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2015-16 Performances

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5.4 Season Average Rating
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We're starting to see the player he knows he can be. I look forward to more.
Played like a true leader. There were so many instances where we had our backs towards the wall and Memphis was the only outlet. And I was always half expecting him to try to take on a couple of players only to lose the ball but he kept proving me wrong by staying calm and making simple passes. Very mature performance from him today. This is what we all want to see.

And that touch :wenger::drool::eek:
He was impotent in attack for the most part but showed much better work ethic and held the ball up quite well.

Totally agree. The part about him that makes me most happy atm is that he actually looks like he is caring again and wants to do well. The rest will come in time, once the confidence is up again he will start hitting those shots that now still fly miles over the goal.
He was fantastic today. We could have a real attacking force on our hands with Memphis, Martial and Marcus (with Mata pulling the strings behind them.) Of course, it might be hard to shoehorn those four into the same lineup.
Totally agree. The part about him that makes me most happy atm is that he actually looks like he is caring again and wants to do well. The rest will come in time, once the confidence is up again he will start hitting those shots that now still fly miles over the goal.

Spot on. You will never have a great attacking display every time, specially a couple of days after a match. The workrate, the determination are signs encouraging that he wants to make it.
Solid game, linked up well with Rashford and his hold-up play was generally excellent.
I've not been impressed all season but today he stepped up and had a very good game, kept the ball very well.
Very good all round performance today. Enjoyed himself even without any statistical contribution.

Cannot bloody wait for him to be teamed up with Shaw again
Another promising game for him. I really hope he makes all the critics including myself look like imbeciles. Please keep it up Memphis.
Considering the opposition, the relative inexperience of the players around him and the quick turnaround from the Europa game, I thought he stepped up big time.

As others have said, if we can get this Memphis when Shaw is back in the team behind him, that side of the pitch could be extremely exciting. Still a bit if mind, but games like these last two should buy him some patience from the management and support alike.
His hold up play is just phenomenonal, he just has this ability to pin down his marker. Would be good to see us exploit that a little more, drift in on occasion, get some runners off him and fire the ball into his feet.

I said it a few months ago that it's all about confidence with him, he had started to perform better before the midgetland game and now seems to be finding his feet. Happy for the lad after all the shit he's been getting recently.
Dobba made a good point. Even though Depay is young, we've a lot of players younger then him. It's good to see him speaking on the pitch. Hopefully we've pointed out to him, that even though he's young.....we've younger players in the squad who need players like Depay - to forget their young as well and just do what they do well.
Nah he was good. It was a huge improvement on what we've seen recently. He obviously wasn't going to replicate Thursdays performance.
2nd half was better but he didn't create much overall. But he was excellent at bringing maturity, guile, fight and patience into the side, today that was probably more important than getting past his defender a lot or have great crosses and shots. So I don't think we disagree that much, I just expect more pure footballing class from him in the future.
Another very good game for Memphis. He's proper strong, isn't he? Really held it up well and his use of the ball was really good. You could see he was confident from the game against Midtjylland on Thursday. Hoping he can build from this.
Mature is the word that best describes his performance today. Great Work ethic, great decision making and maturity, not things you'd associate with Memphis.
Really love the chemistry he seems to have with the young players. It's like he's becoming a leader of the team when we play with our U13 team.
Jesus christ, go watch the Midtjylland game, their RB admitted he was nearly in tears because of how badly Memphis burned him.

Thanks the link. Just watched the embedded highlight. That step over then rabona pass to Mata was just sick...

He clearly has the physicality and technique to succeed. The thing with him was his lack of commitment and refusal to go left. Seems like over the last couple of games he has adjusted. Gaining confidence and good to see.
Looks a different player was brilliant again today. Tracking back and looked confident with the ball going forwards. Held the ball up excellently well in the 2nd half as well.
Brilliant, so strong, gave Bellerin a tough time.

He's the guy who needs to be the main man, needs to feel like the main man for him to perform at his best.
Dobba made a good point. Even though Depay is young, we've a lot of players younger then him. It's good to see him speaking on the pitch. Hopefully we've pointed out to him, that even though he's young.....we've younger players in the squad who need players like Depay - to forget their young as well and just do what they do well.
Yup, seemed to really enjoy Rashford's goals
Great to see Depay with another captain's performance in this game. This is the Depay I expected to see early on. He's emerged from the giant shadows around him and he's a leader with marauding players around him. He just needs players on his wavelength to reach his true level. Looking forward to seeing him improve further.
He looked very quick today. Had a foot race with bellerin a few times and they seemed pretty equal which was surprising. His body strength when on the ball is very impressive.

The main difference for me though is his stamina looks much better. He isnt puffing hard when he gets the ball going forward anymore, and isn't too tired to track back.

Now he's got the fitness required he looks strong and quick again which is allowing him to play at 100%, no wonder he's feeling more confident again.
Good game by him today, consistency is what matters now. Nonetheless, it's always a good sign when somebody manages to perform well after a very tough stretch.
It's great to see him pulling out all the tricks, this club was built on players like that. Players who the crowd on their feet. Memphis has been poor this season but he has the talent to be a great player. Hopefully this is a turning point for him, and hopefully LVG will give him free reign to entertain the crowd instead of asking him to stop it and pass backwards.
That's fine. It's also radically different from what you originally said, though.
No, it isn't. I wrote: "his technical abilities aren't at the level required to play consistently well at this level" which is true. He isn't far off though.
I don't think he was necesarily effective today but he was still good, when he plays like this he makes opposition defence shit their pants and that is always a good thing. I would say this performance reminded me a lot on Nani's decent performance, with better hold up play. His hold up play was much better than Nani's though, he held the ball under pressure very well, was very impressed with that.
Always said he'd be a success because he has the work ethic to want to learn and improve.
Decent first touch, that.

This kid has some confidence. He would have looked like an arse if he screwed that one up. Would have been another reason to bash him in the caf. Fantastic skill. Though unnecessary, Nani-esque.
Hopefully this is the start of what will be the making of him as a United player. We really need him to contribute at this level during the run in! If we can find some form, top four is still not entirely out of the question. But we need consistency from our match winners to achieve that!
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