Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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He’s been branded a rapist without any evidence and many people are happy to accept this as fact and that honestly makes me uncomfortable.
The problem is people can only generate ideas based on the evidence that is out in the public, and the audio is pretty damning in that respect. Of course it might not be the whole truth or the whole evidence but there's nothing else nobody can draw from. If Manchester United believe there is more evidence to suggest that the audio isn't as it is, they need to release it in order to change peoples opinions, but it seems like they aren't going to. So again, the only thing people have to go on is that audio which, presented as it is, is about as damning as evidence gets
Even if it’s belated - woefully belated - this does send a message to all the youth team, senior team, and boys/men everywhere that it won’t be tolerated, and that’s whether or not you can weasel out of criminal charges.

United stumbling backwards into the correct decision.
what the feck is wrong with you?

it’s more embarrassing to be into role play than being accused of raping and assaulting your girlfriend and being suspended for 18 months?
He's still very young, so it is entirely possible. Personally no, but not everyone is the same.
There is obviously more to this story than what little information we have. I don’t get why people continue to insist that what they know is correct when it’s obvious there is more to this.

There can be more to the story without people's conclusions being 100% wrong.

"We don't know everything" is not a license for people to conjure up scenarios that have practically zero evidence in their favor. It's backward reasoning.
If they really believe that he is innocent based on the extra evidence they supposedly have, why not just show the evidence to the public so the perception of him changes and he can be brought back no problem, instead you U-turn on your initial decision and don't bring him back. It's not like their's a criminal case anymore so they can freely show whatever they want.

Easier said than done - IIRC under UK legislation the alleged victim has a right for anonymity for life - and if the supposed evidence the club used to ascertain he's not guilty of what he was initially charged with compromises said right for anonymity/the alleged victim - how would they publish those findings? Greenwood and the girl have just had a kid and are in a relationship - would he even want that? would their families? Too many unknowns and variables.

What we do know is the club doesn't believe him to be guilty and ultimately acquiesced to public pressure. It would always have been hard for him to rebuild his career here - and the majority are satisfied with the decision - so out of a shit situation, I think ultimately the least "wrong" path was taken
Innocent or guilty, I do think its best for all parties to move on.

From a club perspective, just the sheer volume of bad PR they would get everytime he plays. The stick he would have to endure everytime he plays.

It just wouldnt be good for him or the club.

Ultimately, best decision for all. He probably need to go abroad, where the story will have less attention and try to rebuild his career there.

Whether he actually did it or not I dunno. The audio was pretty compelling, but if there is more audio that makes it clearly, then fair enough. I just hope he moves forward from it, works on himself and it doesnt happen again. Speaking from experience, its easy to fall into those same patterns and allow the behaviour to happen again, and there are always excuses.
I'm not here to judge. He has a baby with his partner and consequences will not only impact him but his partner and newborn. Think it's time for us to move ahead.
Yeah, that discussion is over for me. No sense in having morale debates with someone who doesn’t possess morals.
The problem is people can only generate ideas based on the evidence that is out in the public, and the audio is pretty damning in that respect. Of course it might not be the whole truth or the whole evidence but there's nothing else nobody can draw from. If Manchester United believe there is more evidence to suggest that the audio isn't as it is, they need to release it in order to change peoples opinions, but it seems like they aren't going to. So again, the only thing people have to go on is that audio.
Whether or not it’s true it’s not factual evidence of rape.
I wonder if we’ll strengthen attack now. As the club clearly had him in mind until 72 hours ago.
The problem is people can only generate ideas based on the evidence that is out in the public, and the audio is pretty damning in that respect. Of course it might not be the whole truth or the whole evidence but there's nothing else nobody can draw from. If Manchester United believe there is more evidence to suggest that the audio isn't as it is, they need to release it in order to change peoples opinions, but it seems like they aren't going to. So again, the only thing people have to go on is that audio which, presented as it is, is about as damning as evidence gets

Manchester United have no power to do that.
And i guess her posting the audio, as well as in image of her bleeding from her mouth is all part of the role playing game?

I don’t know why people keep mentioning the photo - I could post a photo of myself with a cut lip and claim horsechoker did it. It’s not proof of anything other than a possible cut lip (but even then not proof of an actual cut lip - see Depp v Heard).
No I dont. Thats why I am not judging stuff and write things as if there is only one possible truth. You are completely right, nobody knows the full story except for probably the two people involved yet so many on here seem either enlightened enough to call out the club for bowing from the public opinion or to indicate that even more foul play must be in there because apparently, a legal system that doesn't result in prison for a person they consider guilty must be badly designed.

Mate, first - if you have experienced something similar - I am sorry for you. I really am. But (thankfully for me) that doesn't apply to anybody and the general public has to find a fair way of dealing with such things. I don't know much about you, what I do know is, that not for a billion dollars I'd put myself out there claiming to know how a relationship between to people has to look like. How they should be talking to each other. I just don't know and I don't have to know because it is none of my business. You don't know, if the snippet you are presenting happend within a broader fight scene. You don't know what happened after. But apparently, other people heard more about the case. You don't know, if the photo on social media was some of acting out to get one back. We just don't know. What we do know is, that there seemingly was violence involved. And the person case has been looked at by people dealing with such stuff on a regular basis. they have more experience and more knowledge than all of us.
All we and also you know, is what has been released publically. Make of that what you want, I personally am a bit worried, how little is needed for people to judge others. I mean, again, everybody is free to do so. But acting as if there is just one possible truth and look on things (which is conveniently the own one) just can't be right.

Again - if you are personally triggered because of own experiences, I can understand it. And I won't judge. All I say is, we've come a long way trying to create processes to deal with wrongdoings that are as fair and not-invasive as possible. We can't just throw that away and go back to middle age practices. The general public has the interest of the victim on its forefront, I don't think, there is the need for every possible individual to get into fighting mode as well.
You've said literally nothing in fifteen lines. Bravo.
Arnold’s statement is hugely irresponsible. As is already evident, all the worst people are going to take it as basic confirmation his accuser lied, based on secret contextual evidence we can’t see, all to protect a CEOs decision making. Horrible shit
That is what I was worried about, not having him back has saved a backlash, but also the amount of abuse his statement could provoke on the young woman involved. It really is an awfully worded statement.
I doubt Serie A or LaLiga clubs are that Woke-ish to begin with.

If his skill-set, talent and desire are still there, no doubt clubs are lining up for him.
Especially so , a champions league club.

Whether he will do the Adebayor style celebration at Old Trafford in future, remains to be seen.
Yeah, I think he will definitely find a home in Italy or Europe. No one out-wokes England, Canada or the United States.
If there was this magical reason that the club are talking about that means he didnt do it surely it's better for everyone that they release that information. How is it better that they release nothing and everyone sees him still as an abuser and the club look completely stupid.
I won’t give my opinion on things a rest. As you have a right to yours I have a right to mine. You can just click ignore if you don’t like reading it.
Not when your opinion is sympathising with scum like MG, says alot about the kind of person you are. And yep I will put you on ignore. Looks like I'll be doing that with alot of people on here now if I want to continue posting on here.
" : “In this case a combination of the withdrawal of key witnesses and new material that came to light meant there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction. In these circumstances, we are under a duty to stop the case. '

From the horse's mouth

I don't see 'victim changed her mind; anywhere in their official statement. I see instead 2 things: 1. withdrawal of key witnesses ( no one but they have an idea who those are) 2. new material ( possibly exculpatory, which again is speculation) evidence.

Suffice to say I don't believe you have any such evidence beyond mere speculation
withdrawal of key witnesses = her

Exactly right! That would take guts though and we all know our leadership has been weak as piss for the last decade! Delay, delay, delay- make a decision- backtrack on said decision and end up with where we are today! Whatever your views on Greenwood, I think we are all in agreement that the leadership shown has been as abysmal as ever!

Seriously. I don’t think I have either the right or capacity to judge Greenwood, people accusing him or claiming he’s innocent, just do it on their personal bias towards how they view a relationship.

But here’s a list of what these club execs have done:

1- Losing a potential multi million dollar asset. No one will pay top dollar for someone with this much baggage, and united have lost any negotiation power.

2-Instead of having talks around clubs new season, all PR right now is damaging as they come out to be spineless as 5 days before it was released by outlets that they are planning reintegration.

3- Team wise we are one forward less, no plans to replace the goal output which is concerning.

4- Lose respect of female supporters by dragging it out.

So, Mason is going to go out, maybe struggle or succeed but this club is not going to go back to old glory.

Absolute marterclass on how not to run a club and damage it financially, socially as well as morally.
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The police and legal teams don't start building and preparing cases if someone doesn't make a credible allegation. Credible in the fact he was arrested and questioned and charged with a crime, and it was referred to the CPS etc.

The fact this process of a case being prepared against him then collapsed AND THE REASON GIVEN BY ALL PARTIES WAS that the victim changed their mind, I'd say that's evidence she changed her mind.

This is actually not true, they can press charges without the corporation of the victim if they have the evidence to do so (just as you're saying you have enough evidence to do so)

Actually according the to CPS: In this case a combination of the withdrawal of key witnesses and new material that came to light meant there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction. In these circumstances, we are under a duty to stop the case. charged in,the Code for Crown Prosecutors.

Again please stop spreading untruths.
Whether or not it’s true it’s not factual evidence of rape.

I'm not saying it is, but even you have to admit that the audio presents it as such, and so that is the opinion people are going to hold unless something contradicts that. It's different where it's just what one person says against what another person says because there's nothing to go on. But the pictures and audio are damning for Greenwood, you need something in the public to contradict what's out in the open otherwise all people are ever going to see/hear are those pictures and that audio.
Another wannabe looking for their 2 min fame on this issue. CPS dropped the case because of new evidence and one witness changing their story. Thats as close as you can get to being exonerated.

Otherwise whats the bloody point of a legal system. Him being a lawyer should know that otherwise should leave law and practice online mob justice group

No its not its obviously not and supremely not so with domestic abuse cases. Go look why prosecution is so low. Hopefully he's changed and she won't regret her decision but it doesn't change the most likely situation here.
The club have also said they believe he didn't do those things.
Yet then went on to say he made mistakes. As I have said further in the thread it is an awful statement, which as @Mockney has said is insinuating the girl lied without thinking of all the abuse that could bring her from some of our more idiotic fans.
Great.. Arnold, ETH and whoever else thought bringing him back was a good idea can follow him out as well.
Jesus reading through this thread has really shown what absolute scum we have here on the cafe. I've actually got to the point where I don't think I want to post on here any more knowing that some of ye have the opinions that you do. It's dispicable.
Yep. I've spent a bit of time away from here and had been thinking of coming back. not so sure anymore.
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