Film Martin Scorsese - Marvel movies are 'not cinema'

I'm quite lucky in the sense we have an awesome 4-screen cinema in the heart of my city that shows everything, from the latest Marvel movies to art-house darlings. It's a great crowd and makes me want to visit more often (as a member it only costs £7 a ticket).

I'm not quite sure what it's like over there in the states but I get an impression that it's very multiplex orientated?
TBH I have no idea, last time I went it was in the UK
I found this article an interesting breakdown of the current debate between home cinema and cinema cinema. I'm not really sure what the conclusion is but did like the point that critics should be eager to champion titles that are worth getting out to the cinema to see. It's something I think gets lost, particularly on here and by myself, in the frequent though very mirthful sneering about the Marvelfication of the industry.
Is Cameron praising his Avatar movies here for having real stakes where people can actually die?

I thought he was saying he just likes to make movies that look good and people enjoy. I imagine the "stakes" he mentions are that people can die in purely cinematic terms i.e. are fictional.

I don't see much pretense with Cameron as he's never made movies that attempt to bridge the gap between reality and film. He's very old school in that sense. Like Spielberg.
I thought he was saying he just likes to make movies that look good and people enjoy. I imagine the "stakes" he mentions are that people can die in purely cinematic terms i.e. are fictional.

I don't see much pretense with Cameron as he's never made movies that attempt to bridge the gap between reality and film. He's very old school in that sense. Like Spielberg.

Yeah he's probably speaking generally. I love most of James Camerons movies. I just would have found it funny if he was claiming his avatar movies have real stakes because characters can die. I watched the second one a few weeks ago, the major characters that died in the first one are back as avatars.

No way?? I always had him pegged as quite a conscientious actor.
That's surprising as the film's quite on the nose.

The interviewer even brings up the theme of the washed up actor who is mostly known for superhero films and Keaton is like yeah….the film isn’t really about that and that he barely mentioned it to Iñárritu. Keanton also compares it to the first Batman film and then says he views his career as a business :wenger:

The interviewer even brings up the theme of the washed up actor who is mostly known for superhero films and Keaton is like yeah….the film isn’t really about that and that he barely mentioned it to Iñárritu. Keanton also compares it to the first Batman film and then says he views his career as a business :wenger:

If it's not about Beetlejuice 2, I don't wanna hear it.
Perhaps not the right place but I found this video interesting and I know that there are many movie lovers who frequent this thread.

The fact that some of the so-called MCU movies are very highly rated as per sites like IMDB is ridiculous. They aren't great movies, obviously not.

Some of them are decent enough adaptations, I will give them that much. But let's be honest, the original material (the Marvel comic books) is very much a mixed bag in terms of quality (writing, literary quality, etc.).

In my opinion (speaking as someone who spent much of his youth reading comic books), Spielberg's Tintin adaptation is much better than anything in the "MCU universe".

The interviewer even brings up the theme of the washed up actor who is mostly known for superhero films and Keaton is like yeah….the film isn’t really about that and that he barely mentioned it to Iñárritu. Keanton also compares it to the first Batman film and then says he views his career as a business :wenger:

Thick as two short planks.
In my opinion (speaking as someone who spent much of hi youth reading comic books), Spielberg's Tintin adaptation is much better than anything in the "MCU universe".

Come on now, it really isn't though is it. I agree that a lot of the MCU movies received way higher ratings than they should have, and there are some really bad ones, but Tintin is not better than Winter Soldier, Iron Man, Infinity War and several others.
Come on now, it really isn't though is it. I agree that a lot of the MCU movies received way higher ratings than they should have, and there are some really bad ones, but Tintin is not better than Winter Soldier, Iron Man, Infinity War and several others.
Why did you bite
Come on now, it really isn't though is it. I agree that a lot of the MCU movies received way higher ratings than they should have, and there are some really bad ones, but Tintin is not better than Winter Soldier, Iron Man, Infinity War and several others.

It easily is in my opinion.

It's a better stand-alone movie in every way than any of those you mention, for one thing.

Whether it's a better comic book adaptation or not is another question, and much harder to answer.

I don't think the best MCU movies are bad adaptions of the comic books they're based on (in one way or another) - that is not my beef with them.
It easily is in my opinion.

It's a better stand-alone movie in every way than any of those you mention, for one thing.

Whether it's a better comic book adaptation or not is another question, and much harder to answer.

I don't think the best MCU movies are bad adaptions of the comic books they're based on (in one way or another) - that is not my beef with them.

Remove the comic book side of things, then Winter Soldier is a much better movie as a stand alone movie.
Bottom line: these movies are not great. Even the best of them are not great. At all. If you genuinely think Winter Soldier is a great movie, fine. But I would suggest you broaden your horizons, as it were.
You're arguing over whether a kids adventure movie or a summer action movie are better. Neither are high art, which was more fun is pretty subjective. To be honest both succeeded at what they were aiming to do and docking every dumb action movie 2 points on imdb because they'll never stack up against the godfather doesn't really make sense.
I appreciate this guys dedication to documenting his rants after hate watching all this stuff.

The fact that some of the so-called MCU movies are very highly rated as per sites like IMDB is ridiculous. They aren't great movies, obviously not.

Some of them are decent enough adaptations, I will give them that much. But let's be honest, the original material (the Marvel comic books) is very much a mixed bag in terms of quality (writing, literary quality, etc.).

In my opinion (speaking as someone who spent much of his youth reading comic books), Spielberg's Tintin adaptation is much better than anything in the "MCU universe".

I agree with your point regarding the IMDB ratings, but I think in isolation a few of the marvel films are fine. Another poster mentioned Winter Soldier and I think that's a pretty fun movie. Strip away all the superhero stuff and you still have a pretty serviceable summer blockbuster, which sets it apart from most of its Marvel brethren where the superhero stuff is the movie. I think you can even point to a few other films where again in isolation they're fine blockbuster type films, Guardians, Ragnarok, ok admittedly that's probably it for me. The problem I find is when they're viewed within the Marvel machine as a whole, and the formulaic by the numbers approach stands out badly.

I'd never call them great films, but I think the three listed are decent enough blockbusters, not just as adaptations but in general (at least in a relative sense). I think GOTG and Thor were helped by having directors who even while working within the Marvel machine do have a voice and a vision when it comes to their films (let's not talk about Love and Thunder). Admittedly I'm judging them to a different standard as I would more cerebral work, but I find that's something we have to do when it comes to blockbusters anyway.