Memphis Depay image 7

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2015-16 Performances

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5.4 Season Average Rating
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We can all play blame game, a number of players were at fault if we want to nit pick

well yes but are you cupping his bollocks when you posted that it was a player's fault for calling for the ball. :lol: feck off. he's a fecking forward loads of players will be calling for him to pass. you're fecking defending a horrible choice. he's he shouldn't play again for the big team and drop him down to the u21's where he belongs.
He is being asked to do fairly simple shit, be careful with the ball and do the same amount of running Jesse was getting through. If you can't do that then there is no hope.

I guess it just goes to show that hard work will always trump potential. Memphis thinks he's made it as a footballer whereas Lingard has had to graft all of his career.

With Mourinho in charge, there's no way this sub happens.
Such a godawful signing which I wasn't excited about in the first place. It's harsh, but he lacks EVERYTHING.
jesus christ just saw the wide angle camera from SS and he just jogs back motherf...r. Completely fresh and doesnt give a f..k
Walking back all the time as well and people still defend him! He needs his head pulling out from his arse!
On the pass, would need to see it again but my first thought was that Schneiderlin didn't make it obvious in his position or movement whether he wanted it to feet or in behind. It was sloppy to lose it there with so much space.

Just his luck at the moment that they go and score seconds later.

Having a really rough time in his first season. Hopefully he has the confidence to come through it.
That pass was just so bad from him.

He looks out of confidence and form and subbing him on 1-0 away defending a lead is not a wise move.
I am not a big fan of Depay and I don't want to defend him but come on! You can't be judging players on 5 minute cameos. I'm not saying he has proved to be better otherwise but tonight is not a good night to judge him.
no 1 -lazy pass and no 2 didn't give a feck about getting back.
1. Martial misses a pass - unlucky, Memphis misses a pass - lazy
2. The goal came when our defence had settled, it had little to do with Memphis. If anything Blind falling cost us, and CBJ played Costa onside.
This sort of player type has nothing to do in a team like Manchester United. This is a typical Inter garbage player who will spend all his career trying to shine only for his own good. I can honestly say I hate him. That effort with the pass proved he's not worth getting another minute in the team. He's not interested in playing football, he only want the glory but is not ready to work one bit for it. LVG, I fully expect you to not let him have a look in for the remainder of the season.

Man, that sounds harsh but I'm inclined to agree.
1. Martial misses a pass - unlucky, Memphis misses a pass - lazy
2. The goal came when our defence had settled, it had little to do with Memphis. If anything Blind didn't need to dive in rashly and CBJ played Costa onside.

kill the game off. end of. he;s not smart enough on the pitch. simples.
The idiot should have taken it to the corner flag and park his big ass there. Not even sure why LvG even brought him on other than to waste some time.
He should have tracked back more urgently and should have done better with the pass itself but to blame the goal on him is seriously stretching it. Yes you can technically argue it wouldn't have happened without his poor pass but there was plenty of opportunity (and the full length of the field) to stop them scoring.

He gave the ball away in the opposition box, the best place to lose possession if you are going to do so. The subsequent defensive calamity (multiple facets) was the problem and the fact the entire team seemed to sh*t the bed and forgo any sense of control for the last twenty minutes of the match is the real issue that should be being discussed.
He basically never does the right thing. Fecking frustrating, but we should have learnt by now not throw him on when we're defending a lead.
On the pass, would need to see it again but my first thought was that Schneiderlin didn't make it obvious in his position or movement whether he wanted it to feet or in behind. It was sloppy to lose it there with so much space.

Just his luck at the moment that they go and score seconds later.

Having a really rough time in his first season. Hopefully he has the confidence to come through it.

Looks as if he's got too much confidence, to be honest with you. With him it isn't a confidence issue, it's basic footballing skills and brain issue.
I still have faith in him, but he's not going to find any form with these 5 or 10 minute run outs every 3 or 4 games. He takes a lot of the blame as his attitude on the pitch is always so laid back and lazy, but I think he could have been managed a lot better.

The stupid decision was bringing him on. We're fragile as feck, and we're holding on to a 0-1 lead at Chelsea, and we bring on a luxury attacking player who WE KNOW won't track back and dig in? Lingard is a limited player, but one thing he does is dig in and run and probably should have seen out the 90. If he was knackered, then why not even bring on Varela as a wide midfielder to run and tackle?

The goal wasn't completely his fault, but they countered with so much space on their left. Holding on to a lead, you need runners, and Memphis just isn't that.

Of all the times to bring him on, this wasn't it.
On the pass, would need to see it again but my first thought was that Schneiderlin didn't make it obvious in his position or movement whether he wanted it to feet or in behind. It was sloppy to lose it there with so much space.

Just his luck at the moment that they go and score seconds later.

Having a really rough time in his first season. Hopefully he has the confidence to come through it.

Completely agree. From my first view i think Schniederlin is to just as much to blame as Memphis is. If Schniederlin holds his run its a much easier pass to make. I also think its two isolated incidents, we lost the ball but they didnt score directly because Memphis gave it away. There was still 2-3 other mistakes in their goal.
Get over it he made a bad pass, big deal.

The goal came almost a minute afterwards. If blind doesn't come running out trying to win the ball and stay in line that goal wouldn't have happened.

Yes he should have done better but both he and schneiderlin struggled, I think the quick tempo towards the end caught them out a bit.
Looks as if he's got too much confidence, to be honest with you. With him it isn't a confidence issue, it's basic footballing skills and brain issue.

Totally disagree, his confidence dips more easily than Nani's. Kid's got a lot of front but it's all bravado. The header at Stoke, the f-k up today when we could've finished the game, he's not got the head for big games.
not just based on today, but definitely needs shipping.

Aside from a couple of peachy goals early on has offered nothing but mediocrity.

Needs shipping asap.
No idea what happened to this guy but he looks like a completely different player compared to couple of times I saw him fro Ajax and the Dutch national team.

That may be because you actually watched a different player then.
On the pass, would need to see it again but my first thought was that Schneiderlin didn't make it obvious in his position or movement whether he wanted it to feet or in behind. It was sloppy to lose it there with so much space.

Just his luck at the moment that they go and score seconds later.

Having a really rough time in his first season. Hopefully he has the confidence to come through it.

Schneiderlin was very tentative but Memphis should have taken control of the situation and forced him to go either way. He was just careless. It wasn't just pure bad luck that they scored seconds later either - the fact he didn't track back was a pretty key factor in them working the ball forward up the left wing before progressing the play.
I still have faith in him, but he's not going to find any form with these 5 or 10 minute run outs every 3 or 4 games. He takes a lot of the blame as his attitude on the pitch is always so laid back and lazy, but I think he could have been managed a lot better.

The stupid decision was bringing him on. We're fragile as feck, and we're holding on to a 0-1 lead at Chelsea, and we bring on a luxury attacking player who WE KNOW won't track back and dig in? Lingard is a limited player, but one thing he does is dig in and run and probably should have seen out the 90. If he was knackered, then why not even bring on Varela as a wide midfielder to run and tackle?

The goal wasn't completely his fault, but they countered with so much space on their left. Holding on to a lead, you need runners, and Memphis just isn't that.

Of all the times to bring him on, this wasn't it.

Limited player? That's a bit harsh mate! Did you not see his goal? Would Memphis have scored one like that? He'd have probably been walking around in his own world miles away, or smashed it into row z of the stand that isn't even behind the goal.
Totally disagree, his confidence dips more easily than Nani's. Kid's got a lot of front but it's all bravado. The header at Stoke, the f-k up today when we could've finished the game, he's not got the head for big games.

Well if he's got half a footballing brain in the first place those mess-ups wouldn't have happened, wouldn't it?
Get over it he made a bad pass, big deal.

The goal came almost a minute afterwards. If blind doesn't come running out trying to win the ball and stay in line that goal wouldn't have happened.

Yes he should have done better but both he and schneiderlin struggled, I think the quick tempo towards the end caught them out a bit.

I'm not sure why it took us 80 minutes to make our first substitution.
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