Man United appoint Moyes | Round, Woods, Lumsden, P Neville in; Giggs player/coach; Albert stays

Basically what we've learnt from Moyes is:

  1. Boring - Grey Suit
  2. No Imagination - Grey Suit
  3. Frightened - No colour
  4. Can Dance - Has shiny black shoes
  5. Lazy - Can't dress himself properly, 2nd button on suit not done up, tie wonky
I wonder what are the remotes doing on the table?
Is he here to work or to watch TV?
Phone cable is twisted. Might suggest that he's already made some transfer-related phone calls.
Two remotes on the desk, I hope he is not planning on watching a Desperate Housewives marathon on his first day.
I wonder what are the remotes doing on the table?
Is he here to work or to watch TV?
Clearly to watch TV, he will want to ease himself into it. So alternating between watching a movie and actual work seems like a great idea
We need a little kermit sitting on that desk with him. Alongside a notepad with crudely scrawled names: "C.Ronalz 7.", "Joe Rootman", "Leighton Orient.", "Thiago Ay-goalto"
I hope they disinfected the Sky remote. I'd say Fergie was always on Bang Babes.
Shit, I think I see Ronaldo and Thiago playing football in the background? In the window, in the pic where Moyes is sitting at his desk. Someone confirm that it is indeed Ronaldo and Thiago playing!
Good to see a manager of a football club has prepared for the recession by doubling as a car salesman.
Basically what we've learnt from Moyes is:

  1. Boring - Grey Suit
  2. No Imagination - Grey Suit
  3. Frightened - No colour
  4. Can Dance - Has shiny black shoes
  5. Lazy - Can't dress himself properly, 2nd button on suit not done up, tie wonky

Maybe he's one to follow the David Mitchell school of dress-sense, and I quote... "My appearance should in no way be noteworthy, But then again not so un-noteworthy as to be in itself noteworthy."

Moyes fits the bill perfectly I'd say.
Two remotes on the desk, I hope he is not planning on watching a Desperate Housewives marathon on his first day.

I imagine he's watching replays of United from the season gone by. Seeing what needs work the most etc. That or he's watching video's of Anderson at eating contests.
He could at least make it interesting by having some new player contracts sitting on the desk for the picture instead of feckall being on there.
Maybe he's one to follow the David Mitchell school of dress-sense, and I quote... "My appearance should in no way be noteworthy, But then again not so un-noteworthy as to be in itself noteworthy."

Moyes fits the bill perfectly I'd say.

I was thinking of that when I first saw that photo. :lol:

I wonder if he has a pen rule?
The mouse mat is there to remind Moyes that he's no longer the manager of Everton, every day. His standards need to be kept on track.
For some reason, I find the idea of a proper tacky Manchester United mousepad in the Manchester United managers office to be absolutely, utterly hilarious... :lol::lol::lol:

I can't stop laughing at it...

he thought about bringing his Everton-one - but realized that would be stretching it
I was thinking of that when I first saw that photo. :lol:

I wonder if he has a pen rule?

:lol: If anyone would have a pen rule...

Seriously though, if a man dressed like that walked past you in the street, you wouldn't, in any way, be aware of their existance.

Is the mat too small, or does he have a massive mouse and keyboard?

I think they're for his giant hands...
Right after the photo was took, I hope he did a full 360 in his swivel chair. Presumably while whistling.
Guys chill. It isn't a mouse pad, it is a coaster for his giant cup of coffee. You see, he will be working day and night until we sign Thiago and Ronaldo.