Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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His possition at the club was untennable.

United are looking for a new shirt sponsor. You think the next sponsor wants to see Mason Greenwood in a shirt with their brand on it?
Apologies for being a bit graphic and explicit, but I feel I have to raise something which stands like an elephant in the room for me..

Has anybody considered whether there may have been an element of CNC (consensual non-consent) in Greenwood's relationship, or are people even aware of this type of of dynamic can exist in a healthy/happy relationship?

This was something that crossed my mind, but I haven't heard anybody address the possibility of so-called "rape-play" which is actually somewhat common (see article above) in today's younger generation. Sorry to be explicit but it can include choking and punching during sex, being tied up etc. It's a kink and both parties consent to the use of such force.

I recognise that a football forum probably isn't the best place to have mature or serious discussion on sex and relationships, but I think its important to consider this type of possibility when making assessments on Greenwood's guilt for domestic violence and assault.

I think it's relevant here as none of us know the full story of what was actually going on, and we can only make reasonable assumptions based on all scenarios.
It’s a totally valid point and I’m not sure a lot of people are aware of it’s existence.
No regular work place would have grounds for dismissal though?

On the contrary. One of the legal reasons for dismissal is being sent to prison, the club could have dismissed him a long time ago.
If she had falsified evidence you would think the police would have brought charges.

Well they can't if they haven't got evidence of her...falsifying evidence. Ugh.. :wenger:

Anyway I'm willing to bet she's one of the key witnesses who withdrew (I mean, she is the ONLY witness), so without her sworn testimony there is no case.

Did she withdraw because he's guilty and she didn't want him to get into more trouble? Or did she withdraw because he's innocent and she would have to self-incriminate? Only God knows.
How do you know what constituted their investigation? I'm sure he had to take all factors into consideration, seeing as there is a legal aspect to this. He most certainly would have been privy to what the police had. Plus the police said they also had new evidence which neither the club nor the police seem willing to make public. So it's not straightforward. Let's stop dragging our club for a minute.
Or, read the statement from the club wherein they say their decision is based solely on their own investigation.
Just read the statement. Christ, if you really wanted to keep him why didn’t you just say so?

Reads like ‘we know he didn’t do it but you lot kicked up enough shit that we’ve got no other choice’
What else could the club do in the circumstances? Kept him and everyone and their dog would be up in arms, the press would go overtime on it. The amount of stick Utd and Greenwood would have got at away games would deter from the football. Other players (not named) as well as the womens team were uncomfortable with him staying either.
Luckhurst said if they just announced his return according to the leaked plan, the response would've been positive.
Upon further reflection, I think the reason why the message seems to contradict with the outcome is because they are now trying to get rid of him but for some money.
Probably for the best, though there's nothing ideal to the situation.

As much as I wanted the club and Greenwood himself to try to be open to justify whatever decision was taken, I understand it is not tenable legally speaking for them to really comment on the substance of the matter. I was fairly negatively slanted against his return but could have heard and listened if there was a sincere tell-all... or so I think ?

But a football club can only do so much realistically. I have many questions about what would be the best for everyone and especially his partner and kid, feel unease that it is a "well, it's not our issue anymore" and just moving the problem away... but that will have to do.
You’re going to get more clout tearing someone down. It’s the way of the world these days, no room for mistakes only perfection will do.

You seriously think people are calling out greenwood to gain internet clout, and not cos there's significant evidence that he raped and beat up a woman and we find that disgusting?

I guess everyone has different things they find intolerable. For lots of people it's treating women like absolute shit. For you I guess it's when a total scumbag is not allowed to play football for your team.
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Apologies for being a bit graphic and explicit, but I feel I have to raise something which stands like an elephant in the room for me..

Has anybody considered whether there may have been an element of CNC (consensual non-consent) in Greenwood's relationship, or are people even aware of this type of of dynamic can exist in a healthy/happy relationship?

This was something that crossed my mind, but I haven't heard anybody address the possibility of so-called "rape-play" which is actually somewhat common (see article above) in today's younger generation. Sorry to be explicit but it can include choking and punching during sex, being tied up etc. It's a kink and both parties consent to the use of such force.

I recognise that a football forum probably isn't the best place to have mature or serious discussion on sex and relationships, but I think its important to consider this type of possibility when making assessments on Greenwood's guilt for domestic violence and assault.

I think it's relevant here as none of us know the full story of what was actually going on, and we can only make reasonable assumptions based on all scenarios.
You could well be right, I've heard this in the past but truth is we'll probably never know.

I just think it's best he leaves and everyone moves on.
I admit I didn't reply to those parts because I didn't have much to say about them. I'm not going to make excuses for people on twitter. Or maybe I didn't understand.

In any case, I'm sure there are fans who are more interested in football tribalism than anything else, but there are more than enough people in this and the thread in the general who have given reasonable motivations why they didn't want Greenwood at United anymore. I felt like you were being dismissive of those voices, even if that might not have been your intention.
This thread is full of people who wanted Greenwood gone dismissing any view otherwise, I’m baffled how my take can be viewed as a dismissal when I’ve acknowledged on many occasions what was seen/heard yet just thought there was more than one way to deal with this.

Greenwood playing elsewhere does absolutely nothing, for me, to change what I saw so him suiting up elsewhere feels unnecessary. I don’t see him not playing for us yet continuing his career elsewhere as a win, I see it as a failure on some many levels.

I’m not being dismissive of a fan by fan view, I am however dismissive of people using polls online & up scaling it to the entire fanbase. People have known about Greenwood for 18 months yet only since the Athletic article has the discussion gathered pace outside forums like this one. I feel with most issues like this there are vocal extremes like we see on here but the majority sit in the middle.
Just read the statement. Christ, if you really wanted to keep him why didn’t you just say so?
To me, it reads like they want to keep him but aren't able to release the evidence so have sort of kicked the can down the road. I think their plan is to loan him until the perception of him softens a bit (if he plays well more so) and then bring him back.
You seriously think people are calling out greenwood to gain internet clout, and not cos he raped and beat up a woman and we find that disgusting?

I guess everyone has different things they find intolerable. For lots of people it's treating women like absolute shit. For you I guess it's when a total scumbag is not allowed to play football for your team.

Did he?
Regardless of the case this is a scarry bit. So United belive he is innocent but want him out becasue of branding issues?
No, not because of branding issues but because of the emotional strain on MG and his family. That is United actually being the responsable employer looking after the welfare of their employee. That's why they have left the door open to a potential return / sale, depending on how things (mainly public opinion) evolve.
Imagine the same scenario in an office?

Would you be cool with having him in your team?

Oddly enough we had a situation with one of my co-workers similar to this. The alleged victim made a bunch of social media posts against my co-worker, tagged our company and the owner and went all over social media including where clients could see it. She also got the police involved. The thing was my co-worker had a bunch of texts and voicemails to the contrary of what she was saying so we stood by him and he was cleared.
You seriously think people are calling out greenwood to gain internet clout, and not cos he raped and beat up a woman and we find that disgusting?

I guess everyone has different things they find intolerable. For lots of people it's treating women like absolute shit. For you I guess it's when a total scumbag is not allowed to play football for your team.
Think you just committed libel, mate
Why is that dodgy?

A few things, and I’m not trying to have a go, just food for thought if you want - if not, no worries.

1. Naming Turkish / ME sides seems an odd conclusion to jump to - why not Miami? Or Burnley? Or Spain? Or Italy?

2. For those that’ve shouted the loudest about wanting him out of the club, it has apparently always been a ‘moral issue’, about ‘more than football’, so I would expect those people to now be showing concern for his partner, baby and for them as a family to make the right moves going forward and to ensure they have max support (which for me means them staying in U.K. around family etc).

Again, just food for thought - not trying to preach or argue.
Well they can't if they haven't got evidence of her...falsifying evidence. Ugh.. :wenger:

Anyway I'm willing to bet she's one of the key witnesses who withdrew (I mean, she is the ONLY witness), so without her sworn testimony there is no case.
Which is what I am getting at. No charges so likely she didn't. There was a famous case here where a girl posted pictures of injuries of abuse and said she had been sexually abused by several Asian guys. It was all false, she ruined those lads lives and is now in prison.
I have to disagree with the decision. In United's statement they say based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture and that Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged. If the club feel he didn't commit the offences, then they should stand by him. If what was posted online did not provide the full picture, then give us the full picture, so we can fully understand this decision. Otherwise, it looks like Greenwood has been convicted in the court of public opinion and the club are more concerned with any likely backlash than the well being of a player who has been with the club since he was 7.

He doesn't have to be guilty of the crime in order to be guilty of hurting the brand. That's why he's been moved on, purely business.

United is a business and having greenwood around is no doubt going to be a circus and seriously hurt united's ability to entice corporate sponsors, especially in a much more 'woke' society.

It also had the ability to divide the fan base. You only have to look at this thread to see that. He will get another chance somewhere though, Marcos alonso killed someone and yet has played for Chelsea and Barcelona since. Arsenal also don't seem too concerned by the Partey situation.

Personally wouldn't want to be exposed to the absolute abuse which will come his way, but that's up to him if he wishes to carry on his career.
I know she posted it, along with images of bruised and 2 min audio. A teenage girl, who has no power, doesn't do that unless there is no "there, there". What is the motive?

How the feck should I know.
No regular work place would have grounds for dismissal though? And certainly not after they have had the benefit of being able to conduct their own investigation, conclude that there was no wrong doing and then be able to dismiss via mutual termination.

If he was just a kid in a shop then he would be back in work already. The privileged position of footballer, specifically one for Manchester United has worked against him in this case.

I believe the opposite, especially given that normal people are not under multiple year, binding contracts.

He would be dismissed for bringing the companys name into disrepute.

And lets face it, had he been a youth team player on a couple of thousand a week, United would have dropped him 18 months ago.
His possition at the club was untennable.

United are looking for a new shirt sponsor. You think the next sponsor wants to see Mason Greenwood in a shirt with their brand on it?
Depends on whether they believe he is guilty or not...

See Christian DIor and Johnny Depp for more details.
Best decision for him to leave and I didn’t want him back. I just hope rival fans have the same anger and hostility towards him when he rocks up playing for another club in the premier league within a year or two.
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