Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Carfton is milking this. Just saw another article on telegraph how we are “under pressure” to donate the transfer fee we will get for Greenwood. And BBC running story that it will be surprising to see him move to Saudi considering the “advancement they have made in women’s right”.

Seems like English media is milking it and want to ruin him both home and abroad. They dont care that alleged victim is also in their crosshairs. Point scoring is more important it seems. All this for a person who isn’t convicted of any crime

This I absolutely take issue with! In my humble opinion, the social media crowds usually put way too much emotions in issues concerning people they don't know personally and matters which they have superficial knowledge of. Considering how little we all knew about the case and the fact that all those who actually carried out investigations ended up concluding there wasn't enough to sanction him over, not forgetting Arnold's statement which even went as far as saying he didn't do what he was accused of, while I fully understand the general outrage, I always thought many went over the top with it, like the MPs who literally called for an end to his career (asking everyone else to keep away from him). Well, now it seems we find ourselves in a situation where it looks like no one (not even the Saudis) want him. It's no surprise though, given how some people not happy enough that he has lost his "privilege" to play for United, were already wishing for him to be booed off the park wherever he ends up.

I mean, yeah, he did something very wrong at the age of 19, although all available evidence to those who investigated the matter didn't enable anyone to ascertain what happened. At what point has he been punished sufficiently for it and when can he return to normal life and try to make up for his mistakes, vis-à-vis his family (I think they are the ones most affected by any outcome). I kind of feel sad for the lad who is being denied a chance of redemption and might end up being the bad pun of every football fan's joke for the rest of his life. And before anyone asks about sympathy for his partner, I refuse to project any intentions on her. I consider that she is an adult who has decided, not only to forgive him but also to believe that he can change and is starting a family with him. I think she deserves to have a husband who makes a living from what he has been raised up doing best since childhood.

Life is complicated, no one is perfect, but one of the most beautiful things is knowing when you have messed up and being given the chance to grow from it, make amends and become a better person. I can only imagine the mental toll this can have on a 21 year old seeing his name talked about in the news and by MPs for the most abhorrent reason (whether rightly or wrongly). As an outsider, knowing nothing about the inner dynamics within the Greenwood family, I really wish for him and his missus that they succeed to get their life back together, and he ends up as an example of someone who made a mistake, was broken and managed to build himself up again getting his career back on the track it seemed to be leading to before his monumental mess up. I sincerely hope he manages to find a top-tier club somewhere where he can start rebuilding his life.
For everyone's mental health, it might be best to let go of the circus around Mason Greenwood. Whatever we believe on the merits, what is done is done.

I have a question, doesn't Crafton himself know less than the club? yet he made gigantic statements?

Why is he milking this story now? The club made the right decision and decided to part ways with the player.

Isn't Adam one of the main chaps that "leaked" the news on Greenwood staying last week which grabbed huge attention on social media. Was wrong on that hear say about staying yet continues to milk it as he knows such tweets and articles will grab more big attention.
So what happens if we don’t get a buyer before the end of August? Is he still under contract until at least January or do we just terminate his contract completely?

I suspect he just continues in his current situation of being suspended with pay, though maybe it'll make more sense at that point for the club to terminate him.

If they're confident they can get a fee, probably not.
Isn't Adam one of the main chaps that "leaked" the news on Greenwood staying last week which grabbed huge attention on social media. Was wrong on that hear say about staying yet continues to milk it as he knows such tweets and articles will grab more big attention.
He had the main scoop of what the club's plan was. He got in touch with the club to ask for a response, club asked for an extension, and then the club released a statement to the public and all reporters to get ahead of the story. Someone within the club got in touch with him and leaked all the information.

Now he's a bitter about the way the club handled it as he was gonna have a big exclusive (still did, but not the same) that the club tried to get ahead of when he fairly gave them a courtesy extension for a response. Fair on the club to get ahead of it, but in terms of the industry behavior and relationships it's a no-no from the club, but an understandable one given circumstance. But also understandable that Crafton is pissed.
Yeah, far more concerning that the allegations of attempted rape, coercions and assault.

But of course, it's "the mob" that made this decision. Well if it is, at least they were in the right!

Me too. I'm glad someone prominent called the club out on their shit.

But as always, it's ABG time in here.
I am glad as well. But its also shows what a shambles the club are that they can let the media dictate their actions.

If they truly feel he didn't do this they should have just stuck to their guns. They've investigated this for months, came to their conclusion, decided howd they announce and a bit of bad press have done a complete 180. It's a total shitshow.
Yeah, far more concerning that the allegations of attempted rape, coercions and assault.

But of course, it's "the mob" that made this decision. Well if it is, at least they were in the right!

Greenwood is an individual. If we're getting rid, fair enough. Either way, the issue ends there.

I'm concerned about the club being run by public opinion because that has long term implications beyond this particular issue.
At his prime, what would SAF do in a case such as this!?
This I absolutely take issue with! In my humble opinion, the social media crowds usually put way too much emotions in issues concerning people they don't know personally and matters which they have superficial knowledge of. Considering how little we all knew about the case and the fact that all those who actually carried out investigations ended up concluding there wasn't enough to sanction him over, not forgetting Arnold's statement which even went as far as saying he didn't do what he was accused of, while I fully understand the general outrage, I always thought many went over the top with it, like the MPs who literally called for an end to his career (asking everyone else to keep away from him). Well, now it seems we find ourselves in a situation where it looks like no one (not even the Saudis) want him. It's no surprise though, given how some people not happy enough that he has lost his "privilege" to play for United, were already wishing for him to be booed off the park wherever he ends up.

I mean, yeah, he did something very wrong at the age of 19, although all available evidence to those who investigated the matter didn't enable anyone to ascertain what happened. At what point has he been punished sufficiently for it and when can he return to normal life and try to make up for his mistakes, vis-à-vis his family (I think they are the ones most affected by any outcome). I kind of feel sad for the lad who is being denied a chance of redemption and might end up being the bad pun of every football fan's joke for the rest of his life. And before anyone asks about sympathy for his partner, I refuse to project any intentions on her. I consider that she is an adult who has decided, not only to forgive him but also to believe that he can change and is starting a family with him. I think she deserves to have a husband who makes a living from what he has been raised up doing best since childhood.

Life is complicated, no one is perfect, but one of the most beautiful things is knowing when you have messed up and being given the chance to grow from it, make amends and become a better person. I can only imagine the mental toll this can have on a 21 year old seeing his name talked about in the news and by MPs for the most abhorrent reason (whether rightly or wrongly). As an outsider, knowing nothing about the inner dynamics within the Greenwood family, I really wish for him and his missus that they succeed to get their life back together, and he ends up as an example of someone who made a mistake, was broken and managed to build himself up again getting his career back on the track it seemed to be leading to before his monumental mess up. I sincerely hope he manages to find a top-tier club somewhere where he can start rebuilding his life.

Almost every cliche about this rolled into one post, well done.

Although I do agree on the MP bit, but if anyone thinks people shouldn't be emotional about those pictures and especially that audio, then they might well be on the sociopath spectrum. Because if you don't have empathy for someone who has been abused then there's something deeply wrong with you.

Last thing, for the 1000th time, he is NOT being denied any redemption chance. That's absolute dramatic (overly emotional, one might say) nonsense.

I am glad as well. But its also shows what a shambles the club are that they can let the media dictate their actions.

If they truly feel he didn't do this they should have just stuck to their guns. They've investigated this for months, came to their conclusion, decided howd they announce and a bit of bad press have done a complete 180. It's a total shitshow.

Well that speaks volumes about what they know and what we don't too...

As I've said all along and not a single person has had a plausible argument, or any for that matter, against me: There's no solution where one or both don't come out of this looking like horrible people. So despite the what's and why's, this is still 100% the best decision for them as a family too. A fresh start is much better than the same old environment that allowed this situation to come about in the first place.

Greenwood is an individual. If we're getting rid, fair enough. Either way, the issue ends there.

I'm concerned about the club being run by public opinion because that has long term implications beyond this particular issue.

Yeah, because that's what happened right? Nothing to do with Greenwood, Arnold, sponsors or any of the other people who could and should weigh's the people on twitter that are the real menace!
I suspect he just continues in his current situation of being suspended with pay, though maybe it'll make more sense at that point for the club to terminate him.

If they're confident they can get a fee, probably not.
It’s ashame if that happens. At 21 and in this current market he should be worth quite a bit. I mean city just signed a 21 year old for 55m.
I hate the coverage we are getting over this, I'm sure the media in general are just annoyed he is going, which has robbed them of the chance to really stick the boot into us, they are still giving it a good go though.
Legally he can't say anything, hence why there has been zero reporting on that, from The Athletic or any other media outlet.

If you put the dots together the police ruled out any charges being possible due to a legal technicality. There's then the issue of NDA's being signed.

Out of curiosity, considering that the same language was used in other cases:

Carol Jackson, head of the rape and family abuse team at City of Manchester CPS, said: "We take any allegation of rape extremely seriously and all rape cases are reviewed by specialist prosecutors. After carefully examining the evidence in this case, we have decided that there is not enough evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction."

Do you also suggest that the once again Manchester United player, reference in the above extract, was also let off due to a legal technicality?

Alternatively, could it also be that this is the legally appropriate language used by the CPS? I find it bewildering that individuals expect the CPS to come out and say “Mr X is innocent” and leave themselves open to gross negligence claims if new evidence comes to light at a later date which suggests otherwise. Heck, after an actual trial, an individual is deemed “not guilty” or they are “acquitted of charges”, rather than being dubbed “innocent”.

Once more, I am not privy to sufficient evidence to make a conclusive decision, nor are you, nor are the media. Whilst I am all for ensuring that those individuals with these allegations against their name are brought to justice, I would much rather it be done by somebody who has the correct competence, not some Internet expert who achieves it by reading between the lines and “connecting the dots”.

As for that matter, I really don’t see where this moral victory is now anything other than a brand protection move from the club. Honestly, if the poor girl is in an abusive and coercive relationship as suggested (which, frankly, is hearsay) and needs to be protected (although, I believe one should be treated sufficiently as an adult rather than being told what is best for you), how is shipping them off to another country going to benefit her? How will she get the support? Will she be more isolated? How can she ensure that she maintains a family and friend support network? I
I'm sure a club like City would welcome him back considering his enormous talent. They're owners are crooked, yet they just don't care - they keep doing what they do and they keep winning. They don't care one bit about all this 'romance' and morality in football... We do, and we're so sentimental, we're letting one of the biggest prospects in decades leave... Awful decision. Beckham got better after the 98' horror with dolls of him hanging in the streets and serious awful banter chants from every opposition.. I hate that Arnold is saying part of it is letting Greenwood away from the spotlight in United. Diamonds need the pressure to form.

Nothing particularly damning there - incredibly soft given the incredible nature of the charges and the Athletic’s hardline stance on moral issues.

At his prime, what would SAF do in a case such as this!?


Put it this way, it would’ve already been firmly dealt with, whether the player was staying or going, and the Athletic would be banned from all press conferences - probably for decades.

I would guess, given Fergie’s support of Giggs, coupled with his vocal admiration of Greenwood, that when all the charges were dropped and there was no case at all, he would’ve very gradually brought him back and any criticism he would’ve either directly or subtly redirected at other clubs - be that Arsenal, Real (Benzema), Bayern (Ribery), Chelsea (Alonso) etc.

Essentially he would’ve done what he wanted and what best suited him as a manager of Man Utd. And if you came up against that, he would deal with you, and he would win.

And it would’ve been him who handled it, rather than a CEO etc.
At his prime, what would SAF do in a case such as this!?
If this was 20-30 years ago pre social media explosion, the case would probably be buried or once the police investigation dropped he'd be back. Regardless of manager, this would have played out the same. Modern day, no bringing him back barring a joint public media interview where he's essentially absolved of the crime and they frame it as a mutual bad relationship. Without that, there's no being accepted back in from the public which matters at a giant club like United.
At his prime, what would SAF do in a case such as this!?
Probably return Greenwood, and never give interviews to Athletic, assuming that he thought Greenwood will be great for us.

Terminate his contract if he thought Greenwood won’t ever go back to his best.

We cannot really ever know for sure, but he didn’t have a problem with Ronaldo (who pretty much confessed that he raped a girl in the US) and with Giggs (testified in his behalf in Giggs’ case).

He essentially was the Roy Logan of managers. Didn’t give a single feck what the others thought, if it meant benefiting him and United. And was prepared to go to war and win.
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Greenwood is an individual. If we're getting rid, fair enough. Either way, the issue ends there.

I'm concerned about the club being run by public opinion because that has long term implications beyond this particular issue.

In this case, I think it was wise to listen to public opinion, regardless of the end result.

United's fans are their business, so why not take that public opinion into account?
Yeah, because that's what happened right? Nothing to do with Greenwood, Arnold, sponsors or any of the other people who could and should weigh's the people on twitter that are the real menace!

That's the second time you've attempted to put words in my mouth. It's tiresome.

From what I understand, the club had made a decision to bring him back. I expect that decision was made after having consulted the stakeholders you mentioned.

The club then reversed it's decision after online criticism that came in response to that decision.

I'm concerned about the club's decision making process due to the (what I understand as) facts above.
Isn't it totally irrelevant what SAF would do in this situation? Who cares? It just seems that certain people are trying to use it as a weird 'gotcha' to those who think the right outcome has eventuated. Like you either choose between either thinking SAF is one of the greatest managers of all time OR that Greenwood out was the right call. Truth is it doesn't matter a rat's arse what SAF would do.
The charges were dropped by key people involved in the case, for whatever reason.

I wouldn't be so quick to assume that the evidence was edited/tainted. That is how courts and criminal proceedings work and how evidence is mobilised to inform a conviction. From a moral standpoint, Greenwood's own values are very much in question and he isn't fit to represent this club.
I was misunderstood because of something I read which stated even though the plaintiff dropped the cases the state proceeded anyway. Considering it’s some ones safety that could lead to death I don’t see why they didn’t.
Domestic violence cases rarely go to court and without the complainant's statement there was no realistic chance of a conviction. That's fairly self-explanatory.

It's a short clip from a longer recording. It's a stretch to say it was edited. What exactly are you claiming?

I don't think there's any great mystery here and there's certainly no simple explanation that would explain away the audio and photos or we'd have heard it years ago and he'd be playing for United tight now. You're Inferring a fair amount without actually saying anything.
I already posted on another comment I searched into the edited - there’s no backing for that so I apologized for that and took it back.

The editing would have been something that took different pieces of conversation and put them together, but there is no evidence for that.
As for the domestic violence case I read that a precious footballer had a case where the plaintiff dropped the charges but the state carried through regardless, I was under the impression that the case had continued even after the plaintiff dropped out, I understand now that that isn’t the case and understand that the case was dropped once the victim dropped the charges.

the club should have demanded an in patient psychological evaluation and anger management or domestic abuse education. That was a big mistake.
A Mason Greenwood that was given proper psychological help and work is better off for society. Rehabilitation is stronger then isolation and condemnation. A socially isolated Greenwood, who doesn’t get proper treatment will be more bitter and more likely to harm someone else in the future.. especially now a woman with child, it’s too dangerous
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So what happens if we don’t get a buyer before the end of August? Is he still under contract until at least January or do we just terminate his contract completely?

Roma and Saudi’s have been very quick to deny interest in signing him, it’s not going to be easy to find someone to take him. A payoff may be likely outcome at some stage.
Which part?

The feeling bad for the young girl part or the fact that sexual and domestic violence cases have some of the highest recidivism rates?

You're not feeling bad for the girl, you're insulting her by presuming she's weak and has no say in the relationship.

Put it this way, it would’ve already been firmly dealt with, whether the player was staying or going, and the Athletic would be banned from all press conferences - probably for decades.

I would guess, given Fergie’s support of Giggs, coupled with his vocal admiration of Greenwood, that when all the charges were dropped and there was no case at all, he would’ve very gradually brought him back and any criticism he would’ve either directly or subtly redirected at other clubs - be that Arsenal, Real (Benzema), Bayern (Ribery), Chelsea (Alonso) etc.

Essentially he would’ve done what he wanted and what best suited him as a manager of Man Utd. And if you came up against that, he would deal with you, and he would win.

And it would’ve been him who handled it, rather than a CEO etc.
It's not what Fergie would've done, it's what Roy Keane would've done :nervous:
If this was 20-30 years ago pre social media explosion, the case would probably be buried or once the police investigation dropped he'd be back. Regardless of manager, this would have played out the same. Modern day, no bringing him back barring a joint public media interview where he's essentially absolved of the crime and they frame it as a mutual bad relationship. Without that, there's no being accepted back in from the public which matters at a giant club like United.

I'm still surprised they didn't do this.

Have them in a very carefully curated interview where they admit mistakes and as a young couple are working on it with help from the club, charities and all that, and go on a tour learning more about DV and relationships. That would surely at least have got more people in on the sympathy vote.

The fact this wasn't even attempted possibly says a lot about the truth of the matter.

That's the second time you've attempted to put words in my mouth. It's tiresome.

From what I understand, the club had made a decision to bring him back. I expect that decision was made after having consulted the stakeholders you mentioned.

The club then reversed it's decision after online criticism that came in response to that decision.

I'm concerned about the club's decision making process due to the (what I understand as) facts above.

The point is you don't know that. The club claim not, Arnold claims not, yet you and others on here claim it is.

I personally think the backlash obviously played a big part, but then why shouldn't it? There is still no response to that audio, there was never any sign of trying to integrate Greenwood and have him at least appear to be working towards redemption, and there was all that nonsense about consulting the women leading to the real online problem attacking some of our players.

What is tiresome is the endless amount of posts in here more angry at a journalist and random people, then at the ones who caused all this. But, and I mean this, at least you are putting forward a reasoned case so I apologise for being a bit snippy. It's been a couple of days of putting up with those incapable of rational thought that has melted my brain a touch.
Roma and Saudi’s have been very quick to deny interest in signing him, it’s not going to be easy to find someone to take him. A payoff may be likely outcome at some stage.
Mendy found a club with a shit ton of allegations,Greenwood will find a club but I don't know what level they will be at.
I'm still surprised they didn't do this.

Have them in a very carefully curated interview where they admit mistakes and as a young couple are working on it with help from the club, charities and all that, and go on a tour learning more about DV and relationships. That would surely at least have got more people in on the sympathy vote.

The fact this wasn't even attempted possibly says a lot about the truth of the matter.

The point is you don't know that. The club claim not, Arnold claims not, yet you and others on here claim it is.

I personally think the backlash obviously played a big part, but then why shouldn't it? There is still no response to that audio, there was never any sign of trying to integrate Greenwood and have him at least appear to be working towards redemption, and there was all that nonsense about consulting the women leading to the real online problem attacking some of our players.

What is tiresome is the endless amount of posts in here more angry at a journalist and random people, then at the ones who caused all this. But, and I mean this, at least you are putting forward a reasoned case so I apologise for being a bit snippy. It's been a couple of days of putting up with those incapable of rational thought that has melted my brain a touch.
Yup for sure. Like if they asked for it and the idea was rejected, then it says a lot about what happened. If they didn't think about it in the first place, then it says a lot about the ineptitude club, how out of touch they are. Sadly, neither would surprise me. I always saw it as the only outcome and thought surely anyone who works in PR could understand that?
Mendy found a club with a shit ton of allegations,Greenwood will find a club but I don't know what level they will be at.

He was acquitted though which Greenwood hasn’t been and even then he has been targeted with banners calling him a rapist by supporters of his new club. If Greenwood had been acquitted he’d probably wouldn’t be looking for a new club.

Someone will take Greenwood but he’s big problems for whoever does which is shown by how quickly some are refuting their interest. The reaction to signing Greenwood will be on completely different level to Mendy, no point debating the rights and wrong because it is just the reality of the situation.
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Although I do agree on the MP bit, but if anyone thinks people shouldn't be emotional about those pictures and especially that audio, then they might well be on the sociopath spectrum. Because if you don't have empathy for someone who has been abused then there's something deeply wrong with you.

Last thing, for the 1000th time, he is NOT being denied any redemption chance. That's absolute dramatic (overly emotional, one might say) nonsense.
Please, you don’t need to infer things I didn’t say.

Emotion is absolutely to be expected initially, of course, but over a year later, when the people directly involved seem to have moved on (for the better or not), I would think the internet crowds could make the effort to be more rational minded about the situation as well?

Also, if you read what I wrote again, I mentioned being denied the chance of redemption by those who go over the top wishing no decent club signs him up, and wishing he gets booed wherever he ends up. They must be rejoicing now that even the Saudis don’t seem want him. I don’t know if part of that feeling comes from the fear that he might still end up becoming a great player elsewhere.
Everybody should care about a journalist holding this much influence and power over Man Utd - whether they agree with him on this one issue or not.

If you took just solely Crafter’s journalism out of this equation the club would very likely have acted very differently, and you may disagree with that - but for a footy journo to be influencing 100m pound decisions a club is making and dictating policy to them is insane.

Everyone should care about Crafter after this - it has made him World famous and is an unprecedented situation.
Absolutely agree. People are acting like these media folks have any morals. United should just ignore him and all other media folks. Just get on with what they have to do.
People on social media should be asking this journalist to go after another club where there is a situation probably even worse than Greenwood's. I bet he won't touch it. Hypocrite.
At his prime, what would SAF do in a case such as this!?
He would've got rid of him. There's no way SAF would risk valued employees resigning and going on strike under his watch. He would've recognised that bringing Greenwood back would create a negative atmosphere at the club.
For everyone's mental health, it might be best to let go of the circus around Mason Greenwood. Whatever we believe on the merits, what is done is done.
The issue now is, as time goes on, his reputation among fans will slowly warp into him essentially being just as good, if not better, than Ronaldo when he was here. I guess the caf will finally have a new 'what if' player to replace Ravel who has really done the rounds on here but it will be super annoying.
He would've got rid of him. There's no way SAF would risk valued employees resigning and going on strike under his watch. He would've recognised that bringing Greenwood back would create a negative atmosphere at the club.

If Sir Alex was still working for the club, maybe more employees would be working in a more harmonious environment ( not having disgruntled fabx phoning or emailing in). Therefore, they may have been more amenable to his judgement.

SAF could have done what you suggested as he represented strong leadership. He would not have left the matter to fester for 6 months.
I'm also surprised that greenwood has never done a press conference and confess his part in it. Or even, why he wasn't guilty. Which would have taken some explanation. And we know they can't even release the extended tapes to try and explain the context.
Please, you don’t need to infer things I didn’t say.

To be fair, that could have been worded better. I didn't specifically mean YOU, it was general at people who don't seem to care.

Emotion is absolutely to be expected initially, of course, but over a year later, when the people directly involved seem to have moved on (for the better or not), I would think the internet crowds could make the effort to be more rational minded about the situation as well?

That isn't going to happen, we both know that. But there's also no need to be getting as dramatic as some of those guys do though, especially by blaming them for this mess.

Also, if you read what I wrote again, I mentioned being denied the chance of redemption by those who go over the top wishing no decent club signs him up, and wishing he gets booed wherever he ends up. They must be rejoicing now that even the Saudis don’t seem want him. I don’t know if part of that feeling comes from the fear that he might still end up becoming a great player elsewhere.

Obviously I agree that's wrong, but what's to suggest there's enough of them to make a difference? And who are we to judge what people do and do want for their specific club?

Bottom line is he's going and that's the best thing all round. People can blame social media and the likes all they want, but again, it's just covering for the people who started this and those that made the decisions. Ultimately, it wasn't "the mob" nor a journalist who pulled the trigger. Let's all not lose sight of that.

I'm also surprised that greenwood has never done a press conference and tried to explain his fault, or why he wasn't guilty.

That's likely because he can't without either incriminating himself or someone else.

But it's weird there was no charm offensive at all. The club definitely know more and were advised not to, surely?
People on social media should be asking this journalist to go after another club where there is a situation probably even worse than Greenwood's. I bet he won't touch it. Hypocrite.

This idea has been mentioned about 300 times since yesterday, and each time someone with admirable patience takes the time to explain why they can’t cover certain other cases. Fast-forward a couple of pages and an identical suggestion is made.
It was witnesses - plural so not just one witness and new material, the implication is that it's additional material although that's not actually stated, the original leaked audio is only a snippet of the whole thing, it wouldn't be unreasonable to think this is at least part of the new material.

Ultimately we don't know and probably never will
I don't believe the additional video/audio adds anything, and certainly not in support of Mason. Presumably it was given to police at the start of their investigation, when she was cooperating. And if it wasn't, because there was something on it that would support Greenwood's case, then you'd assume it was turned over when the alleged victim requested police drop the case in April last year. Yet the investigation rolled for another 10 months.

And tellingly, all Arnold says is that they were given alternative explanation, and also it was just a snippet of a longer recording. If there wad anything mitigating on there, he would have said so. The only reason he mentioned the the original recording was longer was because he knew it would lead people to assume there must be something that clears, or at least offers some mitogatiom to Greenwood.
But it's weird there was no charm offensive at all. The club definitely know more and were advised not to, surely?
They can not be that confident in his innocence. They are not really making a case for it and just hiding behind tapes that they can't release.
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