An 'unhealthy infatuation' 'there was something not right about the man' - who are you to act as the judge, jury and prosecution of a man based on SFA?
All you have done is dismiss the context of his/the situation and judge it by your own, rather mundane/outdated/irrelevant, standards.
BaldwinLegend is speaking absolute sense here. You're giving him a media trial based on what you have read in the the unscrupulous rags - whereas every primary source, bar the accusers who are slightly bias, say that he was an incredible person and incapable of doing anything untoward to children.
He was strange, yes. The bloke had an image issue - hence the surgery, hence the drugs and hence his mysterious existence. This 'fragility' doesn't add any weight to any argument that seeks to portray him as 'not right'. Every account that we have, bar the sensationalist nonsense you spout, portrays him as a perfectly fine/capable human being. I'm guessing they were either paid off or have the 'Michael Jackson bug'®... silly slander, not an argument based on anything concrete (just prejudice and spurious comparison).