Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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I meant in the media. They have 115 charges against them and nobody in the media cares at all. You think if they brought Mendy back it would even get a mention ?
People will see when Greenwood goes abroad & moves back to England eventually that all these journos were playing United fans like a fiddle.
The prosecution did not at all decide that, stop.

No. They decided that there was no longer a realistic chance of conviction due to a key witness withdrawing and the existence of new evidence.

Which indicates that had it gone to court, a jury would not have convicted him.

Out of interest, had it gone to court and Greenwood had been found not guilty, would you have changed your opinion? Sometimes I wonder if it might have been better for him to have his day in court but then I'm not convinced it would have changed many minds anyway.
The precedent set is dangerous.

I wonder how it's going to play out for Antony.

Club has pretty much just folded an asset they valued at +£100M. Now they have a similar situation with a player they paid £80m for a year ago.
They literally made a statement to that effect. Everyone are hampering on the withdrawal of the witness but ignore the so far unknown "new material"

"A decision has been made to discontinue prosecution in accordance with the Code of Crown Prosecutors."

A CPS spokesperson said: "We have a duty to keep cases under continuous review.

"In this case a combination of the withdrawal of key witnesses and new material that came to light meant there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction. In these circumstances, we are under a duty to stop the case.

"We have explained our decision to all parties. We would always encourage any potential victims to come forward and report to police and we will prosecute wherever our legal test is met."

They literally did not. Saying that there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction means that they don't think they would be able to prove the accusations beyond reasonable doubt, which is a very high bar and wildly different from saying that the accusations aren't true. It's so extremely different that it's very hard to believe you're not lying by saying that this is your understanding. It's a crazy interpretation.

A very likely possibility is that this new material is the withdrawal of witness statements, and/or recanting.
The outcome is the outcome, my issue is how we got here. The precedent set is dangerous.

It’s like refereeing decisions. Contradicting will continue regardless. Antony could potentially be next and I’m sure his situation won’t have the same precedent as Greenwood.

It was very ad hoc and in 10 years time I’m sure a lot of apologies and rehashing will be done.

I mean the statement from the club pretty much reads like they had to acquiesce to public pressure

Even if true, which is open to alot of question, then surely this is better than not listening once the feelers were put out for such a decision.
Decisions such as this shouldn't be rushed. The club were right in taking their time and gathering as much information as they could before coming to a conclusion.
Agreed. United were in a no win situation.
Make a quick decision - be accused of knee jerking.
Take a long time to make a decision - indecisive. Reinstate the player - morally wrong, but the player has not been charged or appeared in court.
Sack the player - face the risk of being sued, as the player has not been charged or appeared in court.
In my view, Richard Arnold has played it right. Enabled a situation where suggestions of the player's return appear in the media. Wait to see what public opinion is, so that the player is aware of how difficult a return will be. He is then able to agree a departure "by mutual consent" thereby making a decision in keeping with public opinion and avoiding the club being sued for "unfair dismissal".
They know what they are doing.

They certainly had plans to boot him out of the club as soon as they legally could and thought of a way to satisfy both club and player (i.e. find him a club, preferably abroad) in case of a non-guilty verdict. Can't have walking shitstorms hanging around the club and the sooner you act the better, especially in Abu Dhabi's case and all what's thrown at them when it comes to women rights. No dilly-dallying, no ambiguous statements. Verdict acknowledged and the player was off-loaded to Lorient, a mid-table club in Ligue 1, less than a week later. End of the story.

People who think that big clubs in Europe will go for MG be it now or in five years, are completely deluded. They'd never hear the end of it.

You might end up looking silly. I wouldn’t bet your mortgage on it mate. I’ll mention him again but Suarez ended up playing for Barcelona.
It does bloody matter. You can't expect to let a player of his talent leave and not replace him. We literally have no threat up front with the exception of Rashford coming in from the left (not the striker version). We won't make top 4 with this lot.
Hoijlund is his replacement and your response is about how it affects the team and your hopes for how well it does rather than the events that led to it, which are far more important
I meant in the media. They have 115 charges against them and nobody in the media cares at all. You think if they brought Mendy back it would even get a mention ?
Can’t blame you that you took me mentioning all 5 City fans seriously. I wasn’t serious. But no, Mendy wouldn’t create much noise. But if it was Foden for example the noise would be there. Media pressure would still be much less than at United.
Hoijlund is his replacement and your response is about how it affects the team and your hopes for how well it does rather than the events that led to it, which are far more important
No he's wout's replacement who was Ronaldo's replacement. We've always been short a forward, because the club planned on his return.
I am not going to be critical of the club here. The only person at fault is Greenwood.
I wonder how it's going to play out for Antony.

Club has pretty much just folded an asset they valued at +£100M. Now they have a similar situation with a player they paid £80m for a year ago.
Exactly. You can’t let the media set the narrative here.

United have imposed a sanction on themselves because of a journalist, no other club has ever been asked to do such a thing.

I actually wouldn’t have a problem with what commenced today & Antony following if found in any way culpable if I had seen examples of other clubs being held to anywhere near this standard previously. The fact he can play anywhere else but United & that is seen as a good solution makes no sense to me.
You might end up looking silly. I wouldn’t bet your mortgage on it mate. I’ll mention him again but Suarez ended up playing for Barcelona.
I'd rather look silly than believe that any club with a shred of reputation would let this PR nightmare play for them. Time will tell.
The clubs statement about Greenwood not committing the crimes, but then getting rid of him is pathetic.

Are we going to do this every-time there’s any sort of accusation made?
I wonder how it's going to play out for Antony.

Club has pretty much just folded an asset they valued at +£100M. Now they have a similar situation with a player they paid £80m for a year ago.

It’ll only depend on public reaction to Antony. Nothing else.

If Adam Crafter turns his attention to Antony now and Rachel Riley publicly declares that she’ll stop following the club if Antony isn’t released - they’ll release / suspend him.

But they won’t, and thus the club will do nothing and Antony will simply carry on playing as if nothing is going on.
Maybe I'm too cynical, but if the club say they don't expect to do something, I don't believe them. Too ambiguous.

You can reserve the right to do so, but it's also somewhat irresponsible to attempt outrage farming over something that is addressed in the same article.

Either way, it seems as though public reaction made him continue with United untenable - it's not as if said public will welcome him with open arms in 12 months time. The sun exploding is also a possibility, but it's not something most people wake up in a cold sweat worried about.
Absolutely delighted that Greenwood will play no further part at Manchester United. For those of you screaming he was found innocent, well there is a big difference in going to trial and being found innocent by a jury of your peers and having the case dropped. One means you have been found innocent of the crimes you have been accused of and the other is basically we don’t know if you are innocent or guilty.

Personally ever since I heard that video recording I have been disgusted by him and for me that is enough to prove he’s a horrible human being regardless of a trial outcome. Hopefully he has learned from that experience and is working on bettering himself, I am just glad it won’t be at United.
"Mob rule"
I wonder how it's going to play out for Antony.

Club has pretty much just folded an asset they valued at +£100M. Now they have a similar situation with a player they paid £80m for a year ago.
Well if Antony is charged, then they will have to drop him also.

Will the Man Utd police officers Fan group be hanging a banner outside Old Trafford " No violence against our members" with Maguire must go ? The mob rule has started so why stop with Greenwood.
Agreed. United were in a no win situation.
Make a quick decision - be accused of knee jerking.
Take a long time to make a decision - indecisive. Reinstate the player - morally wrong, but the player has not been charged or appeared in court.
Sack the player - face the risk of being sued, as the player has not been charged or appeared in court.
In my view, Richard Arnold has played it right. Enabled a situation where suggestions of the player's return appear in the media. Wait to see what public opinion is, so that the player is aware of how difficult a return will be. He is then able to agree a departure "by mutual consent" thereby making a decision in keeping with public opinion and avoiding the club being sued for "unfair dismissal".

I agree. He did the right move. Now we should get him a loan abroad to up his price. Time to move on, we got a brand new season to concentrate on.
Being made into a public pariah for something the prosecution has decided he did not do (their own wording new evidence) seem like one hell of a consequence.

Every instance that has actually had first hand account and information about this entire debacle have decided that the accusations do not hold water. And public opinion with no information beyond hearsay still pretends it knows best.

Putting a lie in bold is a brave move.
I wonder how it's going to play out for Antony.

Club has pretty much just folded an asset they valued at +£100M. Now they have a similar situation with a player they paid £80m for a year ago.
Antony has said he’ll prove his innocence
No. They decided that there was no longer a realistic chance of conviction due to a key witness withdrawing and the existence of new evidence.

Which indicates that had it gone to court, a jury would not have convicted him.

Out of interest, had it gone to court and Greenwood had been found not guilty, would you have changed your opinion? Sometimes I wonder if it might have been better for him to have his day in court but then I'm not convinced it would have changed many minds anyway.

I would have preferred that to be honest. A proper, definitive line could have been drawn under it. He could openly welcomed back if innocent, or properly fecked off to outer space if guilty, with no risk of us being sued

Now it's just full of umms and maybes. We can't really sack him, but he can't really be welcomed back into the fold either. Terrible for both club and player.
Hoijlund is his replacement and your response is about how it affects the team and your hopes for how well it does rather than the events that led to it, which are far more important
Hoijlund is his replacement and your response is about how it affects the team and your hopes for how well it does rather than the events that led to it, which are far more important
He is ronaldo’s replacement actually
In my view, Richard Arnold has played it right. Enabled a situation where suggestions of the player's return appear in the media. Wait to see what public opinion is, so that the player is aware of how difficult a return will be.

This is a good point. If we assume that the leaked info about his return was deliberate, it may not have been solely for Utd to gauge opinion. They may well have already known but felt the need to demonstrate it to other parties.
I'd rather look silly than believe that any club with a shred of reputation would let this PR nightmare play for them. Time will tell.

Let’s take the emotion out. Do you really think Real Madrid and Barcelona care all the way over in Spain?

Honest answer? I think a move to Barca for instance would be good for him they have just lost Dembele there is space for him on the right and he could easily find his shooting boots over there.
Very disappointing from the club this.
Why are we so unlucky with players bad behavior? Giggs, Solskjær, Evans, now Greenwood and next Antony. Damned!
Evans was falsely accused. Too early to make a comment on the Antony situation. Don't really know what's going on there.
They're all cnuts. I'm not in the habit of defending any footballer for vile behaviour, and I find it very disappointing that some are happy to turn a blind eye to it just to see their football team benefit

Let’s be clear. If the club had said “We have concluded our investigation and decided to release Mason Greenwood” there would be few opposing voices (I accept there would still be a few). The point is that the club has now expressly said that he is innocent. They didn’t need to do that and have obviously done so because they genuinely believe that’s the case. Understandably, that has changed some minds as to the correct approach.
Being made into a public pariah for something the prosecution has decided he did not do (their own wording new evidence) seem like one hell of a consequence.

Maybe your third attempt at describing the situation won't be complete and utter horseshit like the first two?

Go on, have another go
Well if Antony is charged, then they will have to drop him also.

Will the Man Utd police officers Fan group be hanging a banner outside Old Trafford " No violence against our members" with Maguire must go ? The mob rule has started so why stop with Greenwood.
Difference is Antony saying he’ll prove innocence
And no case is the same
Jonny Evans was accused, police investigated and found no evidence
The difference with MG is there was evidence but it got withdrawn and he isn’t fighting to save his United and international career
Excessive bad language
Terrible decision, club's weak as feck for getting swayed by what a bunch of internet [edited] would think about them. Said it before but we just spent 70M on fecking Hojlund who is nowhere near Greenwood skill wise. We're also playing like garbage, our frontline is useless, our only goal scored by fecking Varane so far. More worried about PR than winning and that's the sort of attitude that got us here.
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