Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Spineless club a decision should have been made without having gauge public opinion on the matter.

It may not be the clubs decision, given the reaction of people online over the past week it may have been Greenwood and his partner/accuser who asked for him to be allowed to leave. I doubt he really wants to try to rebuild his career in the glare of media coverage being a United player brings given that reaction.
Everyone saying its a terrible decision by the club, if was a player who was just a squad player or backup I bet you wouldn’t be as supportive. We’re all pissed that he did this as he was such a promising player but that shouldn’t allow him a free pass.

Charges were dropped but loads of people heard the recordings. If the club truly think he didn’t do anything wrong they can still think it best for him to move on due to the abuse he would receive week in week out from opposing fans.

No matter which way you look at it, it’s best for all parties.
Common sense will tell you that Mason is liable for his himself and the only scenario where he's liable of controlling those variables is in the court proceedings because he's representing himself throughout that process.

Him being reinstated after the charges are dropped is the club's liability not his own. My issue is not with the decision but the process it has taken to reach the outcome. Many fans are so sentimental to the club they cannot critically evaluate anything. Again United made the situation worse because of the process not the decision. The club is an embarrassment.

Which is what I've said all along, the blame lies with the people involved and that definitely includes the club and Arnold. Banging on about "mob rule" and "cancel culture" is passing the blame away because people simply don't want to accept who's responsible.

It's pathetic.
Putting the decision to keep/release Mason to one side for a second….

What I despise is the fact that since February when the CPS and Police dropped the charges the officials at OT would have had all the evidence and information at hand.

They have taken six months to meticulously conduct their investigation only to find that the result is Mason is innocent of all crimes.

If it was their intention to release Mason because of his conduct that would have been fair but they are actually telling us that he’s innocent but because of the publics reaction (who don’t know anything like the level of information they do) that they will release him.

The handling of this situation is absolutely awful.
100% agree. I for one was confident in the Club to have all the information not available to any of us to make a professional decision. End result is to bow to baying crowd with the pitch forks. On an off the pitch we are a laughing stock. Man Utd put a public statement out that with their lengthy investigation completed they say Greenwood didn't commit the offences , yet they are terminating his contract. The whole thing is nonsense. This is my last comment but god forbid any of you to have your private life washed in public for the social media mafia to stand with their thumbs pointed down for the kill.
Terrible decision! Basically wilted to trial by social media! They reviewed everything, believe he was innocent yet still get rid! Pathetic- and a sad state of modern society!
The sad state of modern society is reflected more by the fact that many people think being a good footballer is reason to be kept, damning audio/pictures notwithstanding.
What's wierd is that City had the same problem and it was all dealt with so smoothly. Mendy was almost forgotten.

And here we are making a bad situation worse and worse with half-assed "investigations" (I mean, were we seriously gonna find Greenwood guilty where the CPS could not?) and now deliberately ambiguous club statements.

I agree with the woeful handling of the situation.
There is no way they believe a top talent, such a valuable asset, and someone personally connected since the age of 7 is innocent yet happy to allow fans and media to force them into terminating his contract. Not in a million years

the wording is to make it easier for the next club to sign him, for 1 once he is gone the matter is over and 2 maybe (whether he deserves it or not) it helps greenwood out”

rhinking about it, might not be a stretch to say MGs lawyers said he’ll go quickly if …

The club has to consider many factors though so even if they accept he didn't do it, they still have to consider the teams, fans, sponsors, broadcasters, Greenwood and others in all this.

Whatever decision they made would have split everyone of those so no, I don't think it's a cover up or a poor decision.

For many, I don't think there would have been anything, even if it had gone to court, that would have changed the opinion they made immediately when the news broke. I was more open minded, not willing to convict but also not ready to defend him to the death.
Can only imagine the difference in tone had it been Maguire or mctominay in the same situation. You can see some people are pissed off with the club for no reason other than getting rid of such a highly rated player. Sad. Very very sad

I mean the statement from the club pretty much reads like they had to acquiesce to public pressure
It’s worrying how many people here are taking that United statement at face value and in good faith rather than seeing it for what it actually is - a piece of corporate communications aimed primarily at saving face, which lawyers and PR specialists have probably spent days honing.

As such I really wouldn’t draw any conclusions about the case based on the outcome of United’s ‘investigation’ - especially considering they were going in the complete opposite direction a few days ago.
What's wierd is that City had the same problem and it was all dealt with so smoothly. Mendy was almost forgotten.

And here we are making a bad situation worse and worse with half-assed "investigations" (I mean, were we seriously gonna find Greenwood guilty where the CPS could not?) and now deliberately ambiguous club statements.

I agree with the woeful handling of the situation.
There were a couple differences in that case. Some exculpatory evidence came out, and his contract ended at City so they didn't need to make any decision in the end.
Can I a leats give an honest opinion? Without being killed on the CAF? The club f... this up. Giving the womans team kind of an opinion while a decision has already been made? Insulting to the womens team, to us as fans and to Greenwood. He is married to this woman and nothing has really made a difference in terms of womens rights, clubs opinion about it or Greenwood personally. A charade
What's wierd is that City had the same problem and it was all dealt with so smoothly. Mendy was almost forgotten.

And here we are making a bad situation worse and worse with half-assed "investigations" (I mean, were we seriously gonna find Greenwood guilty where the CPS could not?) and now deliberately ambiguous club statements.

I agree with the woeful handling of the situation.
First of all we're Manchester United not Manchester City, whatever happens here is front page news, nobody gives a damn about what happens at City, they could've brought Mendy back to play and no one would've cared.
Second of all it happening to Mendy is equivalent to it happening to Brandon Williams for us.

I mean the statement from the club pretty much reads like they had to acquiesce to public pressure

Yeah, that’s what I thought, as well. Which I am fine with, to be honest. Regardless of the decision, the public opinion does matter. The opinion of the staff matters.

I dunno, I am not particularly outraged about the whole thing. I think I understand both sides in this. The most likely ending happened, in the end. I’m happy there’s closure.

The club can move on now and hopefully the other parties can, as well.
This is the correct decision.

It's sad the club needed such a long time to make the decision. They should have done this in February.
First of all we're Manchester United not Manchester City, whatever happens here is front page news, nobody gives a damn about what happens at City, they could've brought Mendy back to play and no one would've cared.
Second of all it happening to Mendy is equivalent to it happening to Brandon Williams for us.

:lol::lol::lol: fair enough...
In a way it's a bit of an odd decision. On one hand they believe he hasn't done anything wrong yet on another still inflict the same punishment he would have got had they decided he had done it.

At the same time it seems like the decision has been reached by both the club and Mason Greenwood. It may be that they have seen the reaction by parts of the fanbase and felt it would be to difficult for him to continue. I personally have issues with bowing to fan/customer pressure because it's difficult to gauge a truly accurate representation, particularly off social media platforms but that's another debate for another day.

All in all, as I have said all along, I will respect whatever decision is made because ultimately, those that have spent considerable time investigating have made their decisions based on far more than we know.

People will point to the video and audio, they will argue the semantics of dropped charges Vs innocence but for me it's a case of reasonable doubt.

Most importantly though, hopefully the two of them can move on with their lives.

Well said.
What's wierd is that City had the same problem and it was all dealt with so smoothly. Mendy was almost forgotten.

And here we are making a bad situation worse and worse with half-assed "investigations" (I mean, were we seriously gonna find Greenwood guilty where the CPS could not?) and now deliberately ambiguous club statements.

I agree with the woeful handling of the situation.

Mendy was out of contract by the time he was found not guilty of his charges, so it's hardly comparable.

If Greenwood was 29 years old, not kicked a ball in over two years, was injured over half the time in all the years previous, had been replaced in squad, and had no contract left, then yeah, I'm sure we'd have dealt with it just as smoothly.
The club has to consider many factors though so even if they accept he didn't do it, they still have to consider the teams, fans, sponsors, broadcasters, Greenwood and others in all this.

Whatever decision they made would have split everyone of those so no, I don't think it's a cover up or a poor decision.

For many, I don't think there would have been anything, even if it had gone to court, that would have changed the opinion they made immediately when the news broke. I was more open minded, not willing to convict but also not ready to defend him to the death.
Nah if he’s innocent and the blossoming career he was on the path to achieving at his boyhood club and England set up
You fight for that, and United would 100% of backed him like we’ve backed those before who were innocent
Antony has already said if his ex goes to court he’ll prove his innocence, you don’t roll over, not with so much at stake
What's wierd is that City had the same problem and it was all dealt with so smoothly. Mendy was almost forgotten.

And here we are making a bad situation worse and worse with half-assed "investigations" (I mean, were we seriously gonna find Greenwood guilty where the CPS could not?) and now deliberately ambiguous club statements.

I agree with the woeful handling of the situation.

Truth of the matter ? Mendy was not so essential or irreplaceable for City because they have the means to bench or recruit a suitable recruit & their results weren't affected (and by the end was no longer under contract anyway).
Mendy did have that public element of actually going to trial though.

Not to be uncharitable to anyone but Greenwood past performances, perceived talent and the deficiencies of the squad certainly colour some of the debate.
This is the correct decision.

It's sad the club needed such a long time to make the decision. They should have done this in February.

This is where the disgrace for the club is it's the process they've maintained in order to reach the decision. The process shows cowardice, lack of conviction, poor judgement and no standing. The club doesn't stand for or on anything. Incompetence at all operational levels footballing, negotiations you name it, it's absolutely ridiculous.

If they don't feel they can rectify their brand and their reputation make that decision and stand on it. If they have evidence and feel the player is of innocence then stand on it. You can't proverbially dip your toe in the water and change mood depending on the temperature wtf. Your either getting in the pool or coming out. I'm absolutely disgusted what an embarrassment.
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It’s worrying how many people here are taking that United statement at face value and in good faith rather than seeing it for what it actually is - a piece of corporate communications aimed primarily at saving face, which lawyers and PR specialists have probably spent days honing.

As such I really wouldn’t draw any conclusions about the case based on the outcome of United’s ‘investigation’ - especially considering they were going in the complete opposite direction a few days ago.
100% this
Two people involved in the altercation, who knew the series of events, resolved it between themselves. News consuming white knights who know a part of the story by media, thinks they are the jury and their decision overrides those who is involved in it.
Now time to pat oneself for the justice being served. While the girl who is the supposed victim, along with child and husband needs to move away from the country and pay heavily for her post as she let the baying public into her private life.
Right decision, but the whole process has been absolutely shambolic from the club. I think they were ready to take him back before realising the potential implications (both financial and reputational) from this. Epitomises everything wrong with this club.

What a waste of world class talent.

Commercial/marketing considerations ≥ football decision
He was about to be brought back and then recent backlash from a few female figures made the club do a complete u turn. They agree he's not guilty of what he was accused of. Doesn't add up. Purely a commercial decision, the club has already received so much negative press re: the Glazers etc so I guess
they couldn't tolerate anymore. Like with everything though this has been handled very poorly and still we will receive negative press anyway.
feck away off blaming "female figures" at the club.
Nah if he’s innocent and the blossoming career he was on the path to achieving at his boyhood club and England set up
You fight for that, and United would 100% of backed him like we’ve backed those before who were innocent

I won’t use the phrase ‘innocent’, but ALL charges on MG are dropped and his partner is now the mother of his child and his soon to be wife.

As far as Utd are concerned - they’re fine to bring him back, AND WERE ABOUT TO DO THAT.

They’ve gone out of their way to actually declare him innocent ffs.

They’ve basically had their policy dictated by Adam Crafter and Rachel Riley - whether or not that was the right decision.

They’ve not let him go ‘because they think he’s guilty’!:lol:

They’ve literally told you in their statement, bizarrely, that they categorically think he’s innocent!
Can only imagine the difference in tone had it been Maguire or mctominay in the same situation. You can see some people are pissed off with the club for no reason other than getting rid of such a highly rated player. Sad. Very very sad

It’s not like we didn’t witness Suarez and John Terry get away with vial acts and move on like nothing had happened.

Just saying.
Very disappointing from the club this.
Why are we so unlucky with players bad behavior? Giggs, Solskjær, Evans, now Greenwood and next Antony. Damned!
Nah if he’s innocent and the blossoming career he was on the path to achieving at his boyhood club and England set up
You fight for that, and United would 100% of backed him like we’ve backed those before who were innocent
Antony has already said if his ex goes to court he’ll prove his innocence, you don’t roll over, not with so much at stake

Currently people are highlighting the angry reaction to this decision on social media but I have no doubt that over the past 2 years, Greenwood has seen the equally strong reaction to the idea of his return.

A tweet a few posts back also states the club wanted him back until as recently as last week. So why you think they are covering up that they think he did it makes no sense.

If anything, saying they think he did it and getting rid would have been the easiest option. Greenwood has no leverage here. His lawyers saying he woudm do this, or that carries no weight because had they concluded he had done it, they have grounds for dismissal on the ground of gross misconduct. That's the easy call.
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