Let me explain this for you as simply as I can…
You’ve waded into a conversation where someone has claimed that his partner stayed with him for the money.
You’ve then taken a sympathetic view of that opinion, and tried to justify it by waffling on around the point while saying nothing of any substance or worth in my opinion.
I’ve quoted for you your own words that I find deeply offensive and also know to be completely untrue, but it appears you’re not able of the self reflection or self critique needed to just stop for a moment and meditate upon what you’ve said - if you did so, you might achieve a degree of clarity that enablers you to grasp how offensive your quoted words were.
I’m not interested in an endless, mean spirited back and forth on a day like this when Sir Bobby has passed away and while Utd is playing - that might interest you, but it doesn’t interest me.
We’ll agree to disagree and I wish you well mate.
I wasn't justifying that opinion.
I wasn't sympathetic to that opinion.
I wasn't 'waffling around the point', I was discussing other points (the link being OTHER ways in which money influences events). But, given I did quote into your existing conversation, I do recognise the source of your confusion. I hadn't realised that was what made you think I was saying something different to what I actually said.
To explain then. I listed 5 or 6 possible ways money influences these kind of cases. Obviously, one of those ways is that there is a temptation to stay with a partner for financial reasons. It'd be silly to ignore that. I made no comment about HOW likely it is in this case. If you want me to estimate a probability, I'd say somewhere between 1% and 99%, but that it's more likely a victim would stay with an abuser if the abuser is wealthy than if they weren't wealthy. How much more likely? Well, if I had to estimate a probability, I'd say somewhere between 1% and 99%.
You've spouted off insults repeatedly because you WANT to think I'm speaking in definitive terms or making direct accusations or judgements.
You've accused me of being misogynistic, when gender has nothing to do with anything I've said.
You've accused me other ridiculous things I can't even begin to fathom how you've reached that conclusion.
I'm happy to keep explaining your misunderstandings to you, but by no means is this a debate. If you throw stupid insults at people because you have misinterpreted their posts due to your own emotional volatility and prejudice, then that person is obviously going to defend themselves. Be grateful I'm in a chilled mood, otherwise your spiteful and misguided insults would have prompted a more forthright response, rather than a calm explanation of how you're wrong.
Take back the petty, misguided, unfounded insults you have been throwing around. I know it's the internet and all, but you could admit you were wrong when you so evidently are. And you know you have made a mistake really. Its OK. Assumptions make an ass out of you and me, as they say. Except in this case, your assumptions only made as ass out of you.