He's not meant as the possession player. Even in a possession based system you need more direct players to add the cutting edge, be the one who takes risks and injects pace. Bayern have Robben and Ribery for example. Barca have Messi and Neymar. Those players aren't there to keep possession. They add a cutting edge and a balance. Di Maria is that player for us, every possession team needs one. If not, they turn into what Spain was pretty much. Possession but nobody who makes the cutting pass.
I understand what you mean, but Manchester United is not Sir Alex Ferguson. Fergie's style of play is what he wanted us to play and so we did that. That doesn't mean it's Uniteds set style. The only thing that is in our roots is giving chances to youngsters, and playing attacking football. Anything else is clutching at straws. Van Gaal has always had his style, it's been successful elsewhere and it was the building block for Bayerns period of domination now and coaches like Guardiola built on his style.
Have a bit of faith, we'll be fine. We're only a few months into his reign, have had a feck ton of injuries and even when fully fit, our defensive options are weak. Did you expect him to be perfect right from the start? There are no instant fixes, it takes time and you just have to be patient. There have been plenty of positive signs to show we're well on the right track.