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2015-16 Performances

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5.4 Season Average Rating
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Confidence and hard work. Thats all thats changed. Delighted hes seemingly turned a corner.
This kid has some confidence. He would have looked like an arse if he screwed that one up. Would have been another reason to bash him in the caf. Fantastic skill. Though unnecessary, Nani-esque.

Not sure how it was unnecessary... the ball was behind him and he wanted to take it down the wing. Considering the alterantive was to stop, take it down with his back to goal and slow-down our attack... it was a perfectly excuted bit of skill that allowed him to progress up the pitch.

It beat Thursday night trick for me... one of the best peices of skill I've ever seen in a game of football.
Not sure how it was unnecessary... the ball was behind him and he wanted to take it down the wing. Considering the alterantive was to stop, take it down with his back to goal and slow-down our attack... it was a perfectly excuted bit of skill that allowed him to progress up the pitch.

It beat Thursday night trick for me... one of the best peices of skill I've ever seen in a game of football.

Not sure how it was unnecessary... the ball was behind him and he wanted to take it down the wing. Considering the alterantive was to stop, take it down with his back to goal and slow-down our attack... it was a perfectly excuted bit of skill that allowed him to progress up the pitch.

It beat Thursday night trick for me... one of the best peices of skill I've ever seen in a game of football.

I'm fairly sure that if he stops, he misses the ball.
Not sure how it was unnecessary... the ball was behind him and he wanted to take it down the wing. Considering the alterantive was to stop, take it down with his back to goal and slow-down our attack... it was a perfectly excuted bit of skill that allowed him to progress up the pitch.

It beat Thursday night trick for me... one of the best peices of skill I've ever seen in a game of football.
That doesn't have to be the only alternative. If he judged the flight on the ball better, he could have taken it in his stride with his first touch and knocked it past Bellerin (if it was him). I remember CR7 doing it quite a few times whenever he got such a ball. He could have also simply got it under his control (Ala Mata style) and then dribbled to the flanks. There is nothing there to suggest that that was the only attack minded approach available. It was great to watch obviously , because the technical difficulty of that skill is insanely high, and as you rightly said, should be considered better than the one he tried against Midgetland.
He has shown serious flashes of quality since day 1. Just been infuriating in many games. Many would draw a resemblance to a young Ronaldo with that, although I'm not sure he has anywhere near as munch talent or work ethic. Still, Ronaldo is a one-off true great and you can hardly write Memphis off just because he isn't on that level. Memphis can still be a top player.
He really seems to relish being a more "senior" player in the team, my only worry has been his work rate and I'm glad to see that this has improved over the last few games.
Very good today again, the only problem for him was he likes to try beat his man but Bellarin is so fast over 10 yards it's very hard for most wingers to do damage against him (see Neymar) so there's no shame in that.

Hopefully we're seeing the Memphis we were meant to sign, looks a changed player.
He suddenly looks a player with serious, serious potential. His strength on the ball is absolutely brilliant. At times he holds it up like a proper big centre forward. And in these last two games he's suddenly got loads of time always which top players tend to have. Then he's also brought out the trickery which is rare to find.

It's only two games but now I'm seeing why he was so highly rated. He could be a proper box office player at United if he fulfills his potential.
That doesn't have to be the only alternative. If he judged the flight on the ball better, he could have taken it in his stride with his first touch and knocked it past Bellerin (if it was him). I remember CR7 doing it quite a few times whenever he got such a ball. He could have also simply got it under his control (Ala Mata style) and then dribbled to the flanks. There is nothing there to suggest that that was the only attack minded approach available. It was great to watch obviously , because the technical difficulty of that skill is insanely high, and as you rightly said, should be considered better than the one he tried against Midgetland.

That's assuming he has the time to think. It was a quick and correct decision to pull of what he did.
That's assuming he has the time to think. It was a quick and correct decision to pull of what he did.
Why shouldn't he ? It was almost a cross field ball. He could have judged it perfectly if he wanted to. I'm just saying it wasn't the only way to to take that ball on. Still loved it though.
Yet again a great performance by a great player. Give him confidence and he will perform. Give him shit and have no belief like van Gaal had in him and he will disappoint. Anyone who has played the game before knows he has potential to be one of the best. If you think otherwise then I seriously question your football knowledge.

As I stated in this thread, I think United fans are awful at times when it comes to players who aren't performing as they can. We maybe aren't on the same level as Real Madrid but when one of our players isn't playing up to scratch we can be very harsh.

Memphis is a joy to watch. I hope United fans realise how special a player he is.
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If one moment sums up his improvement it was when he chased back and slide tackled their player (maybe Bellerin?), held him off and won the free kick in the first half. His whole attitude seems to have changed.

Thought he was great again.
No, it isn't. I wrote: "his technical abilities aren't at the level required to play consistently well at this level" which is true. He isn't far off though.

Statement 1: It's still evident that his technical abilities aren't at the level required to play consistently well at this level.

Statement 2: He isn't able to consistently go past good defenders.

Yes it is. Or are you equating "going past defenders" with "technical abilities"? The two are not unrelated, but as far as attributes, or to use a less FM-contaminated definition - facets of a footballer's game - goes, they are not even nearly the same.

The first assertion I wholeheartedly disagree with. Memphis has indeed shown, albeit in glimpses, ample magnitudes of technical ability. In fact, he is one of the most technically proficient players in our team. Consistently employing those abilities in competitive matches is another matter entirely, and we can all agree that he hasn't managed to do so yet.

Consequently, the second assertion is also fair.

Again though, the two are not the same. Not at all.
If one moment sums up his improvement it was when he chased back and slide tackled their player (maybe Bellerin?), held him off and won the free kick in the first half. His whole attitude seems to have changed.

Thought he was great again.
that's what struck me.
Just saw this picture, this looks impossible :lol:

A naysayer writes...

Worked hard, great attitude & decision making today. Played for the team, really good stuff.
It's incredible how different his attitude was towards defending today. Tracked back every time, never left his full back on his own, and was also the only player managing to hold the ball up and keep possession for us late on - finally saw him use the fact that he's built like a fecking tank. He can still make better decisions when on the ball, but if he does the above things every time he plays, I'd be delighted to see his name on the team sheet every time.
He probably got embarrassed by all those shit Trickbox videos and decided to give them something to work with.
Was mentally on board with what we needed to do as a team to get a win today, just as important as the skills he showed on Thursday. They didn't create much on his side of the pitch and his threat was enough to keep Bellerin back. Also shows intelligence at the end to slow the game down and keep possession in our half, good to see.
Memphis has probably been the most pleasing thing about the last week, which is saying something with Rashford bursting onto the scene.

It does seem like he finally gets it and hopefully there's no stopping him from here on. He's got the lot.
Mature performance as many have said. He was up against probably the best full back in the league and although didn't beat him completely, the lad knew he had to be best defensively against Memphis. I think we will see him kick on for the rest of the season
I've never seen such a confidence player. To go from a guy who couldn't kick snow off a rope to the player we saw today in 2 weeks is remarkable. Was real menace today. Long may it continue.
I think it's too soon to say he's tuned a corner, but the last couple of games are promising. Here's to more of that.
Yet again a great performance by a great player. Give him confidence and he will perform. Give him shit and have no belief like van Gaal had in him and he will disappoint. Anyone who has played the game before knows he has potential to be one of the best. If you think otherwise then I seriously question your football knowledge.

As I stated in this thread, I think United fans are awful at times when it comes to players who aren't performing as they can. We maybe aren't on the same level as Real Madrid but when one of our players isn't playing up to scratch we can be very harsh.

Memphis is a joy to watch. I hope United fans realise how special a player he is.

Van Gaal has rightly criticised him & has stuck with him & given him chances even when he's left himself & the team down. If you actually look at a lot of comments Van Gaal has made about the lad, you'd retract your post.

As for the fans & comparing us to those guys who boo'd Ronaldo :lol:
People who wrote him off :lol:

He looks like a player with belief and confidence now. I think he was unlucky (eg against Chelsea) where it seemed his mistake was punished (even though there was a helluva lot that happened after his pass was intercepted, and it was on their edge of the box).

Its good to see him playing like this, and its been a while, where hes had two good games in a row. It seems having a proper LB behind him is a good thing. Having Shaw back long term and I think we will see the true benefit of having Memphis on the left wing for us.
Statement 1: It's still evident that his technical abilities aren't at the level required to play consistently well at this level.

Statement 2: He isn't able to consistently go past good defenders.

Yes it is. Or are you equating "going past defenders" with "technical abilities"? The two are not unrelated, but as far as attributes, or to use a less FM-contaminated definition - facets of a footballer's game - goes, they are not even nearly the same.

The first assertion I wholeheartedly disagree with. Memphis has indeed shown, albeit in glimpses, ample magnitudes of technical ability. In fact, he is one of the most technically proficient players in our team. Consistently employing those abilities in competitive matches is another matter entirely, and we can all agree that he hasn't managed to do so yet.

Consequently, the second assertion is also fair.

Again though, the two are not the same. Not at all.

Ok I don't know what is the context of your post is but I just wanna add that all I've seen of him seems to indicate his dribbling ability is more flat track bully ala Ronaldo style than Nani. I.e He destroyed the Midgetland full back but if he comes up against someone, who has decent pace, a simple shift, kick and rush won't do most of the times.

Not that there's anything wrong with it but he's got to learn the timings of how to exploit that. Eventually he may become a Ronaldo type i.e more of a forward (which is good because we need consistent goal threats) than a winger.

Either way happy for the lad today. Need more.
He used to take a second to decide what to do whenever the ball came to him. Now he's playing on instinct. It was the same transformation that Nani went through. When their confidence is low, they both overthink things.

The difficult bit will be maintaining this form. It's always easier when the people around you are scoring goals because that takes the pressure off. I want to see him do it when the attackers around him are playing badly. There's a leader in him somewhere. Bringing it out is the next stage in his development.
Hes been brilliant this past week. I just hope he can run with this mental reinvigoration long enough to learn how to keep his level up when hes not so high on confidence. I dont want him to be another Nani.
He used to take a second to decide what to do whenever the ball came to him. Now he's playing on instinct. It was the same transformation that Nani went through. When their confidence is low, they both overthink things.

The difficult bit will be maintaining this form. It's always easier when the people around you are scoring goals because that takes the pressure off. I want to see him do it when the attackers around him are playing badly. There's a leader in him somewhere. Bringing it out is the next stage in his development.

That bit there. Agreed. I think all the players are benefitting from more freedom tbh. The work rate and enthusiasm the youngsters have brought has rubbed off on the whole team.
Finally he's looking confident. He's using his body instead of dribbling.

His hold up play is just phenomenonal, he just has this ability to pin down his marker. Would be good to see us exploit that a little more, drift in on occasion, get some runners off him and fire the ball into his feet.

I think this is the biggest change in Memphis the last couple of matches vs. earlier in the season. He finally seems to be taking what the defender gives him and either going on the outside when they cheat toward central areas or holding it up when they get tight. He seemed to try to rely on his acceleration and dribbling earlier and neglected the physical side of his game. Bellerin would've owned him earlier in the season while it was an even matchup today.

If he keeps this up, he is going to be awkward to defend because there aren't many that can run with him and have the strength to give him trouble when he has his back to the goal.
Great performance but about the skill: I often do something like that in the park. It looks brilliant but I'm surprised a lot of professional players don't do it. Volleys are another thing. Everyone talks about how difficult volley's are yet I've always found them so easy.

yeah yeah playing in the park is30 times slower but still. I'm awesome and no one gives me credit for it
These are two good back to back performances. Hope he continues the run. Kept Bellerin quiet and really had good pace to match him. Really re-igniting his season. Hope he continues, so that we do not have to write off his first season
It also seems that the pressure is off for him. He is not playing more freely and producing those tricks and flicks Ronnie used to when he used to play freely. Do not want him to compare him with Ronnie, although Memphis might turn out to be equally important attacker for us
Not sure how it was unnecessary... the ball was behind him and he wanted to take it down the wing. Considering the alterantive was to stop, take it down with his back to goal and slow-down our attack... it was a perfectly excuted bit of skill that allowed him to progress up the pitch.

It beat Thursday night trick for me... one of the best peices of skill I've ever seen in a game of football.

I think people look at certain tricks and deem them unnecessary without even looking at the situation the player is in. The control was outstanding and 100% needed in order to keep the ball in the same trajectory of his run. For me it shows a clear lack of football understanding.
I think people look at certain tricks and deem them unnecessary without even looking at the situation the player is in. The control was outstanding and 100% needed in order to keep the ball in the same trajectory of his run. For me it shows a clear lack of football understanding.
If you bothered to read the posts I made after that, I clearly explained what other alternatives he had. People are judging this from the time the ball reaches him. I am pointing out what he could have done from the moment Mata releases the ball. I am not going to go as far as you and suggest that there is a "Clear lack of football understanding", but I am going to say that I tried to be more circumspect.
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