Sigh. Please tell me not another silly nationalist.
You have an economy based on a background of powerful manufacturing skills which Britain had but sold under Thatcher and never bothered to compete in. Unfortunately during that period there was limited transit period for the global manufacturing economy. Britain and France were failing in that regard, USA were still going strong but the sign of decline had begun and Japan had just entered it's lost decade. The Soviet Union was on it's last knee's and China had not yet fully reshuffled it's economy away from Mao's destructive policies yet. All in all, Germany took advantage of this gap in the Manufacturing sector and took full advantage. Kudo's to the Germans. Now fast forward 30 years to the modern day were German engineering leads the world in quality and Japanese engineering leads the world in efficiency. Now, what happens when the rapidly technologically advancing Chinese and Indian manufacturing sectors catch up to the Germans. They can produce just as good as you, but cheaper than you and more of it in a faster time than you can.
They can fully undercut you. What will happen then? The German manufacturing sector will go into decline. So what then? You have to resort then to you tertiary sector, which is not as developed as the rest of the first world. Then from then on in you can only play catchup. Sure, Frankfurt is Europe's second main stock exchange but Germany has no viable banking sector to fall back on. Swiss banks have the historical reputation and their administrative laws prevent transparancy - people will always bank there. France's banks lack the reputation but have the scale and size. BNP Paribas is the first or second largest bank in the world. Britain has the Angelosphere for it's economic fallback option and it's banks are some of the worlds most reputable; HSBC, Barclays, RBS - not to mention London headquarters some of the largest American investment groups and hedge funds because of it's transparancy. You look at McKinsey, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan chase etc etc. There's not a single bank from Germany in the top 20. Even Spain's banks are larger. In 20 years you'll be playing catchup to the rest of the first world.
Germany has zero diplomatic presence in Africa, Asia and the middle east. You know in the Libyan conflicts, the whole situation was brokered by British diplomats in the area because even the Americans didn't have the diplomatic contacts that Britain had. Alot of that still stems back from the days of Empire. Sure, Merkel's influence in Europe is immense but her influence in three continents is practically null. Also you need to realize that there's no 'BLOC' in which Germany can properly catergorize itself into.
Angelosphere - UK, USA, AUS, NZ, CND etc etc
China - large enough on it's own to sustain a bloc
Russian - ditto
South American Bloc
EU won't ever form a united Bloc. There's too much conflict in wealth, culture, language, interests and habits for it to work fully.
As for military, please do your research. The German air force is 2/3 the size of the RAF. It has less Typhoons, less Tornado's and 0 CAG's (F35's)
The Germans have more active soldiers but far less equipment such as AFV's and LIC's, the number of tanks they have is the same.
The German navy have 0 capital ships. Your entire submarine fleet's displacement doesn't even reach that of HMS Vanguard. You have less frigates than Britain do, no capital shits in destroyers or carriers. Go figure.