Made-up XIs

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Fernando Crash Bandicouto
Fitzroy Simpsons Roeder Rage
Rene Higuitar Hero
The Elber Scrolls IV: Oblivian Bishop
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowindass
Simpson City 3000
Rollercoaster Typoom
Football Maninger
Rainbow Vidic
Theme Park Ji Sung World
UnReal Madrid Tournament
Muzzy Dizzyit (wank, but I've been trying to get one for that for ages)
Rainbowyer Islandzaat
Ruud Van Way of the Exploding Fistelrooy
Sensible Socrates
Christian Worms

All play for Spectrum Zx-eter City
Stadium is St James Pond
Fans are usually at the Lemmings Lane End
Film XI ?

Lord of the Torsten Frings
Gone with the windass
Saving Private Ryan Giggs
Vladiator Smicer
Willow Flood Diamond
Children of Hannemen
Shaun Bartlett of the Dead
Finding Rio
Jurassic Park Ji Sung
Top Gunnarson
we need a new topic...a revolutionary one thats not been done before...

I don't want this thread to ever die...
RedCafe XI?

Jasonrh Roberts
KingEric Djemba Djemba
we need a new topic...a revolutionary one thats not been done before...

I don't want this thread to ever die...

Computer games XI?

Super Mario Zagalo
Pro Evo Socceratees.
Goldeneyal Berkovic
Gary Speed(Alan)Ball
John Arne Tetriise
Galaxian Dowie
Leroy Elite'a
Alex Pacmaninga
Yie Ar Dong KungFangzou
Things could be worse at Djibril Cisse
JetPacky Bonner
John ShinObi Mikel
Starion Wright
Titus Scramble
Computer games XI?

Super Mario Zagalo
Pro Evo Socceratees.
Goldeneyal Berkovic
Gary Speed(Alan)Ball
John Arne Tetriise
Galaxian Dowie
Leroy Elite'a
Alex Pacmaninga
Yie Ar Dong KungFangzou
Things could be worse at Djibril Cisse
JetPacky Bonner
John ShinObi Mikel
Starion Wright
Titus Scramble

Tyrone Mears of War
Paul Simpson Hit and Run
Micheal Ball of Duty
Beckham (tekken)
Chuckie Eggil Olsen
Ole Lode Runner Solskjaer
NBA Jim Aitken
Super Mario Karteta
Wario Wars Ferdinand
Froggert Muller
Klass Jan Duck Huntelaar
Pong Fanzhou
Grand Theft Autega
Hyper Frandsen Sports
Soul Cambell Caliburt Troutman
God of Warren Barton
IcoLIN Hendry
Gran Toursimo Johnston
Double Dragonzales Raul
Theme Park Ji Sung
Owl XI

Owle Gunnowl Sowlskjowl
Gary Nevowl
Jan Vennegowl owlf Hessowlink
Jowln Owl'Shea
Allesandrowl Dowl Pierowl
Cristiowlnowl Rowlnowldowl
Ruud Vowl Nistowlrooy
Towlny Yebowlah
Eric Cantonowl
Owly McCoist
Pat Van Den Howl
Eagle Owlstenstad

Managed by Jim Smith (The Bald Eagle Owl)
All play for Barnowlsley
Howlme growlnd is Owld Traffowld
Their end is the Stretfowld End
Run out to "Eurowlpe, The Finowl Cowlntdowln"
Nordin Hooter
Zat Knightvision
Nocturnalan Shearowl
"Eyal Nolan A KrancjarKing Owl Sanctuary"
Wayne Twit Twooney
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