Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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What a shambles this has been. What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

And for our club not to stand by it's players in adversity, says alot.
No 2nd chances either in a low-risk environment.

Apparently 8% of Americans have a felony to their name, so based on this logic none of them must be allowed to rehabilitate or work ever again.

Just rot and re-offend, I suppose.
Are people defending him in here just forgetting that we've all heard that recording or...?

People are acknowledging they have not actually heard the full recording, and also acknowledging both the club and CPS, who have, decided the allegations could not be substantiated.
I hate this cancel culture talk so much. How about not treating women like shite, so there's no canceling to be done in the first place? Weird concept, I know.

good riddance.
No surprise based on how things were trending. Cancel culture rules and wins again.
im disappointed in the decision
Sad. Not happy about the decision. Selective cancel culture at its best
Totally disgusted with this decision
Terrible decision! Basically wilted to trial by social media! They reviewed everything, believe he was innocent yet still get rid! Pathetic- and a sad state of modern society!
Throwing our players under the bus like this will surely make us attractive.
I think it was only ever a debate as he is such a special player. Had it been almost any other player in our squad, we’d have got over not seeing him play again very easily.
If that recording was a regular Joe and not someone rich and famous there's little doubt in my mind they'd have been in prison a year ago.

He can consider himself a very lucky boy he hasn't got a criminal record and should just take his medicine and slither off abroad somewhere.

He will not be missed.
In prison for what? Speaking to his partner like shit? That’s all the tape is proof of.
Whatever you think about Mason and what he has it hasn’t done, this could be the only decision as it would cloud and distract everything and severely damage the club brand if he was allowed to stay.

I don’t think this was the clubs original plan though, the outcry from some in the media in the last few days has changed the position.

We really will now have to accelerate our plans for another striker now.
It seems no one deserves a second chance now.
Oh boohoo, he'll get to continue to play football for millions a year at least just not at Manchester United.

How many people who have done time get anything close to that?
Only this United board could do the right thing and yet say the wrong thing about it.

It's correct he has been effectively sacked as i don't think any sane person could stomach seeing him in a United shirt again.

However to basically then say he didn't do anything and have him back it up in his own statement that he didn't do what we clearly saw and heard is very wrong.

Still at least he's gone and that's one circus we don't have to worry about
No. It was irrational and rabid to base an opinion on one piece of evidence taken out of context with the entirety of the facts of the case. This sort of attitude leads to mob justice.

Are you surprised? This is the Caf --- Mount is useless after 2 matches and so is our season.

Lots of them made their minds up without wanting to hear from all sides.
For me, this whole issue boils down to a simple question of whether, as a society, we want to respect the rulings of our legal system or not.

The simple fact of the matter is that our judicial process ended with the determination that Mason Greenwood need not even stand trial. Therefore, we must treat him as an innocent man.

Ultimately, if the “evidence” that was publicly available was sufficient in and of itself, then Mason Greenwood would be in prison.

We are perfectly entitled to critique the way our justice system works in order to iteratively improve its inevitable flaws, but we can never disregard its rulings and sentence people by mob rule.

Mob rules though, that’s how it goes whether we like it or not. It’s always worked this way.
Crafton did well last week but he is predictably milking this for all it's worth now and it's mutated from quality investigative journalism into journalist with a personal vendetta, mixed with self aggrandisation.

There's almost certainly truth in the U turn theory, but the most important thing is the right decision was made however it was arrived at so the hugely negative tone (and repasting of previous articles) is appropriate in his latest article.
Actually, they fecking can. He was legally proven innocent so there isn't anything "legal" about it.

The club statement just says "we know he's innocent but we bent over to sponsors/the girls team and to everything related to MG that can hurt our precious little club".

We didn't do the same to Cantona or Ronnie.

Eh? He wasn't "legally proven innocent" there was literally no trial.

And because of that of course we can't say legally that he's guilty of anything...

I genuinely have no idea what point you're trying to make?
The evidence isn’t sufficient to make an accurate and objective decision. Stop being true to your username.

Yes. I’m Wumming. It’s not enough evidence but the club have fecked him off anyway.

Your lack of morals are shocking. Mason Greenwood is an absolute prick and doesn’t deserve to wear the shirt.
I will forever remember the abuse this boy and his partner received from you vigilantes, as well as cowardly decision from the board. Go away from this toxic fanbase and become the best striker in the world, Mason.
The same fans that are cheering this decision are also wanting us bought by a regime that systemically abuses women!!!!

That is when I will consider by future as a United fan...
I certainly do no not want the club to be owned by Qatar.
The callous side of me was willing to accept his possible return as any outcome that resulted in less minutes for Antony was a win.

But thinking about it on the whole it's the right decision. It's almost impossible to unhear that recording, it was awful. That is what ultimately sealed his fate.
Didn’t take long for the ‘damn woke cancel culture!’ audience to show their face.
A case being dropped doesn't mean that the alleged perpetrator is cleared or that justice determined that he didn't commit the alleged actions. I said it in the Mendy thread and apparently it needs to be said again since some of the quotes are misleading.

That's fair enough but why the Heck United is putting it out there Greenwood didn't commit the acts he was accused of .
So long fecker. Thank god the correct decision is finally made
Yes. I’m Wumming. It’s not enough evidence but the club have fecked him off anyway.

Your lack of morals are shocking. Mason Greenwood is an absolute prick and doesn’t deserve to wear the shirt.
The decision is correct obviously but I’m not comfortable with how due process has just been ignored seemingly.

Also, there has been many pricks that have played for us. It’s hypocritical.
We're not really in a bargaining position with him so I suppose we'll only get a nominal fee wherever he goes.

Unless the Saudis give us £50 million...
Too bad for everyone. He deserves a second chance but sadly not at United anymore because the media and oppo fans will never let it go. The impact on our brand and image is simply too large for a scandal this size.

A restart overseas, away from the spotlight, is needed.
They're kind of vague by saying he didn't commit the offences of which he was originally charged, that doesn't mean they consider him to have done nothing untoward.

They've come to the right decision in the end in my opinion but the way they've got there has been very poorly handled and the fact that they clearly weren't going to do this until last week shows that the whole investigation was effectively a sham to the extent that I'm not sure that Arnold survives this situation.
the whole thing, like the statement have been handled shambolically by United. And yeah, Arnold definitely should go. It's like he read a manual on how to handle crisis and decided to do the opposite of that
this, a 100%

You genuinely think the Athletic care more because it’s United. Imagine that being the thing you take from this saga.
I’ve said let’s see. I’m all for the way this has gone, I question whether the Athletic will continue in the form they’ve shown in the past week is all.

You keep on ending your posts with ridiculous statements. That isn’t all I take from ‘the saga’, it isn’t even the biggest part. To question the coverage of this isn’t not a dismissal of what we saw & heard. Your attempt at superiority is nothing more than typical disingenuous forum behaviour but Wum & all.
I will forever remember the abuse this boy and his partner received from you vigilantes, as well as cowardly decision from the board. Go away from this toxic fanbase and become the best striker in the world, Mason.

Go back to Twitter
Surely it would be in best interest to debunk it for the sake of the child. I don't even know how photos of that nature could even be discounted. Fake blood, bruises? What are the details here.

The club cannot do that, it has to come from her
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