Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Yeah correct decision although I still think the wording in the statements is very vague.

Truth is he was having problems before this incident. He was being kept away from England squads, his game was regressing if anything.

I was a massive fan of his talent but even without this I feel his career was going in the wrong direction.

Richard Arnold statement on Mason Greenwood: "Dear fans, now that we have concluded and announced the outcome of the club's investigation into Mason Greenwood, I want to be direct and transparent with our fans about the process and the reasons for our decision.

This was an internal disciplinary investigation between employer and employee which would ordinarily take place outside of the public eye. Given the public nature of the allegations and Mason's profile, I acknowledge that this was not an ordinary situation, but I felt it important that we still follow due process and, so far as possible, avoid media comment until I had made a definitive decision.

When audio footage and imagery was posted online in January 2022, my feelings were of shock and concern for the alleged victim. Her welfare, wishes and perspective have been central to the club's approach ever since, as have the club’s standards and values. While we immediately concluded that Mason should be suspended pending investigation, we were also conscious of our duty of care towards him and the importance of making a decision based on full information. Until February this year, this was a matter for the police and the Crown Prosecution Service. It was only when charges were dropped that the club discussed the allegations with Mason and others involved in the case.

Our investigation sought to collate as much evidence as possible to establish facts and context. This was not a quick or straightforward process for a variety of reasons. It was essential for us to respect the rights and wishes of the alleged victim. Also, we have limited powers of investigation which meant we were reliant on third party cooperation. Timings have also been influenced by my desire to minimise the impact of the investigation on our men's and women's teams, as well as our Lionesses. I acknowledge that this gave more time for speculation, but the alternative would have been to compromise due process or create untimely disruption.

While we were unable to access certain evidence for reasons we respect, the evidence we did collate led us to conclude that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with. I am restricted as to what I can say for legal reasons, including the alleged victim's ongoing right to anonymity, but I am able to share the following with you which should give you some insight into the complexity of this case.

• The alleged victim requested the police to drop their investigation in April 2022.
• We were provided with alternative explanations for the audio recording, which was a short excerpt from a much longer recording, and for the images posted online.
• The alleged victim's family participated in the process and were given the opportunity to review and correct our factual findings.

Last week the media reported that we had decided to reintegrate Mason and that elements of a plan to do so had been leaked to them. Reintegration was one of the outcomes we considered and planned for. For context, over the course of the past six months several outcomes have been contemplated and planned for, and my view has evolved as our process progressed. While the ultimate decision rested with me, I was taking various factors and views into account right up until the point of finalising my decision.

While I am satisfied that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with, Mason’s accepted that he has made mistakes which he takes responsibility for. I am also mindful of the challenge that Mason would face rebuilding his career and raising a baby together with his partner in the harsh spotlight of Manchester United. Further, this case has provoked strong opinions, and it is my responsibility to minimise any distraction to the unity we are seeking within the club.

Although we have decided that Mason will seek to rebuild his career away from Manchester United, that does not signal the end of this matter. The club will continue to offer its support both to the alleged victim and Mason to help them rebuild and move forward positively with their lives.

Thank you for your continued support,

Richard Arnold"
Despicable that it took so much pressure to get the club to do the right thing. Utter disaster was averted but still a shameful period.
"Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture and that Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged"

Tried by the public and the media found guilty and sacked so much for British justice a total joke
So they've concluded that he wasn't guilty, but not not guilty enough? Not sure why they felt the need to add that part of he's being released anyway.

Best outcome as it would have been really difficult for fans to see him playing here again, but he'll go elsewhere and suddenly nobody will be quite so outraged when he plays.
"Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture and that Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged"


Don’t bother, the clueless mob has already made its ruling. Don’t hit them with facts and truth.
Our club is fecking poison. Cant even get this right. Had to back track on the first decision and release a statement seemingly contradicting its final decision making.
Exactly, very strange. Symptom of weak decision makers.
Obviously there will be some people lamenting the loss of a supreme talent which is understandable, especially one that came through the ranks, but the club have made the right decision here. A move abroad under less spot light is what's best, let's just hope he has learned from his mistakes. His behaviour was unacceptable.
I hope this acts as a warning to all young footballers and all young men who follow football. This is the moment that shows there is more important things than football. Well done Utd. His partner has forgiven Mason and for the sake of their kid I hope life works out for them.
:lol: they basically admit that they didn't think Greenwood was wrong but they cave to public pressure to let him go. Bunch of idiots

No, It doesn't say anything like that was wrong. They're saying they don't think he committed the offenses of which he was charged, but that is *miles* different than saying he wasn't wrong.

You can be wrong - horribly wrong, in fact - without having broken the technical definition of a law or with there not being sufficient evidence to overcome a burden of proof. He may not be convictable, but this does not mean he is innocent. Think United finally made the right choice here.

Richard Arnold statement on Mason Greenwood: "Dear fans, now that we have concluded and announced the outcome of the club's investigation into Mason Greenwood, I want to be direct and transparent with our fans about the process and the reasons for our decision.

This was an internal disciplinary investigation between employer and employee which would ordinarily take place outside of the public eye. Given the public nature of the allegations and Mason's profile, I acknowledge that this was not an ordinary situation, but I felt it important that we still follow due process and, so far as possible, avoid media comment until I had made a definitive decision.

When audio footage and imagery was posted online in January 2022, my feelings were of shock and concern for the alleged victim. Her welfare, wishes and perspective have been central to the club's approach ever since, as have the club’s standards and values. While we immediately concluded that Mason should be suspended pending investigation, we were also conscious of our duty of care towards him and the importance of making a decision based on full information. Until February this year, this was a matter for the police and the Crown Prosecution Service. It was only when charges were dropped that the club discussed the allegations with Mason and others involved in the case.

Our investigation sought to collate as much evidence as possible to establish facts and context. This was not a quick or straightforward process for a variety of reasons. It was essential for us to respect the rights and wishes of the alleged victim. Also, we have limited powers of investigation which meant we were reliant on third party cooperation. Timings have also been influenced by my desire to minimise the impact of the investigation on our men's and women's teams, as well as our Lionesses. I acknowledge that this gave more time for speculation, but the alternative would have been to compromise due process or create untimely disruption.

While we were unable to access certain evidence for reasons we respect, the evidence we did collate led us to conclude that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with. I am restricted as to what I can say for legal reasons, including the alleged victim's ongoing right to anonymity, but I am able to share the following with you which should give you some insight into the complexity of this case.

• The alleged victim requested the police to drop their investigation in April 2022.
• We were provided with alternative explanations for the audio recording, which was a short excerpt from a much longer recording, and for the images posted online.
• The alleged victim's family participated in the process and were given the opportunity to review and correct our factual findings.

Last week the media reported that we had decided to reintegrate Mason and that elements of a plan to do so had been leaked to them. Reintegration was one of the outcomes we considered and planned for. For context, over the course of the past six months several outcomes have been contemplated and planned for, and my view has evolved as our process progressed. While the ultimate decision rested with me, I was taking various factors and views into account right up until the point of finalising my decision.

While I am satisfied that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with, Mason’s accepted that he has made mistakes which he takes responsibility for. I am also mindful of the challenge that Mason would face rebuilding his career and raising a baby together with his partner in the harsh spotlight of Manchester United. Further, this case has provoked strong opinions, and it is my responsibility to minimise any distraction to the unity we are seeking within the club.

Although we have decided that Mason will seek to rebuild his career away from Manchester United, that does not signal the end of this matter. The club will continue to offer its support both to the alleged victim and Mason to help them rebuild and move forward positively with their lives.

Thank you for your continued support,

Richard Arnold"

Arnold should be following him straight out the door instead of releasing statements.
If the reaction to Benjamin Mendy by Lorient fans is anything to go by, then Western Europe is out of the question completely for a potential place to go.

Have a career in Saudi at best in terms of making the money you probably would have made I guess?
this whole situation sucks. Couldve been the RW/CF option for us for the next 10 years easy. Saves us the antony money, be a huge amount to focus elsewhere. Think eventually he will have a good career somewhere else. If saudis are smart theyd be all over this one. Cheap right now to transfer prob, then after a bit hed be crushing it over there once he got his feet under him
We all heard and read the transcript. feck him and those that back him. Yes, he’s got every right to try and make amends but he can do it elsewhere because the longer he’s at the club, it becomes a stain on the brand.
Saudi, Turkey or somewhere can take him and benefit from a potentially great footballer.
Club has been a shambles handling this. It’s probably the best for the club and player.

I’ll be shocked if there’s no Saudi club who aren’t willing to take him on.
Correct decision, but a bit of a joke if the club is sold to Qatari owners in the end. Getting the micro decisions right, but failing in the macro.
Seeing as the plan looked like they had every intention of keeping him at the start of the month, its a fecking farce and a mess, but typical of this club.

How its taken this long to get to this point is a joke.
Remember at Christmas when they were sounding out whether or not we'd be happy with Arnautovic? They did the same here with Greenwood.
Handled awfully, regardless if you think he should have stayed or not. Letting him walk out the door for nothing. No striker fc, Glazers only changed there mind too in the last few days. Seen the blowback, internal investigation was as big a joke as the sale.
Weird statement tbh. So they concluded that he didn’t committed those. And that the sentence “away from Old Trafford” could mean a lot of things. Could that be a statement to test the waters again? Could be either loan or terminate the contract
Correct decison by the club.. By this is only due to the backlash they recieved the last few days. Richard Arnold was fully prepped to bring him back by all accounts..

One thing doesn't sit right with me about that statement. They claim they're confident he didn't do what was accused, and he has claimed that in his statement. That would basically mean she lied, and attempted to completely destroy his career with false claims.. But at the same time he's back with her looking forward to the future. Does no one else find that extremely strange??

If someone attempted to ruin my life with 'false claims'. theres absolutely no chance id ever even speak to them again. I would be on a vendetta to have them in court to answer for what they have done.

If this was the case, surely a statement from her at some point admitting to some misleading etc would have cleared this all up very quickly? Theres something just doesnt seem right about it
The club is a shambles - absolute shit show at every level. Terrible decision IMO, we should be working with the player to rehabilitate him and reintegrate into society. Instead we have decided to Vilify him and declare him damaged goods regardless of the statement UTD put out. Really poor by UTD. Well at least Rachel Riley is still part of the club, cant wait for her to have some sort of marital crisis - do we brand her the same way??
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