Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

Sky invited an 'eyewitness' on earlier who was no such thing. The person in question blatantly said that they'd just walked up to the scene a moment ago. Get a life would you.

Then on Fivelive just now, some berk complaining about the transport connections for his meeting tomorrow. And he has a girlfriend whose an on-call doctor at a Manchester hospital tonight.
That plank from the Finding Bigfoot tv show just went on a racist rant on twitter. Are there really 63 mosques in Manchester alone?
Literally thanking my lucky stars at the moment. I was on course to be driving past this as it happened and only got delayed due to a team member being late.

Armed police are now at Piccadilly but it seems to be more a precaution than anything else.
That plank from the Finding Bigfoot tv show just went on a racist rant on twitter. Are there really 63 mosques in Manchester alone?

More than likely but so what if there are. There's still likely 100x more churches.

Not having a go at you by the way more the idiot bringing it up.
You can see what looks like an explosion fairly clearly in that dash cam. So sad seeing things like that
People fighting? Must because of pushing and panic.
How would a bomb get in there though? Do they have bag scanners at MEN? I know they do at the o2 so I assume they would. This just doesn't make sense.
How would a bomb get in there though? Do they have bag scanners at MEN? I know they do at the o2 so I assume they would. This just doesn't make sense.

"Witnesses" saying security was poor and hardly any bags checked at all.
Nail bomb? Must have been one hell of a nail bomb for it to create such a big bang.

This or something similar was my first thought tbh.

It's something sinister either way, I'm sure of it.

Post on Reddit sums all this up perfectly for me: "I just wish people would stop killing each other" plain and simple.
How would a bomb get in there though? Do they have bag scanners at MEN? I know they do at the o2 so I assume they would. This just doesn't make sense.
According to the Reddit thread, people are reporting bringing bags in that weren't checked
How would a bomb get in there though? Do they have bag scanners at MEN? I know they do at the o2 so I assume they would. This just doesn't make sense.

I'm not sure but the last time I was at a concert the security was non existent.
How would a bomb get in there though? Do they have bag scanners at MEN? I know they do at the o2 so I assume they would. This just doesn't make sense.

Pretty ridiculous in this day and age, regardless of what caused this.
How would a bomb get in there though? Do they have bag scanners at MEN? I know they do at the o2 so I assume they would. This just doesn't make sense.

Some twitter accounts who were apparently there saying there were no bag scans or their bags werent searched.
According to the Reddit thread, people are reporting bringing bags in that weren't checked

I think they do spot checks but last time I was at Slane castle the security didn't check my bag or my girlfriends. I'm assuming it would be similar. Aalthough Slane is a much bigger venue.
BBC radio Manchester has a lot of eye witness accounts coming in regularly, a lot of people confirming it was in the foyer of the arena.
I've never been to a gig where I had my bag searched. Ever. Not in London or Manchester or Nottingham or anywhere else.

At least.. to my memory. But then haven't been to the MEN or the O2
I agree but I never thought of Manchester as having a large Muslim population. The number just seems high to me.

An easy Google search can give you everything you need, it's really not relevant to this thread.
Looks bad, bomb squad have arrived on scene. Local NHS trust asking people only to use them in a genuine life threatening emergency, they are very stretched.

Transport Police also saying it was in the foyer.
Absolutely have no words, hope everyone that can be safe, remains safe
I've never been to a gig where I had my bag searched. Ever. Not in London or Manchester or Nottingham or anywhere else.

At least.. to my memory. But then haven't been to the MEN or the O2

They usually check them at London venues. Especially the O2 who go completely overboard.

Most gigs I've been to they have seperate search queues for people with and without bags...though often it seems like it'd be fairly easy to just walk in.
I've never been to a gig where I had my bag searched. Ever. Not in London or Manchester or Nottingham or anywhere else.

At least.. to my memory. But then haven't been to the MEN or the O2

Hell, last time I went to OT the guy barely even touched my jacket after they ask everyone to take them off. He very lightly brushed above where the actual pocket was, on one side, while looking at something else. It's not good enough.