Film Martin Scorsese - Marvel movies are 'not cinema'

Internal Affair's is great, much better than The Departed, which ,along with Cape Fear (another remake) and Gangs of New York, I have down as one of Marti's weaker films.
I think I'd have The Last Temptation of Christ as my favourite Scorsese film. Also I love After Hours which gets overlooked somewhat.
You realise that Internal Affairs isn't Infernal Affairs, right?
The Russo's are really, really shit at filmmaking. They make utterly shit films. The fans say they are tops but they are the fecking pits. They are vandals; they dump dead cattle in the well of creativity and imagination. I wish going to the theatre was an elitist notion, then maybe we wouldn't have so many basic moviebros coming out of the theatre championing the Russo shitography.
You realise that Internal Affairs isn't Infernal Affairs, right?

I can remember a drunken conversation about the departed and someone being adamant that Internal Affairs was the better version. I was confused as feck and just assumed he'd had too much. Was years later before I found out it was a remake of Infernal Affairs. Then it made sense of all of sudden! Still not watched the original though.
The Russo's are really, really shit at filmmaking. They make utterly shit films. The fans say they are tops but they are the fecking pits. They are vandals; they dump dead cattle in the well of creativity and imagination. I wish going to the theatre was an elitist notion, then maybe we wouldn't have so many basic moviebros coming out of the theatre championing the Russo shitography.
I second your rant. They are cretins.
I almost didn't read beyond the tweet but the interview is more interesting than the quote they've used to get reactions.

Particularly the points they say about:
  • Disney being in IP mode so will keep pushing any single Star Wars / Marvel project they can.
  • Netflix being "content driven" and more hands-off than studios which seems to suggest they'll continue putting out some decent stuff but also a lot of shit.
  • Apple/Amazon becoming more invested in the business but also conscious about how bad projects could damage their brand. Not sure how that'll go.
They also made an interesting point about Marvel being so well-liked that it's caused a bit of a shift towards movies feeling like they have to be universally loved, which probably impacts funding if every studio wants a smash hit.

The overwhelming success of those movies [Marvel] has caused them to represent something that has become “other,” or maybe not attainable to some others for whatever reason. Not every movie has to be liked globally.

Anyway, it's worth a read IMO. Maybe while you're having a dump.
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The Russo's are really, really shit at filmmaking. They make utterly shit films. The fans say they are tops but they are the fecking pits. They are vandals; they dump dead cattle in the well of creativity and imagination. I wish going to the theatre was an elitist notion, then maybe we wouldn't have so many basic moviebros coming out of the theatre championing the Russo shitography.
Say what you want about the Russo's but this is kinda snobby.
A pair of complete wanks.
“Where digital distribution is valuable, other than what I said earlier about how it pushed diversity, is that people can share accounts; they can get 40 stories for the cost of one story. But having some kind of culture war about whether there’s value in that or not is fecking bananas to us.” ...

“ Auteur filmmaking is 50 years old at this point. It was conceived in the ’70s. We grew up on that. We were kids, it was really important to us. But we’re also aware that the world needs to change and the more that we try to prevent it from changing the more chaos we create. .”
Utterly meaningless drivel.

Feck them and their corporate vandalism.
A pair of complete wanks.

Utterly meaningless drivel.

Feck them and their corporate vandalism.
You don’t understand. They directed some sitcom episodes. And then helped to create the epitome of everything that’s wrong with modern cinema. They are geniuses.
Tik tok is great cos it gives you like 300 stories every minute. Value for days. Stop it with all your Cassavetes and your chaos and just watch our sludge content like daddy told you.

Say what you want about the Russo's but this is kinda snobby.
My bad.
Which were...?
The one with the scientist who becomes a huge green monster when angry, the dude who was bitten by a radioactive spider and captain fashism teaming up to save America from aliens.
And there’s also the one with the rich dude flying around in his costume and the guy who sees really well and they team up and save America from aliens.
But it might also be the one with captain fashism waking up from being frozen for decades and then he teams up with I don’t know, maybe a the ant guy who’s really small and then they save America from aliens.

There are so many to chose from.
They're ok blockbusters. They're not excellent films, and if those are the "worthy films" in their filmography, I rest my case.
They aren’t even ok. They suck. Reading the synopsis alone makes me believe that these movies were written by a group of 12 year olds tripping on adderall.
Actually seeing them makes me believe that they were directed by someone actively hating movies.
They're ok blockbusters. They're not excellent films, and if those are the "worthy films" in their filmography, I rest my case.
They're excellent films within the genre and gained critical acclaim from critics and fans alike. If you don't like them, you don't like them, but enough people outside of the caf bubble think they're fantastic for them to be considered excellent films.
They're excellent films within the genre and gained critical acclaim from critics and fans alike. If you don't like them, you don't like them, but enough people outside of the caf bubble think they're fantastic for them to be considered excellent films.
I actually enjoyed them, the way I enjoy a Big Mac from time to time. My palate and my brain are sharp enough to know what's good and what's a guilty pleasure though.

They're basically as good as it gets in a genre littered with shite and mediocrity. They hold no cinematographic value. And this is coming from someone who regularly advocates on here that blockbusters and pure entertainment films are fine to enjoy, fyi.
Snobbery around movies is weird as feck.
I think the infantilization of the average movie goer is much weirder. There is something wrong with grown people believing an angry green guy punching aliens constitutes a good movie.
I think the infantilization of the average movie goer is much weirder. There is something wrong with grown people believing an angry green guy punching aliens constitutes a good movie.

Why can't a movie about a green monster punching aliens be entertaining?
Why can't a movie about a green monster punching aliens be entertaining?
It can. If you're stoned enough a lava lamp also provides a great source of entertainment. Entertaining doesn't mean good, though. And these movies aren't good. They aren't good, like McDonald's isn't good. And if a grown up were to tell me that McDonald's is actually good food, I'd laugh at them.
Which is why I keep mentioning haute cuisine. There's oviously a difference there. In the same way that there is a difference between Beethoven and the Butthole Surfers.
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Pretending that films are some form of high art
They aren't? Someone should tell the many museums, schools and other institutions of higher learning devoted to the medium.
It can. If you're stoned enough a lava lamp also provides a great source of entertainment. Entertaining doesn't mean good, though. And these movies aren't good. They aren't good, like McDonald's isn't good. And if a grown up were to tell me that McDonald's is actually good food, I'd laugh at them.
Which is why I keep mentioning haute cuisine. There's oviously a difference there. In the same way that there is a difference between Beethoven and the Butthole Surfers.

Can you explain why someone can't find a kids action movie entertaining without the McDonalds analogy?

They aren't? Someone should tell the many museums, schools and other institutions of higher learning devoted to the medium.

I'm sure there's probably a Superhero movie museum somewhere. :lol: