Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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She overtly supports a terrorist state that inflicts human rights abuses on Palestine.

She's also a right winger who claims that anyone that supports public sector spending is anti semitic (Eg. Corbyn).

She's publicly bullied a 16 year old on social media, and attempted to sue anybody who called her out on it. She also follows a policy of attempting to sue anyone who criticises her on social media - provided they don't have enough money to defend themselves.

A nasty, vile piece of work. And she's not even a good mathematician.

Well this does significantly alter my opinion of her and not in a good way. I have personal experience of Corbyn and he deserves anything he gets but the rest of it sounds deeply unpleasant.
Awful decision

Greenwood should be playing for United again, INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY - the BS court of public opinion is not how to make a decision.

Bring Back Greenwood.

If Manchester United are going to convict someone who’s no longer even being charged, perhaps it’s time for me to move away from them as a supporter.

I categorically DO NOT support the decision to kick out Greenwood.

I bet you fall down a lot.
They’ve really not kept it neutral at all…!

They could’ve simply stated, ‘After a thorough investigative procedure we’ve concluded that the best way forward is for Mason to on’.

Or, ‘Following our internal investigation, the club will be releasing Mason’.

They’ve gone out of their way to specifically state that they don’t believe he’s guilty of the initial charges! In doing so, they’ve rendered themselves weaker in regards to his contract / legal standing.

They’ve been extremely un-neutral! Weirdly so.

I meant in terms of what they said about Mason and what he did actually admit to. As in they tried not to throw her under the bus, even though they kind of have.
I don’t know whether his lawyers could have argued that dropping him from the squad and excluding him from training etc would be tantamount to an implication of guilt on his part. Perhaps it needs to be more explicit and definitive than that.

They couldn’t, no.
It's only the English public that thinks this is the right decision... Faux morality from a deeply racist and immoral society.

My question to us is this: of he doesn't deserve a second chance at United, where does he get it? Or are you lot saying his football career should be over, even when you know what you know now about his family situation?

What is it about Manchester United and England thag brings this messed up sense of entitlement?

Do you remember Arnautovic? There was enough backlash to stop us signing him

Regarding MG, it's up to every other club out there if they want to employ him and see what the backlash is from their fans and sponsors/media. I'm sure he'll find a club or job.
It's only the English public that thinks this is the right decision... Faux morality from a deeply racist and immoral society.

My question to us is this: of he doesn't deserve a second chance at United, where does he get it? Or are you lot saying his football career should be over, even when you know what you know now about his family situation?

What is it about Manchester United and England thag brings this messed up sense of entitlement?
This is up there with anything I have ever seen in print, eloquent and balanced.

Assumptions? All those things happened. Have you been paying attention?

And how, exactly, do you think the club would have worded any statement if there was "even slight suspicion"? They've clearly kept it as neutral as possible as it is as not to incriminate anyone, but what they have done is make it seem likely she is to blame. Hence why both that statement and Greenwood himself both say he has done somethings wrong.

If they think he might have done it they would have kept it short and simple. They certainly would not have gone into details on why they don't think he did it, and they would not have said they don't think he did it. Lawyers would see to that.
If they think he might have done it they would have kept it short and simple. They certainly would not have gone into details on why they don't think he did it, and they would not have said they don't think he did it. Lawyers would see to that.

To be fair, they didn't go into details as they couldn't either way. That's my point, that statement doesn't say much either way, only that they think he's innocent of the charges but guilty of other things. Greenwood says the same.

Also, their lawyers are shit as the charges were not "dropped".

Besides none of this changes my point. Greenwood himself said he fecked up and started this, and the club statements have since exacerbated the situation. There is still the evidence that Greenwood pretty much confirms she did post, but no answer is given for.

So to blame everyone else for this mess, is pure simplistic bollocks. People want to big up "cancel culture" and "mob rule" but ultimately if United wanted to keep him they bloody well would have. It's far more likely that the sponsors got involved and money started talking than anything...but the bottom line is if Mason didn't feck up again in the first place then this would have never been an issue.
It's only the English public that thinks this is the right decision... Faux morality from a deeply racist and immoral society.

My question to us is this: of he doesn't deserve a second chance at United, where does he get it? Or are you lot saying his football career should be over, even when you know what you know now about his family situation?

What is it about Manchester United and England thag brings this messed up sense of entitlement?
I don’t know what’s more offensive, you accusing close to 60% of the voting public of this forum of being immoral racists, or you also accusing them all of being English.

Either way, maybe don’t post in here again.
The wording of each of the statements is interesting and quite instructive in their own ways. They read, naturally enough, like the 5th or 6th draft worked on by several teams of lawyers. I've added bits in bold which stood out to me.
Great summary.

The statements stink of self preservation and a desperate attempt to retain value in an dwindling asset, all at the expense of victims of violence against women.

Personally I didn't want him to play again but only as part of a process of individuals and corporations taking their social responsibilities seriously. I would much rather Greenwood be back on the pitch if he and the club took some genuine accountability and acknowledged the issues at hand, than getting rid and doing whatever the hell this shit is.
Spineless club a decision should have been made without having gauge public opinion on the matter.
I don’t know what’s more offensive, you accusing close to 60% of the voting public of this forum of being immoral racists, or you also accusing them all of being English.

Either way, maybe don’t post in here again.

Agreed, what an abysmal take.
In a way it's a bit of an odd decision. On one hand they believe he hasn't done anything wrong yet on another still inflict the same punishment he would have got had they decided he had done it.

At the same time it seems like the decision has been reached by both the club and Mason Greenwood. It may be that they have seen the reaction by parts of the fanbase and felt it would be to difficult for him to continue. I personally have issues with bowing to fan/customer pressure because it's difficult to gauge a truly accurate representation, particularly off social media platforms but that's another debate for another day.

All in all, as I have said all along, I will respect whatever decision is made because ultimately, those that have spent considerable time investigating have made their decisions based on far more than we know.

People will point to the video and audio, they will argue the semantics of dropped charges Vs innocence but for me it's a case of reasonable doubt.

Most importantly though, hopefully the two of them can move on with their lives.
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When was this filmed?! Fergie says he’s 21, which would mean it was in the last 10 months. Must be a mistake.

Seems it was in relation to foden, as he carries on about city after. So more like 2 years ago when foden was 21.
I don’t know what’s more offensive, you accusing close to 60% of the voting public of this forum of being immoral racists, or you also accusing them all of being English.

Either way, maybe don’t post in here again.

Our of interest, what proportion of members on this forum voted? It’s probably fair to put most of the active non voters in the don’t know category
We've done the right thing.

It's amazing that some people here can't comprehend how much of a disruption this could've been for the club. Even if you believe he's innocent, it's not our burden to live with. It was never going to be a walk in the park, some employees would've resigned, including some female footballers. And no this isn't cancel culture bullshit, he brought this on himself and we had nothing to do with it. The club should never be allowed to get dragged into this week in week out. We've done the right thing for once. Get over it.
Greenwood is happy with the outcome. Club is happy with the ouctome. Nothing to see here. End of story.

The only people unhappy are posting on forums, reddits, and social media.

What else is new?
In a way it's a bit of an odd decision. On one hand they believe he hasn't done anything wrong yet on another still inflict the same punishment he would have got had they decided he had done it.

It's nothing but cowardice. If I would have finished work and seen the Greenwood news it's completely understandable and justifiable for the perception of the business, but the personal statement from the club shows nothing but cowardice. I'm absolutely disgusted with this club and the people in charge. Arnold hopefully will be binned with the Glazers when the owners eventually decide to leave. The handling of the Greenwood situation alongside De Gea's contract debacle there's no upside. Club continually snooker themselves because there's no conviction in anything.
Good decision. I was dreading the potential of 'celebrating' when he scored, because I heard the audio. It's just grim hearing it.

What a waste of talent though. Probably the most talented youngster we've had since Rooney/Ronaldo. People claiming Garnacho's clearly more talented are widely off the mark.
Because their judgement can only be on the limited evidence available. They also aren't held to a factual legal ruling, its just a reasonable judgment and if the victim explains it away the club are supposed to challenge her? Of course not.

Awful decision

Greenwood should be playing for United again, INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY - the BS court of public opinion is not how to make a decision.

Bring Back Greenwood.

If Manchester United are going to convict someone who’s no longer even being charged, perhaps it’s time for me to move away from them as a supporter.

I categorically DO NOT support the decision to kick out Greenwood.

In a way it's a bit of an odd decision. On one hand they believe he hasn't done anything wrong yet on another still inflict the same punishment he would have got had they decided he had done it.

At the same time it seems like the decision has been reached by both the club and Mason Greenwood. It may be that they have seen the reaction by parts of the fanbase and felt it would be to difficult for him to continue. I personally have issues with bowing to fan/customer pressure because it's difficult to gauge a truly accurate representation, particularly off social media platforms but that's another debate for another day.

All in all, as I have said all along, I will respect whatever decision is made because ultimately, those that have spent considerable time investigating have made their decisions based on far more than we know.

People will point to the video and audio, they will argue the semantics of dropped charges Vs innocence but for me it's a case of reasonable doubt.

Most importantly though, hopefully Mason and ******* can move on with their lives.
There is no way they believe a top talent, such a valuable asset, and someone personally connected since the age of 7 is innocent yet happy to allow fans and media to force them into terminating his contract. Not in a million years

the wording is to make it easier for the next club to sign him, for 1 once he is gone the matter is over and 2 maybe (whether he deserves it or not) it helps greenwood out”

rhinking about it, might not be a stretch to say MGs lawyers said he’ll go quickly if …
Honestly while I have no illusions on what motivated the club (Obviously the upsetting material evidence made public and the anonymity being impossible) or the quality of the processes, ultimately I think this is the best compromise that was possible.

- United did suspend him, that's more than you can say for many clubs and I think was warranted by the legal status he was in though delaying the decision was a major misstep.
- If you find validity in the duty of care mentioned by the club, he's not been cut of and in fact may remain contracted to United until term (that's what implied) which hopefully means MU may help him get access to the care he needs (if you lean on the "possibly an abuser that needs reforming") and that he may resume his career elsewhere (if you lean on "innocent" technically or otherwise).

It's as morally "neutral" or insipid a settlement could be. Greenwood will get his shot at continuing his career and collect all his United wages. The club did take stands that they would react in such cases (Next... Antony ?).

For better or worse I'm sure his presence will not make too many waves anywhere apart the UK without going so far as Turkey or Saudi Arabia. Most foreign fans, unless very tuned in (granted the PL is the most followed league), will just be passively oblivious to the story.
I'm satisfied with the outcome, but very sad for what could have been. The little red man on the TV screen crept into my heart and now he's gone. See ya, Mason. Once you were my little red man. Then you became a cnut.

Bye! :( you fecked it up
It's only the English public that thinks this is the right decision... Faux morality from a deeply racist and immoral society.

My question to us is this: of he doesn't deserve a second chance at United, where does he get it? Or are you lot saying his football career should be over, even when you know what you know now about his family situation?

What is it about Manchester United and England thag brings this messed up sense of entitlement?
It’s extremely easy to generalise, especially when you notice on Twitter that most of Greenwood’s vocal support came from Nigeria, which everybody noticed. So I could say some pretty damning things about the country and it’s people just as you have but i’m not going to generalise like that.
From The Athletic

Surely not? Are we actual kicking the can down the road but dressing it up as him being moved on?

That’s Adam Crafton listing possibilities - the club has however already said to him they don’t expect that to be the case. It’s right there.
It's nothing but cowardice. If I would have finished work and seen the Greenwood news it's completely understandable and justifiable for the perception of the business, but the personal statement from the club shows nothing but cowardice. I'm absolutely disgusted with this club and the people in charge. Arnold hopefully will be binned with the Glazers when the owners eventually decide to leave. The handling of the Greenwood situation alongside De Gea's contract debacle there's no upside. Club continually snooker themselves because there's no conviction in anything.

It's a complicated situation not cowardice. That Greenwood has been involved in the decision is key and regardless of what some think of him, there's at least a degree of maturity in his decision.
Yeah, don't worry about the guy who started all this.

This "pass the buck" culture is getting worse :rolleyes:

Common sense will tell you that Mason is liable for himself and the only scenario where he's liable of controlling those variables is in the court proceedings because he's representing himself throughout that process not the club so that's his own accountability.

Him being reinstated after the charges are dropped is the club's liability not his own. My issue is not with the decision but the process it has taken to reach the outcome. Many fans are so sentimental to the club they cannot critically evaluate anything. Again United made the situation worse because of the process not the decision. The club is an embarrassment.
But he was never even charged with rape in the first place...
Nothing to do with sides arguing events, the poster was just plain wrong
That illustrates my point, it's nothing to do with facts but subjective perceptions and what anchors them. Those won't change so it is best for both parties to get out of the spotlight.

There's nothing Greenwood can do on a pitch after 18 months out that will make up for the rumble and it certainly doesn't help him get his career back on track. Take the hit, move on.
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