?

In principle, no.

Though, you're reducing an argument to a very simplistic question (whilst using connotations - 'snuggle up' - to make the situation seem inversely sinister; which they weren't).

By my 'bias' or my 'psychological predisposition' or by 'social standards' toward a situation involving a 'weird' man, a bed and a child i would of course say 'no' - but using a rhetorical question to prove the objective 'wrongness' of the actions of an individual is faux pas, as i've said consistently.
After the sudden death of Michael Jackson Evan Chandler tells the truth.
In 1993, Chandler told a psychiatrist and police that he and Jackson had engaged in sexual acts that included oral sex, the boy gave detailed description of Jackson’s genitals. The case was settled out of court for a reported $22 million, but the strain led Jackson to begin taking painkillers. Eventually he became addicted.

Now maybe for the remorse of his death Chandler decides to tell us the truth. ” I never meant to lie and destroy Michael Jackson but my father made me to tell only lies. Now i can’t tell Michael how much i’m sorry and if he will forgive me ”.Evan Chandler was tape-recorded saying amongst other things, “If I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever…

Under the influence of a controversial father (Jordan Chandler) told his son to tell that Jackson had touched his penis.Jordan Chandler then told a psychiatrist and later police that he and Jackson had engaged in acts of kissing, masturbation and oral sex, as well as giving a detailed description of what he alleged were the singer’s genitals.
” Now for the first time i can’t bare to lie anymore. Michael Jackson didn’t do anything to me, all was my father lies to escape from being poor.”

I knew it, what a cnut.
I knew it, what a cnut.

This isn't being reported by any news networks..only on messgae boards..and it's exactly the same piece. It seems very likely it was made up by a fan and they're desperately spreading it all over the net

Doesn't help it's credibility that Jordon was the son and Evan the father.. Idiots
Thought as much, will be cleared up proper soon enough...

Its disgraceful though If we're being fair. You would be outraged if someone made up something like this slandering Jackson. In essence they're making up something slandering the actions of a child. I'm not saying Jackson did anything wrong, but in the interest of fairness you have to say this is pathetic as it was never proved Chandler was lying either.

But since Chandler isn't worshiped the world over it's brushed aside as harmless...It's not though, it's disgraceful
This isn't being reported by any news networks..only on messgae boards..and it's exactly the same piece. It seems very likely it was made up by a fan and they're desperately spreading it all over the net

Doesn't help it's credibility that Jordon was the son and Evan the father.. Idiots

He's clearly written by an uber-fan. And whoever's written it, could have at least pressed the shift button before typing 'i'.
It's not disgraceful, it's stupid... It's not even believable. If it's not true then the lad will come out and deny it, cleared up. A lot harder to clear your name after being accused of paedophilia, if it turns out to be true it's miles worse.

Edit: If it was true I reckon it would make some difference but I still think a lot of those people with there mind made up would still see enough in all the other things to hold their position.
This is probably the best thing you will read on the case:

Jordan never accurately described the marks on Michael’s genitalia. In fact, he wasn’t even the one who drew it in the first place; Evan Chandler (his father) did. In January 1994, USA Today printed an article confirming that, “photos of Michael Jackson’s genitalia do not match descriptions given by the boy who accused the singer of sexual misconduct.” Some tabloid reports may indicate otherwise but keep in mind that the District Attorney brought his “evidence” in front of two grand juries and charges were not filed. If the photos matched the boy’s description, the case would have probably gone to trial.

If I a was an abused victim as a child, I wouldn’t want nor accept money. If a child and/or a parent settles for money they’re fecking heartless, lack of moral and have no decency. You do not accept money from a criminal who violated your son or daughter. A better question is why take money to forget you were molested? If I was a victim of rape or molestation, I and my family would want that perpetrator to be in prison – more likely for himself being abused, and see how he likes it. Let an offender free into the public?

What a lot of people simply do not understand is that there was never, ever a single iota of information which connected Jackson to the 1993 allegations, and yet there was an absolute wealth of information which suggested he was innocent. What people also don’t realize is that when Jackson paid his settlement, he was settling a civil case not a criminal case; he was not being prosecuted, he was being sued. There is a clause in the settlement which states that Jackson in no way acknowledges any wrongdoing by signing the settlement. There is another clause which specifically states that a settlement in the civil case in no way affects the recipients’ right to testify in a criminal case. The reason no criminal case was brought in 1993 was that the allegations were ludicrous and they couldn’t find any information to back them up. Thomas Sneddon presented the case to two grand juries and both of them laughed him out of court. He wasn’t even allowed to bring charges because his case was so pathetic.

The belief Jackson ‘bought his way out of jail’ has no weight yet everyone uses that as their blind justification of guilt. There was never a case against Jackson in 1993 and that was evident over a year prior to the settlement. With the criminal case in limbo because it was so moronic and the allegations hanging over his head until the media got some resolution, a settlement was the only way Jackson could make everything disappear. Diane Dimond known for her stupid antics to try to make anything ‘Michael Jackson’ even bigger than what it was, leaked the actual documents of the settlement. In the documents one find many ‘interesting’ things. For example, in the document Michael Jackson denies ever having any sexual contact with Jordan Chandler. And to make things even more interesting, the parents of Jordan Chandler, Evan and June Chandler agreed to that denial. Here is that part of the document:

Also, in the document it actually says the Chandlers can only speak of the case in a court of law. For 10 years the media has been spreading the lie that the settlement somehow stopped the Chandlers from testifying against Jackson. Another myth destroyed by the factual document.

Another myth that the settlement was for more than 30 million when in fact it was only 15,331,250, both Evan and June Chandler obtained 1.5 million while Larry Feldman obtained 3 million and 10% of the settlement which would bring his earnings to 5 million dollars.

And how much Jordan Chandler got? The most he could’ve gotten was 8 million dollars. Who leaked this private document? The only party that had this particular document was Lisa Marie Presley’s attorney at the time. So who gave it to Diane Dimond? Hmmm.

Entire document here:

You also left out the part where Jordan and has told people [personal] that Michael Jackson is not a pedophile. You also left out the part where last year in July, Evan Chandler struck his son with a dumbbell and basically tried to murder him.

What a great father. Not only that, he wrote a book about his son’s rape. “Michael Jackson Was My Lover-The Secret Diary of Jordie Chandler”. Even his brother chipped in. Raymond Chandler, author of book “All That Glitters: The Crime and the Cover Up” which deals with the alleged sexual abuse of his nephew Jordie by Michael Jackson. Team effort! How considerate. [edit] That book was written by Victor Guiteriezz, he also said that there was a videotape of Michael molesting one of Jermaine’s sons. Michael sued him about the book AND Hard Copy(they ran the story about the fake videotape) and Michael won the suit, but Victor left the country. It was one of the few times Michael actually fought back the allegations.

You also forgot the part where Evan Chandler was caught on tape speaking about his extortion plans on the telephone. You can read the whole transcript here

Please don’t ever leave a comment like that again. I know first hand what it feels like to be raped. I’m not going to go into detail, because thats personal. Do you know how that feels like? Maybe you do, maybe you don’t. Point is. Let me tell you something. I am not some crazy fan who believes in his innocence because I like ‘Beat It’ and ‘Thriller’. If he was a child molester I’d burn all my CDs & memorabilia and wish him to burn in hell.

Do I approve of Michael having sleepovers with young children that are not his own? NO! That violates a social norm, and that is why it is looked down upon. However, entire families visit the Ranch. There is no way possible that this man could possible have the time and secrecy to abuse a child in his house, and not have the victim find their way out and tell their parents immediately. When Michael infamously said he shared his bed, he didn’t mean his literal bedroom. They’re not even IN his bedroom. His home is 3,000 acres. Guests stay over in the guest rooms, as in parents and their children. If said children would like to stay with Michael (and Lisa Marie Presley his ex-wife testified this herself that they follow them where ever they go) he specifically said that he tells them to ask their guardians if its okay. And if they do, Michael sleeps on the floor. It is rude to let a guest sleep on a coach, a floor or any other uncomfortable position while you stay in the comfort of your own bed.
It's not disgraceful, it's stupid... It's not even believable. If it's not true then the lad will come out and deny it, cleared up. A lot harder to clear your name after being accused of paedophilia, if it turns out to be true it's miles worse.

Edit: If it was true I reckon it would make some difference but I still think a lot of those people with there mind made up would still see enough in all the other things to hold their position.

Sorry, I thought you meant Jacksons innocence would be cleared up.....My bad

I think it would have made a huge difference if true. it was the begining of that whole dodgy period...if that case was proved to be faise it would not take a huge leap of imagination to say that the 2nd case was opportunism based on the pay out of the first....People would still think he was odd, but the paedo thing would be cleared up for, at least, the sensible people who doubt him
Fair enough, crossed wires...

Younited.7, just in the process of looking up those links but good post that...
So, did you look that stuff up just now or were you saving it? That's interesting stuff... I have serious doubts about that claim and that family's integrity.
The second one was always the more dodgy of the two for me...The mother was clearly a manipulative fruit loop and a deeply unlikable person. Its interestng stuff Younited7, reading it now