Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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This. Their original decision to bring him back was leaked to the media and then shat their pants against the public backlash and social media threats. Pathetic.
Strange that this whole time they seemingly never considered there might be this much backlash.
As far as I'm concerned, he left the club in January 2022. This news doesn't change anything.

We moved on 19 months ago. Now we're continuing to move on.
I think it’s totally ridiculous personally. I am totally in favour of him going but what was the point of this investigation if they’ve just let fan opinion dictate it regardless of what the evidence they found. A win for cancel culture.

The guy is obviously a dickhead but that’s such a weird statement.
Yup. Maybe they should let decide signings too given they aren’t capable of making decisions on their merit anyway.
fecking hell.

There’s images and video of him sexually assaulting a woman and as a result he’s been let go from the club. Thank feck for that and thank feck you’re nowhere near the decision.
I’m sorry but that is incorrect.
You think that a footballer having a recording of him sexually assaulting someone has been used as a stick to attack United.

Honestly mate, the way you see the world is warped. He deserves every bit of press coverage he got.
No but it wouldn’t be Redcafe without posters being wilfully ignorant. I’m not going back & forth over this so Wum elsewhere or stop filling gaps, I’ve said in this thread what I think.
I think it’s totally ridiculous personally. I am totally in favour of him going but what was the point of this investigation if they’ve just let fan opinion dictate it regardless of what the evidence they found. A win for cancel culture.

The guy is obviously a dickhead but that’s such a weird statement.

Cancel culture is when you have audio and video evidence of sexually assaulting someone, the person involved admits he makes mistake and then you don’t get to play for your football club again.
Correct decison by the club.. By this is only due to the backlash they recieved the last few days. Richard Arnold was fully prepped to bring him back by all accounts..

One thing doesn't sit right with me about that statement. They claim they're confident he didn't do what was accused, and he has claimed that in his statement. That would basically mean she lied, and attempted to completely destroy his career with false claims.. But at the same time he's back with her looking forward to the future. Does no one else find that extremely strange??

If someone attempted to ruin my life with 'false claims'. theres absolutely no chance id ever even speak to them again. I would be on a vendetta to have them in court to answer for what they have done.

If this was the case, surely a statement from her at some point admitting to some misleading etc would have cleared this all up very quickly? Theres something just doesnt seem right about it
I mean, to be fair, the only thing she did was post that story saying “look what he does to me”. Something her father said she regrets doing, soon after this. The audio was leaked to the media, supposedly, not by the victim, and she did not officially press charges, as far as I know.
We don't half have a habit of finding incredibly talented wrong'uns do we?

Greenwood, Morrison, Giggs .. such a shame.
The statement is terrible because they've left it so late that there is no obvious right decision now. Anything they decide will be met with "why not earlier?" They had enough and basically just gave in to the section on media that is currently the loudest.

And all the people taking the moral stand that this man is somehow irredeemable and must be shunned by employers should have a look at their glass houses first.

Wasnt left last -- I bet ETH was counting on him being back. But the news article in the Athletic stirred stuff up before United could do some of their media work to help ease him back into the squad. They would have done an interview, and other media activities to soften the landing.
See which club is bold enough to put the first contract offer to him.
I doubt Serie A or LaLiga clubs are that Woke-ish to begin with.

If his skill-set, talent and desire are still there, no doubt clubs are lining up for him.
Especially so , a champions league club.

Whether he will do the Adebayor style celebration at Old Trafford in future, remains to be seen.
Can we essentially sell him? Would anyone pay? I mean he was probably worth 75 million in todays money before he was arrested.

Does mean him leaving free up a space for a new forward?
I think it’s totally ridiculous personally. I am totally in favour of him going but what was the point of this investigation if they’ve just let fan opinion dictate it regardless of what the evidence they found. A win for cancel culture.

The guy is obviously a dickhead but that’s such a weird statement.

Seriously? If there was substantial evidence to debunk the images and recordings well then why not go into more detail? Cancel culture are you for real he's lucky not to be in prison.
What a shambles this has been. What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

And for our club not to stand by it's players in adversity, says alot.

A shame for all parties involved. Personally with the conclusion that the club came to I would have wished they kept him, however, I am fully aware how difficult it would have been for him to continue his career at Old Trafford with the feelings of a large section of the fans. A shame but hopefully now all parties can move on.

“MG statement* I want to start by saying I understand that people will judge me because of what they have seen and heard on social media, and I know people will think the worst. I was brought up to know that violence or abuse in any relationship is wrong, I did not do the things I was accused of, and in February I was cleared of all charges. However, I fully accept I made mistakes in my relationship, and I take my share of responsibility for the situations which led to the social media post. I am learning to understand my responsibilities to set a good example as a professional footballer, and I’m focused on the big responsibility of being a father, as well as a good partner. Today’s decision has been part of a collaborative process between Manchester United, my family and me. The best decision for us all, is for me to continue my football career away from Old Trafford, where my presence will not be a distraction for the club. I thank the club for their support since I joined aged seven. There will always be a part of me which is United. I am enormously grateful to my family and all my loved ones for their support, and it is now for me to repay the trust those around me have shown. I intend to be a better footballer, but most importantly a good father, a better person, and to use my talents in a positive way on and off the pitch.”
Well I'm pissed right off, some club is getting a top quality player, and it will be for peanuts...
I wanted him back in , but UTDs board have given in to peer pressure from other quarters..

I hope the boy goes on and plays his football abroad and scores shit load of goals , comes back as a visiting player in CL or Europa league or conference league and scores a Hattrick .... and i will cheer every fecking goal, I've followed this club since 8 yrs of age and I'm seriously thinking of feck it now .....

Insufficient privileges to reply . ??????????????
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For everyone that says it'll be a loan, I'm quite certain the statement says they've agreed to mutually terminate his contract?
It’s pretty clear from the statement that he will be leaving the club never to return. Whether that’s a loan with buy option / requirement or an outright sale.
Same pressure should be put on Adam Crafton to ensure he does this to scupper every future move, which of course he won’t.

He’s got his big fish, now wait for the crickets when he plays anywhere else. Fanbase getting played like a fiddle & claiming victory, Crafton didn’t do this for the victim or the act, he did this to break a story. He’ll stop now & move on.
I'm really not sure what your point is. Crafton primarily covers United, so it's not surprising he's been over this story and it won't be surprising if he doesn't cover MG when it involves another club.
Seriously? If there was substantial evidence to debunk the images and recordings well then why not go into more detail? Cancel culture are you for real he's lucky not to be in prison.

Because quite obviously it would have implications to this relationship and mother of his child
Can we essentially sell him? Would anyone pay? I mean he was probably worth 75 million in todays money before he was arrested.

Does mean him leaving free up a space for a new forward?
He'll go out on loan abroad and maybe we'll sell him in a season or two. We won't get shit for him and we won't get a replacement.
You’ve said that the Athletic only care as much as it is Ubited.
Which is not saying. . .

‘You think that a footballer having a recording of him sexually assaulting someone has been used as a stick to attack United.’

I get where you’re trying to go & I can’t be bothered with someone ignoring any nuance.
He’s probably earned enough to retire & stay out of the public eye for the rest of his days.

If he wants to continue football I imagine he will need to go abroad as the abuse for the terraces will be bad
Thats the most interesting part of the statement.

Not really they took a witness statement from the victim and she told the club he didn't do it. We can all speculate whether he did or didn't but he's leaving for a reason, if people can't figure out why he's apologising for mistakes but denying criminal acts that can only be wilful ignorance.
So basically the club believe he is innocent but he's best leaving due to the immense spotlight it would have on everyone? Bit odd.
Are people defending him in here just forgetting that we've all heard that recording or...?
For me, this whole issue boils down to a simple question of whether, as a society, we want to respect the rulings of our legal system or not.

The simple fact of the matter is that our judicial process ended with the determination that Mason Greenwood need not even stand trial. Therefore, we must treat him as an innocent man.

Ultimately, if the “evidence” that was publicly available was sufficient in and of itself, then Mason Greenwood would be in prison.

We are perfectly entitled to critique the way our justice system works in order to iteratively improve its inevitable flaws, but we can never disregard its rulings and sentence people by mob rule.
Not impressed, but not surprised. Public opinion appears to be more powerful than the facts, as stated in the club statement. Weak management.

This was my instant read of the statements too.

Not sure why it took 6 months of internal investigations, to find out he hadn’t done what was alleged and then still say we have to part ways.

A real shit show for the club but then it wouldn’t be any other way I guess.
Reading between the lines I'm reading the him not doing what he was accused of (rape) means he didn't actually get as far as fully raping her just "trying" to and she wouldn't let him

Obviously him being abusive and what happened in the video and how he treated her is absolutely not acceptable but I wonder if that's what we are doing to try to "protect" him, especially as the charges were dropped. Cynical side says it's so we can make him more sellable too

Anyone saying that statement means anything other than the club want to minimise the shitshow around a player they want to sell is very naïve.
Well I'm pissed right off, some club is getting a top quality player, and it will be for peanuts...
I wanted him back in , but UTDs board have given in to peer pressure from other quarters..

I hope the boy goes on and plays his football abroad and scores shit load of goals , comes back as a visiting player in CL or Europa league or conference league and scores a Hattrick .... and i will cheer every fecking goal, I've followed this club since 8 yrs of age and I'm seriously thinking of feck it now .....
:lol: You support Mason more than United then?
Which is not saying. . .

‘You think that a footballer having a recording of him sexually assaulting someone has been used as a stick to attack United.’

I get where you’re trying to go & I can’t be bothered with someone ignoring any nuance.


You genuinely think the Athletic care more because it’s United. Imagine that being the thing you take from this saga.
So basically the club believe he is innocent but he's best leaving due to the immense spotlight it would have on everyone? Bit odd.

Its called cancel culture, look at the pressure the club was under the minute people got a sniff he was about to return
Seriously? If there was substantial evidence to debunk the images and recordings well then why not go into more detail? Cancel culture are you for real he's lucky not to be in prison.
They may not legally be able to release the evidence.
They should just have spent those 6 months doing daily polls and jay walks.
Can we essentially sell him? Would anyone pay? I mean he was probably worth 75 million in todays money before he was arrested.

Does mean him leaving free up a space for a new forward?

Every club now knows he’s leaving. Not exactly sure what bargaining power there would be for a fee after that. Unless uncle saudi decide to be kind.
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