Luis Nani | 2012/13 Performances

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No one knows. According to the Portuguese reporter it's abut promises being broken.

Whether these are promises about a better deal than what's currently on the table, or more playing time, is anyone's guess.

I'm guessing its something like
"Gaffer you said if i got xx assist i would get a big pay rise"
"Well i thought getting xx assists would mean you were more consistant"

Nanis good and a world beater on his day but lets be honest that day comes once in a while, unlike Valencia where you know exactly what he will give you week in week out.
That is probably the focal point that triggered the situation, but with time it certainly gets more serious than that. He feels he is unfairly paid, and now will feel his playing time is unfair as well, compounding the problem.

Yup. I feel the contract situation needs resolving soon, else Nani is a certain goner.
I'm not, Young is quicker, he's a better crosser and has that whip on his shots. He doesn't neceseraily have to be a better player individually, but he's better for our team imo. Fact that he is English works in his favour as well.

Nani is a far, far better better than Young ever will be, it is ridiculous to suggest otherwise.
Nani is a far, far better better than Young ever will be, it is ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

This. It's a bit of a farce really. Young played well today. Nani's still better, by a long way. Christ, some fans have the shortest memories. Nani carried us offensively for almost a season, Young has one good game and he's George Best.
How much is Nani on? Its a fair bit less than Young isn't it?
That is probably the focal point that triggered the situation, but with time it certainly gets more serious than that. He feels he is unfairly paid, and now will feel his playing time is unfair as well, compounding the problem.

Only one option for him if he feels he isn't playing enough. Play better when given the chance.
Yeah I said this even before the report came out Top. The problem right now is the contract situation, why play a player if you're not sure if he wants to stay or not.

And as I said last week, nothing has changed, if he signs a contract I'm sure he'll get more opportunities to play his way back into form.

If he's your best selection (like today instead of Young) why cut your nose off to spite your face?
How much is Nani on? Its a fair bit less than Young isn't it?

I'd be rightly pissed off if I was Nani and was getting paid less than Ashley Young. As pissed off as you could possibly be whilst earning millions a year, that is.
No one knows. According to the Portuguese reporter it's abut promises being broken.

Whether these are promises about a better deal than what's currently on the table, or more playing time, is anyone's guess.

I think it's mostly about the playing time and the feeling that Fergie doesn't appreciate him. Even if he's actually asking for more money than we are offering - I think it's less about the wages as such and more about the fact that he wants to feel appreciated.

I really don't blame him. Fergie hasn't exactly covered himself with glory where Nani is concerned and our supporters are not much better.
Is his unhappiness all about his contract then? He wants more money than SAF is offering?

Does SAF pay the wages? feck he must be busy what with all the managing lark, and then having to run the payroll as well. Does he man the phones in the HR office too?
mungy is a clueless cretin, just look up any of his posts in Nani threads.

Clueless cretin because I disagree with you and some others that think Nani is a world class player. Just my opinion people.
Been ignoring these rumours , but there just seem like to much smoke surrounding this story , be sad if we lose him , but we would cope.
I think it's mostly about the playing time and the feeling that Fergie doesn't appreciate him. Even if he's actually asking for more money than we are offering - I think it's less about the wages as such and more about the fact that he wants to feel appreciated.

I really don't blame him. Fergie hasn't exactly covered himself with glory where Nani is concerned and our supporters are not much better.

I'm not, Young is quicker, he's a better crosser and has that whip on his shots. He doesn't neceseraily have to be a better player individually, but he's better for our team imo. Fact that he is English works in his favour as well.

I'l never understand how someone can have seen both nani and young play regularly and conclude that Young is the better winger.
If he's your best selection (like today instead of Young) why cut your nose off to spite your face?

He wasn't a better option, not away at Chelsea. Young to some extent replicated what Park did so well against them a couple years back when we played them in the CL and league.

If Young had a shocker or was not completely match fit, then retrospectively we could say what you did, but he didn't and wasnt, and tactically was the obvious choice out of the two.
So let me get this straight:

Nani is our best dribbler (by a huge distance), got a rocket of a shot, is pacey as feck, tricky as feck, can beat a man easily and whips in a hell of a cross. He also gets loads of assists and goals all season yet some people don't rate him and don't care if he's off.

Truely baffling. Yes he does stupid things out there and can be selfish but when a talented player like Nani has produced the goods for 3 seasons in a row you take the good with the bad.

Selling an immensely talented player not even in his prime is just not smart.

I hope Fergie is simply disciplining Nani for kicking up fuss or something.

All in all, we are a more potent side with him in it and even the biggest Nani haters must admit that.
Bollocks again, you seem to have created a reputation for yourself.

Funny that people remember Fergie dropping him for CL final but don't remember Valencia for that Arsenal match when Valencia was in good form and Nani just had a good match against fecking Hull.

He made 40 appearances last season, would've probably made more if it weren't for an injury but yes let's blame Ferguson for this.

What is your problem man...seriously? :lol:

Not sure why you are having a go at me I'm not comparing him to Valencia? What I meant was if Nani does leave then Ferguson must take some of the blame for the player not fulfilling his undoubted potential, after all he has coached and managed him for 5 years and there is still so much more he can give.

I'm not saying anything is Ferguson's fault! The thing is Nani is a fantastic footballer who to me belongs in a United shirt....he could be one of the top ten players in Europe, but something is not quite adding up. It must be a psychological issue that Ferguson and the staff cannot tap into. Of course the player may be most of the problem but it's partly up to the manager to get the best out of him.

It's the wrong time to give up on him, unless of course he does truly want to leave. Would be a crying shame.
Look at Park now though. He was this bad back then too, no way should he have been on that pitch that night. All these qualities that people thought he'd bring were nowhere to be seen, just as many of us thought would be the case. Completely pointless playing him.

He was quality that season in the final half and it was his best form in a United shirt. There is no way the Park we saw back then is anything like the one that is playing for QPR now. That's not just due to the difference in roles either. There were many people clamouring to keep the same line up and rightly so...why break up a tried and tested formula on the off chance that Nani would produce enough to compensate for that? Nani had a cracking season but was not getting game time at that point and was not hitting the heights he did previously in the year when he did. It was a difficult decision.

To be honest, this all seems somewhat irrelevant though and not just because this is the Nani thread. That Barcelona team was so much better than us that I heavily doubt the introduction of Nani would've made too much of a difference. Their ball retention was just crazy that day, and that's with us putting out a team that had successfully suffocated and stifled the play of all previous teams beforehand.
Despite the large amount of man-crush-love I have for Tony V, in terms of talent and ability to unlock tough defences Nani is a step above. He is genuinely class, and if Fergie could get him to focus on his game he would likely be the best winger in the league, alongside Gareth Bale.

But for whatever reason, these days once you've crossed Fergie in the slightest, good luck getting back on his good side. I'm sure Fergie has always had his favorites in the dressing room, but it really feels like he's more unforgiving these days.
What is your problem man...seriously? :lol:

Not sure why you are having a go at me I'm not comparing him to Valencia? What I meant was if Nani does leave then Ferguson must take some of the blame for the player not fulfilling his undoubted potential, after all he has coached and managed him for 5 years and there is still so much more he can give.

I'm not saying anything is Ferguson's fault! The thing is Nani is a fantastic footballer who to me belongs in a United shirt....he could be one of the top ten players in Europe, but something is not quite adding up. It must be a psychological issue that Ferguson and the staff cannot tap into. Of course the player may be most of the problem but it's partly up to the manager to get the best out of him.

It's the wrong time to give up on him, unless of course he does truly want to leave. Would be a crying shame.

Aren't you?

I think his point was that despite all of this talk about Fergie having his favourites and not appreciating the true quality of the footballing genius that is Nani, he didn't hesitate to drop Valencia for a major game for Nani after he'd earned himself a start. As he's done time and time again. Added to that, when Valencia is played out of position - and that's playing a completely different role, rather than playing the same role on the opposite side of the pitch - or rotated out of the squad, you don't have some people nearly in tears ridiculing Sir's just not an issue. It's just about trying to do what's best for the team.

It's not Sir Alex playing favourites when he plays Park, Giggs or Young instead of Nani, nor does it mean he can't see that Nani's a mercurial talent at his best, it's just Sir Alex making use of the depth and tactical versatility of his squad. Young isn't as good as Nani, not remotely, but he's more disciplined and team-orientated so can perform specific functions asked of him in a way that would be wasted on Nani. He goes out on the pitch and expresses himself, drifts as he pleases and is allowed to focus on doing what he does best. Whereas when we played Park it was more about how he could support his team-mates not how he could express himself best as an individual - Young's shown that he can do that too.

Completely mental that some people feel the need to turn this into some kind of personal vendetta. Poor Nani.
What is your problem man...seriously? :lol:

Not sure why you are having a go at me I'm not comparing him to Valencia? What I meant was if Nani does leave then Ferguson must take some of the blame for the player not fulfilling his undoubted potential, after all he has coached and managed him for 5 years and there is still so much more he can give.

I'm not saying anything is Ferguson's fault! The thing is Nani is a fantastic footballer who to me belongs in a United shirt....he could be one of the top ten players in Europe, but something is not quite adding up. It must be a psychological issue that Ferguson and the staff cannot tap into. Of course the player may be most of the problem but it's partly up to the manager to get the best out of him.

It's the wrong time to give up on him, unless of course he does truly want to leave. Would be a crying shame.

Aren't you?

I think his point was that despite all of this talk about Fergie having his favourites and not appreciating the true quality of the footballing genius that is Nani, he didn't hesitate to drop Valencia for a major game for Nani after he'd earned himself a start. As he's done time and time again. Added to that, when Valencia is played out of position - and that's playing a completely different role, rather than playing the same role on the opposite side of the pitch - or rotated out of the squad, you don't have some people nearly in tears ridiculing Sir's just not an issue. It's just about trying to do what's best for the team.

It's not Sir Alex playing favourites when he plays Park, Giggs or Young instead of Nani, nor does it mean he can't see that Nani's a mercurial talent at his best, it's just Sir Alex making use of the depth and tactical versatility of his squad. Young isn't as good as Nani, not remotely, but he's more disciplined and team-orientated so can perform specific functions asked of him in a way that would be wasted on Nani. He goes out on the pitch and expresses himself, drifts as he pleases and is allowed to focus on doing what he does best. Whereas when we played Park it was more about how he could support his team-mates not how he could express himself best as an individual - Young's shown that he can do that too.

Completely mental that some people feel the need to turn this into some kind of personal vendetta. Poor Nani.

I do think Comsmit has a point about the possibility of a psychological issue with Nani though.
There must be something psychological with him. His willingness and success with dribbling has changed drastically in the games he's played in recent times, even when he's been playing for Portugal with him being second only to Ronaldo in terms of quality. There's more to it than dribbling, but on this topic it's something very annoying that tends to happen to some of our players - Rooney, Ronaldo and now Nani. It's not 'maturing' - 'maturing' would be what he was doing in 10/11 when he was beating his man every time and doing something productive with it. Now it seems like he's less inclined to dribble, although he has definitely refined the creative passing aspect of his game (maybe one has led to the other).

It cannot help that he's been shifted in and out of the team so much in recent times, and perhaps it is not fair to make damning conclusions given that. He's still a quality dribbler, but he really was genuinely embarrassing defenders time and time again in games during that one season. That game against Chimbonda for example...poor lad.

1) he's the only player in our team who has genuine ability to beat players with dribbling or trickery and this is all the more important when we are playing a team defending in numbers.

2) he's inconsistent but that is to be said with most worldclass wingers. Dribbling and tricks doesn't really come off successfully with every attempts and against different oppositions. However, I would rather Nani than Valencia and Young, both who are consistent but makes our football so incredibly predictable and one-way only through the flanks... If we play focusing through the centre, both are pretty much redundant.

Instead of sticking with Nani through his ups and downs, we are constantly shifting him and undermining his ability? Some of us don't deserved Nani... We really don't.

1) he's the only player in our team who has genuine ability to beat players with dribbling or trickery and this is all the more important when we are playing a team defending in numbers.

2) he's inconsistent but that is to be said with most worldclass wingers. Dribbling and tricks doesn't really come off successfully with every attempts and against different oppositions. However, I would rather Nani than Valencia and Young, both who are consistent but makes our football so incredibly predictable and one-way only through the flanks... If we play focusing through the centre, both are pretty much redundant.

Instead of sticking with Nani through his ups and downs, we are constantly shifting him and undermining his ability? Some of us don't deserved Nani... We really don't.


The last 2 lines really made me laugh.

1) he's the only player in our team who has genuine ability to beat players with dribbling or trickery and this is all the more important when we are playing a team defending in numbers.

2) he's inconsistent but that is to be said with most worldclass wingers. Dribbling and tricks doesn't really come off successfully with every attempts and against different oppositions. However, I would rather Nani than Valencia and Young, both who are consistent but makes our football so incredibly predictable and one-way only through the flanks... If we play focusing through the centre, both are pretty much redundant.

Instead of sticking with Nani through his ups and downs, we are constantly shifting him and undermining his ability? Some of us don't deserved Nani... We really don't.

Ridiculous and retarded line.
Clueless cretin because I disagree with you and some others that think Nani is a world class player. Just my opinion people.

Clueless cretin because all you can put in your response is a smiley face and "bollocks".

I've no issues with people who disagree about Nani, it's when they do it without putting across any sort of logical argument that I've a problem.
We have no clue whats going on and which side is creating trouble, but his talent and ability cant be questioned. Would be a huge loss imo. I mean, who could replace him? Hazard and Lucas both didnt join
We have no clue whats going on and which side is creating trouble, but his talent and ability cant be questioned. Would be a huge loss imo. I mean, who could replace him? Hazard and Lucas both didnt join

I honestly believe if we do sell him we wont replace him. We wont get a big fee for him if we sell him next summer, especially if he doesn't get many minutes on the pitch this season. If we go the whole season without using him much then Fergie will see it as not a priority to bring in another player for the wings, and even more so if he is serious about the formation change.
We have no clue whats going on and which side is creating trouble, but his talent and ability cant be questioned. Would be a huge loss imo. I mean, who could replace him? Hazard and Lucas both didnt join

No, we don't. But it doesn't take a genius to read between the lines, does it? Young comes back from a long spell out and starts at Chelsea away over Nani.
No, we don't. But it doesn't take a genius to read between the lines, does it? Young comes back from a long spell out and starts at Chelsea away over Nani.

OK, clear it up then if you can read between the lines. What exactly is the issue with Nani? We obviously all know there is something wrong as he doesnt play - but why?
OK, clear it up then if you can read between the lines. What exactly is the issue with Nani? We obviously all know there is something wrong as he doesnt play - but why?

I think Fergie has no confidence in him, or has had a bust up with him. It doesn't matter really, but as it stands it is not looking good for him at all. Shame really.
I think Fergie has no confidence in him, or has had a bust up with him. It doesn't matter really, but as it stands it is not looking good for him at all. Shame really.

It does for me. If Fergie lost confidence, fair enough (but then he's one of the top players we have). Is Nani is bitching around with his contract or playing hard, it is something different
It does for me. If Fergie lost confidence, fair enough (but then he's one of the top players we have). Is Nani is bitching around with his contract or playing hard, it is something different

Hmmmmn, not sure it will be about the contract tbh (just my opinion of course). For the simple reason we have had many players play hardball over their contract and subsequently never lost their place in the team for it. i.e. Rio, Rooney, Keane, I'm sure there are many more too.
Aren't you?

I think his point was that despite all of this talk about Fergie having his favourites and not appreciating the true quality of the footballing genius that is Nani, he didn't hesitate to drop Valencia for a major game for Nani after he'd earned himself a start. As he's done time and time again. Added to that, when Valencia is played out of position - and that's playing a completely different role, rather than playing the same role on the opposite side of the pitch - or rotated out of the squad, you don't have some people nearly in tears ridiculing Sir's just not an issue. It's just about trying to do what's best for the team.

It's not Sir Alex playing favourites when he plays Park, Giggs or Young instead of Nani, nor does it mean he can't see that Nani's a mercurial talent at his best, it's just Sir Alex making use of the depth and tactical versatility of his squad. Young isn't as good as Nani, not remotely, but he's more disciplined and team-orientated so can perform specific functions asked of him in a way that would be wasted on Nani. He goes out on the pitch and expresses himself, drifts as he pleases and is allowed to focus on doing what he does best. Whereas when we played Park it was more about how he could support his team-mates not how he could express himself best as an individual - Young's shown that he can do that too.

Completely mental that some people feel the need to turn this into some kind of personal vendetta. Poor Nani.

I'm not suggesting it because in my view there is actually no fault.

The best way I can describe it is in reference to a marriage. Two people try to make it work but both are very different personalities. They both have flaws and they do not compromise lightly but they try to make it work for the sake of the kid. They have great times and shit times but start to tire of each other due to a lack of understanding. The dominant partner begins to prefer the less "high maintainence" option. A divorce is on the cards and everyone picks someone to blame. Truth is there are probably a number of people to blame but it's nobodys fault as such....just didn't work out in the end.

I agree with everything you say about squad balance, versatility etc. My point was specific to that particular game where I believe Ferguson made an error in starting Park at the expense of a more dangerous player who might (speculative of course) been more effective in causing the opposition difficulties which they did not ultimately experience.
A bit annoying that wages should decide their future; they make a ridiculous amount of money, and thus making more is a statement of bragging rights. That being said, I can understand him if it is true that Young makes more than him, as Nani is clearly the better player.

It will be sore to lose him, but if Ferguson wants him, but Nani wants to leave because of money, then he should pack his belongings and leave - and that is coming from someone who really, really wants him to stay.
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