Luis Nani | 2012/13 Performances

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I really hope that's just speculation, I don't see any quotes.
It's not the first time when we have a story without any quotes. Such stories sometimes are true.

Everbody can see that something wrong is happening between Nani and the club, we don't need quotes.
I really would love to know how much is being offered. He's "only" supposed to be on £50k or thereabouts at the moment I think.
I'm already prepared for his departure. It's so obvious it's going with the complete lack of playing time despite him being a very good player.

But still, no player is bigger than the club. If he wants to play hard-to-get when it comes to a contract, then he can go.
He should be one of the highest earning players imo. Might also give him the confidence back he's currently lacking. I just cant see ayone available to replace him adequately
Pisses me off the amount of retards you see posting comments on all those tabloid sites saying how shit they think he is. He'll be sorely missed if he goes.
James Ducker ‏@DuckerTheTimes
Nani issues centre over refusal to sign new deal - he wants £130k a wk, #MUFC won't pay that - & refusal to apologise for Petrucci bust-up

I don't think his wage demands are excessive. This is going to be the best contract he signs, 130k is around half what Rooney makes? I bet if the money issues were solved...the apology or lack thereof wouldn't be a barrier for long.
James Ducker ‏@DuckerTheTimes
Nani issues centre over refusal to sign new deal - he wants £130k a wk, #MUFC won't pay that - & refusal to apologise for Petrucci bust-up

I don't think his wage demands are excessive. This is going to be the best contract he signs, 130k is around half what Rooney makes? I bet if the money issues were solved...the apology or lack thereof wouldn't be a barrier for long.

I don't think the demands are excessive either. I've said a few times in the thread but in the second half of last season The Sun made an article saying that United were going to open contract talks and were going to offer 130k. He didn't have a great end to the season but he still provided goals and assists - 2 goals and 4 assists in 5 starts and 4 sub appearances according to Maciek's stats thread. Once the season ended reports then came out about United not wanting to give him 130k and Nani lowering his wage demands further as he wanted to stay.

He's currently on 90k/week apparently, so what exactly are United offering now? Increase to 130k isn't unreasonable given the number of goals and assists he's provided - though I suppose with the signings we've made the club no longer see Nani as being that important to the team.
Is he really on 90k? Thought it was lower than that.

I thought when I heard the £130k figure it seemed reasonable, given what other players were on, but maybe his performance against City was a turning point, because SAF seemed very pissed at him after that game.
Is he really on 90k? Thought it was lower than that.

I thought when I heard the £130k figure it seemed reasonable, given what other players were on, but maybe his performance against City was a turning point, because SAF seemed very pissed at him after that game.

I thought it was lower than that as well but that is what the papers are saying.
I know he did get a new contract a few years ago but I didn't think it was that much. Didn't him and Valencia get extensions at similar times and were probably offered similar amounts? Maybe SAF doesn't think Nani is worth giving higher wages to than Valencia.

Though as Brwned pointed out earlier, it doesn't help that Valencia has no agent, and Nani has Mendes.

It's impossible to know I guess.
He signed his £90k contract when he was a first team regular and one of our best players, demanding for a wage increase when he's become a squad player is ridiculous, his wages should be reduced if anything. I like Nani but a near 50% wage increase would be pissing money away, if he won't budge on this he can feck off.
He signed his £90k contract when he was a first team regular and one of our best players, demanding for a wage increase when he's become a squad player is ridiculous, his wages should be reduced if anything. I like Nani but a near 50% wage increase would be pissing money away, if he won't budge on this he can feck off.

If he's on less than Ashley Young then he has every right to complain. It's all well and good saying he's out of form and shouldn't get a pay rise, but he's only ever 90 minutes away from being our best player and in form again. The problem is that we didn't bring his wages to where they should be back when he actually deserved it.
James Ducker ‏@DuckerTheTimes
Nani issues centre over refusal to sign new deal - he wants £130k a wk, #MUFC won't pay that - & refusal to apologise for Petrucci bust-up

I don't think his wage demands are excessive. This is going to be the best contract he signs, 130k is around half what Rooney makes? I bet if the money issues were solved...the apology or lack thereof wouldn't be a barrier for long.

Why do you think this? If he signed a 4-year contract now he'd need it renewed in two years when he's 28 which should be his prime. Everything that I've seen suggests our wage structure is quite heavily based on longevity/loyalty/previous contribution, which is why you have the likes of Ferdinand earning their biggest contracts a few months before their 30th birthday.

A bit annoying that wages should decide their future; they make a ridiculous amount of money, and thus making more is a statement of bragging rights. That being said, I can understand him if it is true that Young makes more than him, as Nani is clearly the better player.

It's safe to assume whatever wage Nani's being offered is more than what Young's earning so that's not really a factor anyway.
He signed his £90k contract when he was a first team regular and one of our best players, demanding for a wage increase when he's become a squad player is ridiculous, his wages should be reduced if anything. I like Nani but a near 50% wage increase would be pissing money away, if he won't budge on this he can feck off.

Such a daft post. it's clear he's only on the fringes right now because of the contract situation, not because of him as a footballer. Before the contract issues arose he was generally always a guaranteed starter apart from when he got injured and was slow on the return.

Reduce his wages, feck sake.

Also, Zenit probably would've given him more than £130k, so it's probably not all about the money, more so what he makes in comparison to others on the team.
One of the more sensical posts from the Telegraph comments

Nani has not found good form since the contract negotiations kicked in. The issue is clearly playing on his mind and he is visibly unhappy. When you get to that point, its often time to move on. Unlike most or some Utd fans, I will be sorry to see him leave.

All that talk of inconsistency, but until perhaps tail end of last season and this, Nani has for about 3 years running has been a top assist man in PL. He is super multi talented and provided Utd with some great scoring moments followed by his famous leap of death.

Who can forget his first league goal for Utd, the winner v spuds when we had been struggling early season to hit the onion bag and he lashed it in from 25 yards and did his leap of death towards the crowd with the rest of the team in pursuit.

There has of course been some rubbish written about him in terms of what he doesnt do. Some numpty on these pages even said he doesnt track back which is absolute bull.

Anyway if he doesnt get games and is unhappy then its time to leave and I for one will wish him well and thank him for the great moments. Some other numpty suggested he has now lost his place to Ashley Young. Oh boy, that would be the one game AY needed to play since returning from injury. Therein is the problem with Nani. He never ever had good press but I think over time, after he has long departed and we knuckle down to the cold winter months with Ashley Young shall we begin to realise what we miss without Nani.
If he's on less than Ashley Young then he has every right to complain. It's all well and good saying he's out of form and shouldn't get a pay rise, but he's only ever 90 minutes away from being our best player and in form again. The problem is that we didn't bring his wages to where they should be back when he actually deserved it.

He has never been our best player and he never will be, it's ridiculous the way this guy gets overhyped. I remember people telling me during the Rooney contract dispute that Nani was our best player/attacker anyway, it's ludicrous. He can be really good on his day, but being a great player, or even a good one, isn't about having the odd cracking game, it's about being consistently good, and he's not consistently good enough to be in the first team.

Apart from that, yeah, he is a better player than Ashley Young, but there's no sense in paying Nani more than the player who is keeping him out of the team. If we're going to spend that amount of money per week then we should spend it on paying Nani's replacement.
Young is only keeping Nani out of the team because he's unsettled, of course he's going to earn more than him.
Such a daft post. it's clear he's only on the fringes right now because of the contract situation, not because of him as a footballer. Before the contract issues arose he was generally always a guaranteed starter apart from when he got injured and was slow on the return.

Reduce his wages, feck sake.

Also, Zenit probably would've given him more than £130k, so it's probably not all about the money, more so what he makes in comparison to others on the team.

He's never been a guaranteed starter, even in his best season he was dropped like a hot brick almost as soon as Valencia came back from his injury, and kept out of the team by Park for the biggest games. Ferguson obviously prefers Valencia and Young, I don't think his contract has anything to do with it.
I will have to find quotes but I think Zenit came out and said that they didn't sign him because his wage demands were too high for them.
I will have to find quotes but I think Zenit came out and said that they didn't sign him because his wage demands were too high for them.

He doesn't really want to go to Russia so when they were in for him, Nani's demands would probably be a lot higher than what he'd want if he were to sign a new contract here as Russia is not exactly the best place to live or play.
Wouldn't surprise me if RVP's signing has affected Nani's chances of getting a bumper deal. Wage structure and all that jazz.
Seems to be one of those unfortunate cases where if you look at the market then Nani is worth 130k in comparison to what others are making elsewhere, but in our wage structure he'd probably top out at around 110k. Fingers crossed both parties can come to an agreement somewhere around there, as he definitely deserves to earn thereabouts but certainly not 40% more than Vidic, Evra, etc. I think Nani himself would agree with that.
He's never been a guaranteed starter, even in his best season he was dropped like a hot brick almost as soon as Valencia came back from his injury, and kept out of the team by Park for the biggest games. Ferguson obviously prefers Valencia and Young, I don't think his contract has anything to do with it.


He was injured by Carragher for a month at the same time Valencia came back.

Oh and by the way, that season Nani played more minutes than any other player in our squad.
He's never been a guaranteed starter, even in his best season he was dropped like a hot brick almost as soon as Valencia came back from his injury, and kept out of the team by Park for the biggest games. Ferguson obviously prefers Valencia and Young, I don't think his contract has anything to do with it.

You are right but have fun explaining this to Nani fans on this board.

Nani, no doubt, is one of the most talented players in the squad but he is also the most inconsistent. He has never matured enough to be trusted in big games as you never know what you are going to get from him. After being here for 6 years, and with his talent, you'd expect him to be one of the first names on the team sheet. A player who might not put in a brilliant performance but you are confident is going to work for the team. But more often than not you see strikers standing with their hands on hips because Nani has hit the ball in row Z or has made a terrible cross. He never had, and never will have, the intelligence to became a great player.

After the great start to the 2010 season I thought that he was really going to mature and become this player we all expect him to be. Unfortunately, over the last 18 months he has left much to be desired. The only regret I'll have from his impending sale is the low transfer amount we would be able to generate.
After the great start to the 2010 season I thought that he was really going to mature and become this player we all expect him to be. Unfortunately, over the last 18 months he has left much to be desired. The only regret I'll have from his impending sale is the low transfer amount we would be able to generate.

You either have the memory of a goldfish or a dartboard at home with Nani's picture on it.
He doesn't really want to go to Russia so when they were in for him, Nani's demands would probably be a lot higher than what he'd want if he were to sign a new contract here as Russia is not exactly the best place to live or play.

These are the things we will never know but there were quotes from Nani earlier in the summer where he mentioned something along the lines of "the English and the Spanish leagues are not the only leagues in the world" or something.

Will make google work and find both quotes in a while to post them here.
He has never been our best player and he never will be, it's ridiculous the way this guy gets overhyped. I remember people telling me during the Rooney contract dispute that Nani was our best player/attacker anyway, it's ludicrous. He can be really good on his day, but being a great player, or even a good one, isn't about having the odd cracking game, it's about being consistently good, and he's not consistently good enough to be in the first team.

Apart from that, yeah, he is a better player than Ashley Young, but there's no sense in paying Nani more than the player who is keeping him out of the team. If we're going to spend that amount of money per week then we should spend it on paying Nani's replacement.

He was comfortably our best player (and recognised as such by his teammates) during the only season in the last 3 where we have won a trophy. Coincidentally this was the season where Rooney was trying to engineer a move away. I'd assume that is the reason that at the time many people (myself included) felt that they'd rather get rid of Rooney than lose Nani.

I think Nani for the last 12-15 months has the same problem that Rafael was suffering because of (and Anderson is still suffering because of). A combination of injuries and being played sporadically at best is resulting in inconsistent form. In the season and a half where he was playing week in, week out, injury free he was our best player overall. This is why I find the talk of inconsistency bizarre... I can't think of a single player in our team who has found their best form whilst playing inconsistently; with Rooney being at the top of that list.

I'm sure the stats back up that he isn't particularly inconsistent when playing regularly.
These are the things we will never know but there were quotes from Nani earlier in the summer where he mentioned something along the lines of "the English and the Spanish leagues are not the only leagues in the world" or something.

Will make google work and find both quotes in a while to post them here.

I know - I think he was referring to Italy rather than Russia, and his wage demands in Italy wouldn't be that far off what he's supposedly wanting here.
Its probably fair to say that Nani was on his way if we had signed hazard/Lucas?
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