Film Martin Scorsese - Marvel movies are 'not cinema'


I take back all the nice things I said about EEAAO!!
This is a TV series about star wars.

Yeah @Sweet Square its just reasonably decent children’s entertainment given outsized importance by frequently toxic manbabies and a generation stunted by nostalgia & allowed to dominate our culture at the expense of new things by a giant conglomerate that owns an godly amount of IP… what does that have to do with the MCU!?
To be honest I don't, Star Wars is dead. Disney killed it.

Killed by over-saturation, poor quality or both?

I would have thought that the meme factory that was the Star Wars prequels from 20 years ago killed Star Wars, but I guess Disney was given the honor of providing the finishing blow? Or have the Star Wars prequels actually gotten more popular over the years? :lol:
Yeah @Sweet Square its just reasonably decent children’s entertainment given outsized importance by frequently toxic manbabies and a generation stunted by nostalgia & allowed to dominate our culture at the expense of new things by a giant conglomerate that owns an godly amount of IP… what does that have to do with the MCU!?
There are no new TV shows? Really?
Killed by over-saturation, poor quality or both?

I would have thought that the meme factory that was the Star Wars prequels from 20 years ago killed Star Wars, but I guess Disney was given the honor of providing the finishing blow? Or have the Star Wars prequels actually gotten more popular over the years? :lol:

Both probably though I don't think over saturation would have been a problem if the movies weren't a load of wank. I think they've made 5 and bar Rogue One which was watchable they are all crap.

Maybe the prequels did start it I was pretty young when they came out so I didn't mind them at the time. While I can still enjoy them for the most part they're not great films by any stretch.
The winter Soldier, infinity War, guardians of the Galaxy are all far better movies than a new hope or Empire strikes back anyway.
The winter Soldier, infinity War, guardians of the Galaxy are all far better movies than a new hope or Empire strikes back anyway.

That's like saying "these turds are tastier than those turds".
Star Wars and especially Empire are seminal in that genre, the later is a legit great fantasy film. Everything after that is sh*te though.
Fitting username.

He is at least right that if the script for Star Wars was written now, it wouldn’t get passed the first barrier of Marvel execs…

Without the excellent production design or Harrison Ford, it’d could be on Best of the Worst.
Who hasn't dreamed of winning more oscars than The Godfather, in order to direct a Star Wars christmas special.
He is at least right that if the script for Star Wars was written now, it wouldn’t get passed the first barrier of Marvel execs…

Without the excellent production design or Harrison Ford, it’d could be on Best of the Worst.
Empire bucks that trend for me. Or the terrible script was rescued a bit if you prefer but as naked gun above says i think its a legit great movie.
Who hasn't dreamed of winning more oscars than The Godfather, in order to direct a Star Wars christmas special.

You make a point here. Are they just doing it for the money? We had the same thing when Chloe Zhao went from making Nomadland to Eternals. Actually, that was probably weirder now I think about it.

I mean of course fair enough if they're just doing it for the $$$.

Id wager yes, star wars fans, still care about star wars.

I mean, do they? My dad and sister used to frigging love Star Wars to the point where I would sometimes feel excluded from their conversations but they seem really nonplussed every time I ask them about it these days.

We must be approaching a territory where lots of fans are struggling to stay motivated. The Mandalorian seems to be the only thing bucking the trend.
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And infinity war just barely scratches decent. Which was impressive for such a shitty, weak premise. It should have been a total shitfest that was completely impossible to keep vaguely coherent. So it was impressive but i wouldn't mistake it for a good movie
Guardians of the Galaxy was well executed but generic and unadventurous as a movie can be. Winter Soldier was a decent Bourne movie with a marvel skin, which gave optimism that they'd do something other than bland action movies over and over and over again.
They scratch an itch for mindless fun but they haven't produced a genuinely good movie in a million attempts and they're pretty lousy films to hang your creative hat on.
Do Star Wars fans even care about Star Wars anymore?

I liked Andor... that's pretty much all I've enjoyed since The Last Jedi. Mando has some good episodes, but that Luke Skywalker stuff plus the inclusion of the cartoon characters... it's just so heartbreaking.

The winter Soldier, infinity War, guardians of the Galaxy are all far better movies than a new hope or Empire strikes back anyway.

None of those Marvel films are particularly good. All were quite enjoyable on first viewing, and as part of the wider story, they were probably the better entries in the series - though I can't remember which one Winter Soldier was, did that have the silly, weightless fight at the airport? They all just feel so cheap and it's getting worse. That last Spider-Man film looked like it was filmed in a warehouse and was directed by Reddit users. I'm not sure you can say they're 'better' than Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back, but I can understand a young person preferring them. The original Star Wars films are certainly of their time, I wonder how the Marvel movies will look in 45 years.
I'm pretty apatethic towards star wars nowadays. I dont know. I watched all of Obi Wan and have to say i enjoyed it despite it being pretty mediocre. But anything attached to Star Wars i'm working on the assumption is going to be dog shit until proven otherwise (Andor). Its a double edged sword
You make a point here. Are they just doing it for the money?
The Daniels made the decent joke that they are doing it because they need the extra work days to kept their healthcare.
We had the same thing when Chloe Zhao went from making Nomadland to Eternals. Actually, that was probably weirder.
Yeah I think that was Marvel attempt at making a ''arthouse'' marvel film. Happens a lot - Barry Jenkins made two films won Moonlight(Oscar winner) and If Beale Street Could Talk but is now doing the next Lion King movie. Colin Trevorrow made a enjoyable time traveling indie film and then directed the god awful Jurassic World reboot. Tbh I imagine the money is very difficult to turn down as it sets the director up for life, these films are almost a hit regardless of quality, plus large parts of these giant blockbusters are out sourced to a underpaid/over worked CGI team which requires almost no involvement. It’s basically free money.
It's a bit strange that so many of those who say the MCU movies are trash seem to have watched pretty much all of them. Is it just so they can moan about it in a more specific kind of way or what's the deal there?
It's a bit strange that so many of those who say the MCU movies are trash seem to have watched pretty much all of them. Is it just so they can moan about it in a more specific kind of way or what's the deal there?

Presumably people watched the films and then gave their opinion on them. Would you prefer they gave their opinion without watching them? Or should people who watch the movies keep their mouths shut if they don't like them? Trying to understand the point you're making here. How would someone know if something is trash until they've watched it?
Presumably people watched the films and then gave their opinion on them. Would you prefer they gave their opinion without watching them? Or should people who watch the movies keep their mouths shut if they don't like them? Trying to understand the point you're making here. How would someone know if something is trash until they've watched it?

My point is that a lot people seem to have watched most of the movies even though they clearly think pretty much all of them are absolute dogshit. I just don't get why anyone would continue watching a series of 20+ movies when they don't seem to like anything about them?
My point is that a lot people seem to have watched most of the movies even though they clearly think pretty much all of them are absolute dogshit. I just don't get why anyone would continue watching a series of 20+ movies when they don't seem to like anything about them?

I can imagine that people have an interest in cinema and therefore a curiosity about what is currently popular and want to see for themselves and add their own take to the discussion?
I can imagine that people have an interest in cinema and therefore a curiosity about what is currently popular and want to see for themselves and add their own take to the discussion?

Yea I guess that could be it. I'm just looking at it from my own point of view where I would never waste my time watching not just a couple of films, but a couple of dozen of them when I know beforehand that I will find every single one of them to be terrible. Not saying you can't do that, just that I don't really understand it.
Presumably people watched the films and then gave their opinion on them. Would you prefer they gave their opinion without watching them? Or should people who watch the movies keep their mouths shut if they don't like them? Trying to understand the point you're making here. How would someone know if something is trash until they've watched it?
A shit ton of people do this with marvel. Remember a bloke on here outright refused to watch werewolf by night just because it was marvel, and so shit already.
I genuinely do not have any issue with a universe made for children doing things children will like… the person saying “this is embarrassing” is the weirdo.

That is exactly what a show about a walking action figure helmet and a magic green wizard baby should be doing.
I genuinely do not have any issue with a universe made for children doing things children will like… the person saying “this is embarrassing” is the weirdo.
So I’ve been watching the Mandalorian since the back end of season 1 (in part because Disney + has a very small remit of interesting shows) and have so far quite easily resisted posting in this thread, or trolling anyone... because I genuinely quite enjoyed the show as a largely separate, distinct thing, entirely unto itself, made by a lot of people I really like (Favreau, Waititi, Rodriguez etc) that may have frequently dropped geeky little tit bits for the more invested than I, but which endeavoured to tell its own, welcoming, mostly procedural story....