Film Martin Scorsese - Marvel movies are 'not cinema'

To be honest i think anything below 5 is something i turned off after 20 minutes. So i'd give most of them a higher rating on the basis that you watched them. I liked shutter island a lot. I don't entirely hate your view though. His recent films feel weird in some ways. But the one you liked i hated, so.
That's a good point re: finishing the movie. I rarely if ever bail out on a film, so even if I'm clearly not enjoying it I make it to the end. Gangs of NY took me 3 tries to finish, though. The Departed was a light pop film, and because it was basically a beat-for-beat remake, it didn't really "feel" like a Scorsese movie, but it worked in its own fashion. To me, Scorsese's earlier work means you can demand more from his films than you could, say, if some brand-new director came out and made Shutter Island. Taxi Driver is in my top 10 films of all time. Mean Streets, King of Comedy, New York New York, Color Of Money, Raging Bull, Last Temptation = these tower over the works he made later.

I will re-rate the films:
Cape Fear -- pass
Age of Innocence -- fail
Casino -- pass
Kundun -- fail
Bringing Out the Dead -- fail
Gangs of NY -- fail
The Aviator -- fail
The Departed -- pass
Shutter Island -- fail
Hugo -- fail
Wolf of Wall Street. -- fail
I’m not a huge Di Caprio fan to be fair. It’s a long time since I’ve watched it so will have to give it another watch.
I admit to having a personal bias against DiCaprio. He always looks like a whiny little punk to me, so I have a hard time accepting him in roles that stretch too much. I did, however, think he was great in Blood Diamond (even pulled off a wacky accent), and in Inception. I find him inherently, physically unlikeable, as in, I would love to take a swing at him. This quality was at maximum in Wolf of Wall Street, where i know the guy he portrays is an anti-hero, but I still wanted him to die horribly. He's kind of taking the same roles as Christian Bale, but Bale is good even in terrible movies, whereas Di Caprio needs a miracle for his work to be watchable.
That's a good point re: finishing the movie. I rarely if ever bail out on a film, so even if I'm clearly not enjoying it I make it to the end. Gangs of NY took me 3 tries to finish, though. The Departed was a light pop film, and because it was basically a beat-for-beat remake, it didn't really "feel" like a Scorsese movie, but it worked in its own fashion. To me, Scorsese's earlier work means you can demand more from his films than you could, say, if some brand-new director came out and made Shutter Island. Taxi Driver is in my top 10 films of all time. Mean Streets, King of Comedy, New York New York, Color Of Money, Raging Bull, Last Temptation = these tower over the works he made later.

I will re-rate the films:
Cape Fear -- pass
Age of Innocence -- fail
Casino -- pass
Kundun -- fail
Bringing Out the Dead -- fail
Gangs of NY -- fail
The Aviator -- fail
The Departed -- pass
Shutter Island -- fail
Hugo -- fail
Wolf of Wall Street. -- fail

Took me 2 sittings for Gangs of New York. That shit was LONG.
I didn’t see it. He peaked in 1990 with Goodfellas.
Cape Fear 5/10
Age of Innocence 3/10
Casino 4/10
Kundun 4/10
Bringing Out the Dead 1/10
Gangs if NY 2/10
The Aviator 3/10
The Departed 8/10
Shutter Island 4/10
Hugo 4/10
Wolf of Wall Street. 3/10

I gave up after WoWS.
I didn’t see it. He peaked in 1990 with Goodfellas.
Cape Fear 5/10
Age of Innocence 3/10
Casino 4/10
Kundun 4/10
Bringing Out the Dead 1/10
Gangs if NY 2/10
The Aviator 3/10
The Departed 8/10
Shutter Island 4/10
Hugo 4/10
Wolf of Wall Street. 3/10

I gave up after WoWS.

Now imagine continually spending hours on someone's movies you think are shite.
I didn’t see it. He peaked in 1990 with Goodfellas.
Cape Fear 5/10
Age of Innocence 3/10
Casino 4/10
Kundun 4/10
Bringing Out the Dead 1/10
Gangs if NY 2/10
The Aviator 3/10
The Departed 8/10
Shutter Island 4/10
Hugo 4/10
Wolf of Wall Street. 3/10

I gave up after WoWS.
What a car crash of a post :lol:
Silence isn’t given enough love. I’d have it down as top 5 Scorsese flick.
It's a gorgeous, gorgeous film. One of the best films of these past 20 years easily.
Film “critics” - Robert De Niro as the broken psycho in Taxi Driver, Joe Pesci as a ball of unpredictable rage in Goodfellas, DDL incapacitating america's original sin, etc.

True film heads -

It's chasing the dragon. You think it's going to get better, and it doesn't.

That’s why you stop smoking off foil And start shooting up and then it gets better again.

Also I think gangs of New York was a bit of a mess despite DDL being great in it, I’d still give it a 6 or 7, but I respect your stance on it. Casino and Shutter Island I dig so I’d have higher, but I’d actually take Departed down a couple notches for the ending. The everyone shooting each other, and then that fecking rat, even I a simpleton thought that was too on the nose.
That’s why you stop smoking off foil And start shooting up and then it gets better again.

Also I think gangs of New York was a bit of a mess despite DDL being great in it, I’d still give it a 6 or 7, but I respect your stance on it. Casino and Shutter Island I dig so I’d have higher, but I’d actually take Departed down a couple notches for the ending. The everyone shooting each other, and then that fecking rat, even I a simpleton thought that was too on the nose.
My thing with The Departed was it was a color-by-numbers exercise for a master director, a titan of the genre. It was a creampuff. Tasty, light, bad for you, zero nutritional value, but entertaining all the same. I thought Matt Damon was really strong in it, Jack was nuts, and DiCaprio was his usual adenoidal whiny bitch self. Even Mark Wahlberg was decent, although to be honest I don't believe him at all as a "thinker" or hard-charging cop. It wasn't trying to be a great film, kinda felt like "time to pay the bills" film for Scorsese.

Also, thanks for the tip re: shooting up. Will try!
My thing with The Departed was it was a color-by-numbers exercise for a master director, a titan of the genre. It was a creampuff. Tasty, light, bad for you, zero nutritional value, but entertaining all the same. I thought Matt Damon was really strong in it, Jack was nuts, and DiCaprio was his usual adenoidal whiny bitch self. Even Mark Wahlberg was decent, although to be honest I don't believe him at all as a "thinker" or hard-charging cop. It wasn't trying to be a great film, kinda felt like "time to pay the bills" film for Scorsese.

This actually nails how I think about the film. I’ve described Wahlberg’s performance like that before almost word for word, I usually can’t stand him but I enjoyed his performance, even if I didn’t fully buy it. I like Internal Affairs a lot, more than departed in a few ways but along with giving more spotlight to certain characters backstories the other thing I preferred about the departed was the directing. I also like DiCaprio a fair bit more than you but after googling what adenoidal means I have to say that’s accurate :lol:
Also, thanks for the tip re: shooting up. Will try!


She's perfect for it imo. One of the few indie to mainstream directors I've followed along the way (Baumbach and her colloborating with Frances Ha, an incredible film, as it goes - there's another gem; Squid and the Whale, etc).
Anyway, don't people use film and movie interchangeably nowadays?

I was told that one is supposed to be American English and one British but I'm sure that both just use them interchangeably to talk about the same thing. In Ireland people say fillim.
Anyway, don't people use film and movie interchangeably nowadays?

I was told that one is supposed to be American English and one British but I'm sure that both just use them interchangeably to talk about the same thing. In Ireland people say fillim.
Just Stop.
That’s why you stop smoking off foil And start shooting up and then it gets better again.

Also I think gangs of New York was a bit of a mess despite DDL being great in it, I’d still give it a 6 or 7, but I respect your stance on it. Casino and Shutter Island I dig so I’d have higher, but I’d actually take Departed down a couple notches for the ending. The everyone shooting each other, and then that fecking rat, even I a simpleton thought that was too on the nose.

Couldn't agree more. It's a great movie with a terrible ending, like they lost the last 3 pages of the script and couldn't be bothered to look for them so they just said feck it and had everyone killed instead. Such a lazy ending for a movie like that.