Kiki 'Chris' Musampa
Christmas TV...
Mary Popescu
Titi Titi Boumsong
Clichy of the Titans Bramble
Gordon McQueen's Speech
And Eyal Striker Downing Upson McGhee Withe great Venglos and furious Angloma those who Woods attempt to poison and Bryan Roy my Carruthers. And Euell Ono my name is the Law LeGuen I Lama Venglos Upson McGhee.
Little Tony Adams
Paul KniffilWeaponary
We've already had a Fish XI:
Lehmann Sole
John Scales
Gary Bream
Mark Fish
Jody Haddock
Frank Lamprey
Rod Wallace
Dieter Salmonn
Nicky HaliButt
Ruben Barajuda
Manager: Glen Coddle
Chairman: David Gill
How about a 'Terrorism XI'? Well stocked on the goalie front:
Nigel Martyr
Shaka Hizbullah
Twin Flowers
Sheik Given
The Anti-Niemi League
Schmeichel of Violence
Sun Jihad
Holy Warhurst
Neil Helicoptergunshipperley
The Al Axa Martyr's Brigade
Mullery Omar, former leader of the Touchlineban
Footballers from any era. I'll start with
Pedigree Chumbonda
Brian Labonio
Ferenc Whiskas
Andriy Shebachenko
Manager - 'Big Trill' Scolari
Come on guys, we need a team that'll Winalot of matches
Good call Andy:
Muzzle Izzet
Leadley King
Terry Hutcher
Liam Milletspray
Harry Kennell
Geoff Horsefield
Lee Chappieman
Kevin Cowbell
Stan FishBowles
Lee Catterflap
and our very own - Fang Dogchew