Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Will be a loan then a permanent transfer next summer.
Nobody is going to pay his market value or near that right now.
Not sure about that one chief.

The only people who should make comment in regards to what happened are the two people who were in the room, one of whom has lifelong anonymity.

Manchester United has no need to make that statement imo.

It appears to me, if anything, it was probably a bargaining tool out forward to make this a 'mutual agreement', rather than relieving of duties which would incur a financial cost to the club.

Of course they should, they've been involved in this so have the right to offer their opinion.
I'm very conflicted about all of this, don't know just wish things could have been different and he wasn't such a bellend to begin with.
So according to their review he didn't do what he was accused off (rape and assault) but they are still kicking him out? That's a load of BS and it's a shame when it comes to supporting your players.

But then again, if he did not something wrong that they found out, say it and mention that's the reason you are firing him.

The whole situation is a mess because it seems they themselves seem conflicted.
Finally a decision. Hopefully he can become a better dad than a boyfriend. His newborn and girlfriend deserve that.

Hopefully Ten Hag will get a replacement striker.
Terrible decision! Basically wilted to trial by social media! They reviewed everything, believe he was innocent yet still get rid! Pathetic- and a sad state of modern society!

This. Greenwood wont be happy either for the lack of support from the club.
Judging by a few posts in here, I'm not sure everyone has...
The transcript, with respect, is not conclusive of anything. It's out of context and is a single piece of evidence out of many. That's why we have courts of law. Hearing it sounds unpleasant yes. But that's why it's so important to have a fair hearing which he's not had - the emotive effect a transcript and audio file like that can give a false impression of guilt.
Let’s see how the Athletic cover MGs next move. . .

You think that a footballer having a recording of him sexually assaulting someone has been used as a stick to attack United.

Honestly mate, the way you see the world is warped. He deserves every bit of press coverage he got.
Throwing our players under the bus like this will surely make us attractive.
Club were going to reinstate him, then got spooked out of doing so by The Athletic who I can guarantee will have less than half of what they have been to say when he goes on to another club.
It is interesting how they decided to dig into this, but not other club matters, like the sale
This. Their original decision to bring him back was leaked to the media and then shat their pants against the public backlash and social media threats. Pathetic.

You mean like when the club wanted to join the super league…and then shat their pants…holding this club up as having any sort of moral compass is laughable to be honest.
For everyone that says it'll be a loan, I'm quite certain the statement says they've agreed to mutually terminate his contract?
Thank feck. Well done to the club for coming to the right decision.
I have a lot of problems with the statement released but ultimately the right decision at the end of it. That's a big weight lifted off me as far as being worried about my future ability to support this club.
Absolutely dreadful statement doesn't even make a commitment he will be leaving pernamently as far as I can see.

Shitshow of a club
Fair enough. But what does that statement achieve... It read like he was going to return. Defending his actions, saying what is out in the public domain doesn't paint a true picture etc etc then releasing him.

Obviously it's a minefield in terms of how to handle it but I really don't think the club have come across well here and I'm still not sure if this is a permanent move away or a loan. When first reading it, it seemed like it would be a loan then he would be moved back into the squad but now most reports are suggesting he's been effectively released.

They haven't, but as you said, it's an absolute minefield. They probably had to agree it with all with Greenwood's party too don't forget so that we can get rid/release without fear of legal rammifcations.

It's not great, and the way we've got here certainly hasn't been.... but the right decisions has been reached and thats the main thing.
Same fans moaning about funds for transfer don’t understand how hard it is to allow a 100m asset leave for free.

it’s the correct decision ultimately, but not as black and white. We all know if he was talentless and worth nothing this would have been done the day after the recordings leaked.
wtf are you guys getting all worked up about this....from a footballing perspective, it blows. he's a player we clearly are missing b/c he was fecking brilliant and not easy to replace.

there was ZERO chance he was going to come back straight away given who he was and what club he played for. in comparison to other alleged assaults from players who were not english and played for smaller Bissouma. he's bounced back quite well without a hint of scrutiny

Greenwood, like all high profile celebs, got tried and hung in a public court. His reputation is damaged, admittedly by mistakes he's made, and moving away from OT for a year or two will do him a world of good both professionally and personally. it'll allow him to mature, grow up a bit and sort out his personal and family life out of the big spot light.

i don't think this will be the last time we see him wearing Red for Man United.
No. It was sensible based on the audio and images we have seen.
No. It was irrational and rabid to base an opinion on one piece of evidence taken out of context with the entirety of the facts of the case. This sort of attitude leads to mob justice.
Club were going to reinstate him, then got spooked out of doing so by The Athletic who I can guarantee will have less than half of what they have been to say when he goes on to another club.

It seems We are run by people who have jelly for Spine , If their Internal Investigation revealed He wasn't guilty of Charges he Was accused of then Why the hell they got done by This Athletic piece Show some Back bone ride it out and If they themselves are lying then its pathetic for all together different reasons .
Not sure why some people on this thread are so confused about why the club are saying they believe he didn't do what he is accused of but are also letting him leave. It's fully explained by the part apart him rebuilding his career away from the spotlight of United, pretty simple to understand that.

Not too fussed whether their statement is perfect or not, it's such a complicated situation that's nigh on impossible, they've made the right decision.

Anyway I feel a lot better about our club today than I have the past week.
I am happy with the decision. We will not have this noise around the club. We do not need more distraction at the club.

But if he did not commit the offense, it is really unfair on him. If they were pressured by the court of public opinion and that what decided his fate. Communities should not be ruled by the rules of the mob and this is why we should abide by the law. This sends a dangerous precedent that the law is not imporant.
I wonder if any PL team will put morals to one side…

They’ll get it much worse than we did. We just had the bad luck that he was with us when it happened. Anyone in the PL actively looking to buy him will be the most despised club in the country automatically.
Reading between the lines I'm reading the him not doing what he was accused of (rape) means he didn't actually get as far as fully raping her just "trying" to and she wouldn't let him

Obviously him being abusive and what happened in the video and how he treated her is absolutely not acceptable but I wonder if that's what we are doing to try to "protect" him, especially as the charges were dropped. Cynical side says it's so we can make him more sellable too
I think it’s totally ridiculous personally. I am totally in favour of him going but what was the point of this investigation if they’ve just let fan opinion dictate it regardless of what the evidence they found. A win for cancel culture.

The guy is obviously a dickhead but that’s such a weird statement.
So according to their review he didn't do what he was accused off (rape and assault) but they are still kicking him out? That's a load of BS and it's a shame when it comes to supporting your players.

But then again, if he did not something wrong that they found out, say it and mention that's the reason you are firing him.

The whole situation is a mess because it seems they themselves seem conflicted.
That’s what I don’t like. I’m fine with Greenwood staying if the facts justify and I’m fine with him leaving if the facts justify it. What I’m not fine with is saying the facts are A bit we’ll do B anyway - and it works both ways. It comes across as a decision purely based on optics. I mean if the alpha beta male bro morons were louder would they be forced to keep him?
No. It was irrational and rabid to base an opinion on one piece of evidence taken out of context with the entirety of the facts of the case. This sort of attitude leads to mob justice.

fecking hell.

There’s images and video of him sexually assaulting a woman and as a result he’s been let go from the club. Thank feck for that and thank feck you’re nowhere near the decision.
Reading between the lines I'm reading the him not doing what he was accused of (rape) means he didn't actually get as far as fully raping her just "trying" to and she wouldn't let him

Obviously him being abusive and what happened in the video and how he treated her is absolutely not acceptable but I wonder if that's what we are doing to try to "protect" him, especially as the charges were dropped. Cynical side says it's so we can make him more sellable too
The charge was attempted rape not rape.
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