MEN: Raiola says Pogba/Mou relationship repaired

If you're saying Pogba is the one throwing off the balance, then can you show us how many times Pogba Matic Herrera have played together and some results/stats to back up any issues Pogba has brought to the trio?

It's difficult, as that trio have only played together once this season. Away win at Juventus.
I don’t think it’s a sentiment, it’s more taking things into a bigger context. I always follow the club. Ronaldo is one of my favourite players ever. But the excitement wasn’t there for me as soon as he left us. Regardless I like you see Pogba as the nearest thing to Zidane football will see, but I can also see that the teams set up is not getting the best out of him. I understand players have to play for a team and last season was a good example of a player following orders. But you just watch him and like us fans he’s just bored of the negative set up. He’s said it enough times through the press. I don’t promote downtoolsing either, but he’s allowed one bad game mate.

Like Juventus even though we win, he had a crap game, I’m not going to through him under the bus for it, I could see the intent there. It seems like most we jump on the bandwagon because of the dressing room leaks. Which is a shame. If it wasn’t for that people would have just similar to Juve, said he had a shocker and moved on.

I have been reading your posts on Pogba and I feel you. I am a fan of Pogba myself but frankly, Pogba has always been an inconsistent genius of a footballer and trust me, that did not start at United. The only difference is that at Juventus, not much was made of his vulnerabilities after all, he was just a talented footballer with a bright future. At United, he was bought to lead the team back to glory days. Massive difference. We can blame the manager, Matic and everyone else for his woes, but Pogba really needs to take responsibility for being consistent. One other thing: he needs to really shut his agent up. They can work out his exit more discreetly.
You imply that we would have performed just as well in that set up, had Pogba played, I disagree.
I think he would've reduced the intensity we showed and would have had a negative impact.
In general you cannot have Pogba with one other midfielder but pairing him with Matic is just bad management.
Playing With 3 CB and having Matic in occupying the same space isnt either. I think Pogba would have won 2 tackles and intercepted 2-3 like Matic did. The workload and grinding fell to Herrera and if Pogba and Herrera would have played would still have fallen on him.

Pogba won´t work while we have Mou in charge and continue to play Matic every game.
Both are incorrect.

You do realise that the pressing they do is still a 'defensive worry'? Nevermind Fernandinho being their CDM.

No because they defend from the front. I don’t know how that then becomes a double negative like Mourinho’s tactics.
I have been reading your posts on Pogba and I feel you. I am a fan of Pogba myself but frankly, Pogba has always been an inconsistent genius of a footballer and trust me, that did not start at United. The only difference is that at Juventus, not much was made of his vulnerabilities after all, he was just a talented footballer with a bright future. At United, he was bought to lead the team back to glory days. Massive difference. We can blame the manager, Matic and everyone else for his woes, but Pogba really needs to take responsibility for being consistent. One other thing: he needs to really shut his agent up. They can work out his exit more discreetly.

If only he would, and make this his personal goal...then we would have some player!

Those stats are bullshit - he may not gave away the pen for the Everton goal, but that was completely his fault for fecking about in front of our box. Plus, is there any context to those figures?
I'm sorry if it was misleading, I meant even when we had payers poorer in technical ability as CMs, ( fletcher, park, Carrick just to name a few compared to pogba). If a midfielder isnt going chase players to tackle then who will? Just to watch a magnificent pass for the entirety of game I have to go through his performance for the whole game as he is having, I would rather find YouTube clips more interesting. I don't care if he could score 20 goals a season or get 30 assists in the future per season, at the moment he is detremendet to the team IMO. And this is my own observation of a game. Over the last month, games in which he was involved, we were not showing enough drive for a united team as I have come to expect. Bur it was different in the last two games. There was more intensity in our game. If Matic is doing bad then why isn't Pogba doing more to compensate if he is the second coming of Zidane. Is that excuse to do even worse, that Matic is poor, so will I. We dint buy Matic at 100 million, he wasn't here to lead the team to glory.
Do you think such a glory hungry manager like Mourinho would rather loose a game by benching Pogba than when he played and won. He is being benched as an answer to the annoying performances Pogba has been having. If you don't see it that way or agree that to be the case that's your opinion and you are entitled to it.

He’s benched because he doesn’t like him and quite honestly good. Keep the same energy if that’s how he feels about him.

Mo Salah cost £30m. I don’t see why we should be slacking on Matic because he only cost £40m and not £80m. Are players as good as there transfer fee now?
He looked good at Juve because he wasn't their best midfield player and had an awesome defence and goalkeeper behind him.

When Pep first went into City, the balance of players wasn't right and didn't allow him to play how he wanted. Now he has a midfield that is one of the best out there because of how the team set up and because they are so strong in other areas.

Look at Liverpool at the moment. Their weakest area on paper is their midfield, but it works because of the balance of players. One holding (Fabinho or Henderson), two box to box types that will work their socks off (any two out of Milner, Wijnaldum, Keita)

Allows the front 3 to be the main attacking and creative threat.

Pogba just throws that balance off for United at the moment.

So in 3 years why is this not fixed?
Those stats are bullshit - he may not gave away the pen for the Everton goal, but that was completely his fault for fecking about in front of our box. Plus, is there any context to those figures?
Why does a mistake against Everton make the stats 'bullshit'?
To put it simply. They way we set out to play, allow the opposition to have the ball, follow runners, attempt some sort of counter attacking football. Is not best for Pogba and many of our current crop of players. What this has to do with formations I don’t know. He’s not lacksidasical at all. But yes he’s not going to dictate possession and he’s not going to be our most creative output ala Mata. But with the right balance he is the midfielder that can be a catalyst to amazing football, we just need to let these players off the leash.
If he is not going to dictate play and will not be our most creative, why should we be searching for some intangible balance in the hope that he can be a catalyst to 'amazing ' football. That just proves what i said, he needs someone else to do the hard work i.e. win the ball, dictate play and be creative, while he can add the gloss at his leisure.

pogba s lackadaisical given how he often loses the ball while doing unnecessary fancy flicks (e.g. against everton). pogba being the most dispossessed midfielder in PL is a big part of why the opposition has the ball more than they should. When our best talent can't retain the ball what do you expect the other midfielders to do.The

Nobody should doubt his talent, but his mentality leaves much to be desired and we cant afford his kind of luxury at the moment.
Mourinho's turn fans against Pogba campaign is working with some I see. Hopefully Paul hangs on in there, we'll hopefully have a proper manager soon.

This all the way. Hope he doesn’t hate the fans too much. They just are blind followers. They will love his haircuts and dancing again.
If only he would, and make this his personal goal...then we would have some player!
Some player an otherwise average squad that would still at best be a top 4 contender. Club and manager can't match his ambitions. Matching the ambitions of Fellainis and Youngs and Lingards quite well though.
Similar to how Kovacic would leave Jorginho exposed in the Chelsea midfield...if they didn't also have the workhorse Kante in there (Herrera). I don't know how to look it up, but I don't think we've played Matic Herrera Pogba together much at all in the past 2 seasons, which is quite obviously our most balanced and experienced midfield.

Jorginho, every bit the defensive liability Matic is if not more and Kovacic not known for his tracking, play in a team that attacks and stays generally on the opponents side of the field (things it should be reminded that we've all called for). They have a +20 goal differential and have conceded something like 13 fewer goals than we have in their manager's first few months on the job.

So let's forget Pogba for a second (Jose wouldn't want us to!) and focus our energy on the man who is consistently setting us up with something other than the most ideal midfield trio we have in this team. Why, when all three are healthy, are we not seeing more of this and making an effort to keep the ball and play it on the ground as any top club would pride itself on doing?

I agree with the bolded that we should play the three, we usually do play a midfield three in away games/difficult games and a 4231 away teams we should be winning comfortably against (and we aren't). I don't agree with the notion that Jorginho is some kind of defensive liability though, it's just that his playmaking skills are overshadowing his other qualities that he's shown under Sarri especially for Napoli. He reads the game very well and isn't shying away from tackling either. He's just a much better player than Matić, simply put. And Kante is still pretty much the best midfielder in the league, their midfield is probably the best in the league anyway, with or sans Kovacic/Barkley.

Those stats are bullshit - he may not gave away the pen for the Everton goal, but that was completely his fault for fecking about in front of our box. Plus, are there any context to those figures?

Yeah, it's from 2018, try from 2018/19 season and see what happens when you compare Matić and Pogba. Mind you that one's apparently garbage and the other one should be the focal point of our team as he's the best player.
Attacking 1
Attacking 2

Look at the passing stats (apparently Matić always plays it backwards), number of times disspossesed (fun fact: in the first 20 of the most often disp in the league Pogba is 6th, most of the names are either wide forwards or strikers) and bear in mind that Matić is the one who's garbage this season and Pogba is a victim of Mourinho's mindgames and the fans are racist because they criticise him. There's no distance covered unfortunately but if I were to have a guess I know on whom I'd bet. Matić is always on the left. Matić played roughly 4 minutes more than Pogba iirc.
Some of you need to get over it already. Pogba is his own man who plays much different than those guys. What Pogba can do, they can't do. And what they do, Pogba also can't do. Pogba is fine as he is.

All of which suggests that Pogba is not a team player and that is part of the problem.
If he is not going to dictate play and will not be our most creative, why should we be searching for some intangible balance in the hope that he can be a catalyst to 'amazing ' football. That just proves what i said, he needs someone else to do the hard work i.e. win the ball, dictate play and be creative, while he can add the gloss at his leisure.

pogba s lackadaisical given how he often loses the ball while doing unnecessary fancy flicks (e.g. against everton). pogba being the most dispossessed midfielder in PL is a big part of why the opposition has the ball more than they should. When our best talent can't retain the ball what do you expect the other midfielders to do.The

Nobody should doubt his talent, but his mentality leaves much to be desired and we cant afford his kind of luxury at the moment.

So boring now. For his national team, you know the best team in world football. The only creative midfielder is him. He had a work horse in Kante, what many would call a defensive midfielder and either Matuidi or Tolisso. Neither of which are really Of world class level. The creative spark is Griezmann. I don’t think it’s a hard ask to match that midfield. All we need is a Kante. Mourinho has had 3 years to find one and apparently from the red cafe scouting network on here we brought one in Fred. But we don’t use him. Who’s fault is that.
I disagree. Mourinho is expecting Pogba to not only be the main creative force but to also dictate the game, all while being positionally disciplined. I think it's too much to ask of him despite his talent when he's got an immobile player alongside him.

Pogba can play in a two man midfield and well, we just don't have the right one playing. His talent has been stifled by the manager, you only have to look at the highlights of his first season to see how different he is with freedom and confidence.

It doesn't help when you also consider the players like De Bruyne and Salah that José has frozen out to see that he has a problem coaching and managing a particular type of technical player, and I think many of us see the same thing happening within our club
There is nothing spectacular in what Mourinho has asked of him. Any midfielder should be positionally disciplined and being asked to dictate play when deep or be creative when in an advanced role is not outrageous for an expensive, highly paid and highly talented midfielder. Yet it cannot be said that Pogba has delivered consistently on any front.

The fact that Pogba's performances are inconsistent point more to the player's mentality than the coach. He is exceptional when tuned in and is poor when not. Unfortunately he struggles to be tuned in on a consistent basis.
There is nothing spectacular in what Mourinho has asked of him. Any midfielder should be positionally disciplined and being asked to dictate play when deep or be creative when in an advanced role is not outrageous for an expensive, highly paid and highly talented midfielder. Yet it cannot be said that Pogba has delivered consistently on any front.

The fact that Pogba's performances are inconsistent point more to the player's mentality than the coach. He is exceptional when tuned in and is poor when not. Unfortunately he struggles to be tuned in on a consistent basis.

It might not be spectacular. It’s just clearly not working which is why we are crap and why he looks crap.
There is nothing spectacular in what Mourinho has asked of him. Any midfielder should be positionally disciplined and being asked to dictate play when deep or be creative when in an advanced role is not outrageous for an expensive, highly paid and highly talented midfielder. Yet it cannot be said that Pogba has delivered consistently on any front.

The fact that Pogba's performances are inconsistent point more to the player's mentality than the coach. He is exceptional when tuned in and is poor when not. Unfortunately he struggles to be tuned in on a consistent basis.
Let's disregard entirely that the team's performances have been inconsistent. Good call. He's paid a lot so whatever is happening around him, whatever his boss is doing to negatively influence the team, however inconsistent all of his teammates have been, let's point to Paul Pogba as the inconsistent one. This has gotten ridiculous, just as Jose would have hoped for.

@Buster15 to your point below...what are the dynamics of the team that Paul should be fitting into? The manager has used 45 different lineups.

Maybe Paul should have known not to join a mess like this...
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I have no hate for Pogba. I would absolutely love it if he played our next game and completely bossed it, then went onto play every single match for the next 3 months and bossed those games, taking Player of the Month, every month. The problem is, Pogba isn't going to boss games and it seems that his motivation to play is low. When Pogba is highly motivated, the guy should be in a FIFA World XI. His problem is that he finds it difficult to get motivated to that level.

Yes. Agreed which is a shame.

As I have mentioned before, a very important thing to consider when signing players for such a high transfer fee has to be the individuals character.
How well will he fit into the dynamics of the team.

United should have known all about Pogba's character.
So boring now. For his national team, you know the best team in world football. The only creative midfielder is him. He had a work horse in Kante, what many would call a defensive midfielder and either Matuidi or Tolisso. Neither of which are really Of world class level. The creative spark is Griezmann. I don’t think it’s a hard ask to match that midfield. All we need is a Kante. Mourinho has had 3 years to find one and apparently from the red cafe scouting network on here we brought one in Fred. But we don’t use him. Who’s fault is that.
He also hahad a solid defence behind him and th Mbappe upfront to cause imbalance. To mirror that French squad requires the kind of money only psg and citeh can afford. You want us to spend all that money all in a bid to get the best of Pogba? Not worth it in my opinion. There have been less talented midfields with better production.
The 0 errors leading to a goal, was in his tweet.
Sorry mate. I didn't see that in the post!

In fairness that goal was a combination of errors. Pogba for the silly pass, and then Smalling's awful attempt at a tackle. But I take your point.
He also hahad a solid defence behind him and th Mbappe upfront to cause imbalance. To mirror that French squad requires the kind of money only psg and citeh can afford. You want us to spend all that money all in a bid to get the best of Pogba? Not worth it in my opinion. There have been less talented midfields with better production.

How much did Juventus spend for it to work? How much did Liverpool spend for it to work? You’ve got some crap excuses mate. You sound like our gaffer. Filled with silly excuses to mask over obvious frailties.
Let's disregard entirely that the team's performances have been inconsistent. Good call. He's paid a lot so whatever is happening around him, whatever his boss is doing to negatively influence the team, however inconsistent all of his teammates have been, let's point to Paul Pogba as the inconsistent one. This has gotten ridiculous, just as Jose would have hoped for.
Is it Mourinho that asks him to be doing fancy tricks and lose the ball? or to lose his man on a set pieces?

The problem is people like you who see Jose's shadow behind everything when in truth a lot of things are down to the player's themselves.

Against Fulham, the midfield was less talented but they worked hard. Everything was simple and for once this season we looked like a PL side.
How much did Juventus spend for it to work? How much did Liverpool spend for it to work? You’ve got some crap excuses mate. You sound like our gaffer. Filled with silly excuses to mask over obvious frailties.
You should go and look at the quality of juve squad vs the rest of serie A and come back and post when Pogba played for liverpool?
How does the 0 errors leading to goal work? If Pogba misplaces the ball to opposition player and puts Smalling in a very tight situation. But Smalling slips and falls, leading to a goal. So does Smalling get the error leading to the goal or does Pogba get it.
Please stay on topic
Guys, this is not a Pogba performance thread. The post that bumped it was deleted by the poster itself — please, move to the other threads if you're not discussing Mourinho/Pogba relationships anymore.
There is nothing spectacular in what Mourinho has asked of him. Any midfielder should be positionally disciplined and being asked to dictate play when deep or be creative when in an advanced role is not outrageous for an expensive, highly paid and highly talented midfielder. Yet it cannot be said that Pogba has delivered consistently on any front.

The fact that Pogba's performances are inconsistent point more to the player's mentality than the coach. He is exceptional when tuned in and is poor when not. Unfortunately he struggles to be tuned in on a consistent basis.

For a midfield player to "dictacte play" he needs the forward players to make runs and create space and our front players are obviously not doing that. How can you dictate play when you don't really have "where" to dictate the play?

I am not saying that it's not Paul's fault, because, at times, it is. At times he's too slow, takes too many touches and is not tactically disciplined. But there are also a lot of situations where he is forced to take the extra touch, the extra dribbling only because our forward players are so so immobile and because Matic is too far back between our CB's .

He is inconsistent and not really motivated because we're playing badly. If we start to string a few results together he'll look much better, like the rest of the team.

The issue is that we don't have a stable lineup, Matic is too slow and players are not moving upfront . I think it's all about cohesion, he lacks cohesion with the rest of the lineup and that's partly Jose's fault.
In 2 years we have no stable lineup and no stable position for Paul which is quite worrying.

I'd like to see him with Herrera and Fred/Andreas in a midfield 3.
How does the 0 errors leading to goal work? If Pogba misplaces the ball to opposition player and puts Smalling in a very tight situation. But Smalling slips and falls, leading to a goal. So does Smalling get the error leading to the goal or does Pogba get it.

If Paul loses the ball in front of our area, the opposition player recovers the ball, shoots and puts it in the net, it's Paul's fault.

If Paul loses the ball, the opposition player recovers the ball and when he shoots our defender slips/falls/is shite, then it's the defender's fault.

I think the fault lies to the last player that makes an error.
It might not be spectacular. It’s just clearly not working which is why we are crap and why he looks crap.
So if the manager is not asking for something spectacular then why is it then the manager's fault? should the entire team be molded to fit pogba?
People have thrown 3 more pages into this and still don't know the reason of the bump.
You should go and look at the quality of juve squad vs the rest of serie A and come back and post when Pogba played for liverpool?

So what’s our excuse for being midtable with the second best squad in the league? Paul Pogba being ‘lazy’
So if the manager is not asking for something spectacular then why is it then the manager's fault? should the entire team be molded to fit pogba?

No clearly it’s all Paul Pogba’s fault. His lack of running is costing us from winning the league. Once he starts running again we can switch back to the fact we have no decent Center backs.
Some player an otherwise average squad that would still at best be a top 4 contender. Club and manager can't match his ambitions. Matching the ambitions of Fellainis and Youngs and Lingards quite well though.

At the moment Paul's ambition is to regain his place in that otherwise average squad...He is a long way off being the player we thought we had bought, he needs to stop blaming others and "get the lead out"!
This all the way. Hope he doesn’t hate the fans too much. They just are blind followers. They will love his haircuts and dancing again.

On the contrary those of simple minded nature are incapable of hating mourinho and taking any validity from the managers opinions even if widely discusses prior to the manager expressing them.

It's not even about Pogba, the support for Pogba's form considerably increased after he was dropped like a moth to a flame