Overmars came in following Johan Cruijff's "velvet revolution" and was thrown into a competely overhauled structure during one of the most chaotic periods in Ajax history. the structure that was set up then remained tricky ever since, with every year things being changed to the whole structure Cruijff came up with (and has for the most part been completely abandoned as of this season, with Overmars consolidating power). We've literally had 80-page third party reports written (by another ex-player, Tscheu La Ling

) and immediately discarded, lost our head of academy due to the weird, unfireable, powers it gave certain assistants (Bergkamp), and then lost our best coach of the last twenty years (bosz) for the exact same reason (he was promised, on signing, a say in the new fourth assistant when Spijkerman left at the end of his first season, but Bergkamp, through his strange contractual situation was able to block it, despite being assistant manager himself), and then led to Bergkamp and Spijkerman being fired alongside our new coach, which was when Overmars just went feck it, I'm in control from now on, basically.
anyway long story, but basically seeing Ajax and 'organisational stability' being mentioned together like that is properly hilarious
also, side note on "what was Overmars' experience before GAE/Ajax" was that he was renowned for having made a lot of money in real estate, starting even during his footballing career. not that that's massively relevant experience, but it is still something.