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2015-16 Performances

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5.4 Season Average Rating
Yellow cards
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A clear change of attitude in terms of overall workrate. What a joy to watch.
One thing though, how come we didn't get one replay of his sick control, are those skills not valued enough on Sky :wenger: ?

Obviously confidences makes a huge difference but the main thing for me is he looks so much more determined. I'm not at all worried about his ability to succeed here now.

It was always a psychological issue with him and now he looks like a United (hungry) player. Long may it continue.
Obviously confidences makes a huge difference but the main thing for me is he looks so much more determined. I'm not at all worried about his ability to succeed here now.
I agree. Suddenly our attacking options in the future look quite mouth-watering.
I think he is a player who enjoys having resposabilities thrust upon him but it is good that he is standing up when we need him too.
Played the perfect game today, even if he didn't score or assisted. Fantastic performance.
Much better performance than earlier this season in the PL, but it's still evident that his technical abilities aren't at the level required to play consistently well at this level. Would consider it a gamble if he's our first option on the left next season.
Didn't get as much joy tonight, but thought he was quite good today. Kept their defenders busy. Defensively fine too, where I think he has struggled.
Brilliant performance, didn't expect that from him.

He's clearly getting a lot of confidence this past week.
Not much came off for him but i thought there was a maturity and work ethic today that was missing in earlier games, no stupid decisions or doing skills in stupid places.
Thought he was class today. What a bit of confidence and a more open style from the team can do for a young player eh? Hopefully people on here cut him a bit more slack from now on, he clearly has loads of talent and has huge potential.
Missed the Midgetland game but heard he was much better. He was very good in the match today, taking on people, running hard and actually going left for a change.
Thought he had a fantastic game in all honesty, but not in the same breathtaking way as against Mjytlland.

Held the ball up really well, caused Bellerin problems throughout, made good decisions in possession and worked hard to get the ball back.

Finally looking like a proper United player this past week or so.
I had written him off, today I saw what he is capable of, will give myself an uppercut shortly for having given up on him before.
Got to grips with Bellerin as the game went on and dominated him in the 2nd half, his protection of the ball was a big part in relieving some pressure when Arsenal were on top. Most impressive is he's stepped up and taken responsibility in this young team.
Very impressed with his mentality.
Very, held the ball up well, defended from the front and got back brilliantly
Nothing special. A bit unlucky some times but his form is definitely going up. He definetely seems to benefit (like most of the team) that we place with a bit more urgency and at a higher tempo now.
Something I did say earlier in the season needed to happen and that playing at the snails pace and trying to clog up the center was a waste for him.

Not going to claim he's made it yet but if he carries on like this.
Ran rashford close as MOTM today

Amazing what a little confidence and better attitude does.

He kept bellerin in his pocket today.
Made up for the lad. A really mature performance capped off with an utterly outrageous piece of skill.
Missed the Midgetland game but heard he was much better. He was very good in the match today, taking on people, running hard and actually going left for a change.
Checkout the video that's knocking about, it's definitely to be seen.
He was excellent today. He tracked back on almost every Arsenal attack. A very very mature display. I wish that Rashford combo worked though. That goal would have been special.
If the penny has finally dropped I hope it stays dropped, he seems to thrive being the senior guy in the forward line and I hope he keeps it up.
Very good performance. Completely neutralized Bellerin on the left and even though he was never going to do to Bellerin what he did to Roemer, he was always dangerous with the ball and very positive in his attacking play. Did very well defensively and held the ball up brilliantly.
Finally he's looking confident. He's using his body instead of dribbling. He's a better target player than I thought. I also love the magic between him and Mata. They could form one of the best attacking options in the PL if it keeps growing. Really good understanding there + perfect match in technique.

I'm fine with him looking cocky when he's delivering stuff like this. If not - keep it low key, please.
Much better performance than earlier this season in the PL, but it's still evident that his technical abilities aren't at the level required to play consistently well at this level. Would consider it a gamble if he's our first option on the left next season.

Wait, what?
He worked his bollox off today and had a good game against one of the PL's best right backs. I'm happy with that performance.
The difference in confidence was so evident! Was tracking back, helping Rojo and Mensah out, not afraid to get physical and take Arsenal players on.

Biggest factor for me was that his shoulder wasn't slouching and nor was he sulking after losing the ball or getting tackled. Just got back to business.
I think he is a player who enjoys having resposabilities thrust upon him but it is good that he is standing up when we need him too.
I don't think he played particularly well today, but he did OK. The thing I liked very much about was that he was very involved with the whole match, talking to his teammates, complaining at the referee, stirring up the brawls, slowing play down when needed, irritating them just a little bit extra. It's like taking responsability for the team result freed up his own game.
Thought he was excellent. His defensive contribution was very important IMO.

Plus he is starting to look confident.
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