Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Anyone has a screenshot of Arnold's letter? The "alternative explanation" part is now missing or did I imagine it?
If he was to continue his United career, then I certainly think the explanation at least needed to be made public. It was highly unreasonable to expect the public, fans and club staff to be okay with him returning without any explanation for the audio they heard.

However, Greenwood is cleary unwilling to make that explanation public. Just as he is clearly unwilling to be specific in terms of what he is apologising for.

Occam's Razor would suggest that's because whatever the evidence that he didn't commit the very specific crimes of which he was accused, that evidence/explanation/context is nonetheless damaging enough to Greenwood that rather than confirm it publicly he would prefer to insist on his innocence without providing any details whatsoever.
Sums up my thoughts on the evidence.

United were stupid enough to think merely saying they have concluded he didn't do it would be enough to get everyone on board.

Thick cnuts. The only way anyone who wanted him gone would now be on board would be to publicise irrefutable evidence he didn't do it. I'm in this camp.
The timeline lines up like this - Greenwood broke the law by spitting in the face of his bail conditions during the investigation - multiple times - to contact the victim and visit her, he even got arrested in her company for doing so. He showers her with lavish gifts and such, she then winds up pregnant and the witness suddenly wants to drop the case, funny that isn't it. This isn't me making up BS by the way this is widely reported, you can go read for yourself, what a funny old timeline that is.
I won't disprove your point but I can make up 100 different scenarios based off these information.
I just dislike the assumption that she was willing to do whatever he wanted. If Mason isn't kid then Harriot isn't either
Slow mode a good plan. Decision reached the hard way but they got there. Sad day. I hope life improves for all concerned, I hope Greenwood has got the shock of his life and it wakes him up. And I hope he goes on to fulfil his footballing potential.
I won't disprove your point but I can make up 100 different scenarios based off these information.
I just dislike the assumption that she was willing to do whatever he wanted. If Mason isn't kid then Harriot isn't either
Have you never heard of any women in abusive relationships doing whatever their partner wanted? Hmmm
They have a kid now. Nobody is talking about that or cares. Man's a 21 year old... It doesn't matter to anyone. All that counts is that we heard a recording, not completely. We heard a recording and therefore his career should be over.

yeah. It is a good example of public politics intruding personal sphere. It is absurd.

A civilzied society even give criminals a second chance.
Whenever someone brings this up the answer they get is "Stockholm syndrome"
Whilst it could be true, still quite absurd that people implying his missus and her family can't think for themselves. Internet always knows best.
True. Patronizing morality police
I’d say that’s a certainty given that the club clearly specifies that those clips are ‘part of a much longer recording’ and claims they don’t paint the whole picture.

Given how vague much of the club and Arnold’s statements are, they make it that clear though and even use the word ‘innocent’ in both statements, rightly or wrongly.
If that's the case, he should have been brought back.

I have a question, doesn't Crafton himself know less than the club? yet he made gigantic statements?

Why is he milking this story now? The club made the right decision and decided to part ways with the player.

I have a question, doesn't Crafton himself know less than the club? yet he made gigantic statements?

Why is he milking this story now? The club made the right decision and decided to part ways with the player.

He loves the attention he's getting from this story, he's no different from all sports journalists.
Crafton milking this for all its worth now. Club made their decision. Time to move on. Yet Crafton is still somehow trying to insert himself further into the story despite it being resolved from a United standpoint.
I won't disprove your point but I can make up 100 different scenarios based off these information.
I just dislike the assumption that she was willing to do whatever he wanted. If Mason isn't kid then Harriot isn't either

But you also have to look at the realities of abusive relationships, the statistics are there for all to see. Which is that often times the abused willingly goes back to the abuser and will do what they want. That cannot be discredited either.
What a feature- great idea!

I got through about 10 pages before giving up on this thread.

I'm glad he won't play for us again, I find that amazingly hard to stand over for any reason that isn't, it would help our team/generational talent.

But the situation, the process and the discourse has been brutal and really quite depressing.

As has been pointed out innumerable times, if there was really compelling evidence that countered the recording, images and initial complaint then it would be at the very least leaked. Its clear that United wanted him back for footballing reasons and I think if they had something like that they wouldn't have been swayed by anyone's opinion. Him accepting it and indeed remaining with the victim furthers that line of thinking.

Also, not getting to play for United again is not locking him up throwing away the key trial by social media woke cancel culture in action, that is juvenile and reductive beyond belief.

Pretty awfully handled by United, as usual.
It's quite something to see people suggest one implausible explanation after the other, meanwhile ignoring the most plausible one, to justify being angry at the club for bowing to the woke, morality policing, white knighting, virtue signalling mob.
yeah. It is a good example of public politics intruding personal sphere. It is absurd.

A civilzied society even give criminals a second chance.

True. Patronizing morality police

What is political about hearing the audio recording and not wanting to him to play for the club again?

Talking about morality police sounds awfully political to me though.
In as much as DV is bad snd everyone agrees with it l think it's harsh to expect a 19 yr old to know all the issues surrounding DV, all the UK stats, how many unsuccessful cases have gone to the court etc etc.

I'm sure Mason knows violence is bad. They were both toxic for each other. According to Daily Mail the victim posted the pictures after he had dumped her. These were teenagers who were bad for each other
No, it was a combination of the witness withdrawing (as in no longer cooperating, no longer willing to testify), and new material. We know that she both withdrew herself, and that she recanted her previous testimony, which fulfills all the part of the CPS statement. It can of course be that they're referring to new material in addition to the recanting of previous statements, but there's no reason to assume that.
It was witnesses - plural so not just one witness and new material, the implication is that it's additional material although that's not actually stated, the original leaked audio is only a snippet of the whole thing, it wouldn't be unreasonable to think this is at least part of the new material.

Ultimately we don't know and probably never will
In as much as DV is bad snd everyone agrees with it l think it's harsh to expect a 19 yr old to know all the issues surrounding DV, all the UK stats, how many unsuccessful cases have gone to the court etc etc.

I'm sure Mason knows violence is bad. They were both toxic for each other. According to Daily Mail the victim posted the pictures after he had dumped her. These were teenagers who were bad for each other

Jesus wept, the takes in here just keep coming.

How hard is it to know to keep your hands off of people? My children know that. If you nor any other 19yo adults don't, then you need serious help.

And get to feck with the "toxic for each other" and Daily Mail shite.
yeah. It is a good example of public politics intruding personal sphere. It is absurd.

A civilzied society even give criminals a second chance.

True. Patronizing morality police
Yes we do, after they are punished for their crimes.
The man in question here is not convicted of anything so it wont be any legal punishitment for him, but nobody is taking away his second chance by kicking him out of Manchester United.
Kicked out of the club, booted out of the England squad

Guys a fecking muppet
Yes we do, after they are punished for their crimes.
The man in question here is not convicted of anything so it wont be any legal punishitment for him, but nobody is taking away his second chance by kicking him out of Manchester United.
Couldn't playing for this Manchester United team be considered a fitting punishment though?
In as much as DV is bad snd everyone agrees with it l think it's harsh to expect a 19 yr old to know all the issues surrounding DV, all the UK stats, how many unsuccessful cases have gone to the court etc etc.

I'm sure Mason knows violence is bad. They were both toxic for each other. According to Daily Mail the victim posted the pictures after he had dumped her. These were teenagers who were bad for each other

At which age is someone supposed to know the issue with domestic violence? I' ll be honest with you, I don't know a single person that didn't know that violence was wrong in elementary school, if you don't know that at 19 you are genuinely dense.
He'll get plenty of chances. He'll still make a lot of money.
Just not here.
So who are we punishing?
Up and down the country there’s parents and friends of someone in a bad relationship who has to bite their lip and pick their battles otherwise they isolate the friend / daughter who scream “I love him I swear” by being heavy handed and making the situation even worse. The club, and the public are basically in that role.
He’s a monster imo but I can’t see how accusing him of being violently coercive goes hand in hand with ensuring he moves abroad and takes the victim and baby with him thus ensuring he has even more control over them and isolating the victim even more on top of that. Are we expecting her parents to move across Europe every time Mason moves?
the charities all have their win and they’ve made their voices heard but all nuance has gone completely out the window. This is being treated as if it’s Mendy or someone who has an accuser completely outside of each others circumstances so it doesn’t sit quite right with me.
Maybe the best way was to keep them in Manchester surrounded by family and friends and develop a system that involved welfare checks, constant therapy for Mason and the victim that would allow her to have someone to confide to in the strictest confidence.
I’m not sure how this outrage looks if Mason leaves and something even worse happens down the road between the two. The victim is being slightly cut adrift here.
I never want Mason to step foot in OT again but I’m also not quite sure what course of action is correct
There is a large element of 'White Knighting' at play with this case, people even going as far to say she's still a prisoner and can't leave.

Maybe they just don't want to cheer for a guy who more than likely did some pretty horrible acts to his significant other?

I'd be ashamed to ever celebrate a goal scored by that guy personally.
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