Made-up XIs

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You muppet!!

Sports XI

Gokartin Keown
Mark Cross-country
Febian Bandy
Keith Curling
Wayne Bridge
Petr Chess
Bobsleigh Charlton
Michael Netball
Daniel Underwater Rugby
Gary Speedball
Billiards Meredith
Tennis Irwin
Michael Fencing
Michael Cricketts
Rowing Alexander
Alen Boksing
Ronald Watersports
Peter Cycle
Junichi Inamotorbiking
Tennis Bergkamp
Squash Parker
Fabio Lacrosso
Ping Pong Fanghzou
Younes Kapool
Hooray... the Made-Up XIs hread

Vennegor of greco roman resselink

:lol: another great Hesselink one

Stan Bowls
Khalid Boule-ahrouz
Georgi Kintiddlywinklazde
Ultimate Gary Crosby
Gymnastics Leighton
Gaelic Cliche Football
Australian Atkinson Rules Fox Football
Scott Parkour
Rob Malcompetitive Eatinge Haaland
Evrabody Love Raymond
3rd Rocha from the Sun
Zat Steventies Sno
Only fools and Van Nistelrooys
Sventh Heaven
Everybody hates Cristiano
Malcolm Glazer in the middle
Life on Overmars
Dennis Law and Order
Sit-Com XI

Fawlty Flowers
The Brettas Emertonpire
Evra Decreasung Park Circles Ferdinand

Sorry!o Ferdinand
Saved by the Colin Bell
Hermans Hreidarrssons Head
George Weah and Mildred
Manninger about the house
The Joe Royal Family
One Foot in the Graveson
Men Behaving Badly Sharpe
Last of the Milke SummerBee Wine
We've done this you daft exiled spasmo...

Feck... I thought we might have, but I did a search and sod all came up... 'kin noodlehair

Any more ideas? We're running out of things to do....

Laziness Xl

Stan Lazyridis
Idle Gudjonsen
Shut-Eyal Berkowic
Ade Slackinbaiyi

Manager: Can't be Arsedene Wenger

They play at the Not Just Now Camp
Thierry Ennui
Listless Ferdinand
Dallying Atkinson
ProcrastinaShaun Maloney
Marco Tardyelli

And surely they all play for Torpido Moscow?
By the way, one big :lol: at this thread. This may be the funniest thread I've seen on the caf
Dilly Dally McCoist
Yawn Vennegoor of Missingsleep
Lee Catter-five-more-minutes

Perhaps if the Wenger deal falls through they can go for David O'Weary?
We've already had a Fish XI:

Lehmann Sole
John Scales
Gary Bream
Mark Fish
Jody Haddock
Frank Lamprey
Rod Wallace
Dieter Salmonn
Nicky HaliButt
Ruben Barajuda

Manager: Glen Coddle
Chairman: David Gill

How about a 'Terrorism XI'? Well stocked on the goalie front:

Nigel Martyr
Shaka Hizbullah
Twin Flowers
Sheik Given
The Anti-Niemi League
Schmeichel of Violence


Sun Jihad
Holy Warhurst
Neil Helicoptergunshipperley
The Al Axa Martyr's Brigade
Mullery Omar, former leader of the Touchlineban


David Bowie XI

Blue Jean Tigana
Willie Young Americans
Justin Fashionu
Hunky Midory
Life Ian Marshall
Loving The Clive Allien
Mod N'lovu
Little Rimmer Boy
John Terry I'm Only Dancing
Siggi johnson Stardust
Let's spend Zat Knight together
Fabrizio Ravanelliphantman
Andy Space Toddity
The Last Temptation of Phil Gilchrist
The Buddha of Sami Hyypia
The Man Who Fell to Ian Butterworth
The Riise and Phil of Giggsy Stamdust and the Sneijders from Overmars

Side Juan Sebastian Veron

1. (Houllier’s) Five Years (Plan)
2. Sol Ndlovu
3. Roonage Daleydream
4. Hamann
5. It Ain’t DaMarcus Beasley

Side Etuhu

1. Lady Boothroyd Stamdust
2. Stam
3. Hangloma on to Ureself
4. Giggsy Stamdust
5. Sufrageto’o City
6. Roque and Ruel Suicider Gudjonsen

Hunky Midory

Side Juan Sebastian Veron

1. (No less than eight) Changes (from the Carling Cup side that lost to Luton)
2. Oh Ewell Pretty Frings
3. Eto’o Linesman Poom
4. Life on Overmars
5. Garth Kooks

Side Etuhu

1. Quick Ebbe Sand
2. Phil Neville Ure Hearts
3. Andy Warhurst
4. Rigobert Song for Babb Dylandon Donovan
5. Wayne Bridge
6. The Bewlay Bonds Brothers


Cash is to Ashley
Destitute Begooners
The Riise and Phil of Giggsy Stamdust and the Sneijders from Overmars

Side Juan Sebastian Veron

1. (Houllier’s) Five Years (Plan)
2. Sol Ndlovu
3. Roonage Daleydream
4. Hamann
5. It Ain’t DaMarcus Beasley

Side Etuhu

1. Lady Boothroyd Stamdust
2. Stam
3. Hangloma on to Ureself
4. Giggsy Stamdust
5. Sufrageto’o City
6. Roque and Ruel Suicider Gudjonsen

Hunky Midory

Side Juan Sebastian Veron

1. (No less than eight) Changes (from the Carling Cup side that lost to Luton)
2. Oh Ewell Pretty Frings
3. Eto’o Linesman Poom
4. Life on Overmars
5. Garth Kooks

Side Etuhu

1. Quick Ebbe Sand
2. Phil Neville Ure Hearts
3. Andy Warhurst
4. Rigobert Song for Babb Dylandon Donovan
5. Wayne Bridge
6. The Bewlay Bonds Brothers


Cash is to Ashley
Destitute Begooners


Just for that you'll get an RIP from me when you cop it
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