Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Are you saying you weren’t offended by the pictures and audio?

Of course it was offensive. However, charges dropped and investigations subsequently finding him innocent does leave a significant portion of missing information.
From The Athletic

This would either be with a view to selling Greenwood further down the line if he can restore his value on the field, or hypothetically, to one day bring him back to Old Trafford, but the club insist they do not expect this to happen.

Surely not? Are we actual kicking the can down the road but dressing it up as him being moved on?
It's very rare for domestic abusers to admit they did anything wrong let alone do the work to rehabilitate themselves.

From the club's perspective they've realised the media circus would be far too much for him to have any prospect of getting his career back on track. If you think he deserves a second chance and can rehabilitate himself then moving somewhere else, possiblity abroad, out of the media spotlight is the place to do it.

I and many others couldn't cheer him in on in a United shirt after hearing that audio so for me it's right decision.

Thats fair enough - Im on the otherside of the fence. Me and many others would cheer him in a UTD shirt. Anyway decision made all the ranting and raving in the world wont change it. Good luck to him.
Much more potential in Garnacho because he has better speed and acceleration. Key attributes in forwards, more so than ever.

Mason Greenwood was one of the best academy products in years. A two footed elite finisher. It’s a shame it ended this way but he’ll thrive elsewhere.

Garnacho is a great talent but a few notches below Greenwood at the same age.
Some clubs are shitty but not all. Slava Voynov beat up his wife and the Kings (NHL) benched him immediately, reviewed the evidence, then released him. Without him they were a man short and didn’t make the playoffs - but they decided it was worth it to make a stand. The NFL is a cesspool. As for Kobe, I am still shocked he got away with it.
Kobe straight up admitted it. Even after the smear campaign against the witness he put out a statement where he also admitted to it.
Deshawn Watson would beg to differ......
Again, I did say times have changed. There’s probably enough examples in football (soccer) that it’s unfair of me to say that America is more accepting. Im convinced that a lot of the examples used in the post I was replying to, wouldn’t be as accepted now.
Right decision, but the whole process has been absolutely shambolic from the club. I think they were ready to take him back before realising the potential implications (both financial and reputational) from this. Epitomises everything wrong with this club.

What a waste of world class talent.
in 2023 every digital evidence must go through forensic analysis to be accepted by the courts.
In a multibillion dollar business , why not get some girl to sleep with our rivals best player and accuse him if rape? It won’t stand in court but will waste a good 3yrs of the player’s career . Very dangerous slippery slope to walk into

The person I was replying to when you quoted me was asking whether it would have been better to announce the Greenwood outcome in June rather than August, so I’m not quite sure how we’ve come to this point in the conversation! I was saying that the timing wouldn’t have made a huge difference.

Re your point- obviously there is a chance of a honeytrap scenario in any lucrative line of work, but I hardly think it is a ‘slippery slope’. I can’t think of there ever being an occurrence of that in any sport, ever, but obviously it’s technically possible. Courts in general serve an honourable and difficult purpose but I think people should be allowed to come to an opinion and state their views about issues outside of that framework.
Those things are all assumptions based on the small piece we saw of what we know is a big picture. If there was even the slightest suspicion he had done what he was accused of and just got away with it in the eyes of the law, there is no way the club would have worded the statement the way they did.


Greenwood has told you he set this all off with "mistakes". Arnold has fanned the flames with awful statements and attempting to bus the women. There is unrefuted evidence that puts someone in incredibly bad light at least.

Assumptions? All those things happened. Have you been paying attention?

And how, exactly, do you think the club would have worded any statement if there was "even slight suspicion"? They've clearly kept it as neutral as possible as it is as not to incriminate anyone, but what they have done is make it seem likely she is to blame. Hence why both that statement and Greenwood himself both say he has done somethings wrong.
Cant stand that idiot Carl Anka either. They asked him his initial thoughts about the Athletic piece when it broke the other day and he said something about just donating to a womens charity. Fair enough but the way and place he said it was like "Look at me and how good a person I am"
I think that’s your issue dude. Carl seems a decent conscientious guy, and is better placed to talk about discrimination than most.
If that’s how he needed to deal with this news then so be it.
Thats fair enough - Im on the otherside of the fence. Me and many others would cheer him in a UTD shirt. Anyway decision made all the ranting and raving in the world wont change it. Good luck to him.

Your world or another?

Because I'd rather a world where people shine a light on DV over one where only being able to rant and rave about football with your mate matters.
Actually thinking about this, Greenwood and Rice share a lot of similar particulars.
I think the biggest similarity is that the events were caught on media.

Rice punched his then fiancé (they are now 'happily' married with two children...sound like Mason and his lady a bit?) in the face and dragged her out of an elevator, all captured on CCTV. The Ravens immediately cut him the next day. I believe that was 2014. Young, promising player, like Greenwood, striking his partner with clear proof. Yet both females never left, and now Mason's partner is having his child, just like with Ray Rice. But Baltimore allows him to come back to the facility and he voluntarily coaches during their offseason programs and practices.

Yes, they got married. But in terms of where they were in their careers, this is not correct. MG, when the incident happened, was around 20 and still has his brightest playing days ahead of him ( theoretically). Ray Rice, at the time of incident, was 27/28; this is pretty much the end of career for NFL running backs. It must also be noted that before this incident Ray Rice was considered a good guy ( and I checked Wiki to confirm this) and Wikipedia says that he was given the award of most charitable in Baltimore in 2012 ( fully 2 yrs before the incident). In light of this ( and the fact that he had a good relationship with higher ups at the Ravens), it makes sense that he is still welcome at the Ravens. At the end, if Mason goes on to become a generally good guy and legitimately a plus to the community ( like Ray Rice has), there is no reason to shun him 20/30 yrs from now. It seems, nowadays, people want you to walk around with a scarlet letter because of something you once did.
If we believed that to be the case, we just wouldn’t have dealt with it in the statement. It would have been incredibly bland and would have just said that the club had decided to end its relationship with Mason Greenwood. He could have potentially sued for breach of contract but he wouldn’t have any grounds for a defamation claim in that scenario.

I don’t know whether his lawyers could have argued that dropping him from the squad and excluding him from training etc would be tantamount to an implication of guilt on his part. Perhaps it needs to be more explicit and definitive than that.
Quality control
It's only the English public that thinks this is the right decision... Faux morality from a deeply racist and immoral society.

My question to us is this: of he doesn't deserve a second chance at United, where does he get it? Or are you lot saying his football career should be over, even when you know what you know now about his family situation?

What is it about Manchester United and England thag brings this messed up sense of entitlement?
Whichever way we look at it, it is a sad end for him. Best two footed finisher to come out of academy in years. Hope he truly recognizes what he has done and work on making himself better. We move on.
It's only the English public that thinks this is the right decision... Faux morality from a deeply racist and immoral society.

My question to us is this: of he doesn't deserve a second chance at United, where does he get it? Or are you lot saying his football career should be over, even when you know what you know now about his family situation?

What is it about Manchester United and England thag brings this messed up sense of entitlement?


Nice try, but this is exactly why the newbies are a thing and I still don't think should be allowed any posts up here without at least a few likes.
If he is not sold right now and only loaned then that eventuality absolutely exists irrespective of what suits are Briefing right now .
Are we still using the term “briefing” despite a fecking statement being released.

He is NOT playing for the club. Ever again.
This is incredibly far-fetched
Well if Manchester United state that they have evidence that proves he didnt rape, assault or participate in coercive behaviour, what other explanation could there be? As a father of a daughter I always found the girl's Dad's statement in the immediate aftermath incredibly strange and out of place... now United say her parents have helped with proving what they know... in all honestly I dont think its far fetched at all.
They make national news, but sport organizations are less immune to public outcry.

Vick came back. Sharper is still in jail (deservedly). And Rice was a RB and on the tail end of his shelf life.
I don't disagree, I was just addressing the point about local vs national media exposure. The coverage is definitely there - the league and/or fans just happen to be more willing to forgive and forget as long as the player can still contribute on the field.
Both him and his girlfriend are local to Manchester.
That's who should have been getting the love and sympathy from the beginning. But her needs are tossed aside by even her dirtbag father who would rather see her live through an openly toxic relationship for WAG status.

That's your Manchester problem right there. Absolutely shameful.

Fans were up in arms about a racist Arnautovich being signed too and thank goodness the club took note. If there's anyone that has to check themselves it's ETH and the seemingly blind eye to tarnishing the clubs reputation. Used to be a big deal for United to make sure the characters coming into the dressing room were right for the club.
The club is a shambles - absolute shit show at every level. Terrible decision IMO, we should be working with the player to rehabilitate him and reintegrate into society. Instead we have decided to Vilify him and declare him damaged goods regardless of the statement UTD put out. Really poor by UTD. Well at least Rachel Riley is still part of the club, cant wait for her to have some sort of marital crisis - do we brand her the same way??
you and the rest lamenting this decision: I wonder if you’d be so righteous if it were Dan Gore rather than Mason Greenwood. I think we all know the answer
Having an American dad and an English mum, living in the States and visiting back home frequently, I've been exposed to both cultures and I'm beyond blessed because of that.

Reading through this thread is wild. There's such a huge difference how American media and athletes are treated after doing something controversial and how the English media and athletes react and are treated.

I don't live in a massive sports market (just outside of Pittsburgh, PA) so I don't really get exposed to local NY media or local LA media or local Chicago media or local southern media like Atlanta or the insanity that comes out of Florida but, the differences in culture from each country is so, so different pertaining to things like this. Not that anyone asked or anything. :angel:

I think the closest parallel here is Ray Rice. So many domestic abusers have carried on playing in the NFL and are lauded (best example: Tyreek Hill). Ray Rice had his actions caught on video and once that was out there, he was done.

If I were to speculate I'd say had the stuff not been put out on Social Media I think Greenwood would have been back at Utd after the charges were dropped.
Fergie disagrees! And SAF certainly knows strikers!

Was too slow at top level, I’m no fan of Mason and think the club have made the right decision but to say the lad was too slow is beyond ridiculous, he was clocked as United fastest player 3 years ago and was a UK Junior sprint Champion, too slow in the head maybe but he was far from too slow on the pitch, I do agree that he will not come back the same player he was though !
Awful decision

Greenwood should be playing for United again, INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY - the BS court of public opinion is not how to make a decision.

Bring Back Greenwood.

If Manchester United are going to convict someone who’s no longer even being charged, perhaps it’s time for me to move away from them as a supporter.

I categorically DO NOT support the decision to kick out Greenwood.

United are not convicting anyone, they are simply deciding they don’t want Greenwood to play for the club anymore. It’s not that controversial a decision and it’s the correct one.

Feel free to support another team if this has outraged you enough, no one is stopping you.
What on earth has Rachel done?
She overtly supports a terrorist state that inflicts human rights abuses on Palestine.

She's also a right winger who claims that anyone that supports public sector spending is anti semitic (Eg. Corbyn).

She's publicly bullied a 16 year old on social media, and attempted to sue anybody who called her out on it. She also follows a policy of attempting to sue anyone who criticises her on social media - provided they don't have enough money to defend themselves.

A nasty, vile piece of work. And she's not even a good mathematician.
They never said “we can’t prove hes innocent” either
Jesus wept
Also not what I said

you said the club should of said “we can’t find evidence either way”
I’m saying how people would take that statement
They've clearly kept it as neutral as possible as it is as not to incriminate anyone, but what they have done is make it seem likely she is to blame. Hence why both that statement and Greenwood himself both say he has done somethings wrong.

They’ve really not kept it neutral at all…!

They could’ve simply stated, ‘After a thorough investigative procedure we’ve concluded that the best way forward is for Mason to move on’.

Or, ‘Following our internal investigation, the club will be releasing Mason’.

They’ve gone out of their way to specifically state that they don’t believe he’s guilty of the initial charges! In doing so, they’ve rendered themselves weaker in regards to his contract / legal standing.

They’ve been extremely un-neutral! Weirdly so.
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