Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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So both the club and Mason himself state he didn't commit the alleged crimes? I feel like we know less than we did before with these statements.
The amount of times she's been called an "alleged victim" in that statement is astonishing.
To be fair, we do not know the entire context of what happened. It seems United have some more information that isn't public so I'd be careful casting opinions like we know what really went on.
For what it's worth, it's also way better for Greenwood himself and his family that he plays football in a different country.

Legally there is absolutely no way they can do this.

Fair enough. But what does that statement achieve... It read like he was going to return. Defending his actions, saying what is out in the public domain doesn't paint a true picture etc etc then releasing him.

Obviously it's a minefield in terms of how to handle it but I really don't think the club have come across well here and I'm still not sure if this is a permanent move away or a loan. When first reading it, it seemed like it would be a loan then he would be moved back into the squad but now most reports are suggesting he's been effectively released.
You’re going to get more clout tearing someone down. It’s the way of the world these days, no room for mistakes only perfection will do.

Incredibly ridiculous. What Mason is accused and we have evidence of doing is far from “perfect” and is not a “mistake”
Correct decison by the club.. By this is only due to the backlash they recieved the last few days. Richard Arnold was fully prepped to bring him back by all accounts..

One thing doesn't sit right with me about that statement. They claim they're confident he didn't do what was accused, and he has claimed that in his statement. That would basically mean she lied, and attempted to completely destroy his career with false claims.. But at the same time he's back with her looking forward to the future. Does no one else find that extremely strange??

If someone attempted to ruin my life with 'false claims'. theres absolutely no chance id ever even speak to them again. I would be on a vendetta to have them in court to answer for what they have done.

If this was the case, surely a statement from her at some point admitting to some misleading etc would have cleared this all up very quickly? Theres something just doesnt seem right about it
No it's not really strange. It happens a lot in purported domestic abuse cases. People say things they later regret. They don't know necessary what they are saying and can sometimes think something true which on cold reflection they might later see in a different light. In any event it's all largely irrelevant. A court of law is the crucible to distill the truth in such matters, not talking shops or football supporters. People have to have confidence in the law, and that is based on a presumption of innocence which Mason ought to continue to enjoy. The privacy of purported victim needs respecting and as dad as supporters are concerned it ought to be considered a private matter. This man has now lost his job because people can't figure this all out.
Terrible decision! Basically wilted to trial by social media! They reviewed everything, believe he was innocent yet still get rid! Pathetic- and a sad state of modern society!
What’s not clear is how mutual the decision was. I’m beginning to wonder whether the backlash has actually made Greenwood decide himself he doesn’t want to continue at Utd. Maybe he feels the pressure and focus would be too much on him and his family.
Good news at last.

He can have a football career. Just not here.

Never understand this logic. Why, if he can have a football career, should it not be at United? Read the Athletic the other day and one of the writers was disgusted that he could play for a major club, but suggested a mid-table one might be okay. What size of club is the cut off?
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Right decision but a terrible statement

The statement is terrible because they've left it so late that there is no obvious right decision now. Anything they decide will be met with "why not earlier?" They had enough and basically just gave in to the section on media that is currently the loudest.

And all the people taking the moral stand that this man is somehow irredeemable and must be shunned by employers should have a look at their glass houses first.
Well he's not been convicted of anything, so legally I'm pretty sure they can't say he's done anything.

Last thing United need after this is Greenwood sueing them. Just put the statement out and get rid.Job done.
I'd rather they just said they're releasing him without saying that they think he's innocent.
Like everything they did to handle this, United still don't understand that they look like they don't care about DV with this statement
I don’t apologize for the truth hitting too hard. It was the mob that made the decision for a weak and spineless club.

This. Their original decision to bring him back was leaked to the media and then shat their pants against the public backlash and social media threats. Pathetic.
How strange. They say he is not guilty and did not commit those acts but must leave. I’m fine with the decision but it should have been on the grounds of what he did do rather than this balancing act. The facts should dictate the decision and it seems they don’t here.
they made a right mess out of that process. They did end up with the correct decision, but it's pretty bleak it took Adam Crafton's reporting and severe backlash from the supporters to make it happen.
Same pressure should be put on Adam Crafton to ensure he does this to scupper every future move, which of course he won’t.

He’s got his big fish, now wait for the crickets when he plays anywhere else. Fanbase getting played like a fiddle & claiming victory, Crafton didn’t do this for the victim or the act, he did this to break a story. He’ll stop now & move on.
Don’t bother, the clueless mob has already made its ruling. Don’t hit them with facts and truth.
Another ironic post by yours truly. Just take a break, the Ls are stacking up for you.
So the girl and family admitted it was a trap for Mason? Shouldn't she be responsible legally if all this was a hoax? Im more confused now.
"Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture and that Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged"


Thats the most interesting part of the statement.
We all heard and read the transcript. feck him and those that back him. Yes, he’s got every right to try and make amends but he can do it elsewhere because the longer he’s at the club, it becomes a stain on the brand.
Saudi, Turkey or somewhere can take him and benefit from a potentially great footballer.

Judging by a few posts in here, I'm not sure everyone has...
We all heard and read the transcript. feck him and those that back him. Yes, he’s got every right to try and make amends but he can do it elsewhere because the longer he’s at the club, it becomes a stain on the brand.
Saudi, Turkey or somewhere can take him and benefit from a potentially great footballer.
That statement from Arnold seems to imply that the full recording shows other context. They wouldn't say that unless it cast serious doubts onto what was alleged to have happened.
Good riddance. The sooner he leaves the club the better. Horrid statement from the club and also from Arnold.

Now forever a stain on the club, sadly. The Wootton's on this thread braying the cancel culture nonsense need to train their crosshairs in another direction.
While we were unable to access certain evidence for reasons we respect, the evidence we did collate led us to conclude that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with. I am restricted as to what I can say for legal reasons, including the alleged victim's ongoing right to anonymity, but I am able to share the following with you which should give you some insight into the complexity of this case.

• The alleged victim requested the police to drop their investigation in April 2022.
• We were provided with alternative explanations for the audio recording, which was a short excerpt from a much longer recording, and for the images posted online.
• The alleged victim's family participated in the process and were given the opportunity to review and correct our factual findings.

I think something is going on here that is not being fully explained
You’re going to get more clout tearing someone down. It’s the way of the world these days, no room for mistakes only perfection will do.
:lol:. Honestly, I hope for your sake, you never have to deal with something as serious as this.
Feel like he should have been given a chance to explain himself. Could have actually done some good to end violence against women, dedicated half his wages to shelters or something, shown proper reformation and tried to educate young men to be better. Hopefully he will still try and do that, whatever happens next.

Not sure anyone wins here though, as he'll probably go somewhere and make good money and no one will care.
I wonder if any PL team will put morals to one side…
I think there’s zero chance he plays for any premier league team again. It would be a PR disaster for any premier league club to think it would be a good idea to take him on.

It looks pretty certain his football career will be outside of this country from now on.
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