Film Martin Scorsese - Marvel movies are 'not cinema'

Speaking about underrated comic-book movies, I still maintain that Valerian + Thousand Planets movie was pretty good. I mean it was campy and dumb but the visuals were great and it never took itself too seriously.

The two leads looked ten years old and acted like it
Its the sheer volume of the type of movie which is the sign of the times, not necessarily the quality. From 1945 to around 1960, there was only one type of movie that Hollywood was pumping out. Similarly, these were replaced by a new genre in the late 60s/70s.

And there were similar criticisms levelled at Westerns in their time too - they were seen as a movie-by-numbers, and certainly a 'lower' form of art. Anything which is over done always is.

What do you mean by that?
The main movie Hollywood was making at the time was Westerns (noirs too, but Westerns were more popular).

I don't believe there was one dominant genre in that period.

Westerns were popular but so were musicals, noirs, epic dramas, cartoons, etc...
Speaking about underrated comic-book movies, I still maintain that Valerian + Thousand Planets movie was pretty good. I mean it was campy and dumb but the visuals were great and it never took itself too seriously.
Thought it was terrible with two leads who were horribly miscast.
The main movie Hollywood was making at the time was Westerns (noirs too, but Westerns were more popular).
Disagree but , even if that was the case, the variety in the Western genre was still levels above narratively than what we get with (dumb) super hero movies.


"I have a .44 Magnum pistol. I’m gonna kill her with that gun. Did you ever see what a .44 Magnum pistol can do to a woman’s face? I mean, it’ll fecking destroy it. Just blow her right apart.

Thankfully with Uber theres another choice. Using the app that puts you in control. So you can choose to ride share or not without all that pesky murder.
"I have a .44 Magnum pistol. I’m gonna kill her with that gun. Did you ever see what a .44 Magnum pistol can do to a woman’s face? I mean, it’ll fecking destroy it. Just blow her right apart.

Thankfully with Uber theres another choice. Using the app that puts you in control. So you can choose to ride share or not without all that pesky murder.


Meh... I'll take it. At least Nolan has a vision and care deeply about production quality.

He's right of course. The only issue is that the industry is never going to return to the good old days as he remembers them to be.

Am going to a panel where he's speaking soon, I'm sure someone will bring this up.

I mean Christopher Nolan movies generally do quite well at the box office. Thankfully there are directors like Nolan, Villeneuve, and Scorcese that make good movies and have the name recognition to drive butts into seats.
I mean Christopher Nolan movies generally do quite well at the box office. Thankfully there are directors like Nolan, Villeneuve, and Scorcese that make good movies and have the name recognition to drive butts into seats.

Agreed. They are increasingly rare breed these days where everything is either Marvel driven at the movies, with the remainder of audiences preferring binging on streaming shows.
Agreed. They are increasingly rare breed these days where everything is either Marvel driven at the movies, with the remainder of audiences preferring binging on streaming shows.

The growth of A24 is also promising. They are a bit Oscar-baity and it pains me that the "A24" brand is the primary draw rather than the directors and actors, but at least their model is based on giving their directors more or less full freedom. I think their primary role is to distribute rather than produce, but their existence makes it less risky to produce more classic cinema.
Agreed. They are increasingly rare breed these days where everything is either Marvel driven at the movies, with the remainder of audiences preferring binging on streaming shows.

Personally, I'm fine with it. There's enough quality movies to satisfy my need to go to the cinema. When it comes to relatively recent movies, I have gone to watch the likes of Oppenheimer, Dune, The Batman, Top Gun: Maverick, as well as a few Danish releases. The rest I can catch when they hit streaming services.
Marvel are declining because Endgame was the crowning end of a decade worth of movies build up to that moment. It’s hard to keep people invested after such a movie. How do you raise the stakes from ‘intergalactic alien wants to destroy most of the universe’?
Marvel are declining because Endgame was the crowning end of a decade worth of movies build up to that moment. It’s hard to keep people invested after such a movie. How do you raise the stakes from ‘intergalactic alien wants to destroy most of the universe’?

Intergalactic alien wants to destroy all of the universe?
I'm just gonna straight up say what everyone is thinking anyways: sexy intergalactic aliens.
Marvel are declining because Endgame was the crowning end of a decade worth of movies build up to that moment. It’s hard to keep people invested after such a movie. How do you raise the stakes from ‘intergalactic alien wants to destroy most of the universe’?
They tried to be too clever and it's not paid off, mixed with average to shit films with a couple of good ones in-between.

They got the rights back to X-Men and fantastic four and we've had next to nothing of them. Give the people what they want. Think X-Men will finally properly be intergrated with the marvels, but they've released a lot of pointless content that wasnt very good since Endgame, so practically need to start from scratch.

They've got enough big bad villains of a similar threat to thanos. Currently going with Kang which is fine but again, he's hardly done anything of note except beat up antman. You've introduced kang but haven't touched the fantastic four? Stupid.
Marvel are declining because Endgame was the crowning end of a decade worth of movies build up to that moment. It’s hard to keep people invested after such a movie. How do you raise the stakes from ‘intergalactic alien wants to destroy most of the universe’?
By doing exactly what they would never do. Give the franchise a rest for a few years ideally a decade. Zero chance of that. Too much of a money maker for them.

There's actually a bit of connectivity that marvel is known for in this and they've been hinting heavily at X-Men (plus Kamala khan is a mutant). They do those two things right and they should have a film that at the very least, the fans will like.