Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Who has the right to investigate it? Is it not hers and his business?
I totally agree that children are the most important thing....but are those children damaged/abused/living a shit life/in danger/unloved/uncared for? because until someone proves they are then to me it is pointless gossip/rumour and you can kind of begin to understand why he went to such lengths to protect their identity when there are people out there willing to peddle such untruths.
Like I said nobody knows how he lived his life away from the cameras and I think it's a shame to base our opinion of him on what we read in newspapers that are only there to make money.
Meh, I see your point, but I think of people who say just judge him on the music as people with their hands over their ears going la la la la la la because they don't like hearing it...It's unfortunate but much of what he did was deeply innapropriate..I loved Jacko the entertainer..He was unsurpassable, but his oddness and personal life WILL be part of his legacy, whether you want it to be or not