Music Michael Jackson is Dead (All general comment)

Sorry to say, but I'll leave it as this.

He made some good tunes, but I hated him as a person. Could not give a shit that he's died. Obvious reasons why, but now isn't the time.
Come on then? Jackson jokes? Chop chop.
To be honest I could give less of a shit about this than I did about Jade Goody.

Jade Goody is nobody - whatever you think about him, he is one of the greatest entertainers of all time

Im still voting for faked death - he's off to the same luxury island as Elvis and 2pac
fecking hell you prat. He was proved innocent. The label remains even if you are innocent by cnuts like you.

RIP Jacko, you were a bit mental but feck me were you a good singer and an even better dancer.

Like feck he was innocent. Did you follow the case?

In California money and celebrity is everything. Just ask OJ Simpson.
French channel who has a reporter there confirmed that he is dead, apparently it was announced by his doctors.
The man was incredibly talented and helped change the face of music forever. Regardless of everyone's feelings about his troubled life, RIP MJ.

Please wait at least a day or so for the jokes.
Like feck he was innocent. Did you follow the case?

In California money and celebrity is everything. Just ask OJ Simpson.

Who cares about his contraversial misdoings etc.. You can discuss about that in some other threads later on.

He has just died, so have some sympathy and respect.
My spoons are all bent.

These are mysterious times.

Again, my humble apologies Mr Gellar.

Anyone in the area fancy becoming a Redcafe roving reporter?

You'll need a sign so we'll definitely spot you on BBC news.

That crowd is growing already.
Like feck he was innocent. Did you follow the case?

In California money and celebrity is everything. Just ask OJ Simpson.

Yes I did follow the case and as you say money is everything and MJ was a very easy mark to get money from, mentally unstable people always are. You're acting like a prick tbh, but naturally you're always right, i'm surprised a mod hasn't told you to calm down.

You're making yourself look like a complete and utter tool.
Did he go into cardiac arrest from eating too much Dairylea?

Sorry, sorry everyone, had to say it before another caftard did.
I never really took much attention too him when he was at his highest, i was a little young maybe, but i really began to appreciate his music about 4years or so ago. An absolute genius.
Confession - I was sad when I heared the news. Bad was the first album I bought.

Does this make me uncool?
I'm bored of this already.

The next few months are gonig to be annoying as fook.
How old are his kids now? It might be for the best in all honesty. They still have a chance of a normal existence.

Pogue some lads on the internet have lost respect for your internet persona.

Well chaps, he was clearly a troubled soul. Fame and fortune are difficult things to live with, especially for child stars. In many ways he never really grew up... he liked to surround himself with kids because he himself was childlike; bit like Peter Pan in that respect, except with more soddomy.