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2023-24 Performances

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No Lisandro to hit longballs into acres of space for him and now he can't beat a man to save his life. Worrying. Obviously his workrate is getting the headlines but defenders seem to win every battle against him, just like 2 seasons ago.
I’m not arguing that grief can’t affect form. I’m arguing that Rashford’s form has been terrible since long before the bereavement. So the bereavement obviously isn’t a trigger for his bad form. Hence it’s a red herring.
But I am talking about degrees or even the perpetuation of form falling because of what’s gone on. He’s been poor all season, but has he been that bad for the run? I’d put forth this was the nadir.

I’m inclined to question why the situation was allowed to unfold as it did. Is he performing in training, or is putting him out there blind hope? If he isn’t, why is he been carted out for match days? If he is, why has he the leeway to be so bad for so long? If it’s simply wishing on a star that he’ll suddenly come good, that’s concerning.
I'm sorry that doesn't really wash with me.
When you had Luiz Diaz, who's dad was kidnapped, played and scored then I think excuses start to wear thin.
How others handle things bears no relevance whatsoever. Some can and do function well, others capitulate; there’s no cold, hard rule.

And that’s also a strange equivalence. One holds hope, the other is the exemplar of it being removed in totality.
He's a grown man - if he's not mentally right then he should remove himself from playing if he can't give 100%. Other players have gone to various manager's and asked for time off - nothing wrong with it.
Or, as a manager, you veto and remove him?
Keano was spot on… if I was a player on the squad I’d be absolutely fuming with Rashford. If you’re going to play on the wings, let alone anywhere you better be running forward and backwards. You look like he couldn’t care less about the match. Needs to be benched for the foreseeable future until he can raise his level and show that he gives a crap. Which is pathetic from a local lad
Or, as a manager, you veto and remove him?

Listen, none of us KNOW what's going on in his head. You are the one who put forward excuses for him i.e. his cousin dying and now you're trying to build an argument on top of a flimsy foundation.

What we DO know is what we see with our own eyes. I would ignore his goal stats and assists and focus on his application and desire on the pitch and it just isn't there and it's been sporadic in previous seasons too.

You can blame the manager all you want and yes, ETH shares some responsbility for continuing to pick players who are not in form, but we are also not blessed with loads of options.
But I am talking about degrees or even the perpetuation of form falling because of what’s gone on. He’s been poor all season, but has he been that bad for the run? I’d put forth this was the nadir.

I’m inclined to question why the situation was allowed to unfold as it did. Is he performing in training, or is putting him out there blind hope? If he isn’t, why is he been carted out for match days? If he is, why has he the leeway to be so bad for so long? If it’s simply wishing on a star that he’ll suddenly come good, that’s concerning.
He’s been shit since March if we’re being honest and apart from that post World Cup stretch of about 6-7 weeks, he’s been wank for about 2.5 years over the last 3.
Sign me up on the same terms, I'll not regret it either :lol:

I do wonder if he is regretting it somewhat though. I mean, look at Harry Kane - he signed a similar contract with Spurs thinking they’d go on to win trophies. Everyone now agrees that’s a mistake and he’s only just now in a position at 30 to win trophies. Kane’s style means he will probably be still top quality well into his mid 30s, so has time to still garner those titles. Rashford may well have a shorter career.

Rashford must have the same concerns we all share about the ownership/future of the club. Our transfer business this Summer was also mind-boggling. It’s not beyond the imagination that he’s just committed himself to a club that could well be destined to remain around 5th-6th for the duration of his contract.
Listen, none of us KNOW what's going on in his head. You are the one who put forward excuses for him i.e. his cousin dying and now you're trying to build an argument on top of a flimsy foundation.

What we DO know is what we see with our own eyes. I would ignore his goal stats and assists and focus on his application and desire on the pitch and it just isn't there and it's been sporadic in previous seasons too.

You can blame the manager all you want and yes, ETH shares some responsbility for continuing to pick players who are not in form, but we are also not blessed with loads of options.
You seem very keen to dismiss anything about death being a probable factor in him looking like football is the last thing on his mind, but humour me, and let’s say that it is a part of the issue. Does your stance change?

I think it’s a perfectly logical and reasonable set of questions I’ve asked; if Rashford is so out of sorts, why have him out there? Is he this shit all week in training or not? If he gives ample evidence he’s more likely to be a liability than an asset, why continually put him out in his current state?

I’m not interested in excitability around this topic and I’m not emotionally invested in him so not championing him. Cold, hard logic boils down to questions and answers. Outcry over how bad he is doesn’t provide solutions. In fact, this is very binary: is he ok to field, or is he not? That’s not a question for Rashford either; it’s those who handle and assess that need to determine that. I’d get it if we were on a few games, but we’re not, and it looks like he’s at the lowest point of all according to that last game. You get to the bottom of that and act accordingly, you certainly don’t just roll him out again hoping for a different outcome.
You seem very keen to dismiss anything about death being a probable factor in him looking like football is the last thing on his mind, but humour me, and let’s say that it is a part of the issue. Does your stance change?

I think it’s a perfectly logical and reasonable set of questions I’ve asked; if Rashford is so out of sorts, why have him out there? Is he this shit all week in training or not? If he gives ample evidence he’s more likely to be a liability than an asset, why continually put him out in his current state?

I’m not interested in excitability around this topic and I’m not emotionally invested in him so not championing him. Cold, hard logic boils down to questions and answers. Outcry over how bad he is doesn’t provide solutions. In fact, this is very binary: is he ok to field, or is he not? That’s not a question for Rashford either; it’s those who handle and assess that need to determine that. I’d get it if we were on a few games, but we’re not, and it looks like he’s at the lowest point of all according to that last game. You get to the bottom of that and act accordingly, you certainly don’t just roll him out again hoping for a different outcome.

I respect your opinion so apologies if I sound arsey. My writing style is more abrupt when participate in forums as I don't have much time.

Of course my stance would change if the death of his cousin affected him and his ability to play for us to the required standard but the points that I have made are that his energy levels and application on the pitch have been terrible for much of the last few seasons.

Ok-he had a good season last year but remember during the pandemic when his body language was being picked upon by pundits as well as his lack of energy on the pitch? At the time, it was revealed later that he was playing through an injured shoulder.

Then more recently it was "revealed" that he had broken up with his childhood sweetheart with the implication being that this was affecting his form.

ETH seems so far to be intent on playing Rashford into form-I think he's pretty much said that. I don't agree with that strategy but ETH knows more about football and players than I do and so I still trust him even though I don't agree with him.

I don't know what Rashford is seeing in training and none of us are privy to the events leading upto match day which helps to shape the manager's decisions.

I can imagine our dressing room is toxic with the likes of Martial still hanging around and the fall out of Sancho being visibly excluded from the first team squad.

Your fundamental question about why Rashford is still picked despite being crap is a question that seems to always hang around our club and our recent managers. We have a number of players who tend to get game time despite not being deemed worthy of that by the majority of the fan base.

Bruno may arguably fall into that category as he often has some absolute shockers of a performance but the difference with him is that, for the most part, he does put the effort in on the pitch even if it doesn't always come off.
I also dont understand how his team mates are letting him get away with it, why is no one screaming at him to tell him to track back and work harder. The whole situation is baffling.

I've never played anywhere near the level of Premier League, but I've played at some top semi-pro sides, and I'll tell you for an absolute fact, you'd never get away with a half arsed attitude.
Pull out of one tackle, and your team mates, manager and supporters would be growling at you like hungry wolves.

But I can clearly remember even when I first began playing for my School's 3rd team when I was about 9 years of age.
Our boss, Mr McGarvey, would be barking "get back and defend, close him down, make a tackle, pick up the runners"

So how this most basic concept eludes these senior, International, Premier League stars, leaves me absolutely dumbfounded.
This should be the sort of thing that is so ingrained into player that its never even mentioned, there should be no need to.
Yeah, has no regrets signing a guaranteed £75m, up till he is 30yrs of age, as long as he doesn't commit anything considered to be gross misconduct.
He's stuck here unless someone is daft enough to give him £300,000 - £350,000 per week and that will be at a low value as well as no one is paying £60m+ and his wages....
He'll leave on a free when he is 30yrs and sign his last bumper contract abroad where he will find it easier as well.

We took another chance on him being anything close to Mbappe and signed him up to a long expensive contract and its blown up in our faces.
when he’s in form he is a really good player. But when he has a dip in form, he is absolutely terrible and his attitude and body language change. He seems defeated, annoyed, careless. The lack of passion at times and bad decision making really hurt us
Or, as a manager, you veto and remove him?

I mean if its a personal issue (i.e the death of a relative) only the player can really make that decision. The manager just picks the players available to him.
We know how this goes. A warm weather vacation for a month followed by a decent uptick in form that turns into banishment a season later.
I do wonder if he is regretting it somewhat though. I mean, look at Harry Kane - he signed a similar contract with Spurs thinking they’d go on to win trophies. Everyone now agrees that’s a mistake and he’s only just now in a position at 30 to win trophies. Kane’s style means he will probably be still top quality well into his mid 30s, so has time to still garner those titles. Rashford may well have a shorter career.

Rashford must have the same concerns we all share about the ownership/future of the club. Our transfer business this Summer was also mind-boggling. It’s not beyond the imagination that he’s just committed himself to a club that could well be destined to remain around 5th-6th for the duration of his contract.
The mans been given a contract that's 3x his worth. He's probably popping bottles of champagne everyday since signing hence the poor form.
This guy has all the talent needed to be consistently one of the best attackers in the league.

Seriously, what the feck is wrong with him? He literally has everything he could want. The money, the club, the support from the manager, the tactics to fit his game. He's been absolutely abysmal this season. And it's totally on him.
come on. He is extremely limited with one trick, along with the mentality of a quitter
come on. He is extremely limited with one trick, along with the mentality of a quitter

His mentality, perhaps but I think everyone is being insanely dismissive of his footballing ability. 12 months ago he was one of the best attackers in world football.
I respect your opinion so apologies if I sound arsey. My writing style is more abrupt when participate in forums as I don't have much time.

Of course my stance would change if the death of his cousin affected him and his ability to play for us to the required standard but the points that I have made are that his energy levels and application on the pitch have been terrible for much of the last few seasons.

Ok-he had a good season last year but remember during the pandemic when his body language was being picked upon by pundits as well as his lack of energy on the pitch? At the time, it was revealed later that he was playing through an injured shoulder.

Then more recently it was "revealed" that he had broken up with his childhood sweetheart with the implication being that this was affecting his form.

ETH seems so far to be intent on playing Rashford into form-I think he's pretty much said that. I don't agree with that strategy but ETH knows more about football and players than I do and so I still trust him even though I don't agree with him.

I don't know what Rashford is seeing in training and none of us are privy to the events leading upto match day which helps to shape the manager's decisions.

I can imagine our dressing room is toxic with the likes of Martial still hanging around and the fall out of Sancho being visibly excluded from the first team squad.

Your fundamental question about why Rashford is still picked despite being crap is a question that seems to always hang around our club and our recent managers. We have a number of players who tend to get game time despite not being deemed worthy of that by the majority of the fan base.

Bruno may arguably fall into that category as he often has some absolute shockers of a performance but the difference with him is that, for the most part, he does put the effort in on the pitch even if it doesn't always come off.
Like I said, I don't have a dog in the race as far as Rashford goes. He was the hero last season because shots were going in. Absolutely everything has gone wrong for him this campaign, and I don't believe any player actively wants to be poor or get stick or not increase their odds of getting paid even more. Whatever is wrong, it's turned his world upside down because he's gone from hero to villain and the media have turned on him for the first time too.

If he's just not arsed, all this stick, OK, but if things aren't right, my first question is why the hell hasn't he been taken out of the firing line? If what he's doing on the pitch is absolutely unacceptable, why isn't he being reprimanded for it? It goes on, but it all lends itself to questions for me - questions more than uproar, anyway.

Things should have reached ahead after that Newcastle calamity, so it will be interesting to see what happens from here. If the manager keeps playing him, then I'd hope it's on the proviso he's earning his place in the team and not because it's Rashford or because he was our saviour last term. Things, evidently, have moved on, and the manager needs to act and react in accordance with that.
I mean if its a personal issue (i.e the death of a relative) only the player can really make that decision. The manager just picks the players available to him.
It's completely the opposite. The coaches are there to observe and study and ascertain whether he's good to go or not. Whatever comes out of his mouth can be listened to, but ultimately they must make executive decisions. Both for the player's benefit and that of the team. We've an absolute passenger out there, and that has to be investigated and resolved, one way or another.
It's not the first time he's shown a complete disregard for off the ball work where it leaves us down to 10 men. I've mentioned previously about his lack of work ethic being a big concern for myself. He refuses to do the bare minimum, which is not acceptable and his goals and assists are not enough to make up for a lack of identity in the team which he is a contributing factor.

The tweets below make a lot of sense because I do believe there's a group of players who are uncomfortable doing the out of possession work and are not happy with the 'cavalier' playing style of ten Hag which places demands on players out of possession where they're expected to press, track back and defend large spaces in defensive transitions. And these players like Rashford, do not like having to work hard out of possession and would prefer what was happening previously where we would have 6 players sitting deeper with the McFred midfield pairing sitting infront of the CBs which then allowed the likes of Rashford to just concentrate on the attacking phase. That playstyle has held the club back for far too long but it's helped players like Rashford to thrive in a team that was playing a brand of football that suits certain individuals.

For me it's unacceptable that a player doesn't give the bare minimum in a game. And for me, he not only needs to be dropped but moved on at the end of the season. I do believe there's a market for Rashford and clubs will be interested in signing him but we do need to move him on and create a team with players who will provide the bare minimum in a game or else he'll create issues for even the head coach after ten Hag. And the reason I say after ten Hag is because players like Rashford will hinder the development of ten Hag's preferred style of play. Martial will be leaving soon and I hope to see Rashford follow him out of the club.
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I love Rashford last season he was great, one of our most important players, without his goals we wouldn't of got top three.

This season thus far though for whatever reason he has been absolute dogshit. The quality and effort from him has been simply unacceptable.
It's not the first time he's shown a complete disregard for off the ball work where it leaves us down to 10 men. I've mentioned previously about his lack of work ethic being a big concern for myself. He refuses to do the bear minimum, which is not acceptable and his goals and assists are not enough to make up for a lack of identity in the team which he is a contributing factor.

The tweets below make a lot of sense because I do believe there's a group of players who are uncomfortable doing the out of possession work and are not happy with the 'cavalier' playing style of ten Hag which places demands on players out of possession where they're expected to press, track back and defend large spaces in defensive transitions. And these players like Rashford, do not like having to work hard out of possession and would prefer what was happening previously where we would have 6 players sitting deeper with the McFred midfield pairing sitting infront of the CBs which then allowed the likes of Rashford to just concentrate on the attacking phase. That playstyle has held the club back for far too long but it's helped players like Rashford to thrive in a team that was playing a brand of football that suits certain individuals.

For me it's unacceptable that a player doesn't give the bear minimum in a game. And for me, he not only needs to be dropped but moved on at the end of the season. I do believe there's a market for Rashford and clubs will be interested in signing him but we do need to move him on and create a team with players who will provide the bear minimum in a game or else he'll create issues for even the head coach after ten Hag. And the reason I say after ten Hag is because players like Rashford will hinder the development of ten Hag's preferred style of play. Martial will be leaving soon and I hope to see Rashford follow him out of the club.

I find it difficult to believe Rashford would be selfish enough to put himself before the good of the team. He gave a homeless person some money ffs
Absolute nonsense from Keane regarding Rashford.
As a wide player (and other attacking positions) you dont need to run around like Keane describes. You should mix running and walking to conserve energy and maximize your attacking opportunities.

Just watch Messi. He has accumulated 1182 goals and assist so far in his career (1047 matches) through a practice that reveals supreme footballing intelligence and a commitment to the efficient expenditure of energy.

Now, Rashford wont produce these numbers, but to think he should run/track back to show some sort of commitment is nonsense.
For the love of god ETH please bench Rashford for his lack of effort. That would be all.
This is what the fans and club deserve to be honest.

For years this club has overprotected him, any criticism he received about his game was severely shot down. He was given everything just because the club is desperate for a figure and a saviour. Sure there is a certain prestige which comes from players developed through the ranks but I and others always thought Rashford was given the status he never deserved as far back as the Jose days.

With each passing manager, his ego and standing at the club has been inflated without the expectations rising to the same level. The Rashford under LVG and early Jose days was a workhorse that played honest and simple team football, no matter if he played on the left, up front or on the right. Somewhere in the Mourinho phase is where the greed was introduced and him taking potshots from anywhere and it only got worse from there.

Even on here before everyone’s eyes opened, you couldn’t say a bad word about him. The Ole period was by far the worst, he was spoiled rotten. That’s when he was allowed to play like shit for 90mins and was excused for either providing a goal and assist, if you ever pointed out the performance was unacceptable, you would be stat bashed to death. If he performed poorly and didn’t contribute to the score then the good old excuses of him playing with an injury or dealing with personal life issues (such as breaking up with his girlfriend, fecking he’ll) were given as valid reasons.

He’s been given everything Manchester United greats got despite doing half the work. He got £200k a week at 22, the number 10 shirt, lack of tracking back privileges as well as being the face of the club. All this for a player whose biggest trophy is the Europa League and has never scored more than 17 league goals in a season.

It’s all well and good complaining now but this club created what Rashford has become.

The whole Rashford thing is our very own fairy tale. The local boy made hero, who we all wished would become our own Mbappe. Too many people have continued to believe this, despite the years of evidence in front of us, creating the nightmare situation nicely summarised by the poster above That he's been indulged and excused for so long tells you what's gone wrong with the collapse in standards and expectations at our club. And, of course, it's no surprise that his PR operation is now working overdrive again.

I wish we could get rid soon and really hope that a Saudi club might come in for him..
Also, the first real test of an INEOS operation, isn't new recruits, it's having professional people who can find a way to remove a core of players who it's essential to remove - that's going to require time, creativity and being able to take a hit on the finances.
Performance is not the right word, appearance would be closer to the mark. Awful attitude, used to think so highly of the lad :(
Absolute nonsense from Keane regarding Rashford.
As a wide player (and other attacking positions) you dont need to run around like Keane describes. You should mix running and walking to conserve energy and maximize your attacking opportunities.

Just watch Messi. He has accumulated 1182 goals and assist so far in his career (1047 matches) through a practice that reveals supreme footballing intelligence and a commitment to the efficient expenditure of energy.

Now, Rashford wont produce these numbers, but to think he should run/track back to show some sort of commitment is nonsense.
Messi can score goals and creating chances consistently and can retain the ball and that’s why player like Messi is allowed to get away with not tracking back. Rashford can’t score and creating chances consistently and struggle to retain possession, he is nowhere near Messi level.

Rather than comparing him with the best player on the planet, look at Martinelli, Saka, Salah, and Son. Those players have great work rate and always track back.
It's not the first time he's shown a complete disregard for off the ball work where it leaves us down to 10 men. I've mentioned previously about his lack of work ethic being a big concern for myself. He refuses to do the bear minimum, which is not acceptable and his goals and assists are not enough to make up for a lack of identity in the team which he is a contributing factor.

The tweets below make a lot of sense because I do believe there's a group of players who are uncomfortable doing the out of possession work and are not happy with the 'cavalier' playing style of ten Hag which places demands on players out of possession where they're expected to press, track back and defend large spaces in defensive transitions. And these players like Rashford, do not like having to work hard out of possession and would prefer what was happening previously where we would have 6 players sitting deeper with the McFred midfield pairing sitting infront of the CBs which then allowed the likes of Rashford to just concentrate on the attacking phase. That playstyle has held the club back for far too long but it's helped players like Rashford to thrive in a team that was playing a brand of football that suits certain individuals.

For me it's unacceptable that a player doesn't give the bear minimum in a game. And for me, he not only needs to be dropped but moved on at the end of the season. I do believe there's a market for Rashford and clubs will be interested in signing him but we do need to move him on and create a team with players who will provide the bear minimum in a game or else he'll create issues for even the head coach after ten Hag. And the reason I say after ten Hag is because players like Rashford will hinder the development of ten Hag's preferred style of play. Martial will be leaving soon and I hope to see Rashford follow him out of the club.

Funnily, Martial is doing more out of possession than Rashford. If he had Rashford's fitness and availability, guess who'd be the star of the team.
what do you list his qualities as

On form he has blistering pace with the ball, is excellent in possession in and around the box, very good link up play further forward, possesses lethal finishing and will absolutely occupy the opposition with threats of running in behind. The idea he isn't a fantastic player is absurd, he's just blows hot and cold.

What's really frustrating currently is how he seems to not be bothered. That's really unforgivable.
Marcus Rashford pulled a Roberto Duran on the world at St. James' Park. With the transfer window opening up, we need to get PSG on the phone. It's clear that Marcus no longer sees his future in a Manchester United shirt. No doubt he sees Bellingham playing for Real and Kane playing for Bayern thinking to himself why can't he player for a prestige club in Europe?
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