Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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The audio we heard involved the threat of violence being used to coerce someone into having sex against their will.

If anyone genuinely believes “they’re both as bad as each other” on the basis of online hearsay that their relationship was a bit messy then that says a lot more about them than it does about Greenwood.

Oh plenty on here do believe that.

Despite the fact we have not a shred of evidence she's ever laid a hand on him, yet plenty that points to the other way.
Is there any left?

White knighting
Cancel culture
Innocent until proven guilty
False accusations
Permission to record private conversations
We need a striker
We will regret it when he scores for another team
All the biblical references involving rocks and Thou.
They have a kid now. Nobody is talking about that or cares. Man's a 21 year old... It doesn't matter to anyone. All that counts is that we heard a recording, not completely. We heard a recording and therefore his career should be over.
They have a kid now. Nobody is talking about that or cares. Man's a 21 year old... It doesn't matter to anyone. All that counts is that we heard a recording, not completely. We heard a recording and therefore his career should be over.

Read through the thread and you’ll find counterpoints to everything you have said.
Oh plenty on here do believe that.

Despite the fact we have not a shred of evidence she's ever laid a hand on him, yet plenty that points to the other way.
We haven't seen it, but how do you know the police haven't? And there are people who witnessed it two years ago, amongst the other wild things in their instagram stories. Which have been long deleted. Yet here you are, refusing to believe anything until you see it with your own eyes.
They have a kid now. Nobody is talking about that or cares. Man's a 21 year old... It doesn't matter to anyone. All that counts is that we heard a recording, not completely. We heard a recording and therefore his career should be over.

For starters, his career isn't over, is it? Plenty of interest if you believe the transfer rumors. 21 year old guy who earned more in a month than I'll probably see in my lifetime, messed up horribly and can go and earn probably as much somewhere else. Think of the poor lad!
I was responding to a post which was responding to me calling out someone for trying to imply they really were as bad as each other.
Yeah sorry, I didn't agree with the Depp Heard comparison. But I thought by the toxic stuff he was referring to @Revan 's post, which casts a different light in their complex relationship.
They have a kid now. Nobody is talking about that or cares. Man's a 21 year old... It doesn't matter to anyone. All that counts is that we heard a recording, not completely. We heard a recording and therefore his career should be over.

Nobody has stolen his football boots or banned him from the football pitch. He is not in jail and very much free to continue his career.

Why not at Manchester United, you ask? Well consider it the price we pay for not educating him properly, despite him being at the club since 7 years old.
The audio we heard involved the threat of violence being used to coerce someone into having sex against their will.

If anyone genuinely believes “they’re both as bad as each other” on the basis of online hearsay that their relationship was a bit messy then that says a lot more about them than it does about Greenwood.
I do not think they both need to be equally as bad as each other for some relation to be mutually toxic. One (Mason) can be much worse than the other. However, there was some soft evidence that this relation way before the incident (people claiming that she hit him, her tagging Mason’s dad that Mason has a small dick, her tagging Mason that she also scored while being in company of some woman who fecked some footballers etc). Neither of these make it as bad as Mason threatening to rape her, but there was way before the incident that it was a very toxic relationship from both sides.
They have a kid now. Nobody is talking about that or cares. Man's a 21 year old... It doesn't matter to anyone. All that counts is that we heard a recording, not completely. We heard a recording and therefore his career should be over.

yeah. It is a good example of public politics intruding personal sphere. It is absurd.

A civilzied society even gives criminals a second chance.
I might misunderstand you completely here, and if i do, please enlighten me in what you mean. But are you saying that your go-to assumption of the posters who are convinced he actually did do it are more likely to do so because of they being abusers, and not from knowing someone who been abused?

No. I didn’t even imply that
yeah. It is a good example of public politics intruding personal sphere. It is absurd.

A civilzied society even gives criminals a second chance.

He gets his second chance. Just not here. If Marc from Finance at your job has the same audio released, do you think he gets to keep his job? Does that mean he can't go on and work at another place? Nah.
yeah. It is a good example of public politics intruding personal sphere. It is absurd.

A civilzied society even gives criminals a second chance.

Stop being so dramatic, he has plenty of second chances, just not at Man United. He can go play football for any other club if you he likes, there will be not a shortage of suitors.
He gets his second chance. Just not here. If Marc from Finance at your job has the same audio released, do you think he gets to keep his job? Does that mean he can't go on and work at another place? Nah.
Hmm, I think there tends to be a bit more leeway for sports, and celebrities. Not sure if its right, but thats how its always been.
I do not think they both need to be equally as bad as each other for some relation to be mutually toxic. One (Mason) can be much worse than the other. However, there was some soft evidence that this relation way before the incident (people claiming that she hit him, her tagging Mason’s dad that Mason has a small dick, her tagging Mason that she also scored while being in company of some woman who fecked some footballers etc). Neither of these make it as bad as Mason threatening to rape her, but there was way before the incident that it was a very toxic relationship from both sides.

Well none of the outrage aimed at Greenwood by the fanbase was because of evidence that he was in a toxic relationship so let’s keep to the topic in hand, eh? You know, the whole being violently rapey stuff.
The problem is the media will never allow him to join a new club. They will hound the club asking them why they are employing someone who allegedly assaulted a woman until they cancel the loan or deal.
The UK press is filthy at times and will never allow him an opportunity to redeem himself
. Even if he quits football and go and a warehouse they will hound that company until they sack him. I'm afraid this is not over at all
Well none of the outrage aimed at Greenwood by the fanbase was because of evidence that he was in a toxic relationship so let’s keep to the topic in hand, eh? You know, the whole being violently rapey stuff.
Two things could be true at the same time, mate. And obviously, it does not make Greenwood's acts any less despicable.
yeah. It is a good example of public politics intruding personal sphere. It is absurd.

A civilzied society even gives criminals a second chance.
Jesus christ he's not banned from living his life. Go out and get a job, live life with your family or whatever. Hell, he'll be back at another football club before long. Just because it won't be at Manchester United doesn't mean he's been reduced to a life of nothing. He's already richer than most people will ever get in their lifetimes for christ sake. All of this is his own doing

Stop crying because you want to be an abuse apologist just so you could see Greenwood kick a few balls in the net for us so you can chat shit to opposite fans on Twitter. That's basically what it boils down to.
The problem is the media will never allow him to join a new club. They will hound the club asking them why they are employing someone who allegedly assaulted a woman until they cancel the loan or deal.
The UK press is filthy at times and will never allow him an opportunity to redeem himself
. Even if he quits football and go and a warehouse they will hound that company until they sack him. I'm afraid this is not over at all
But what has that got to do with us? It's not Manchester United's fault that the British press are shite. The bleeding hearts for this guy in the thread are wild.

He'll go abroad where the British press won't get a hold of him so much.
The problem is the media will never allow him to join a new club. They will hound the club asking them why they are employing someone who allegedly assaulted a woman until they cancel the loan or deal.
The UK press is filthy at times and will never allow him an opportunity to redeem himself
. Even if he quits football and go and a warehouse they will hound that company until they sack him. I'm afraid this is not over at all
I disagree. Other English clubs don't get a fraction of the scrutiny United get because nobody cares about them and everyone who isn't a United fan despises us. I reckon he'll end up at Newcastle and it will be crickets from the shameless media (who'll probably get Saudi hush money).
Two things could be true at the same time, mate. And obviously, it does not make Greenwood's acts any less despicable.

So why bring it up? The idea seems to be to somehow excuse or explain his behaviour. Which is stupid. And deserves to be called out. Lots of people get stuck in toxic, volatile relationships without getting rapey. And the fact he got rapey is the issue here.
They have a kid now. Nobody is talking about that or cares. Man's a 21 year old... It doesn't matter to anyone. All that counts is that we heard a recording, not completely. We heard a recording and therefore his career should be over.
Whenever someone brings this up the answer they get is "Stockholm syndrome"
Whilst it could be true, still quite absurd that people implying his missus and her family can't think for themselves. Internet always knows best.
Nobody has stolen his football boots or banned him from the football pitch. He is not in jail and very much free to continue his career.

Why not at Manchester United, you ask? Well consider it the price we pay for not educating him properly, despite him being at the club since 7 years old.

What? This is United's fault for not educating him properly? Are you seriously blaming United for not raising him the right way, and absolving his parents and the person himself?
They have a kid now. Nobody is talking about that or cares. Man's a 21 year old... It doesn't matter to anyone. All that counts is that we heard a recording, not completely. We heard a recording and therefore his career should be over.
What is the point of such unnuanced posts? It does not accurately reflect the sentiments being shared in this thread. At all.
Whenever someone brings this up the answer they get is "Stockholm syndrome"
Whilst it could be true, still quite absurd that people implying his missus and her family can't think for themselves. Internet always knows best.
It isn't that. It's just what, he has a kid now so all is forgiven and forgotten, leave the guy to do whatever he wants? Oh this guy just shot someone in the street, but he has a kid now so why are we hounding him?

The timeline lines up like this - Greenwood broke the law by spitting in the face of his bail conditions during the investigation - multiple times - to contact the victim and visit her, he even got arrested in her company for doing so. He showers her with lavish gifts and such, she then winds up pregnant and the witness suddenly wants to drop the case, funny that isn't it. This isn't me making up BS by the way this is widely reported, you can go read for yourself, what a funny old timeline that is.
So why bring it up? The idea seems to be to somehow excuse or explain his behaviour. Which is stupid. And deserves to be called out. Lots of people get stuck in toxic, volatile relationships without getting rapey. And the fact he got rapey is the issue here.
I brought it up based on the post that you quoted where the other poster said that it was a mutually toxic relationship. You quoted it in the other thread as terrible post, where actually, there is a lot to suggest that it was the case. Of course, it does not give amnesty to Greenwood for what he did (or threatened to do).
What? This is United's fault for not educating him properly? Are you seriously blaming United for not raising him the right way, and absolving his parents and the person himself?

I totally blame his parents and him of course. This has mostly nothing to do with us, we are sadly collateral damage. However we were his main schooling institution since age 7, so we also probably could have done better in his education.
The timeline lines up like this - Greenwood broke the law by spitting in the face of his bail conditions during the investigation - multiple times - to contact the victim and visit her, he even got arrested in her company for doing so. He showers her with lavish gifts and such, she then winds up pregnant and the witness suddenly wants to drop the case, funny that isn't it. This isn't me making up BS by the way this is widely reported, you can go read for yourself, what a funny old timeline that is.
She wanted to drop the case in April '22 and they had their baby in July the following the year, something doesn't add up.
He gets his second chance. Just not here. If Marc from Finance at your job has the same audio released, do you think he gets to keep his job? Does that mean he can't go on and work at another place? Nah.
Stop being so dramatic, he has plenty of second chances, just not at Man United. He can go play football for any other club if you he likes, there will be not a shortage of suitors.
I've seen posts here and elsewhere suggesting that the Athletic should continue to hound other clubs interested in signing Greenwood. So this idea of him deserving or receiving a "second chance" isn't really a foregone conclusion.
I totally blame his parents and him of course. This has mostly nothing to do with us. However we were his main schooling institution since age 7, so we also probably could have done better in his education.

Educating him how? At the end of the day, his own free will and how his relationship with his partner took a life of its own. you dont think United emphasized every day and week about self respect and respecting others? He didnt have positive people he could go to as a mentor or guide?

Not everything can be blamed on United and feel like you're just passing accountability
I brought it up based on the post that you quoted where the other poster said that it was a mutually toxic relationship. You quoted it in the other thread as terrible post, where actually, there is a lot to suggest that it was the case. Of course, it does not give amnesty to Greenwood for what he did (or threatened to do).

It’s a terrible post because it was an obvious attempt to excuse Greenwood’s behaviour. You know this. You read it. Anyway, I’m getting the feck out of this thread. Cheerio.
If he was to continue his United career, then I certainly think the explanation at least needed to be made public. It was highly unreasonable to expect the public, fans and club staff to be okay with him returning without any explanation for the audio they heard.

However, Greenwood is cleary unwilling to make that explanation public. Just as he is clearly unwilling to be specific in terms of what he is apologising for.

Occam's Razor would suggest that's because whatever the evidence that he didn't commit the very specific crimes of which he was accused, that evidence/explanation/context is nonetheless damaging enough to Greenwood that rather than confirm it publicly he would prefer to insist on his innocence without providing any details whatsoever.

Agreed. The naiveté displayed by United in this is quite something. The Athletic have provided a snippet of the sorts of conversations that have been taking place at executive level at United and it paints a picture of an echo chamber of sheer delusion. Rather than taking a moral stand or showing any kind leadership whatsoever, it seems Arnold et al have actually just spent months fussing over how to stage manage the announcement of a decision that they'd already made. And they thought we'd all just wear it if they made a little video of Arnold where he said, "we've seen secret evidence that shows Greenwood didn't do any of this stuff, but we can't share it with you so you'll just have to trust us that it exists and completely exonerates him." The whole approach of United has been laughable and more than a little pathetic.
Educating him how? At the end of the day, his own free will and how his relationship with his partner took a life of its own. you dont think United emphasized every day and week about self respect and respecting others? He didnt have positive people he could go to as a mentor or guide?

Not everything can be blamed on United and feel like you're just passing accountability

No, I just simply think perhaps we could have been a better school. But also maybe we've done all we could for him and he is one of those people who are just walking the tightrope everyday because that is how their life is. I don't know. But what I do know is that we should do all in our power to prevent the next batch of young talent going through this hot mess, as much as we can.

He is ultimately responsible for his own actions, and his parents are responsible for his moral upbringing.
I've seen posts here and elsewhere suggesting that the Athletic should continue to hound other clubs interested in signing Greenwood. So this idea of him deserving or receiving a "second chance" isn't really a foregone conclusion.

Those suggestions are mostly from people who think he should play for United.
Can you explain why Greenwood would have stayed with his partner if she'd misled the public on what he did and led the world to think he'd assaulted/raped her, potentially bringing down his entire career? That's why I don't think he is innocent, even if he technically is in the eyes of the law.

Assuming my premise above is a sound one, I therefore wouldn't want him representing my business either even if he hasn't been technically convicted of anything.
Because he loves her and forgave her perhaps? I don't know. I am not my brother's keeper, and I cannot fathom the workings of his mind. Thats an issue for MG and his wife and them alone.
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