Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Guilty of what? Breaking your moral compass?
Maybe try reading the previous posts related to the one you’ve replied to. It explains what I believe he is guilty of and why.

Clearly you’re totally void of a moral compass. How many reprobates are caf members?!
Maybe try reading the previous posts related to the one you’ve replied to. It explains what I believe he is guilty of and why.

Clearly you’re totally void of a moral compass. How many reprobates are caf members?!
Rightly or wrongly though, you are basing your opinion on partial evidence.
As I've said before, I've grown up around DV, ended up in a relationship where it happened and I've had an awful experience with my young son be wrongfully accused of some awful stuff over last christmas. So I'm in the unenviable position of experience of a lot of this, including how the police deal with it all (mostly with ineptitude to be honest) and all the nuances around cases like this. Especially in the realm of how the male is instantly treated.

Which is why I've not flat out accused him myself, but it's hard not to see the obvious patterns that fall into line. And I mean that from both sides btw, I'm still not convinced myself what I think exactly happened.

But what I do know is this is the right thing for all parties and should have been done a long time ago. I don't care what excuses people want to make, but the club have handled it horribly and it has made things worse for that family too.
How? They waited until the CPS concluded their investigation and then they conducted theirs. The situation seems complicated and this kid was with us since he was 7 I believe. He's also an employee so we have to be mindful that we follow the correct legal procedures, plus gathering 'evidence' from relevant parties. It can take some time. If it were not for the leaks, would you say the same? I think it's correct we took time to assess all the facts (available to the club) before making a final decision. Plus this was a unique situation. I believe the time taken is understandable.
As I've said before, I've grown up around DV, ended up in a relationship where it happened and I've had an awful experience with my young son be wrongfully accused of some awful stuff over last christmas. So I'm in the unenviable position of experience of a lot of this, including how the police deal with it all (mostly with ineptitude to be honest) and all the nuances around cases like this. Especially in the realm of how the male is instantly treated.

Which is why I've not flat out accused him myself, but it's hard not to see the obvious patterns that fall into line. And I mean that from both sides btw, I'm still not convinced myself what I think exactly happened.

But what I do know is this is the right thing for all parties and should have been done a long time ago. I don't care what excuses people want to make, but the club have handled it horribly and it has made things worse for that family too.
Yeah for sure. It felt pretty clear from the start given how public the evidence was, how big United is, that there was no coming back for him, here. At least not right away. Dragging it into the season was pathetic. Should've been sorted by July 1st. Best thing for the family as well is to start fresh somewhere new if they truly want to be together IMO. Get therapy. Raise the kid in an environment where the neighborhood doesn't think his dad is what most will think he is. Really don't see a life for them in England for a long time. Whatever truly happens, who knows, but in this era with social media, if something like that happens or gets leaked, you are essentially shunned right away.
Rightly or wrongly though, you are basing your opinion on partial evidence.
I’m basing it on the fact if he was innocent then the accusations were false. These accusations have destroyed his life and now an entire country/industry are defaming him on a daily basis. Nobody would go back to someone who took this action against you, it’s quite simple really. So clearly the accusations were not false.
I’m basing it on the fact if he was innocent then the accusations were false. These accusations have destroyed his life and now an entire country/industry are defaming him on a daily basis. Nobody would go back to someone who took this action against you, it’s quite simple really. So clearly the accusations were not false.
Just not true. That is also not a fact.
Well, I'm glad you are not in charge of the judicial system.

Not sure you are getting the point, to be honest. In general, you should not really be too trusting of information spread on the internet as it can be doctored or tampered with e.g. a video or recording can easily be cut to put the onus on one instead of another. I'm not saying that is the case here, but it is still very easy to do. If you had a video of one person hitting another and the other retaliating, for instance, you could easily cut the recording to make it look like the second person started the fight. That is why the judicial system exists: to get the full facts of the case, not bits and pieces and thinking 'that'll do'.

I know people are dismissive, but there are other possibilities. It does not take a huge imagination to think of them, but there seems to be this idea that if you can think of other possibilities that you actually believe any of them. I don't have any solid belief in any situation as I do not have the full facts, so I remain sceptical of everything. The thing is that people do make up their minds quickly and are, quite often, wrong in other cases.

I am not holding the full facts, I was not there and I do not know the people involved. These are three massive points that makes the sensible option not to really believe any story in this situation, unless further proof became available.

In the end, they are back together, have had a child and are, supposedly getting married. I know people will say that 'abused victims get back together with their abuser', and, whilst that is true for some, you cannot assume that is the situation in every case. He has left Manchester United and is looking for a career. This case is over at this time and possibly forever.

There are 1001 means to check and verify the video. If it's tampered, doctored, the MG legal team would have come out, JACK feckING POT! It's a hoax. End off.

I don't want to think of possibilities that it's alien, BDSM, or Prank, or whatever, his career is on the line, it's his job to proove otherwise. If he's innocent he'll fight tooth and nail and scream over it, not meekly accept he made a mistake

For the love of god is there a line people won't bend to defend what he did?

I am not assuming, the proof is out there. Have you seen the transcript?

And MG actually own it, he says it's wrong he did what he did. What more admission of guilt do you need?
Is there any left?

White knighting
Cancel culture
Innocent until proven guilty
False accusations
Permission to record private conversations
We need a striker
We will regret it when he scores for another team

It makes it a lot easier to put people on ignore tbf :lol:
Maybe try reading the previous posts related to the one you’ve replied to. It explains what I believe he is guilty of and why.

Clearly you’re totally void of a moral compass. How many reprobates are caf members?!

Both sides of the argument are clutching at straws trying to be in the right of the matter.

Only thing we know about it is the audio, which could easily be taken out of context. That's why, guess what, CPS didn't push forward with the matter. And don't get me started on those pics. If you think the club is lying about the matter, then call them out on it, take action. And if they do have something to put all this in context they won't, you know why? There's a thing called "privacy", that everyone is entitled to.

I'd rather see the club take that sort of time they took on making this decision, on scouting players and doing something about this dross we're watching.
Maybe try reading the previous posts related to the one you’ve replied to. It explains what I believe he is guilty of and why.

Clearly you’re totally void of a moral compass. How many reprobates are caf members?!

Mate, it's an emotive subject and there's been some absolute dirge posted in here today, but it's really not worth the infraction points for.

How? They waited until the CPS concluded their investigation and then they conducted theirs. The situation seems complicated and this kid was with us since he was 7 I believe. He's also an employee so we have to be mindful that we follow the correct legal procedures, plus gathering 'evidence' from relevant parties. It can take some time. If it were not for the leaks, would you say the same? I think it's correct we took time to assess all the facts (available to the club) before making a final decision. Plus this was a unique situation. I believe the time taken is understandable.

It's the time plus the opening statement though. You don't think the timing was way off, and the arrogant way they assumed they could just throw him back into the mix was ridiculous?

And you say "if not for the leaks", but I said the same thing when they did drop the first statement. I was questioning why they didn't do a charm offensive from the start of preseason as it's been obvious all along they were going to try to keep him. All those leaks did is confirm what most of us suspect about how the club is being run all round at the moment...shambolically.

I agree it's a unique and difficult situation, but come on. Some of the stuff said out to the public and in the boardroom is a joke. Trying to drag the women's team into it for a start? Feck off with that gaslighting shite.
You are making assumptions based on pretty much nothing.
On nothing? :lol:

Were the accusations made? Yes.
Did the accusations destroy his life/career? Yes.
Could they have landed him in prison? Yes.
Has he gone back to her? Yes.

Considering the first three points of fact, nobody in their right mind would forgive these actions and resume a romantic relationship with the accuser.
Both sides of the argument are clutching at straws trying to be in the right of the matter.

Only thing we know about it is the audio, which could easily be taken out of context. That's why, guess what, CPS didn't push forward with the matter. And don't get me started on those pics. If you think the club is lying about the matter, then call them out on it, take action. And if they do have something to put all this in context they won't, you know why? There's a thing called "privacy", that everyone is entitled to.

I'd rather see the club take that sort of time they took on making this decision, on scouting players and doing something about this dross we're watching.

Christ almighty.

Where's that GTA .gif when you need it? Here we go again...
How? They waited until the CPS concluded their investigation and then they conducted theirs. The situation seems complicated and this kid was with us since he was 7 I believe. He's also an employee so we have to be mindful that we follow the correct legal procedures, plus gathering 'evidence' from relevant parties. It can take some time. If it were not for the leaks, would you say the same? I think it's correct we took time to assess all the facts (available to the club) before making a final decision. Plus this was a unique situation. I believe the time taken is understandable.
No reason why they couldn't sort it out by July. Having it run until mid August, distract the season, have all this come out between games, disrupt transfer plans, the misguided beliefs that he could actually return etc... It's a complete lack of understanding of how the public actually works, being completely out of touch with reality. So that's a concern.

The ONLY way there was ever going to be a return for Greenwood would have been for a joint media interview with him and his girl, where they essentially claim it was a mutual problematic relationship and they are doing therapy and working through issues, but mainly her essentially absolving Greenwood of the charges in public. Without that public interview, there was 0 chance of any return for Greenwood at United. That's the only way the mob would die down and accept a return at a club like United. There's literally no other option, and that should have been obvious to anyone with any expertize in PR. So the fact that they thought they could bring him back without having this was always crazy.
On nothing? :lol:

Were the accusations made? Yes.
Did the accusations destroy his life/career? Yes.
Could they have landed him in prison? Yes.
Has he gone back to her? Yes.

Considering the first three points of fact, nobody in their right mind would forgive these actions and resume a romantic relationship with the accuser.
You have absolutely no idea of the full context and the dynamics of their relationship.
Mate, it's an emotive subject and there's been some absolute dirge posted in here today, but it's really not worth the infraction points for.

It's the time plus the opening statement though. You don't think the timing was way off, and the arrogant way they assumed they could just throw him back into the mix was ridiculous?

And you say "if not for the leaks", but I said the same thing when they did drop the first statement. I was questioning why they didn't do a charm offensive from the start of preseason as it's been obvious all along they were going to try to keep him. All those leaks did is confirm what most of us suspect about how the club is being run all round at the moment...shambolically.

I agree it's a unique and difficult situation, but come on. Some of the stuff said out to the public and in the boardroom is a joke. Trying to drag the women's team into it for a start? Feck off with that gaslighting shite.
Did the club say something publicly that was offensive? I'm not aware as I do not read or click on anything from the press as I consider them all to be tabloids. So did we directly say offensive things, or is this coming from 'leaks'? If the latter, then you're aware the press won't give us any context and would have gone with the most inflammatory angle?

The only thing I'm aware of is that the club wanted to talk to everyone at the club, including the women's team - as they should.
You have absolutely no idea of the full context and the dynamics of their relationship.
Oh I’m all ears. I’d love to know what relationship dynamic involves making career ending, prison inducing accusations and then simply forgiving and forgetting all about it like it was some squabble over infidelity.
Oh I’m all ears. I’d love to know what relationship dynamic involves making career ending, prison inducing accusations and then simply forgiving and forgetting all about it like it was some squabble over infidelity.
I don’t know and neither do you. I’m not pretending I do though.
On nothing? :lol:

Were the accusations made? Yes.
Did the accusations destroy his life/career? Yes.
Could they have landed him in prison? Yes.
Has he gone back to her? Yes.

Considering the first three points of fact, nobody in their right mind would forgive these actions and resume a romantic relationship with the accuser.

You assume that he did absolutely nothing and she did everything.

It is possible that he did do something (but not really too serious) and that she also did exaggerate it to make it more serious that it looked.

Both parties told partial truths, realised it, and came to an agreement that if it got out in the public eye they were both losers so they both shut up.

Why he then had a baby with her though, it's not for me to judge. Someone keep an eye on the welfare of that kid.
Christ almighty.

Where's that GTA .gif when you need it? Here we go again...

Sorry, until there's a chance that he might be innocent on the matter, i can't understand why is everyone so happy about a young lad destroying his career.
Did the club say something publicly that was offensive? I'm not aware as I do not read or click on anything from the press as I consider them all to be tabloids. So did we directly say offensive things, or is this coming from 'leaks'? If the latter, then you're aware the press won't give us any context and would have gone with the most inflammatory angle?

The only thing I'm aware of is that the club wanted to talk to everyone at the club, including the women's team - as they should.

You don't see an issue with publicly announcing that? Because if you don't, then you must have missed the result.
You assume that he did absolutely nothing and she did everything.

It is possible that he did do something (but not really too serious) and that she also did exaggerate it to make it more serious that it looked.

Both parties told partial truths, realised it, and came to an agreement that if it got out in the public eye they were both losers so they both shut up.

Why he then had a baby with her though, it's not for me to judge. Someone keep an eye on the welfare of that kid.

How is the audio & pictures not something too serious ? If Mason has an explanation of the audio and pictures we would all like to hear it. Otherwise UTD made right decision.
Sorry, until there's a chance that he might be innocent on the matter, i can't understand why is everyone so happy about a young lad destroying his carrer.

And again, here we go again...

You are saying nothing that hasn't already been talked about in here over and over mate. I get it's a big thread, but every couple of pages this comes up and it has to be pointed out over and over that his career ISN'T destroyed, he is just leaving one club.

And in his own words, he set this all off and made those mistakes.
How is the audio & pictures not something too serious ? If Mason has an explanation of the audio and pictures we would all like to hear it. Otherwise UTD made right decision.

It looks and sounds serious but until we hear the full version, which by my understanding will never be released, you can't be 100% sure that it is what you think it is.

You can only be 90% sure and that's it.

I personally think that he did something. But how serious the offence, I don't know and will never know.
Sorry, until there's a chance that he might be innocent on the matter, i can't understand why is everyone so happy about a young lad destroying his career.
I have not seen anyone here happy with that. I´ve seen alot of posters happy that the club did the right thing and he is not playing for United again, myself included.
It looks and sounds serious but until we hear the full version, which by my understanding will never be released, you can't be 100% sure that it is what you think it is.

You can only be 90% sure and that's it.
Yet here you are happy to back the 10% chance. Why is that?! :lol:
Sorry, until there's a chance that he might be innocent on the matter, i can't understand why is everyone so happy about a young lad destroying his career.

This isn't criminal count, UTD don't need to prove beyond reasonable doubt. The audio and pictures are pretty damming and are enough for UTD to want to move on. If there's missing context or if they were altered in any way, Mason and his camp can let us all know. Let not act like this is a witch hunt. There is enough evidence for people to be up in arms for Mason staying in the club. If he can provide an explanation of what was released in social media a lot of people would change their minds. We haven't gotten one yet
How is the audio & pictures not something too serious ? If Mason has an explanation of the audio and pictures we would all like to hear it. Otherwise UTD made right decision.
Because the CPS withdrew their charges. If it was serious enough then they did not need the victims cooperation to secure a conviction. When new material evidence came to light, that was probably the full video with context.
You don't see an issue with publicly announcing that? Because if you don't, then you must have missed the result.
Maybe I've misunderstood? I will have to go back and assess.
Going from my memory, I don't remember it being inflammatory or insulting - unless I'm misremembering?
Not the poster you quoted, but saw you mentioning this post as terrible in general too. So just trying to clarify.

Before the incident, there were posts on some other forum about this mutually toxic relation. For example, look at this post and the explanation:

So, I do not think the poster was alluding that she was abusive to him because they got married (I do not think that they are married but that is besides the point), but because of stuff like this.

The audio we heard involved the threat of violence being used to coerce someone into having sex against their will.

If anyone genuinely believes “they’re both as bad as each other” on the basis of online hearsay that their relationship was a bit messy then that says a lot more about them than it does about Greenwood.
Unfortunately, that is not how the legal system works. As much as the legal system, in our country and many others, has its failings, it is fundamental that an individual is innocent until appropriate and convincing evidence that proves otherwise has been produced and evaluated by individuals with the appropriate competences. This, unfortunately, is not the competence of masses of individuals who have seen only a portion of the evidence (as reported by multiple sources, forgetting rhe semantics of material and/or evidence) available, have it provoke a strong emotive response (which is also reasonable considering the sort of topic), and arrive at an unwavering and unequivocal conclusion (which may be correct, but may also not considering the amount of phrases we are dissecting in an attempt to extrapolate information and arrive at a conclusion that supports our own individual opinion and bias).

To play devil's advocate; if context is not important, if I am casually arguing with my sibling , or loved one, or whomever, and state "oi, "fill in name here", you're doing my head in now, I'm going to kill you if you carry on" (the sort of phrase that many of us will have used at some time in our lives), is that sufficient evidence to say I have threatened to kill my sibling? Or would it matter that said recording then continues to capture us mocking one another for a few minutes before hugging it out? It is a banal example that is in no way comparable to the severity of the situation and evidence here, but highlights the importance of context and I personally believe it to be naive if one believes that it shouldn't be the case

I often fear that a society that is governed by overall public response on social media and within the (the often, quite frankly, downright abhorrent) media is a slippery slope to be going down, especially if we ever arrive at the point where we are governing based upon "assumptions".

The video is proove. If this is she says he says then yes he's innocent until proven guilty

This case is special as the evidence are leaked. Hence people can easilly made up their mind.

Context matter yes. But there's always a point where you've heard enough. I dont need to see a whole 2 years of their relationship. Law doesnt work like that.. you can be an angel for 10 years in a relationship but that 1 night you hit her you hit her and that's a crime. That's it.
Maybe I've misunderstood? I will have to go back and assess.
Going from my memory, I don't remember it being inflammatory or insulting - unless I'm misremembering?

I can't quite remember if it was the statement of part of the press briefing, but that spoke about talking to the Women and that caused them to get big time abuse from the usual knuckledraggers online. This was before the leaks started, so it was either in the release of what they briefed as all media ran the same story.

In any case I think it's the best outcome for all parties. He has the chance to grow, learn and continue his career out of the huge spotlight of United, and we get to move forward with the season and hopefully find a replacement somewhere.
The audio we heard involved the threat of violence being used to coerce someone into having sex against their will.

If anyone genuinely believes “they’re both as bad as each other” on the basis of online hearsay that their relationship was a bit messy then that says a lot more about them than it does about Greenwood.
This is less about "both as bad", but more about painting a fuller picture for the people who are demanding an explanation for the video.
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